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Whitby Free Press, 12 May 1976, p. 5

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While 1 have been resting in a hospital bcd and waitting for my health to return, I have înissed some important iiews events. For instance, 1i missed the biggest labor demonstration iii Ottawa whiclh, I thought, would make Pierre Elliot Trudeau shake in hiis boots. Instead, the PET dismnissed die whole shiow of strength with his usual witty reînarks. Needless to say, Josephi Morris was disappointed mnd went hiome licking his wounds. To my mmiid, the demonistration wvas an exercise in futility. Did these union memibers really believe that they would achieve anything by staging a mass denionstration at a timc when the whiole country is concerned about meeting a damper on the ever-growing inflation. And speaking of inflation, one cannot say anything kind to the Anti-Inflation Board which, to m-y understanding, evcry day Iooks more like an Inflation Board. At first, thie idea sceened to be ac sound one as everyone wanted to sec the inflation being broughit under control. Unfortunately, this liasn't happenied yet. The inflation rate is way too high, thus every day reducing the buying power. Next, the Canadian dollar will lose its value on world markets. Sorry, folks, but 1 still have very little faith in Pepin's AIB. While in hospital, 1 also noticed that food and gasoline prices are abouit to go up. Well, one might ask: what cIsc is ncw? The sad fact, however., is the unavoidable rcality- there is no real need f'or such price hil-cs. The need for exploration is simply used by oil conîpanies as une more c\ýcuse for their well-known greed of' the consumner dollar. I think these oil companies should bc askcd for som-e WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 197t), PAGE 5 guarantees that the money will bespent wisely. After all, pay .ing 25 cents more per gallon i, flot exactly peanuts. As far as this country's energy situation goes, we should look for entirely different sources of cnergy, say nluclear power, coal, electricity, wind power, solar energy, etc. Looking for oil these days is li.ke lookirng for a needie in a hiaysfack. AndI how about telling the car manufacturers that their time lhas run out-eithier they start producing REAL cconomy cars or abandon their big car production completely. In order to save energy, only four cylinder cars should be built. Finally, I notice that 1I missed another labor demonstra- tion right hiere at home. They staged a noisy mardi at Queen's Park and, as expected, were openly ignored by Bill Davis and his cabinet ministers. Like other demnonstra- tions, this une was a waste of time. To solve our current economnic problems, ail thiree major parties-big business, labor and governm-ents-shiould get together and work out a formula that at least will remnedy the present situation. Al in al IW*ay the organizers must have conisidcred the day a roaring success. At least, if you can juîdge success by the number of people who turn out then the ruinmnage sale and auction held recently at Anderson Street High School must have been successful. As l've mentioned, I arn a suicker for rumlmage sales su when the blue flyer advertising this one appeared at mny house 1 quickly marked the date on my calendar su as to be free for at least the Saturday mnorning. 1 had a lot of other things to do Saturday s0 my game plan was simple take a shopping bag with me, bib the sale early and make for home with the goodies. As with most of îny plans, the whole thing went wrong. At about 20 to 10 I headed for the grocery store tu pick up a few staples and some special items for a stew I was mnaking. I was to attend a pot luck supper that night and the hostess asked that weceach whip up a little something to contribute. Time was short last Saturday so I tboughit a pressure-cooker stew would be the answer. On niy way to thic store 1 bad to pass Anderson Collegiate. My plan was to get what I needed quickly at the store and thien beat it back t0 catch the rummaiý.ge sale just as it openied at 10. As I approachied the high school on my way bu the grocery store it was obvions imany others had stolen mny gaine plan. Not only was thc parking lot full at thc high schiool, the doors werc open and people were already coming ont withi armis laden . Oiie of the first t bings 1 spoted was a man with an arniload of sinall plants. Plants are one of'îiiy big wcaknesses so 1Iinimediately brakcd and startcd looking l'or a place to park. What the lieck, stew I could ina ke aniy tinie bu t plants on sale I couldnt pass uip. By this time it was still I10 miniutes before the officiaI opening timie but I couldn't believe how mobbed the place was as I entered. Outside the gym was a Volkswagen to be auctioned off as is/and, inside, the floor was well stocked with litcrally everything. Th'le auctioneer, althougli setting uip his sound systein, was telling people bu register but the sale wouldn't be starbing until I10:30. I thouglib to myscîf, "Fat chance he's got putting off ibis înob for another hall' hour-- if he doesn't start in the nexi 10 minutes or su, they'll string himi up witlh bis own microphone cord". 1 wandercd up and down the rows of guods. There were skis, chairs, tables. hii-fis, lainips, and, even just whilc browsing, the auction bug was beginning tu bitc the browsers and it was becoming increasingly more difficult lu get arouind to sec everything. 1 spot ted soîne signs that led to anotiier gymnnasiuîn and the second gymi turned out lu be full of rummnage. The place was su> full of bargainis I had Io rcally restraîn myself, ail the whilc promising t() buy only things I needed. Then I thought. ~'What the heck, if you were buying only l'heat ou needd yow ouldnh be heefyo o e ud be at th grocery or ee t w a short mergenthough and, th asor sooe.happns ainhtheacircumns, ogndido wins on aIpced intee cidehch btarsgis Iwant wi to tad1home. Al idal, dirin't do badly -Insgotan eltae eti .c frAilqu.ater d0' d dy-, smeb1k fr 0 etan elawnri kler for aIquacet s paid afohr 50.cents for a lwn ickerrack 5l'ileuys.umelies to put on5itceat fr) a houghntiia sc-hapd lanuysoter for autr.one young laady1 noutiig y hecaec lantrookrimyeyeqat.wasnovouly hooked, took thy ,,clonkenangae e.ht a soigbain ch wplace aI nity ooty.d aeni hopn gi win th ae aeia, t y.dhm ae ode n od of books and both are a weakness of mine. The clincher adof cousendby this point, Icouedn'tgetantonngtbe anuickfenoughse,'mstil epoying a o loaf of h oumemae bread I ought an s ndo orsea the bokshoie-aday provide1 e tandntfo rsonthe ooe. l lwy Thvie eteofthentmor ninhpssedina ury o mne cThangîg aîîofutgiegmy newlypurch inaefteure ou to tchar. Ieen ualîgy ve got arund t teagrers tto bu thea1svn'tuntll the cod, soberng ithgofte x burintat Itooktha ogldook an lgt oy tesuers Yuuî've proabl1y heath or aou t mtheland te gu and te l ays "tilestatth eilf andthe mor nnd"th me, its 'Il ummageae. ut ess myth voice! isbttrthane dCringad galin utg. Tesonly prcm bouerthamy rummngage iice i thaThequily prunnigaot om iunme oise. l'd hae an auicsle butnn 'dpoablyownd u binnghemust of thhae nsutuff back anyway. and. developers are proposing to mc reaise lot coverage froîn the present 25iJl te 45"/,. Sooni Whihy\s new subdivisions. ncw homes in the (entre ol Turwn . ncw ihomes In Biookiin coul d aIl resemlble Bradley' Farnis by thle cuirling rink. When ibis proposai coines bet ore ('ouncil f'or îhci r cecisi on. if' yuut ha ppc n i o b lie hre . y ou %v Ill sce the place literally crawl ing w1itl developeis. I towever. developei s wVCre con spîc ionis by bbci r a bscnc e at.tIllce o ciS The first hurdle bas been jurnped cuncerning the Policc (lsn'nebn. Thev are1 Station issue, but dear Whitby people, ibis is onîy flic protection of Ille existifitg orit bcginning. Wc rnust, in somne av . conivince Regional bu be kepi occnipied tablaltilit Council that biggcr is nul always better and that unr police cunst rocting larger bornes un sin station is a nccessary part of Whitby. One other fajctor thiat Beture wve becuinie a snbiirh 1 wouîd like 10 mention is the 'lack of parking' it tbc on r local ('ounicil lu) main 1taii Oshawa l7bh Divisional headcluariers. At least tbree identity. These issues aie ut i persons, and probably more. recceived parking tickets un Saturday while atcnrding the meeting with the Police f~ Comnmission and the Witby Couincil. If' yon added ail the vr cals that would cor-ne frorn Whitby if our station werc iii be closcd, the parking facilities wouild becomne utubearable. WO flted At Ieast Whitby No. I18 Division can accomiodate bbic cars adcquatcly and you have nuo fear of being towed away wvile Whitby Senior ('it zi/ens on Police business. Activity Centre is appealing We should ail be very prouîd of the wvay unr Wbitby to any people ini ihe îown Council and thbc members of tbbcocummunity condncted who cati provide transporta- thcmnselves at the Public meeting on Saturday. 1 w as lion for senior citizens oniceDa anîazed at the attitude of une Pic!ering ('ouncîllor wbu îuonth. made me glad that I ive in Witby. Anyone iIing to donate Une other issue that cuncerrus ail of Whitby is the their services, sbould call increase in lot coverage for new bomnes. Our Planning staff 668-1424. Pits and Quarries What do you think about gravel pits and stone quarries? How should the industry be regulated to protect the local environment and yet provide a steady supply at an acceptable cost to taxpayers and consumers? Corne and talk with members of the Ontario Minerai Aggregate Working Party appointed to develop policy recommendationS on this vital subject. Place: Goodwood Community Hall, Highway 47, West of Goodwood Time: Tuesday, May 18, 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. e Displays 0 Maps 0 Slide Show We are aIl part of the problem - become part of the solution! Sof Natural Hon. Leo Bernier Mînister ,ces Nw "lI D ju . O ntario Dr. J. K. Reynolds Deputy Mnister Litur Il iesiCtis. Pltii *î1peai' tlie -dullai billutt-ri aller lois. ut ()'41 '1 a, spe a k Lnp. 1hlelp1 soe sctnblaiice ufour ili isi imnportanlce tu you. On a ligbter note, the 11 th Cub and Scout ladies atixiliary is sponsoring a 'Makýe the most of your Meat Dollars' denonstration at Consumers Gas on Wednesday May, 121li. Tickets arceS$1.00 per person and may be obtained froin Greta Hope 668-491 9. The Garrard Rd. Lacrosse Association are holding a dance ai Adelaide Ilouse, Oshawa on May 8th. Dance begins ai 8:00, door prizes. bar privileges and buffet lunch. Make every effort to support this worthwhile cauLse. (Cal Barb Kernohian 728-3290 to reserve your tickets. That's ail lfor tbis week, caîl 725-8967 if you have any ncws to bie reportcd cither in the Free Press or unr (orridor Area inonthly newsletter. Mary McEachern Corridor Ç>:Capers 1 ..... .....

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