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Whitby Free Press, 5 May 1976, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAy, MAY 5, 1976, WHITBY FRÉE PRESS 1975 BUICK APOLLO - power steering, power brakes, low mileage withi safety check, asking $3,200, owner selling because lie needs a 1/ ton truck, cail 985-3393. 1970 DODGE CHALLEN GER - 318 V-8, new back tires $ 1,800. Cail 668-5745. 1965 CHEV IMPALA . body fair, motor good, interior fair, $250 as is. Caîl 668-9757. 1967 PONTIAC STATION- WAGON - 283, good runrling condition, body fair, power steering & brakes, certified, $300 or-best offer. Cail 668-7~006, 1965 PONTIAC - automatic, 283, power equipped, $250. Can be seen at 1201 Brock St. S., Whitby. 1971 TOYOTA CORONA MOTOR - RT83, 1900 C.C., AI condition, $220 or best ot'fer. Cati 579-3569. 1968 DODGE DART - excellent condition, uncertified, $900; 1959 CHEV, restor- able candition, $200 or best offer. Caîl 655-4213 or 655-3733. 1974 FORD CUSTOM PICK UP - 360 motor, radio, cab for back, also wooden box, $4,500 Cati 668-0705. 1975 GREMLIN X- 6,000 miles, 2 year warranty, 50,000 mile warranty on radial tires, power steering & brakes,p lus many mnre options, Jik ng $3,000. CalI 668-I1143. 1970 FORD !A ton pick-up standard, 6 cyclinder, radio, rebuilt *enigine, as is $800; two used Ford rimis, 15"', $5 each; two new Ford rims, side oval, $20 pair; VW stationwagon rims, 5 boits, $5 each. CatI 668-8376. 1964 .-/4 TRUCK - miles, good be seen at Whitby. TON GMC PCK UP new motor, 6,ý000 for parts, $2à0 Can-ý 1201 Brock St. S.,1 1949 CHEV I/ TON PANEL - one owner, 44,000 original miles, needs somne body work, $400; Volkswagon V\VTRAI LE R HITCH, $20. Cail 668-8376. CHIP TRUCK -- equipped, freshty painted new tires, aiuminum Sasking $2,000 or bs Ce t728-7623. fulîy inside, body, 0offe r. 1965 RAMBLER CLASSI('- V-8, as s, S$100. Cali 6 23-204 3. 1970 CHEV -- 35(0 V8, 4 door sedan, pi)\'ýer steering, radio, mechanicaîly gond. sill certify, best ofi'er. ('ail 668-3371 ext. 273 and ask for Jim. 1966 CORVAIR CONVE-1ý TIBLE- 110 hp with automnatic transmission, ton many other projects to compiete, smnait amount of work requiredi, as ts S420. Cal 668-7014. 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS - automnatic, power steering and brakes, radio, snow tires, very low mileage, $2,900. Cali 668-1134. 1961 lORD 1ALCON2 door, automatic, 6 cylinder, gond running order, $500. Cuti 668-5815. 1965 CHEV - gond 283 motor, new tires, no rust, needs painiing, Lic. No. HXY 270, $450. CAII 668-9792 after 2:30 p.m.. 19bi OLDS SUPER 88 - automnatie, 77,0O0 miles, gond running, 2 new tires, plus 2 snow tires, lots of extras, $200. Cati 728-2094. 1967 DODGE 1>* OLARIS - 2 door hardtop, very dlean, in good running condition, $450 us is. Cali 668-9870 aftcr 5 p.m. 1 97 0 (.10('N VE'RlI B1,L' automnatie, excellent condition, $2500 or best offer. Can be seen ut 200 Mason Apt. 210 evenings or weekends. 1971 F-ORD -power stecring & brukes, radial, good condition, $400. Cail 668-531I8. 1966lPONT'IAC,'--compiete power, 6 way seat, $100 as is. Cati 728-6470. - EE-RRING -Hiariey Davidson 1200, $65; 4 MAC whiels and tires for foreign car, $80;, 3 sets of car ROOF RACKS, $8 a set. Caîl 668-4449. Customn-made extra lîeavy duty, TflAILER HITCH for. 1974-75 pinto statîonwagon $25. Cali 668-6522. TRAILER - (Tandem uxte), 6 foot by 12 foot, suitable for car, bout or skidoo, $375. Cal 655-3411. TIRES - 4 whitewall, 640 1,000 mites on 668-6068. goodyear beited x 14, approx. same, $25. CalI *Two SNOW TIRES - with rims, Iiniroyal Winter Ride, .F78-14. new, $55. Cati 655-3879., TIRES - 4 %vide, ,B60-13, $l0each. Ca1i1668-1063. HIEADERS -- for 68-74 Nova, $60; 9 x 12 TENT, outside frame, $65; SEWING MACHINE, $60; BICYCLE, 2 wheelcr, $10; Cati 723-0855. Snowmobiles, Trailers, etc. 1975 MOPED --Bomiadier, 552 miles, front & rear suspen- sion, ighits, speedomneter. saddle bags, double semter, $400 or best offer. Cati 579-1953. 1973 RUI>l IIUISTILER" 1 2" wheels, gond condition, asking $ 250; i Y plywood boa t, macle Iast year, seini- V bottwm, asking SI100. Cati 655-4616. 15 foot HOI/SErRAILER - 1968, complete withi reese hitchi, sleeps 6, lots of storage. portable toilet, propanle fridge & stove, one 12 x 9 kitchen tent included, $ ,500. CatI 1-705-27 7-2790. OUTBOA RD Johnson 3 horse, condition, S$125. afîer S p.m. M OTOR good runining CuIt 668-5060) 1972 MOBILE HONME sleeps 4 possibly 6, fridge & stove, lots of storuge. 2 ciosets, 8 x 15 canopy, asking $5,400 or eýst offer. Cati 65-5-4558. loimemade SNOW C'RUISER - excellent for working in bi-qh, $100: one MINI BIKE VRAMEL, svi tb inotor, $50); car parts, ('bevs & 66 under; aiso 1960 ARNIY TiNI RU/CK -1/ ton, $151). (al 728-0234 :înd ask f'or D)on. 1975 RD) 35() YANIAIbA gond condition, $1 ,0010. Cati1 723-2351 anvtinîe. Tlour-a-Iomne I972 CA I>LR for pick-up truck, sleeps 4, lots of cupboards, sink, place f'or fridge, no stove, very gond condition, $950; 2 JACKS, $1010 or best offer. ('att 655-3006. BOAT MOTOR -- Scott-at- water, 3 gallon tank, Sh.p., $50; Waikie taîkies, new Realisti 'FR(' 999, 3 watt output, $135. Cali 668-8080. 1972 KAWASAKI 750- iow mileage, fuir condition, some new body parts, excellent running condition, $900 or bcst offer. Cuti 640-2726 anytime or 668-2860 after 5 p.m. 1971 MOTO-SKI - twin cyl., ciectric start, new battery with cover, runs good, $525; 1973 SKI-DOO OLYMPIC, single cyl., with cover, usedi very littie, $525. Appîy 604 Centre St..N. Whitby. 1970 OSA- 500 MOTOR- ('YCL E engine excellent running condition, $500. CaIt 668-4654. 1973 S('AMPI-R TRAILI'R 16 feet, $2,800. Can bc seen ut 385 Lorindale Dr., Oshawa. TANDEM TRAILER - fiat bed, 3,000 IL capacity, ail heavy duty frume, aIl new tires, com- plete with light uccessories, $450. C:al 668-4939. MOI>E[) Bronco, highrise handlebars, detuxv seat, 148 miles per gallon, will go 40 m.p.lt., $275 or byest offer. 'ail 668-8381. 'wo clectrie quarter horse MOTORS - $10 each; 1 SPEAKER 9OX, SIS5. Cau11668-6750. NOTICE TO READERS Advertise IFREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONIY when you seIl! There will flot be any charge to acivrtisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertisedl is sold. Whien the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on TUE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. AIl advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FRE1E PRESS ard rmn at least one month if not sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00O 2% of balance over $400. 00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.50) Private advcrtising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advcrtiser. PIease notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sotd 50 that we may delete it fromn the following issues. Services, hclp wantedl, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can only be hiandledl on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, cati 668-6111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: F'REE PRESS EMPORILJMI P.O. Box 20)6, Whiitby Thie deadline for emporium ads k the Mondlay at noon. Furniture Junior Bit) - svith muttrcss. $20; chrome TABLE, with four chairs, $20; SWIMIMING POOL. everything inciuded but ining. $300 or best offer. Cali 655-3583. CANE BOTT'ONI CHAIR rerînishcd, $35; also a smnall cane bottoni chair, $25. ('aIl 655-3768. Tvo VI-ENlITIAN B[INIS creaml metal, sizes X63/ x 1,66, $12; W2 21/z \ 1L321,', $4. (all 668-8273. Uphiolstcred CHIAIR -unfin- îshied, $25: KI-1CIIEN TABLE, SI 2 (chairs frec need to bc fixed) Cati 725-1211. BID /4 steel, compîcte with springs and mattress, $40. (Cal655-4630. Baby CRIB1 & iMA1T-RIESS $40; P;edigree Pramn,$4(0; highi chîitr, car bcd. car seat, $5 eachi. C'al839-5433. DRElSSI R with six druvers. and mirrors, $45; four DRAWIR CI SF 35; con tîncntd l 1), 54" ctmpilee t th hcad boa rd, boxspring. m;ittrcss. $60, auto- mratic radlio conîbination radito 8-track car stceo, $45. (all 723-7147. D)ou ble WOOi)I N31-1) $10; 53" SPRIN(; for bcd, $5; 38" SPRiNG lor bcd, $5: 3 chiromle (CHAIRS, $3: RZECORDS, 78's & 45's%, $ 1 eacli, B & WV Philco PORTABLE TV, $50; CIIE1-STI-RHE11LDwiîth 2matching ARMCIIAIRS, $75; TOASTER, $5. Cali 655-3545. FURNITURE -- antiqueihal table, 60" x 20", $65; child's desk & chair, $6; built-in BAR, $l10plus remioval ('alil 668-1063. Clothing Red Wooi Curling JACKET size 40-42, $25; Bowling SIIOES and case size 8, $10. Both arc in perfect condition. Cati 668-9073. HUNT CAP - black velvet with safcty hurness installed, size ,7½,2 $23.50. (Cait668-2407. COAT - Ladies black persian lamb approximateiy size 20, in good condition, wiiI selI for $50. Cati 725-5714. BED ('HEtSTERF-IELD .-3 mionthis nid, Bieverley muttress, plus chiromle framie, tintcd glass end table, bouglit for $500, wilt sLiI for $301).('alit 655-41lOi. RIU'G S - Il \ 8 3 and 10 x 6 8 cartît colours, ru-t, goid, brown, beige, $5111 for both. ('ait 668-7923. Victorian C'lAI R- set of 6, in good condition, asking $70 eachi, vooden slove, $511. ('al 668-8376. D) i NI ROOM SET Spanisti stlie 5-piece, black wvitii wvrougliî iron, $249 news asking $IO o01 ne 'car nId. Cati be cen a t 2(1(0Ma:sn p>i. 210(1 :tnime. Quen er HOïz 13,<SI>RING wit lit cetl'fraine, $50O. ('ait 668-5987. pic ce, verx' gond Condition, $ 135; l>OTS &IPANS, $l0;RLJG,9'xl2', gond qualty, green, tikec new, $75: RUL(;. smnail, nushroom cOlour, $ 12:. runner, green, $3; miats (t iol $2 & $4:, drapes. 2 wSls. 5 & $ý111: short drapes. $3: record plaver. $5: chrome table, $6: p1ittos'.s Itwo), $1 i cdi:tacble lump. $, 6:, srcdsingle satin for $3; dc obIc mies $4 & $5; tîlanikc Is 's6 & $7: leapol, s\%c:r- ever. $4. eiectric frypan, Stin- beam ,$0; floral :arrange ment, $2 & V~, joIly junmper, $4, battiroomi scates. $1. (':îl 723-2426. A NTI Q 1. 1. 1i>1ýS K wi tii caîbine t, over 100 yezirs nid. restored. S250. ('ail 655-3750. OId Qucb.-c XWOOD) STOVE $75: leather REE.LINER, like new, $75; 2 antique U-E'S $50 & $75; oid cedur fartîî fence rails, $ 1.25 cadli. Cuali 655-4335. An tique ('HEST t wo drawe r, $75. Cali 668-8527. Victorian BEDROOM SET antiqjuc with twin beds, box spring and miattress, very new $400; two end TABLES, huif moon style, $6 cu. Cail 668-9009. Spanish double-bcd BE-ýD- SPREAD- in red & black print. with nutcing Iined drupes, size 121/2f t wide by 83" long, also two mutching dresser mîats, $20. Caîl 723-6830. RUGC -- loral on beige, 9 x 12, $75. ('alil 668-9691. AIlS STEREO C'ASSE'T'E TAPE -120) volt recorder & player, $75. ('ait 668-1297. Deluxe AUTOMATIC WATER SOFTENER - $75. Caîl 579-0757. Antique RCA Victorola LiiDIO CONSOLE - with auto- r atie turn table, about 1943 î'îodel, fully functioning, solid SV'fI',,S300 cash. Cati 579-1593. BLACK & WHITE TELE- VISION - 24 inch screen, in cabinet, suitable for recroom or cottage, $40. Call579-3569. Kenmore automaticWASHER - in good condition, moving to an apartment, $125. Cati 668-5745. B&W TV - 20 inch, $100. Cali 668-1384. .Airway Sanitizer VACUUM CLEANER - The cost was $399.50 but will selI for $200. Cati 668-8957. SCM ELECTRIC BROOM $6; PORTABLE HAIRDRYER, $4. Cali 723-0855. STEREO - AM/FM 8 track multiplex component unit by ATS tape and phono input jacks unit with two speakers, $125; extra speakers (two), $25. Calil668-2478. STOVE - 30 inch, good con- dition $75; space HEATER $60. CaîlI 668-6750. Dual 1218 TURNTABLE - base & dust cover încluded, has au tomatie shu toff & untiskate, audio technica curtrldge, onty uscd for two mnonths, $230 firm. Cati 668-3015 after 5:30 p.mi. 21 cubic foot FRIDGE- in a orking condition, usking $100. ('att1668-329(0. VAI>ORIZER- $5; electrie co 'ePRK $10; sandwich GRILL, $7; TOASTER, $7; carpet SWFEEPER, $10; G.E. flour POLISIIER, $ 10, six upple crates, $2 each; RANG- 'TFE$15; VACUUM CLEANER, $5. Cuit 668-9404. AM-FMlN STERLO RECEl VER- $325; unique table, solid 'vistple table top, $450. Cati 668-5910. Singer SEWING MACHINE - with stoot, $165; STEREO èomponent set, with wooden stand, $2 10. Culit 985-3393. EMERSON TV SET - with radio, record player, in good condition, $80 or nearest offer. Culit 668-7446. Westinghouse DRYER - etectrie, recently recondition oniy $80'. Cuit 723-0722. S1>I-AKI-.tRS- 8" svith vizzer colle, 8 ohmis, brund îiess, actual price $1 8 onty $11):130W & ARROW SET,ý, AI condition, reti $ 15 onty $8. Cali 668-6790 after 4 p-ni. SI'lEAKERS- 8 inchi with vtzzer cone, 8 ohmns, brand new, :îctuai price $1 8 onty $10. Calit 668-6790 after 4 p.m.. >SP>EA K ERS cone', 8 obhus, -8" ss itît vinzer brand nesv, actua White SEWING MACHINE - zig-zag, buttonholer, like new, $70 firm. CatI1723-1802. REFR1GERA-TOR -- 12 cubie foot, $95; Heavy Duty RANGE, 30 inch, $35. Cail 668-3889. Propane GAS STOVE - four burner, with automnatic oven controls, 24" wide, condi- tion excellent, suitable for a cottage, $40. Cali 723-9176. AM-FM compact STEREO SET - 8-track, turntable, speakers, stand, $135. Cali 668-6243. CULLIGAN WATER CONDI- TIONER MARK 5 - automnatic, 6 mnonths used and in perfect condition, $250; Mecca stereo TAPE PLAYER, $45; Hot water CIRCULAT-OR PUMP, for car (fits any car) $15; 19" Philco B & W PORTABLE TV, $50. Cali 668-9746. 50 amp. Service BREAKER - $4; 30 amp. knife switch BOX, $2.50; 8 fuse panel box, $8. Cail 668-9605. Heavy du ty SPACE HEATER - withi 45 gallon drumn fuel reservoir, $30; Spitfire u-controi MLING MODEL AIRPLANE, used once but sti11 as new, $10. Cali 668-7014. Musical Instruments Ludwig 7-piece DRI/M SET - ,with genuine Zildjian symbols, excellent condition, asking $550. Cali 728-25 18. YAMAKI DELUXE 6-STRING GUITAR - with case, $200. Cali 655-4385 after 5 p.m. Kent Spanishi ELECTRIC GUITAR - like new, with customn madle amplifier and speaker, $100 or best offer. Cati 576-8042. Gibson SG Custom Special GUITAR - with case, $400. Tramner basemaster amp, in good condition, $250. Cal 725-I1797. ELECTRIC GUITAR - copy of Telecaster, $70. Cal 728-8502. SPEAKERS- two large 16", approximateiy 31/à high, contained in black leutlier casing, $60 dr bcst offer. Cati 668-2860. REVERB -Traytîor signatuïe $250. Cuit 655-4978. GUITAR - sithi case, excellent' condition, $20; floor POLISHER, $20;, Caîl 655-3534. ACCORDIAN -- brund new, double row buttons, shioulder strup, carrying case, $100. Cuit 668-3195. Now! Look Naturally Good W. go atong wjth Nature tcs bring out the best in you and your hair. We cut it the way it grows .. . and shape il to suit yaur face. MEN'S HAIRSTYLUNG Whitby Pluie 668-692 ]Free Autos j Auto Parts ]Press, Emporiumn Appliances A TTENTION FARMERSIII WHY PAY MORE? SAVEN PREIUM UAUTY g *MOTOR Ot il' '~'~'~ Prompt Dfv ou 1ttn petcals loel N. 668438S1 LAKEVIEW NURSERY SCHOOL operating at Ajax Christian Assembly. MacLaren Rd., Ajax 9 a.m. -11:30 a.m. 2-5 yirs. Registr ýWSeptemiber PHONE: School 683-7661 or Mrs. Rowe 683-8748 Call 668m6lll

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