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Whitby Free Press, 12 May 1976, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS et 0 entertainmefl I III I Natives During the month of May the Whitby Public Library is paying tribute to Canada's ancient Indian and Eskimio cultLlre with displays of books on native arts and crafts, culture and history. Special artifacts will be on view from the Royal Ontario Museum and the Association in Support of Native Peoples. Films wiIl be shown at the library and a dernonstration of bead and quil] work will be featured. Somne of the films on Canada's native peoples include the Cree Hunters of Misstassini, to be shown May 18 at 7:30 p.m. and Sananquati, Inuit living stone, May 25 at 7:30 p.m. Bob Catton, president of the Rotary Club Choir; Bill Nurse, president of the Whitby Rotary Club; and Dr. Reginald Davis, director of the choir hold the Austin Bodie Challenge Trophy for Rotary Comniunity Singing. whiclî was awarded to the choir by District 707 at its annual convention recently. This is the choir's first award after only nine rnonths of existence, and it is the first time the Austin Bodie award has been presented to the Whirby club. Success cornes early Rotary Choir wins top award THE FINEST VARIETY SHOW THIS WEEK IN BANDS A POSITIVE OUTLOOK NEXT WEEK OVER f COMPLEUI Lvenings 7: 00 & 9: 10 Sun. 2:00, 4'30, 7:00, 9: 10 PHONE 725 5833 ADULT EN TERTAINMENT LOCKERBIE A card up his sleeve. A noose aroun.d his neck. Ifs GEORGE SEGAL as The Dirtwater Fox. The Whitby Rotary t.* noir is only nine nonthis (o)d, but already it bas captured top honors in its district ini coin- petition with 65 Otiier Clubs. At the recerît District 707 conventlion in Toront o. the \Yhithy club wvas presented witlî the Austin Bodie Challenge '[roplîy fo)r Rotary (('ornnîunlrity Silugiiig. A represenlative of* t1e district visits thic varions clubs irn that district eacb vyear arnd judges svbiclîclub idsriî ofth t lctrophbv lrle R)t ary (lîni r \Vas started in 1975 svhiei13i lilkinîgttuî svas )resiL(2;ll r(t thec club. I)r. RcgiualdI)is ii iriîbcr ()I'the icRo(îarv C'lub, anîd Prircipal ()t'ithe OInîtario ILadiecs'((nI cgc wa s THlE DUCoHES8 AND fflE DIBCFWMEB FOY** Its GOLDIE HAWNJ asTeDuchess. askcd to beconie director of the choir. which lias now 11 memnbers and inecis regularly at the college for practýces. Recently th~e choir performied at a 1 SOth anniversary concert at St. Mark's United (bu rclî. M'usic lias been a tradition at the Wlîit hy Rotary Cliib since ils toutidirîg in 1 933. For rnany vears thîe club bceld a mirisiraI show inIilie od towrîi hall. and in recent ý w s r lus was ,clanoed w lie Roîtary Revue. A's the Rotariaus hecii Moîre rîv )l vcd Il) .rI c )r 1-oje c 1 ,, tîicv 'iiricl iit iu.îpossible to put in the ime required to rehearse for ibiis annual spring show, s0 it lias nul been held for three y' ar s. Hlowever, a nurnber of men in the chorus line wanted to continue siniging, and Dr. Davis was approached to lead a choir. île was involved in lus schiool's centennial cele- brat ions in 1 974 and wvas unable t(> set up the choir tliat year but early in 1 975 the Rotary Club was born by ai grourp uf* businessmen who i ke sî n igîîg jtiSt tor fun"'. NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN, 0F WHITBY To dispense withi a vote of the Electors respecting the construction of Tennis Courts ini Palm-erstonl Park. TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1 Thie Couincil of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to tlîe Ontario Municipal Board for approval to construet two double Tennis Couirts cornplete witlL liglitinîg in Palmnerston Park, being Part of Lot 28, Concession 2 in the Towvn of Whitby at an estimated total cost of S36,500.00 and that the sum of S27,000.00 shiah be raised by the sale of debentures payable on the general rate over a period not exceeding 5 years. 2. Application will be- made to the Ontario Municipal Board for an Order to Dispense with the Assent of the Electors to the undertaking of the said works. Any ratepayer may within 21I days after the first publication of thlis notice send by post preFaid to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby, at tlhe address given below, a notice ;-. writing stating his objection to such approval and the grou nds of su ch o bject ion. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to thie statut'.s thiat the asserut of tlhe Electors shaîl flot be required and rnay approve of the said works but before doing se it rnay appoint a timne and place for a public hearing wlien any objection wîlI be considered. Dated at 1976. the TIown of Whitby this 1 2thi day of May, A.D., Wrn. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. CLERK, Town of Whitbv 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario M 12, 19 Lv ery Sunday Global -3&229:OOA M. CHCH -il 930A.M. GERINMOO OE OF 2 PEOPL IN LOVE u *DIN TROUBL a a 1 Reccommen ded as -A UMES BLAZING SADDLES" HWYý 2 E OF IVERPOOI Show Start Approx. 8:30 HELD OVER .MAJJ OS H rWAICENTR 1 CINEMA 1 1 1 PLAZA tree rress moto

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