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Whitby Free Press, 12 May 1976, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS' 1975 BUICK APOLLO - power steering, power brakes, Iow mileage with safety check, asking $3,200, owner setling because he needs a 1/2 ton trtick, cati 985-3393. 1970 DODGE CFIALLEN- GER - 318 V-8, new back tires $ 1,800. Cail 668-5745. 1965 CHEV IMP'ALA - body fair, motor good, interior fair,- $250 as is. Cail1668-9757. 1967 PONTIAC STATION- WAGON 283.? good running condition, body fair, powver steering & brak'cs, certified, $300 or best nffer. Cali 668-7006. 1968 COUGAR - good l'or 289 engine, transmîission, rc'ar enîd parts an(1 good tires, $ 150 or best .~offer. Cati 6 68-6 17 6 al'te r 6 p.. 1971 TOYOTA CORONA MIOTOR- RT83, 1900 C.C., Ai conditiotn, $220 or best offer. Cail 579-3569. 1968 DODGFE DART - excellent condition. uncertirted, $900; 1959 ('11EV, restor- able cicidition, $200 or best offer. Cali 655-4213 or 655-37-33. 1974 FORD CUSTOM PICK UP - 360 motor, radio, cab for back, also sooden box. $4.500 Cafli668-0705. 1975 GRÊMLIN X- 6,000 mîiles, 2 vear ssarranty, 50,000 mile warrt ivon radial tires, power steeririg & brakes, p lusý ma;ny iiiore uoutions, aikm!i S3,000. Cail 668-I1143. 1970 FORD 1/2ion pick-iu standard, 6 cyclindler, radio, rehault engimie, as is $800; tsso usd F-ord rnuis. 15", $5 each:issuw ncws Ford riins, s',ide ovai, $20O pair; VW sîatmisvagon rnis, 5 boîts, $5 each. 'al 668-8376. 1964 Y TRUCK Miles, good be seen at Whitby. TON (;NIC "' K UP new notor, ,0 for parts, $250. Cari' 1201 Brock t . 1949 CIIIýV 1½ TON PANEL one osvner, 44,000 original mites, needs sonie body svork, $400; Volkswvagon VW TRAILEIR 1-ITCH, $20. Cali 668-8376. CHIP TRUCK equipped, freshly painted new tires, aluminumm Sasking $2,000 or best Cati 728-7623. fuily inside, body, o ffer. 1965 RAMBLER CLASSI' - V-8, as is, $100. Cali 623- 2043. 1970 CHEV '-- 350 V8, 4 door se'dan, powver steering, radio, mechanically good, wil certify, best offer. Cal 668-3371 ext. 273 and ask for Jlm. 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS automatic, power stecring and brakes, radio, snosv tires, very 10w mileage, $2,900. Cal 668-1134. 1961 FýORD FALCON - 2 door, au tomatic, 6 cylinder, good running ordeit, $500. Calih 668-5815. 1965 CHEV - good 283' mnotor, new tires, no rust, necds pai,'tlng, Lic. No. HXY 270, $450. CAII 668-9792 after 2:30 p.m. 1963 OLDS SUPER 88 automatic, 77,000 miles, good running, 2 new tires, plus 2 snow tires, lots of extras, $200. Calil728-2094. 1967 DODGE l>IOLARIS- 2 door hardtop, verY cdean, un good running condition, $450 as is. Cali 668-9870 after 5 p-. 1970 GTO CONVE.R'[IBLE,- automatic, excellent condition, $2500 or best offer. Can bc seen at 200 Mason Apt. 210 evenings or wcekends. 1971 FORD- power steering & brakes, radiai, good condition, $400. Cati 668-5318. 1966 PONTIAC- complete power, 6 way seat, $100 as is. Cail 728-6470.. 1-ERRING - larley Davidsor. 1200, $65; 4 MAG wheels antd tires for foreign car, $80; 3 sets of car ROOF- RACKS, $8 a set. Cali 668-4449. 1965 PONTIAC WAGON - automatie, 283, power equipped, $250. Can be seen ut 1201 Brock St. S., Whitby. Custom-macte extra heavy duty TflAILER HITCH for 1974-7.5 pinto stationwagon $25. Cal 668-6522. TRAILER (Tandem axie), 6 foot by 12 foot, suitabie for c-ar, boat or skidoo, $375.. Cali 655-3411. TIRES -- 4 whitewall, 640 1,000 miles on 668-6068. goodycar belted x 14, approx.* saine, $25. Cqlîl Two SNOW TIRES - vith, rinîs, lJniroyai Winiter P ide, V 78-14, nesv, $55S. Cail 6 55-3 87 9. TIRIiS- 4 wide, 1B60-131. $11) cdi. Cali 668-1063.' IIEAIERS -ftor 68-74 Nova.t $60; 9 x 12 Vi'-'NT. outside [raine. '$65; Si-IWING NMACIilNi., $61): BI('Y('LA, 2 '- leer, 'S,10; Cail 723-0)8i5. Snowimobiles, Trailers, etc. i975 MOI l ) Bumadier. 552utl. fronti & reair suipen- mioni, iîg t' speed uile ter. saLIddle 1xg.doutblc seatier. '41)()r1)0rb"t cffer.(Xiii 579-1953 i973 Rt PI'l> iSI [1k 12'" ssh oi' d :ioniditii, asýktne S251. i2'pivssutd boit. nî:de [ti seu,r eii V buttti. aýkInu Sl 1). (til 65-546 1u- 15 fto ti1îlot S LIRAI11,l ,R 1969. C m il le ssîtvlî rCe-e Iliîcih, sleeps <(i. lot,,' utostrai-e. purtable tuile i. propanîe I ridge &ý utve ne i12 \ 9 ki tulheu tenii inclucd. 1 .5111. (al 1.70-5-27 7-27910. OUTI BARI) jolînsuuti3itr. condition, $1 25. afier S p.mt. gond ruiuiinug (';îil 068t-5060i 1 971u CI.251)N M OO'ROSS A I cundi tion, $6 25. (;l 576-4676. 1971I WOOD)S 11l AR l)"(>I TI'N'i 'RAiLJ;R see4, tut excellen t condition. $6001. ('ail 668-6522. 1-lomîîeîîade SNOW ('RUISE- excellent for svorking in b"shî, $100; une MINI BIKL . RANII' witil notor. $50; car parts.,('Ievs & 66 uînder; alto 1960 ARMY PANE1I L TRUC(K V" ton, $ 150. ('ail 728-0234 and ask for I)on. 1975 RD 350 YAMAIIA guod condition,$10. ('ail 723-2351 anylimite. Tour-a-Homne I972('AMI>lR for pick-up truck, sîceps 4, lots of' cupboards, sink, place for fridge, nu stove, very gond con(dition, $950; 2 JA('KS,,$100 or hest otfer. ('ail 655-3006. BOA'T MO'IOk -Senti-at- water, 3. gallon tank, 5h.p., $50; Walkie taîkies, ncw Rc'aiislic TR(' 999, 3 watt output, $135. ('ail 668-8080. 1972 KAWASAKI 750. ow mîlcage, fair condition, somne new body parts, excellent running condition, $900 or Oest offer. C'ail 640-2726 anytime or 668-2860 afier 5 p.mn. 1971 MOTO-SKI --twin cyl., ceetrie start, ncw battery sith cover, runs gond, $525; 1973 SKI-DOO OLYMPIC, single cyl., wth cover, used very lit tic, $525. Apply 604 Centre St..N. Whîtby. 197(0 BSA 500 MOTOR- C'YCLE engine excelhent running condition, $500. ('ail 668-4654. 1973 SCAMPER TRAILER - 16 feet, $2,800. Can be seen at 385 Lorindale Dr., Oshawa. TANDEM TRAILER - flat bcd, 3,000 IL capacity, ail beavy duty (rame, ail new tires, comn- plete with ligbt accessories, $450. Cail 668-4939. MOPED - Bronco, highrise handiebars, deluxv seat, 148 miles per gallon, wiil go 40 m.p.li., $275 or be-st offer. Cali 668-8381. Two clectrie quarter horse, MOTORS - $10 cach; 1 SPEAKER' BOX, S] 5. Caîl 668-6750. Cali 668-6111l NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, paY ONLY when you seil! Tliere wiii not be any charge to advertisers in tuie FEE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. Wlien the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on TFIE ADVERTISEI) PRICE as iiiustrated below. Alil advertisemients mnust be placed on an exclusive basis witli the WIIITBY FRIT PRESS 'mrd run at lcast one mon tliWi not sold. RATES (if article is sold): 517( of advertised price up to $40000 2% of balance ovcr $400.00 EXAMPLE.: SoId item advertised for $50.00 - commîtission dite $2.50 (mitnimumi commission is $1.501 Private advertising only! Pl>ease notily us il you [mnd a re tailer listC(i as a private advertiser. 1>le:îse n ou it'yte \VIiti byrce iPressi mied ia tely wlieîî jitemît 'old so that ss e iay de le te il [roni tue foliossing ssues. Services, liji svaiited. eliliiîg.reai est:mte anmd pe rsuiîai tiessage t> pe ads eau ou iy Oc h :tudled utn atprep:ttd hliss. I* in doutîi. cali 668-0 111 11Ait,.Ai .is TO: 'llite de.îdlilîe Ior citipotritmi ad',uslte Muiîdav Furniture JîîuitrBII) si th m itlss S20 c1:h'uromue IAsL- sittufour chaiîrs, $2()-; SWi MM 1.INU POOL., evers'timilie iicIidled buit iniîug. $31011 tr Ibest offer. (*ail 05S5-.1583~. CAXI BTTO1N1 (CHAIR roîinislied. 5S35;, aiisîta:i stut;tIici t'tu otît c hair,. $25. (':iI 655-3 76t8. issu \' l NI Il N Bt NPS SL2. W\%2 21 -.132-, -) I(,ail 6t68-8273, (llîhsie'reti msied, $25;. KI $1 2 (chairs [ree ('ai 725-12 1 1. îîecd lu hie i'edi Bi. 1) % tcel . cot' pie te wi tii spriîîgs anid mtitrî'ss. $411. Cali 655-463(). Biaby' CR11B $40; Ieîigree eltuir, car bcd, ('aIt 839-5433. & NIATTISSS lrauîî. $41); higlî citr seat, $,5 eci. 1lR . 1,, S[k siilm si\ drawe rs. aîîd itirrors, $45; tour 1 'RAWI lýR C1Ii'S. S$35; conltinenki 111) 54" conîpete ssi tii leadbîîard, boxspring, inattrcss $S61);;au to- inatic radio cumitilta tion radio 8-track car stereo, $45; ('ail 723-714T. Doi Nhe WOO)I'N BI) $10); 53'" SPRiN(; for bed, $5; 38" Su>RIN(;lfor bcd(, $5; 3 chromne CHAIRS, $3; RI-'('ORI)S, 78's & 45's, $ 1 eaclh; B & W 1>hiico PORTABLE TiV, $50; C'I 11ESTI-.Rl E'LI)si tIi 2 :nl;chiing ARMICiAIRS, $75; 1'OASTEIR, $5. Cali 655-3545. l'ilkNil hR i antique hall table, 60" x 20", $65: chld's desk & chair, $6; but-ut BAR, $ 10t plu s ru nioval. ( ail 6(6 8-10)63. Clothing Red Wooi (' urling JA('KET - size 40-42, $25; Bowling SIIOES and case site 8, $10. Both are in perfect condition. Calil 668-9073. HIUNT CAP- blacI- velvet with safety harness instaJled, size 71/2. $23.50. (kll 668-2407. ('OAT - Ladies black persian lamh approximately size 20, in good condition, wilI selI for $50. Calil725-5714. pliu' itth i l le ileer li tuaId es endI tale.btitgiiitlfor 55(1(, \ýiu dI irsOI1. 1u\l 85-4 lani CHAtmiiîM I iR s'i ol 6 ii etul . >utu tti .skiuue S70 eacl teh, s' m mc u t s its' 51>. tai) 0688376. PIîl\l'St R 00\1 Si i 'S1î"itslî si\ le S 1-'i oI.tt.ik s' iii ssOoh uttel mtuti 'S241tc' stî $1 0(.it. 't eau î(0d& tail hi,.' ceit ai 2001M1sNi :sttA pI.211() any \tîuite. IQtiei su/e 1B0'-. k I NI is thi steel Ihaine. $510. ail <t<t8-5()87. iice.e, mgttd ctiudiriomn, Si135: POT .1 >& A NS. 'S1 Ri;L G. 9'm\ 12 gtîod qiuaitmy. urcoti. lîke ies'. $75: Rt i. stmal. isiltruti coluhir. Si12; rutîier. eremii. S3: rmats i iss) $2 & $4.1 drapes, -2 sets. S5 & $10i; shotridrapes. $3;, reCtirît piaye r. $5; clioite table'. $6; pil (is, s lsm), $Si e.clî ; tab(le ianiip. $6; bcedsjîreads. sitigie satinl luor $3. doubhiemies54 & S5; biauike ts $6 & 's7; icapo)t. ss car- ever. $4., electric frypuan. Sun- hea -. 6;loiral arrangemenmt. $2 & V<. j uily tiiimtîe r, $4, ha tIironî scaies, SI. ('ail 723-2426. ANTIQI' 1) ES K si t I va tbimIct, uve r 100 ve;trs ou., resit ()rcd, 52 5 0. ('iii655-3750. ()id Quelu'C WOOI) STOVI" $ 75;-.Iea thlie rRkE('LI NE1lR,1li ke nessw, $75; 2 antiquîe BUFET'1S, $50 & $75; nid cedar harîîî feuice mails, $ 1.25 eaci. ('ail 655-4335. AntiquecH(IiS1' two drasver, $75. ('ail 668-8527. R UG app1roxittateiy 12 x 12, yeihowss slag, just bcemi eeancd. $65. ('ail 7 28-i1291. Victorian BEDROOM SET antique witiî twin beds, box spring and mattress, very new $400; two end TABLES, liaIt nmon style, $6 ea. ('ail 668-9009. Swivci ROCKER -grecut-bluec coinur, $55; une hucket CHAIR, icather, orange colommr. $20, omie sectionai kiteutS U iTiE, Icatlîcrette, onte year old, $1 55. ('ail 668-9520. AGS S'fEý*Rl-'O (ASSI"l'TE TAI>E- 120 volt recorder & 1 player, $7 5. ('ail 668-I 297. Appliances Autos j Auto Parts comte, 8 olîuîS, 8rand nev actua colle,___8__ohms,_______________________ zig-zag, buttonholer, like new, $70 firm. tait 723-1802. REFRIGERATOR -- 12 cubic foot, $95; I-eavy Duty RANGE, 30 inch, $35. Cati 668-3889. Propane GAS STOVE - four burner, with automatic oven con trois, 24" wide, condi- tion excellent, suitable for a cottage, $40. Cali 723-9176. CULLIGAN WATER CONDI- TIONER MARK 5 - automatic, 6 mon tus used and in perfect condition, $250; Mecca stereo TAPE PLAYER, $45; Hot wateî CIRCULATO'R PUMP, for car (fits any car) $15; 19"' Philco B & W PORTABLE TV, $50. Cail 668-9746. 50 atmp. Service BREAKER - $4; 30 amp. knife switch BOX, $2.50; 8 fuse panel box, $8. Cali 668-9605. lIIavy duty SPACE HEATER - with 45 galion drum fuel reservoir, $30; Spitfire u-confroi FLYING MOI)EL AIRPLANE, used once but stili as new, $10. Cali 668-7(014. Singer SI-WIN(; MACH-INE zig zag, i1) years old. in svooden caieexcellent conditiun, $1 25. ('ah 668-6598. WATER SOFTENER - $15. Cali 579-0757. Ant;qtte RCA Victorola v.AD1O CONSOLE - with auto- r a;tic turn table, about 1943 iodel, fully functioning,. soiid '.~' <3ù0 cash. Cali 579-1593.' BLACK & WHITE TELE- VISION - 24 inch screen, in cabinet, suitable for recroom or cottage, $40. Cali 579-3569. KenmioreautomaticWASHEk - in good condition, moving to an apartment. $125. CatI 668-5745. B&W TV- 20 inch, $100. (Xiii 668-1384. Airsvay Sanitizer VACUUM ('LI'ANI,'R -The eost a $399.50 but wili seli for $200. Cali 668-8957. SCM LLE CTRIC 13ROOM - $6; PORTABLE 1IIAiRI)RYI.R, $4. ('il 723-0855. STER 1 0- AM/'ElM 8 track multiple x componcnt unit by A'IS tape andi phono inpu t acks unlit witlî twu speakers, $125; e x tral speakers ( t\vo), $25. ('il 668-2478. S [OVE- 30 icli, good con, dîtïun $75; space 1-EýATE-,R $60. (Xiii 668-6750. D)ual 1218 iLRNTABLI. Ixis' & dust cuver iinciuded, lias .îudiî lecIiinica cartridge. oniy used for ltt inntlits,'S2301) iin. (itii 008-30115 aif'tcr 5:30 lp.m. 21 îtbii. foot I RIi)GI. iii surktie eindîtliîî :sking, VAPI/ý11-"R -$5: electric t jeet'- 11 R K.,$Si0; sandwich GRIL1.1, S7; GATIS7; ~trel WI11>k.$1i0; G.E. fluur POLISîIER, $ 10, six apple cralcs. $2 ecdi: RAN(G- Il Il $ 15; V A(CL 1M C LI ANER, S5. Cali 668-94014, S 325: unique table. soli!] *vîtîpiC tabletp, $451). Cali 668-5910. Singer SEWING MACIIINE s'ith stoulS$165: STEREO èoînponent set, sith wooden stand, $210(. ('ail 985-3393. 1-"\F RSON TV SET' wî ti radio, record piaycr, in rouod condition. $'8(1 or nearcst ufier. Cail 668-7446. Westingliouisc 1RYFIR eicctrie, reeentiy reconditioti oniy $86. ('ail 723-0722. SPElAKE-RS 81, with vinzer conle, 8 ohmlls, brand ness, actuai price $18 only $10; 130W & ARROW SET,A I condition, re tail %1 5 only $8. Cali 668-6790 afler 4 p.nî.. -SPl.'AKE-RS - 8 inch sith vizzer conle, 8 ohins, brand new, :tetuai price $18 oniy $10. Cali 668-6790 after 4 p.nî. Ludwig 7-piece DRZUM SET - ssitlî gei'uine Zildjian syînbols, excellent condition, asking $550. (ail 728-2518. YAMAKI I)ELUXE 6-STRING GUI'FAR - with case, $200. Cali 655-4385 a fter 5 p.m. Kent Spanisht ELCTI GUi] AR - like nesv, with custoni mîade anmplifier and speaker, $ 100 or bçst offer. Cail 576-8042. Gibstîn SG Custom Special GUITAR - witii case, $400. Traimier basentaster amp, in good condition, $250. Cail 725-1797. ELCRCGUITAR - copy of Telecaster, $70. Cali 728-8502. SPEAKERS - two large 16", approximîately 31/2 itigh, contained in black leatiter casing, $60 or best oft'er. Cail 668-2860. REVERB - Traynor signature $250. Cali 655-4978. GUITAR - with case, excellent condition, $20; floor POLISIIER, $20; Cali 655-3534. ACCORDIAN - braîîd ne'v, double rosv buttons, sitouider strap, carrying case, $80. Cati 668-3195. INow! - Good Ntr t,. brrnng ouit te best in you and your hoir. We cmit itish waly t grows . .. and shape t r ta ii rtCe. i osi M E N'àS HAIRSTYLING wldtby Plinz 668-6922 GR EENWOOD NURSERY SCHOOL Register now for September Grecilvood ('omniîty Centre G reeniwood 9 .. 11:30 a.. 2years -5Syear - PHONE MRS. KING 683-8564 ]Frele Instruments P]ressým.hA Empnorium

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