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Whitby Free Press, 12 May 1976, p. 19

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Fortnu lite mioltled bathroonm BASIN & ("OUNTERTOP 48 incites long, new, $100; seven pieces aluuninurn traider covering, 61/2 x 14 f., $35 eachi.("al 655-3411I. BIRD CAGE --vith stand, $20; portable TV STA:i,!D on casters, $ 10;,("ail 655-3167. BABY ("ARRIAGE -$18; not-electric STERILIZER & BOTTLES, $4 50, newv born SNOWSUIT, white, $3; i18" auburn HAIRFALL, $15; single BLD, 3 0", $ 12; llealthway scuba tank, 7 1.2 cu. ft. harness & (k) vave. $85; stater lung, sport diver regular with reserve. $85. ("ail 839-7774. Gendron STROLLER- excel- lent condition. $25. ("ail 655-3624. 1 Deltixe \VOODBURNING SET - good for chîldren 12 ycars and over. excellent condition, $3; PACK SA("K, unyslon wvithi solid :tlitumiin lram c. neye r been u sed, $25: SKIS. approx. 51/2' long, gcat l'or lieginner, $10; SI IIOOT'S. size 7/8, good condition wsith carrying rack, S I 0; portable RA DIO, excellent condition, hardly used, $ 10. ('ail 668-4465. Singer Fea ther Wveight Si'X\ING NI \("IINE, $40; ('hilds BIY(II.$15, both are iri gond condition. Brand nrwie.toss, Barbies, Ken, Bis, J îim and camper. etc., stili in boxes. reasonahie. ("hitds TRAINING CHIAIR, $3: Two Sued,(e OUTFII'S. size 12, TY't>L-WRiTlI R recondition- cd. IBM model 't", 19" cariagre. $350. ("al 668-.3340. TV - 23" Admirai B&W, $75; 8 track car STI ' REO. $20; BS. R. 'urritable with clusîcover. $30; nîen's bine split leathei COAT. size 40. $40: DAVEN- PORT, brand ries tuxedo stylc in beige olet'in, $1i9(0; ail iteins in excellent conditio-u. must seli, best offer accepted, cali 668-0856. Lightsseighî liANI') \1OW'I'i< like new. S20. ('ail 668-3501. Baby SWY -O-N\IA Fit(' 3 months oid, excellent condition. $12. (Catil668-9564. BAB3Y ('ARRIAGI bs' Perrego, $125: car bcd. $12: bassinet, $15; high chair. $15: prices firni. ("ail 668-9805. LI N Il 'ONTROL MOI)L AIRPLANES -- four partly but, one large completely bultsith 035 engine, two cornpletely but with 015 engine, large amountof parts & accessor"&'s, $ 150, compie te. ("ail 579-0757. MG LUJGGAG;Il' R A('K $5; orange bu rlap drapes, 120" x 9'6", $15; 2 sets of traverse rod draper tracks, i10' long, $5 cach; yellow ginghain cafe kitchen CUrtains, $5; bloc & green single studio style bcd- spread, $7. ("ail 668-2301. OÃ"NE ("OUNTERTOP WiTII LEDGE'- 67", $7.50; one coun tentop, no ledge, -50-', $5; one countentop, no ledge, 36", $4; one couintertop with lcdge, 3 i" $3.50; one countertop with ledge, 28", $3; one piece of dank brown arborite woodgnain, 36½/2x60/, $5; approx. 30 cabinet doors suitabie for smali vanities, ail différent sizes, $25. C'ail 655-3534 TRAINING CHAIR --$5. ("ail 668-ý)103. 50 CEDAR lENCE RAILS & POSTS- $1 cach. ('aIl 655-3534. RUG & UPHOLS'FERY CLE.ANING lýQU,'?ME-NI' vacuom cleaner & 'cieaning supplies, like ncw, cost over $3,000. Wili selI for $1,.850. ("aIl Port Pennry 1-985-7704 evenings. LN('Y(LOP>L; DIA --3ittanîa 3, pIns 3 book d ictionary and large atlas, black leather binding, $1,000 new asking $650; Sterco component set wittî 8 tnack & tunntable, excellent condition, $100. ("an be seen at 200 Mason Apt. 21.0 anytîMc. STREETY LENGTH DRESSES- pnacically new. one mauve, one bloc, one mint green, al sequin trimmed, sizes 14 to 16. Two boys suits, size 16, one navy, one black, good- condition, black persian lamb jacket, medium, wooden commode chair, aIl items $5 each. ("aIl 985-3691. 1 nglish B" ! ECi l INA neyer used, 54 piece set iii Bridai Wreati patterni, $300. ("ail 668-5767. 'l'vo 600 x 15 gooçiyear SNOW TIREIS new, $10 eaeli, one Rodiger Majestic car RADIO, $15; one Lewyt canister VAC'- UUM, witîu aIl l'ixtures, neetîs sonie repair, $10;, gallon sine bottles svîth hlantîles, 45 cenits cadli; vaitit veuleer, 2' x 4' slîceets, 75 cents ectit;orle bah" items - car bcd, $7; walker, $4; snlow sied, $4: jtlly junper, $4; rocking luorse, $2; bottie svarnier, $ 1. Cal 683-I1602. MINI XVASIER, used twice. $49; bieycle l*Xi':R('ISI-R, $81): china(CA BINET,. glass bhotllsides. $80. Ca:tl 668-6078 tir 668-4377. One teun gallon AQUARIUM comupiett' svitlh stanid, fisît, etc. in excellen t condtitionu, $61) or be st oifl'er;: Iso ait ariiuuuni'ates $4 ecdi torle l1hlIips Beau ty Set, neyer used, $25. ('ait 668-4691). SPî'î: RA C'K '.vtlii I btotltis, $6: boys pin s. si/t.14, $2 - ladies cliiii,,size i14. re:isonabie prices. Liii es sitor t leatîter jueket, sue1wc 'snl uuattrcs, $S1 5: alsti ts andi en'd, of' carpc iiig. reccordl plaver. $5. Soiid sterIîne sils'eu i I ('iIl N(- a Iiiiied edition b\ Iiturirx Mioore, a 1beautii'l'îi %.ork oil an. OnI', $850).('al 723-01-'l. 5\'~~'.~ ua t'he ît21storuti 58N64 $30. sitls si/c ton Id bc altered sliglItl:,. ('all 723-822(0. Ili-Lo'.'. 'rcnqnLetcv SCANOR one second le lav. wu ii 8 crs stai freuluencies, piice band, OPP. f*ire departntien t freîitiencues, large antenna, S30)0. ('ail 579-10757. T1lAILI'.R \WNING 15' \ 9 vînt I. comnplote cost S185 ,sll tir $95.) I sso lui icrior SI-,XIiI l>>1RS, 311 \ 78, $. 11 cd: i'.sw sI.aiiiless sicci lSi NKS. 18 \ 20t> '. $11) e:chi: 'Isso i 2i'tlen eîl i is. 3" pipe. S() c. 1wt.-Ont' I XS 2". $5: 501t1 piti , 1 One ('ANIPI'R R - il<'altimiiiîi %'.fi'ite, 2 8 \ 64. 1s 4: Onticlelu \c SFIOWI R ('ABIINI I.t uut't 32 x J2 \ 70", S$38. t all 668-2548, BI'. 1SI>1'Ai) uuetil sIa t type wî tii tour rubber tip inctal legs, 38" s'.ide. $9:, br:îkwi' ieiher. $35: -oiltix nen, piel bros'.u, 1) , iîkt' ius., $ 12; ('ail 683-6728. S'Il Rh'1(J0 Ilitachîi, 302 receiver, 1'1',A(' 16(0, casscette deck, puouîeer tunutahile. 2 RST speakers, $600, ('all 723-2351 anrylime. TIRI'.S- 650-13, 2 for $15: ("alalytie LIll'ATIEIR, $8; holding tank for boat, $30; table top R ANG ETTI', $20; ('îoking surface unit, $1 20).("ail 576-6591 780 Holley C'A RBURI'TOR with mechanical advance, ne'.v condition, $60; CAR IIAUI.ING TRAI LER. iowrider type lias low centre of gîavity & tows very weii, single siilid axIe, xvitlb both ,steel and alurninum ramps, heavy duty construction, $450; ,,qualizer iR Ai LIE'R HIl'1'('1 used oui i970 Olds Cutlass laitt su ita ble for pre- 1975 GM 11nterme dia te s, liaîs removable baIl & block, $1i25. ('al 668-7014. YALEi PURI-BRI.I:-D IRISII SEiTT'ER -I11½ years old, no papers, good with children, $50. <'ail 649-2578. Beautit'ul 'antique tail 'CHINA BUI lET - large glass front, medium honeywood, would match any docor, $500 furmi. ('ail 668-9792 after 2:30 p.n. Pets & Supplies AQUARIUM - (ail glass>, 40 gallon complete with 2 pumps, air filter, etc. and 12 goldfish, some of them 10 years old, $75. ("aIl 668-8527. Brown Shetland PONY wit' bridle and saddle very tame with children, $150. ("ail 668-0705; WHIITE RATS - mother & father, plus eight young, $10, ("ail 668-9860 after 5 p.m. and ask for Dan. (Continued) gre:itlv redticeti prices. i6 (S 2 u~ii ii 3.750 itisi illt'. tl 1ler sizes compaîr- aly piced. (';ll now Potynlesian 1Poots 519-453-2210 LEADING SWIMMING1 MANUFACTURER - dispose mut' branid new POOL> nînisi i975 a hove grott ud a;îiintîin pools nmade îo seli for S1i890.00. \Villin iug i citise-oti t for SI I X'8.01l. Fuît warrant ies iii el'l'ct. ('all coliect ;ulytitte 1-4 16-60t7- 1301. SWINIMING POOL Deltuxe, Redwtuod, ahbove grtindl pool. i1( x 24. 1 yr. tld. Repossessed by batik. s;crit'iccA,4.price, ('ait Mn. t;;rvey, c îllec t, tlays on eve 'îîgs, 41 6-62-5-8819. SWIMIMING POOL - Less tlain1Iyn. ()Id. Fanta- Sea above groririd Redxvood 16 x 24, cost '.W.00. Must sei irurnediately -- xvii sacrifice - savings of $2000.00. ('ait 416-625-8817, days o)r cvcnings ct)llect. SWIMMING POOL FOR SALE - Moving - wili seil you 16 x 32 above ground Modulan Redwood Pool at sacrifice, price of $3000.00. Savings of S2100.00. 1975 mnodel, cal] 416-625-2719, days or evenings, coltect. Bikes Gis ('(M BIKVE 3 speed, 21" fraime. good condition. $60. ('ail 668697() afler sehool itours and ask for Kim ('olpit ts. BI( YCLF 1975 Targa 10-speed, boys', A-i condition, $90. ("ail 668-6083. Mens 5-speed BIC'YC'LE almost tiew, $60. ('ail 71.8-0664 ~dtcr 6:30 p.. Equipment K IT('IllEN 10 x 12, rio 668-9279. Sil lLTER tloor, $30. 'all SLIM GYM E'XlERCISER - with instruction book, asking $25 or best offer. ("ail 683-5737 af ter 5 p.m. ONE PAIR OF" SKIS - pole, bindings, safety strap and boots size 7, only been used 4 times. $65. ("aIl 728-i1291. GOALIE EQUIPMENT - one yean old, fits boys 9-13, pads, mask, gloves, arm & chust protec- tor, $60. ("ail 668-5714. LEADING POOL MANU- FACTURER lias 1975 above grouind r edwood typ'e pools av ia.ble, witling to sa,.crifice at ltiaf price. Cati colleci anytinie 667-1302. PU'S l'OR SAL[ Collic & Siberieni, Malmunte pupIpi)eS, 6 %veeks oi(i, $1 0.50 chj. (',,Il 1 28-6989. TREES FOR SALE - sp r'îc, pine. cedar, poplar, silver ruapie, o.ik, locusi. Rc.tsonably prlcc(l, lor m oreit'nformiation cailI 655-4525. COMPR ESSORS Ail Kinds of Machinery Seli, Buy, Trade or Rent Monday - Saturday 9-6 ACE MACHINERY 859A Nelson Street Oshawa 723-0933 FOR SWItP E PRO DIJTS Cati 668-8957 SWIMMING POOL COM- PANY lias a i itnîîed nubfer (il* stel,'i.goiii tiiid )(-,oIS a t A UCTION SALE \Litnrtax Ma I IJ.t76 :ui i2 11o01L 'Illelit'prt1), nI' John Nuisesteuriki> oni No. 7 Ilsst. Itmile cisi oh ;rt't'mtoil. 5 mules '.ts oh' lîutlm. Sale mmcliidcs: 1) piieu c aînt îlintmg rmoi suite ltclut.pramu, oîd s'midt telepluouue. '4 picce seltee.1rC cî rt'paiu . is :îsli staiutis. Ilii() w ecr sianuid. uîîd dresser. pune iooi tlics(. anmltie 30) lîtti r sst'it cIoîtk. dirop le.i table. ,stitut' 4 ui:ik diiî tn, t'clict crloid. oui 5\%tut liiiruiun t'iik stî)te, rot king ciair.,louhaedli il îîlalitups. i1) g.ii crutk, corl '. chîi:i bced sarmer, skîli sasv. îril litîs, 4" lch i sse, cc t ruti r ud's ,,y t lut'. slie Is, t'ross crit sas%, ss'lctl 1barros'. . tliert'r iî1 hs, s'. rnger \ s'.:îhur, NIc('ar\' lit ss :îte r hîe:ter. car tr:îîit'r I good 1, clection () l old 1guls & 1iovotimet" inculidug: coll 4 11) gauige shoîtgunu.ciioly 211gauîge sîtlouri,. i311Percussion rnfe, 187-3 S'.viss rifle witlb bayonet, i88(1 Ss'.iss 45 cal. rifle., ucry arnus co. domubIc barre I 12 gaugie sîitgimr. /tilerI12 g:îîîgc sîtgun, 1s s t\vo rd(Iwa r 30)3 rifle sith bayouiet, 32 cal. stage coachu gin, several baî'oiicts, aruny lielîte ts, N uuîerous olluer articles. Te rnus cash, no reserve. Johin Annis, Anictioneer, 985-3477. AUCTION SALE iuestlay événung, May 18 at 6 p.un. Sale of furniture and an tique% Ilue îroperty ol' Leoniard ilarrett. wsii l1-whcld in te Village of' Bm-ugiiin <sou lthof tnusCutfl) on Orchard I-leight's D)rive. Roy refrigera tor, snîaii dlctrie stove, dryer, deep) treeze, space licater, round oak tlining rooni table (3 ceaves), 4 captain chàirs, man's leather recliner chair, china cabinet (antique), settee (an tique)t, cedar ehest, chair and ottomnan, number of' otîter chairs, chest of drawers, plbi!ips colour TV, GE sterco, book cases, odd tables, sorne an tiqlue, eleetric appi iances, rugs, doilies, pool table accessor- ies, quantity of dishecs (sorte antiqlue) radio, 2 baseboard elec- trie hecaters, ehesterfield suite, green rug and pad 9 x 1 5, mirrors, tirepiace secen, rototiller, (log house, plan ts, sealers, lawn mower, miany other articles too numerous to menition. Owner inoving. Ternis cash, no reserve, 13a's' at 6 p.m sharp. Reg and Larry J oitnson A uc ti oîeers, ("all (705) 357-3270. Man with own transportation to sel 1 tools at varlous farmers markets. Must work- weekends. opportunity sity students. Tom. Excellent for Univer- 839-3591 'i WHITBY FREE PRkESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1976, PAGE 19 Free Press Em,.porium PRA('TI('AL NURSE - ssithi 20 years exîerience, can work in auîy shîift. ('ail 655-3583. WAN'FED)-- Ou fnurilaewith tank, auîî iouking l'or used unit for garage application. ("ali 668-7014. Wanted To Rent WANTI;)lTO RI;NT -three beciromuu lttîie, reasuiîable, im/or arotind Whilby, prefcrably in counntrv. ("aIl 66 8-7436. APPRQXIMATELY 400 B3ALES 011; STRAW- at a $1 a bale. ('ail 655-4380. SWIMMING POOL SACRI- FICE: Leading Manufacturer and distributor lhas above grotind aiuminurn 'pools ieft over from 1975 seasdrl, 1/2 price, guar'titeed installation and ternis. Catit Cucdit manager, collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or eveni ngs. 100 sets BUNK BEDS brand new!! Cheap. Cati Harry 488-7911. 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. FULLER BRUSFI CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIR,EMENTS CALL FAY I)REW 668-9915 K1l «il'N S $5 eachi, soie persm. dtltoth iff dlerent, very cu t. t i9t08 ltock St. N. THURSDAY, MAY l3th Twitighit Auction Sale for John Salk von tflicS501t 'onicession ot' (it(- Ilcilrda sI a. 1 iiiles nortît of' NLirkhaii lîit ('h1uit h10 ttou' ii. etlt'\ti ui Rolliiieliflls Gotlf,( otu nlilu 1 35 \l;i\i trattot . amiî motir. t lrs fIie/czv rs, hotlsch Id furniturt' Salec;il t> înî No reserve. I .url Gausliii, .'uctioneer CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, C'eramnic Tiing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar' Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cali 66 8-468 6 Wanted Paid tfor oid guns, furniture, Friei 23 Ki 'Iighest Prices Gold aîîd Silver coins,' docks, jewelry, dishes, crocks, out paintings, and sealers ndty Ftea Market 728-9783 ,ing West, Oshawa Canada's Spectacular West FIy/Drive' April 15 -June 6 Sept il - Nov. 15 $155 per person (two 10 a romn) i nclu des: 6 nights accommodation TILDEN car 7 days Provincial taxes planning & ope ration charges B AI& Lifldç Russe r TRAVEL LTD. 116 Bro ck St. S., Wiitby 668-5000 Monr. - Sat. 9-5 ' Fri. Tili 9 -Your 1iravel Is Our Business " For your protection registereà under Ontario Governujîent, No.1259988 Oshawa - Whitby - Ajax Serving Durham Region New & Used Colon r & Bla:", & White TV's Booglît- Sold - Rcnted -Repaired 668-i1818 anytimie 725-4234 Serving Durhamn Region 6 day sa week ANTIQUE & YARD SALE lurniture, clothiing and hiouse- liold itemis. SATURDAY, MAY 15 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 814 Byron Street North (north of C.P.R.) Cail 668-2977 -AAESALE Sat -irday, May 15, 1976 10Oa.m. - 5 p.m. 6 Way St., Broôklin GRASS CUTTING Wanted- large lawns to eut, private or indtistrial, free estimate. For forthier information eau 655-4536. AUCTION SALE Tliorsday evening May 2Oth - beginning at 6:00 p.m. Clearing aniction of ail household effects, the property of Mrs. M. McCultoch - located at 4147 Siuncoe Street North, in the Village of Coluumbus, on the nontlî Oshawa road. Partial Iist includes: 6 pe. mission wainut dining suite, china cabinet, Braemnor sofa aund chair (like new). wainut hall table, watnut druni table, bedroom suite, arm chairs, rocker, lustre bavanian tea set, large qu an tity of bridai rose dishes, set of 1847 Wm. Rogers Cutiery set, quantity of silver plate, depression glass, enystal, pressed glass; treadie sewing machine, viking fridge (good order); McClary 4 borner stove:- fioon polishier, vacuum cleancr, hall mirron set, wall mirror,varuous lamps, brass jardinaire, copper boiler, old quilts, crock, bedding, pillow cases, garden tools, and othen mise. items. 'lernis cash, no reserve. Giving up house- keeping. Sale at 6: 00 P.M Lunch available. Kahn Auction Services - Ph. 895-8161. Help Wanted WOI JLD VOli LI KE MOR EMONEY? O.A.A. SUPERVISOR, FRANK GORESKI needs full or i)art-time people to heip meet the demand for Ontario Automobile Association memberships. Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No experience necessary but a car is. For full information contact: Him by letter at Box 213, Oshawa. Please give your phone number. 1966 ('ill'VY '2 ýone owîîcr. good tires & miotor, but nceds body svork, as is best ot'fer, alsi) py ranuits l'o r heaithier plantsý.('aIl 683-320)7. 90 8 C'I1R Y S LR Nesspor t, <65.000ttiitlis,\Ceilellt condition, au tna tic powe r brakes and powter steering,$850 or best of'ler. euîtd ('ail 683-71 08. Miscellaneous Classif ied Ads For Sale .1

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