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Whitby Free Press, 5 May 1976, p. 19

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Forinulte molded bathroomi BASIN & COUINTERTOP 48 inehes long, new, $100; seven pieces atuminumi traiter covering, 61/ x 14 ft., $35 each. ('alil 655-3411. BIRD CAGE - wilh stand, $20; portable TV STAND on casIers, $ 10; Cati 655-3 167. BABY CARRIAGE - $18; non-elecîrie STERILIZER & BOTTLES, $450; new born SNOWSUIT, white, $3; 18" auburn HAIRFALL, $ 15; single BED, 30", $12; Healthway scuba tank, 71.2 cu. ft. harness & (k) valve, $85; svater tung, sport diver regular sith reserve, $85. CatI 839-7774. Gendron STROLLER - excel- lent condition, $25. Caîl 655-3624. 1 Deluxe WOODBURNING SET -- good for chitdren 12 years and over, excellent condition, $3; PACK SACK, nylon with sotid aluminuni frame, neyer beeri used, $25; SKIS, approx. 51/' long, greal for beginner, $10; SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good condition with carrying rack, $10; portable RADIO, excellent condition, hardly used, $ 10. Caîl -668-4465. Singer Feather WVigh t SEWlNG NI'ACHINE, $40; Childs BICYCLE. S15. both are in good condition. Brand nes vs5, Barbies, Ken, Big Jim and camper, etc., stilt in boxes, reasonable. Childs TRAINING CHAIR, %3; Two Suede OUTFITS, size 12. reasonabte. (':ýi! 66,,-(-7:5. TYPEWRITER --recondition- cd, IBM model 'C', 19" carniage, $35.0. ('aIl 668-3346. TV- 23" AdmiraI B&W, $75; 8 track car STEREO. $20; B.S.R. Turntable with dusteover. $30; men's blue split leather COAT, size 40, $40; DAVEN- PORT, brand new tuxedo style in beige olefin, $190; att items in excellent condition, must selI, best offer accepted, catI 668-0856. Lightsveighî HAND MOW[.ER like new, $20. CatI 668-3501. Baby SWY--MATI(' - 3 mnonths otd, excellent condition, $12. ('aIl 668-9564. BABY CARRIAGE - by Perrego, $125; car bed, $12; bassinet, $15; high chair, $15; prices firm. ('ail 668-9805. LINE CONTROL MODEL AIRPLANES - four parlly built, one large compieteiy built with 035 engine, two comptetely buill with 015 engine, large amount of parts & accessori-2s, $150, comptete. Caîl 579-0757. Pioneer 2000 TURNTABLE - 2 Sure M91 hi-track needies, 1 M91 cartridge, 2-3 way sterco voice speakers, 8 months oid, asking $375 or wiIl take cioscrt offer; Blue leather waist COAT, size 38 with matching bloc leather shoes, size 8, $110- Cail 66 8-27 81 after 5 p.m. and ask for Ken. ONE COUNTERTOP WITH LEDGE - 67", $750; one countertop, no ledge, 50'", $5; one counterlop, no ledge, 36", $4; one countcrlop wilh ledge, 31/", $3.50; one countertop with Iedge, 28", $3;, one piece of dark brown arborite woodgrain, 361/ x 6 01/2, $5; approx. 30 cabinet doors suitable for smalt vanilles, al different sizes, $25. ('aIl 655-3534 TRAINING CIIAIR --$5. CatI 668-"M03. RUG & UPHIOLSTERY CLEANING LQU.PMENT vacuum cleaner & cleaning supplies, like nesv, cost over $3,000. WilI selI for $1,850. ('aIl Port Perry 1-985-7704 evenings. l'"N(Y('LPI.->IA --Brittania 3, plus 3 book dictionary and large atlas, btack leather binding, $1,000 new asking $650;, Sterco componenit sel with 8 track & turnitabte, excellent condition, $10)0. ('an be seen aI 200 Mason Apt. 210 anytime. STRLI'YI'LENG-H DRESSES- practically new, one mauve, one blue, one mint green, aIl sequin trimmed, szes 14 to 16. Two boys suits, size 16, one navy, one black, good condition, black persian lamb jacket, medium, wooden commode chair, ail items $5 each. ('ail 985-3691. Engtish B:)HE CHINA - neyer used, 54 'piece set in Bridai Wrcath pattern, $300. C'ali668-5767. Two 600 x t5 goodycar SNOW TIRES- nesv, $10 each, one Rodger Majestic car RADIO, $15; one Lewyt canister VAC- UUM, with ail fixtures, necds some repair, $10; gallon wine bottles svith handies, 45 cents each; svalnul veneer, 2' x 4' shee ts, 75 cents each; one bab:' items- car'bed, $7; waiker, $4; snow sied, $4; jolly jumrper, $4; rocking horse, $2; bottie warrner, $1. Cati 683-1602. MINI WASUER, used twice, $49; bicycle EXERCISER, $80; china CABINET, glass both sides, $80. Cali 668-6078 or 668-4377. one ten galion AQUARIUM comptete \vithi stand, fish, etc. in excellent condition, $60 or best offer; tsvo aquarium heaters, $4 each; one l>hilips Beauty Set, neyer used, $25. ('ali 668-4690. SI>ICE RACK svwilh 18 botutes, $6; boyspants, size 14, $2; ladies clothing, size 14, reasonable prices, ladies short icather jacket, size 14,$20; single mattress, $1 5; also odds and ends of carpeting, record player, $5. C'ali725-I1211. Sotid sterling, silver l;T('CFIING,- a limited edition by llenry Moore, a beauliful work of art. Only $850. ('aIl 723-0722. WINDOWS Basernent 21X .37!'/ $6 each, pieture window%, stormi 58X64 $30. wvindow size could be altered slightly. C'ai -723-8220. Hi-Low frenquecy SCANOR - one second delay, svith 8 crystal frequencies, police band, OPP, fire deparîment frequencies, large antenna, $300. ('ai 579-0757. TRAI LER A\VNING 15' \ 9 vinyl, complele cost $185 sdI for $95; Tsso Interior SLAB D1OORS, 30 x 78, $4.511 each; Two stainless steel SINKS, 18 x 20 x 7, $10 cadi; Ts'o l2ft tcngttî ABS, 3' pipe, $9 each; One I2fl ABS, 2", $5; 50 [t 1½ plastic, $2.50; One CAMPER 1)00k - aluminurn white, 28 x 64, $14; One deiuxe SHOWFR CABINET, complete 32 x 32 x 76", $38. ('att 668-2548. BIElD S PR EAD metat slat type wilh four rubber hip mucl legs, 38" wide, $9; brake bleeder, $35, golf shoes, mens spikcd, brown, 101/2E, like new, $12; Cali 683-6728. STERLO FHitachi, 302 receiver, TEA(' 160, cassette deck, pioncer turntable, 2 RST speakers, $600. CaIli 723-2351 any lime. TIRES - 650-13, 2 for $15; Calalytie HEATE-'R, $8; holding tank for boat, $30;. table top RANGETTE, $20; ('ooking surface unit, $1 20. ('ali 576-6592. 780 Holley CARBURETOR svith mechanical advance, ncw condition, $60; CAR FIAULIN(; TRAILER, Iowrider type has Iow centre of gravity & tows vcry svell, single solid axle, with both steel and alumninum ramps, heavy duly construction, $450; li.qualizer TRAILER HIITCHI, used on I1970 Olds 'Cutlass but suitable for prc-I1975 GM 1, Intermediates, Iî:,s removabte baIl & block, $ 125. ('att 668-7014. ROTILLER -31/2hp., go id condition, $125. ('aIl 668-4267. Beautifut antique tatI (CHINA B U 1ýFET - large glass front, medium tîoneywood, would match any dlecor, $500 fiïrm. ('ail 668-9792 afler 2:30) p.m. Pets & Supplies AQUARIUM --(ail glass), 40 gallon complele with 2 pumps, air 611cer, etc. and 12 goldfish, some of lhem 10 years oid, $75. Cati 668-8527. Brown Shectland PONY with brîdle and saddle very lame with children, $150. Calil 668-0705; WHITE RATS- moîher & faîher, plus eight young, $10. Calil 668-9860 ater 5 pirn. and I sk for Dan. Free Press 1Emporium (Continued) Miscellaneous Girls BIKE ion, $15-$20. after 5 p.in. excellent condi- ('aIl 668-6790 Sports Equipment KITCIIi'N 10 x 12, no 668-9279. SF1 ELTER floor, $30. ('ail1 SLIM GYM EXlRCISE R -- wîth instruction book, a;k ing $25 or best offer. Cail 683-5737 af ter 5 p.mn. ONE lPAIR OF SKIS - pole, bindings, safety strap and boots sîze 7, only been uscd 4 limies. $65. 'all 728-1291. GOALIE EQUJIPNI-NT - one year old, fils boys 9-13, pads, mnask, glovwes, armn & chest protec- tur, $60. ('dli668-5714. BUY AND SELL Used furniture, appliances, household goods, books, magazines, baby furniture, bicycles, etc. Will pick up, we also seil on THISU"THAT 100B Lupin Drive (Blair Park Plaza> 668-7272 Carriers Wanted Cail 668-6111 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1976, PAGE 19 Clctssif ied Ads WO J LD VOIJ L 1KE MOR E MON EY? O.A.A. SIJPERVISOR, FRANK GORESKI needs full or part-limie people to help meet the demand for Ontario Autom-obile Association memberships. Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No experience neccssarý' but a car is. For full information contact: Hlm by letter at Box 213, Oshawa. Please give your phone number. WANTED -- lousuekeeper, one day a week, 0w:; transp orta- tion preferrcd, Ashburn area, references required. ('al 655-3974 after 6 pm. WANTED - PRACTICAL NURSE, 20 years experience, ean work in any shift. Cail 655-3583. WANTED - Out furnace with tank, am looking for used unit for garage application. Cati 668-7014. LEADING POOL MANU- FACTURER has 1975 above ground redwood type pools avifilable, willing 10 sacriflice at hiaîf price. ('aIl collect anytime 667-1302. PUl>S FOR SALE Coulic & Siberien, Matumulte puppies, 6 sveeks 01(1, $ 10.50 each. Cali 728-6889. TREES FOR SALE up to 7 feel, silver maples, poputars, ashi, spruce, pine, cedar, $1I per foot. Cati 655-4525 for more information. COMPR ESSORS Ail Kinds of Mach inery Seil, Buy, Trade or Rent Monday - Saturday 9-6 ACE MACHIN ERY 859A Nelson Street Oshawa 723-0933 FOR SWI PE PRODUCIS Calil 668-8957 SWIMMING POOL COMv- PANY has a lîimitéd nuniber of steel , inground pools ai greatly reduced prices, 16' x 32' inground, S3,750 installed. Otlier sizes conipar- ably priced. ('alilfow Polynesian Pools 5 19-453-2210' Bikes Gis (CM BIKI1- 3 spccd. 21" framie, goodl condition, $60. C ai 668-68701 afler sehiool liours and( ask for Ki ( olpili. iICYCLF 1975 Targa iO-speed, boys', i%-t condition, $90. (Cait 668-6083. isens 5-speed BI('YCLI'. ilnl<)sl 'ew, $60. ('ail 728-0664 dftcr 6:30 p.mi. HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramnic Tiing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cal 668-4696 GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 8th 9 a.m. to 3 pani. at 60 Calais St., Whitby Dehumidifier, air conditioner, 8,000 BTU,, Sofa & Chair, l"olding ('01, Card T'able & Chairs, Boys 2 speed Bicycle, Wheelbarrow, Boys Skates, Ski B3oo ts. MACRAME - owls, pot hangings, svali hangings,-- ail of diffècrent sizcs. For more infor- mnation caît 655-4536 or 725-2797. APPROXIMATELY 400 BALES O3ui STRAW - at a $1 a bale. Caîl 655-4380. SWIMMING'POOL SACRI- FICE: Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground aluminurn-pools left over from 1975 seast5n, '/- price, guariuteed installation and ternis. *Cail Credit manager, collect, Mississaugai 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 100 sets BUNK BEDS brand new!! Cheap. Cali Harry 488-7911. 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 THURSDAY, MAY l3th Twilight Auction Sale for John Sal ty on the 5 th Concession ot' tlicBethrda sideînad, lI a miles north oft Markhiam \Vhit ('hutrehi toss nline nex t 10 the Rollînghllis(ol(o sinuin 1-35 ai traclor. and mnotor. coole rs, freezers., liouseliotd furniture. Sale at 6 p.mn. No reserve. i art (;atislin. Auctioneer AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, MAY 6th t si light Auction Sale of fu rnitu re, lawsn louIs. garden tractor, housuhold furniture including fridge, stove, washer, anl d dryer, hedroom suite, chesterfield, and dishes. 1971 ('hev car, certified. The prop)erty of Mrs. Margaret Varcoe, of 10 Jemnmerson Crescent, Ballamître, off llwy. 48, watch for signs. Sale aI 6 p.rn. Terins cash, no reserve, 1-ani Gauislin, Auctioneer. LEA DING SWIMN4ING POOL. MANUFACTURER - nust dispose of brand new 1975 above ground al'iminumn pools miade to seil for $ 1890.00. Willing to close-out for S11 I88.00. Full warran lies ini effect. ('ail collect anytimie 1-41 6-667-1 302.* SWIMAMING POOL1 - FURNITURE STRIPPING uiu ci aks " ITs flow-over process castcs MacNeils Furniture and Upholstery A"lQME 'Aiàt pays ta reuphoister fine furniture" Wanted To Rent WANII 1'l'0 RENT --lhree liedrooni hom1e, reas(>Iiablin/or around Whitby. preferably in country. ('alt.668-7436. A smnall farnity wishes 10 RI'NI A IIOME cilther in tovn or'i tihie country at reasonable rent, responsihie party. ('al 263-8885.. WANT1 TO RENT garage, for personal use. 668-S325.or 668-6994. ('al Wcznted Highest Prices Paid for Gotd and Silver coins, oid guns, dlocks, jewelry, dishes, furniture, crocks, où paintings, and seaiers Friendly Flea Market 728-9783 23 King West, Oshawa Serving DurhiamT Region New & Used Colour & lta ' & White TV's Bouglt-Sold Rented --Repaircd 668-1818 anlytirne 725-4234 Serving Durhamn Region 6 days a sveek FREE PRESS Durham's Entertaining Newspaper TENDER MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Replacemnent installation of 4" domestie water main at Provincial Jail, Witby, Ontario. TENDER No. Li1N-76-01 0 Sealed tenders wil be received until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, May 1l, 1976. Tender Documents may be obtained fromn the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE: For further informa- tion regarding this tender, please caîl Mrs. E.M. Neale at the above address. Telephone: (705) 324-9188 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Minstry of SGovemment ( 5 Services Ontario n0 or SALE - Moving- will sel you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Redwood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000.00. Savings of $2100-00. 1975 model, caîl 416-625-2719, days or evenings, colleet. vrLVfT TOU[CI For Sale mý Ajax Oshawa --- Whitby -

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