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Whitby Free Press, 12 May 1976, p. 6

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eAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12,1976, WNITBY FREE PRESS Br~k1in ~ Bidines Five years ago 1 was prepared to0 move into Brooklin. a place, as 1 thought then. where nothing happenied. l'in ow packing up and geiiing ready 10 movc outi..but witl' a Iiar different view of flie saine town. For i soon Icarnt ihat plenty goes 011 in Brooklij, so long as you kniow wherc t o go and who to contact. My eyes were nie er more opeuled than wheni Mike, unr editor, asked nie 10 try my hiand at \vriting a colunîni on the activities of' hie North Ward. And iwo years ago nexi week, (lie first Brooklij Bylines went into print. Since diat first columnn, dealing with communiceation within the cornniunity ..and stressing the' factIlt at it was your coluinîn.I. have spuken toiniany of' you., both over the phone and face ho ilîce. You are lte comrnunî îy andc you have cornmunicated vour various activiLies tat take place hhro' oui the year in tlhe Nortlh Ward. Su many activities I ofien wonder how I ever thiought thai îîothing ever happened: And we have added groups..the Kinsmnî , the Kinnettes, Group '74, wbo brougit uLite Arts andi Crafts centre for both youing andod c, and .îie Beavers, You have made new residents realise ibat ilbore isý plcnty ot action in which te participate..and ibat tîbey weuld be welcome te join in. Throughi the colurn we have discuissed suchi problitus as street lighting, animal control, painting efthie water tewer, traffic signais at the corner of No. 7 ý'nd No. I12, Iack of' recreation facilities, development, etc. We have criticized, argued and congratulaled. But above ail we have cummunicated. And for that i thank you. 1 thank Counciliors Emin and Loveiock ... hru' therui 1iearnt a great deai regarding counicil procedure and budgets! They read the colurnn and tbey came back with the answers ... not always the answers we wanted, bLut ihcy showed thal ibey were inieresieci. 1 tbank ail the urganisers of local events who have -kepti me up lu d;u le wiîh tibeir activities, wbieibor arraniged for tlic iîny tois, tflic youing peuple, the seniior citizerns or juslt te goneral public. Yuu are doing a great job. I thbank a Il t buse wbu called witih jusi a 'liciluo' an d a few words uf' support. I feel t ha I 1 bave mnade miany fricnds in (ibe last !WL)years. I hope ilita al out y tii, c m lic il lurs, gron p leaders a n d organ isers, and reaclers will miake ou r lew comm lnist feel jusi as weicuîne. Val is cager a n d erin tii sias tic, site s deepiy iii ieresîcd iii our act ivitics bu t as i 've teid yeun many finies befute . wilht et YOU R support anid YOI JR cal is, il woli'ti mai Ici loectlitisiastic thicwriter is...the cultînînl wiii be ciead. Se mniake a iote of' iecr nme.lis iliiibis ~veckand nakc sure yen cail lier witiî ail yotir ncws atid vicwvs. Yun înadec(lite last t wu ycars good uies..now ici 's sec yotn inake thlic iex i t woeveit bel 1er. This wecks news starts \viith aititivitahiioi linu Aridersoi ('uliegiate . liîs Myc ay I13111 is ('aalaaIay ai A.C.V'.l froi ()i inte uîu r i g lu 3:15i Siii lte a fierru ou. keprcseiitt a ives iroiti 10 cilie reiit icouitries sviii be preseniit.. Kurea, G;reat lBrtain, Fint :nd, (crrîtîaiiy aîtl the U.S.A. are l'ive uf't iteiti ... ai guest speaker wiil be MI> )Dr. Citaries c ry.Il' you wîsiî, y<>L are weicO)intii>d rop i aniy limne i iithte afticruiii t e pari ake iii somne of'ilie day 's ac t ivi ies. Kl y(t live iii Aslî bu ri and goli utc pa per earny enougli un Wecliesday tiiere is an iinvi tatlion of a di fferenît kind ex îciîded te yecî. At 7 pii. tîtere ',vil ehote Aiînual Cicani Up of grounids. Bring younr uwn rake or înewoer, etc and Adpf""RNMENT INSPECTED- CEREAL OR !ASTING - 3 ta 31/2 Lb. Average (TENDERLOIN PORTION) Ifs tihe Fiavour That Caunts - FamiIy Packc - 9 to 11 Chops Ends and Centres Mixed PORK CHOPS 0l LEAN - WELL TRIMMED CENTRE CHOPS INCLUDED LOIN POR? CHOPS 1.'9 C SPECIAL - FRESHICU UP Legs Breasts CHfICKEN 89<IL. 99ç IL mAPLE LIAF BACON MAPLE LUF WIENERS MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA HE ECONOMY CORNER i FES SUCED TENUES BEEF LIVER BONELESS STEWING BEEF mou. Ou DEOSORANT 1i. n . ozCol. SECRET 79c INJECTaI fG.O0f 7 SCHICK@ww99s m a:hdrlA9 LigluerFhld 59< lb.9 .I $.89 lb. t à-m l e lb. 69 c $1,0916 AEOULAR , BABY SCOTI- OISPOSABL! PIO. 0F 20 DIAPERS2.29 8EAUTY SIZE fPICO F 3 WUX SOAP 79e M0 ML TUBE c R>5Toohpaste 69< SUNSHINE FRESH PRODUCE ' Calfornie, Sunkist ORANGES- 791 Doz. Produce of U.S.A. No. 1 Californie Iceberg LETTUCE HEADS 394 Floride or Ontario No. 1 Hothouse1 CUCUMBERS 2for494 HU NT'S BAT1IBOOM SOFTN PREiY TISSUE 4 monl 1ackag 99~ LIOUIO LUX 24 FL Or. C,,!. CARNATION 79 1U I everyune can join in to help make the place well groomned. Sounds fun! Garage Sale comning up. 1 personally know the ladies involved, and I'm teiling you,..this should be a good one. It is to be held at 6 Way St. on Sat. lSîh May between 10 a.m. and 5 pnî. But if it goes the way 1 think it will go... gel there early for the best bargains. Everylhing on sale has sorne use-..nu junk., Don't forgel...the early bird gets the worm. Don't say yuu haven't been warned. Sunday the l6th M4ay secs the Legion election m(.cting tiaking place. Ah mremnbers are urged tu attend Ibis meeting and help choose the new exocutive. Wednesday, May I 9tlî at the Community Centre in Bruuklin secs tbe WA. nmonthly meeting at 2 p.rn. . New utoînhers arc always welcorme. Sharon Rico, Miss Bruuklin Spring Fair last year, sends a persurial appeal luali young ladies in Brookiin and ibrughuout Wbitby, who' are between the ages of 16 and 2 1 yrs lu cali Bob Carsun and enter the 1976 Miss Brooklin Sprnîg Fair Beauty Pageant. Comne un girls -- the lime is guiîg on ...-atrd we hiaven't guI ONE entrant. The Pageant is open ibis year tu ail Whitby residents. I wonder who wili cali B3ob first.-.a Brooklin girl or a Whitby girl. The nunnher by the way is 655-3662. Tickets fo r the dance wbicb will ho beld ai the close of the Fair on June 51li caui ho bad by caliing any mienber of tue Fair Buard ur Mrs. Maureen Marions ai 655-4635. Tickets cost S7.50 a couple and includo a lunch as well as dour and spot prizes. Music is pruvided by Earl Brown and dancing starts ai 8:30 --M ~~~ W----------! TOMATO SAUCE 19< ROASTED - FLAVO-TAINER PACK 1-Lb. Bag NABOB Coffee 1.59 MALLOWS or ECLAIRS 14-0z. Bag Westo. Biescuiets 99c SOUIRREL BRAND 2-Lb. '.Jar Peanut Bufter 1.59 CANADA - NO. 1 LIOUID I-Lb. Jar BILLY BEE Hmm 898 ASSORTED COLOURS 2-Rail Package SCOTTOWELS 99e BEST BUVI - RED ROSE - ORANGE PEKOE 120 ta Package TEA BACS 2.09 HEAVY DUTY Package af 20 CLAD Gra.Bp1.89 LAWRV' 30: B oti. ISeasod Sal43c CLUB MOUS!E INSTANT MIX l'o: . g M.MaI À25<, %g Fig Bars 87e 4 FLVOUIlS -MANDY CANS 660G0 TIN KoolAId là' JOMNSON'S -Lanm ,or Reg.120: .Aacosol Pledge lu 80SOR!O FOZEN Sara Lee LAYER CAKES 12½i-O: pkg. 89C PURINA 44<0 FlIC D"g Omow 2.' LOWES 10-Lb *Bag Kitty Latr97 Bonnie 14 OZ TINS D"g Fod6/99,, STUART MOUS! 18"x25F Foul Wr.m 89C IIOUIO CLIANER 32 FI. O1.Cont. Mr.Clean 1.09 HIOM UJNER - FRaZEN Fmi., - Concernrated OLD SOUTH - FoIde BOSTON OAG Bluefish MA E STICKS JUIC 24-0:. P@Ckffg. 12½ Fl. a. cl. 1.49 12o"89, I I GOal rboug .-Fm Deep Dish PIE SHELIS 12e0. Packaga 69.ý 1 PURE St. Lawrence CORN OIL 25-FLOz TIN 'i lRIS[ N SMINE ORANGE CRtYSTALS, LOR 4 - 3 1/4 oz. 691 1 Ctadia, Pnc.ma Ch».». Bila KRAFT SINGLES B-OZ. PIO. 68c Bread S& Botter PMICKLES 15 FL. OZ. JAR 39ç POWDERED SURF DETERENT s-La, maX 1.69 Wl IISUVE THE MRIHT 10 UuIT QUANTITIES STORE HOURS OPIN SX Dan A WEI 8:su.U. -6 Fi& MaTNM& mi. OMM i l 9 ».M, 3 BIG DAYS Thurs.May 13 to Scit. May-15 DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE 'i I. MI - M -1 I ) I i p.m. and goes on until 1 a.m. The Brooklin people were generous once again lu the Cancer Society. The goal Ibis year was $2,000..but his already gone lu $2,135. And there is stili mure moicy lu come in from thuse envelopes Ihat were left at houses. (Had yuu forgotten that YOU had une still? Neyer mmnd-..just gel it sent off tumurruw and up the total thatilîle bit mure). Special thanks tu all of yu & tu Marg Andrews and Diane Berkers whu tuuk respunsibility for canvassers and kits. And ho all canvassers, thank yuu, from Gail Muor..would nul have been successful without yuur heip. Oid limie residents in Bruoklin must smile a litIle Mien they read abuut the upsehs that -Whiî by peuple are baving uver their postal code and the police statiun. Have you hhoughl that il sounds surnething like the Brooklin peuple were going lhro' when Whitby took uver their town. Seriuusly, 1 do sympathise. A sense uf ideîiiity is a slrong une. And Regional Gov't duesn't jl-elp. It is ah 50 irpersonal...and for an impersonal touch il costs hou darn much. One reason why 1 arn ieaving hown. 1 don't mmnd paying for things in the town ... but do you gel the funny feeling Ihat regionailtaxes are going anyIwhere bul bore? I'm sorry, but 1 really feel that regional gov'h is a luxury that we can aIl afford ho do witbout. Be alert. Question, argue, debahe. Keep the old town alive, and dun't lot it die of apatbly. Conîrunicalo, and cail VAL 655-4317 P.S. A special thanks ho rny 'boîter haîf' for bis patience and understanding during the last two years - and for his detour every Monday morning to deliver the Bylines ho the office- withoul il, wornight nover have gone to press!!! NOTICE TOCREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of HERBERT COUNAHAN, deceased. Ail persons having claims against the estate of Herbert Counahan, laie of the Town of Whitby, who died on or about the 3Oth day of Decernber, 1974, are hereby notified ho send particulars of same 10 the undersigned on or before the 201h day of May, 1976, af ter which date the estate will be distributed, wiih regard oniy to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 29ih day of April, 1976. MICHAEL EDWARD COUNA- HAN, Adminisirator, by his solicitors, Purvis & Purvis, Suite 1018, 95 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Ontaria M14V 1N7 il 71/2 Fi. Oz. Tin 1 j l 1 1 i ý i ", 1

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