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Whitby Free Press, 9 Jun 1976, p. 14

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PAGE 10, WEDNESLIAY. JUNE 9," 1976, WHJITBY FREE PRESS' Anderson Colle giarte awa'rds'banquMet Women 9s increasing -participation in sports. outlined Wom'en's iceaigpart ici- pation in sports \VUs the theme of the A\nderson Collegiate Vocational Institute annual athfletic awards banquet last wee k. "Times bave cbangcd, women have changed andi, ini the worl d of' sports, vomlen are playing to xin a place for tbemselves", said a narra tor îii a film fromi the provinces Ministry of Culture anti Recreat ion. A look around the cafe teria certainly proved the statenient correct as approx- inatcly hall ot the people present svere femnale. Approximateiy I125 of the school's stude nts were honour- ed for athletic achievements. - Top honours went to Jim Dasberg, voted maie athiete of the year,' and Lorraine McKay, top female atiete. Jim, among other things, played on the senior varsity football teami and the senior varsity rugger squad. Included in Lorraine's achievements were playing on the senior varsity volley-- bail tearn., the senior intra- mural volcybali squad, the senior varsity baske tball teami and the senior intraitîral basketball squad. Shie also coachied the midget varsity basketball teamn and served as an officiai for intramural spor ts. In addition. botb \ývere awarded athie tic bars as wvere RobJihnase n, Lorrie Rev nol ds Carolyn Knowles, Laura Elliott, Julie i leaslip, Joe Pengelly, Darlene Allison. Charlene Alexander, ('athy Brown, Linda Bemnis. L)eb Drinkwater, Carolyn Dîsnev. Lee Eliott, Judy Eliott, Patila Gibbens, Dave iioward, Lisa Keenian, Yvonne Keifer-t, Dan Lebimai, Way ne Nortoin, i)eb McKay, Cambii«'i)oniil, Nanicy Shea, D)an Sullivan, Susani Szcztir und Stepheni Tiwai tes. Ot ber inidividu ai aards wvere precited to Bruce Pc rrinider, best de fenisive senlior ltootball player; Jim i)asbe rg, Inost valtuable senlior. tout bail player ; Bry'an KellIinig, mlost vaitiable senior boys baiskect-,bail player'; Tainiy Kuibota, outstanid ing girls gynmnast; Debbié loiiiîg. outstaniding girls- sinigles badnîîntoni player : Steven Thwaites, outstanidinig boys shinges bacimin toni player; Joe Pengeily and Lorrie Reynolds, outstandinig nixed doubles badmintoni pair; Joe Madigan, outstandig novice wrestier; Rob White, mt)st valuabie wrestier; anid Lorraine NIcKay, most 'valuable senior girls Senior basebali volicybail player. Speciai than iks verc also bcstowvcd tii)on Jue I Ieaslii) anti Je Pengelly "for their liardi vork in the organizing and rnmnng tflc'ive intra- n11inrai sports prograni , to Student Atiîlctic Society Pr-esident Rob -Johansen "lor bis lire lcss work anti itica s in co-t)rtina t ing tbc e ffor-t s ni' t[lie St nden t Atihle tic Sucicety ;"' t nthle Anderson St uden t Athie tic Socie ty 'l'or ail tbci r work in crcating a lot tof' iîîtrest, spiri t and cînali ty iin the a tble tic progranin at tiiis scb t)tl'; tt) alichecoaches and staff" wlo gave their time andi interest in creat ing a heai thy a ttit ude toward( a tiue tics"; to teacher M r. Zuly , Pat Mticicr and Juan ita Bradley "l'or ail their work ini producing this prograin'; and to several othiers. Merchants t/e one, Tbe Eastern Qittario Basebail Association Senlior 'A' Wbitbt» Merchuants t ied wo)n and iost two ganies iast \week. l11 a gaine in Dsiu:iw: Fridav aga inst thle Legion.iires, tbe \lcrcban ts scored a run ini tbe nint b inninc-7 o tic the blosts 8-8. A City air'ew vpre- ve nted thbe gaime fruml contînuing mU)o extra innings. Plitcbers AI Wagner, IDon Bra dt f rc a nd Steve Surgi nsc n yiclded I i bits to Dslawa vMille tue ,\cr-cbaints chaiket uIp seven bIits. Steve Sarginson bit a double and a sige:Nikc Rowle. twvnsingles; George 'a tes, a double:ý and Arîn:înd POLICE AUCTION Durham Regional Police Force to be held at 25 Division Station 962 Kingston Road on Sale Pickering, Ontario Saturday 121h June 1976 starts at 10:00 a.mI Whereas no daims have been maide by tie owner of the property in possession of the Durham Regional Police Force, by reason of having been stolen from its owner, or by reason of having been found abandoned in a public place and the Force is unable to ascertain its rightful owner. Further that these articles have been held more than the 3 months required. TERM s CA, SH Jon M. Jenkins, Chief of Police. lRobitaille anidlDon Bai~ Rob White, ioe Madigan, Lorrie Reynolds, Joe Pengeily, Lorraine McKay, Rob Johansen, Jim Dasberg, Steven Thwaites, Debbie Holding, Tammy Kubota, Bryan Kelling and Bruce Perrijider were lionoured at Anderson Collegziate Vocational Institîîte's athletic awards banquet last week. Free Press Photo lose two Tbec1laglres wcrc lcss tiian a singie eacb - gracinus biosts the loliow i Wbity gt uc rt niH ie iavas thec bea t Wbitby i13-4. second. tl rcc iniibe fourthl. Nierchan ts play bnost to tbree in the sixtib andti nue nu Kingstonn o Saiuirtlayand tue iii tii. Su induv. i3nthl gaines begin ai Nilercluaîu s droppcd an i 1-0 2pi.a1'.A ir nPrk deccision to Ken da iLigioes i n -P.u.ath .F m ak a Saitirtav homeicvaine. D'QC's best honoured D)enis ()'Connor I ligli Scb n l bon on re d il s tnop1 studeuits ut un zawards daiy last wt'ek. Donna Grain t sas lnied teinale atiluiete ut (lie \'car antd John iParioti aIntiNatu I Icenan . top maie 1t1u1etes. Miaif- tniI 1lentan \\ us :lm iiailocd 11,0o t i :c!ý starioniItle y ca r anud li hi!i v Barber, tcîn:ilc îracksa (i ry FoxweViI won)an a va r d C(r Ibis ( utstaniid ing cont ribu tion tot the scbnol*s intrianuniral sports progranm. \Vinnercis uf scbool letters t'Or p)ar ti c ip1a t ()on i n extra- ctîrricuiar -ac tivities tiurouglb- ont thiu stay ini scbool were Nial- r ui iise L xire\Vil ina Van Bei kel. NMartin i icenaiî. Peter St. Pierre and Berna- dlette Barber. Bob NMcAllisier won a i jýsic aicb ie vcmn ,it a wa rd '7' ~ How high do you want Y0 JtA, t j,!l t " t-, t' [iic t oi* lh INVOLVED WITH THE SCANADIAN k<ARMED FORCES. CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 25 St. Clair Ave. E. Toronto, Ont. (416) 966-6564 NOTICE: The M~obile,.Recruiting Team will be in OSHAWA on WEDNESDAY - 16JUNE "976 at Canada Manpower Centre betweon 10 a. m. & 3 P. m. Anderson Collegiate Vocationail nstituite's top athietes of the year were honoured at an awards banquet Iast week. 1 Jni Dasberg (ight) was nanled top maie athiete and Lorraine McKay (ieft) top femiale athiete at the banquet, presided over by athietie association presideiit Rob Joliansen (centre). Free Press Photo "To See and To Be Seen In' McMANUS STRONACH OPTICAL I WHITBY MAILL5643

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