WFITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9,1976, PAGE 13 Youth councillors play their 'parts 10 the h.ili Ini olHe ort te înost iii teresting m'eetings in recent nîemciory, Whitby Counicil lasi wceek approved proposais for- the construction otf three tennis courts in Brookln. hie pur-chase of a $62,000 puniiper t ruck for tihe Myrtie fire station and the establishi- ment of' a- one-square mie wreckimg Yard near the four corners and turnied doxvn a plan to stage a rock concert liet e witi superi uckers Kiss as the featuire attraction. tietore anyone ..gets too excited, it shiould be pointed out tha,,t the mleetinig \VUs a inock counicil mîeeting staged by area hiighi school students to culininate the fif th year ol' the town's youth and c ivic adniniistra tion prograil. ,The prograni pairs students withi council miembe rs and departinen tliîeads to provide thenli ith anl insighit inito civic admîinistration. The participating students tro ru Anderson Coliegiate Vocational Institute, Denis O'Connor 1Iligh Schiooj, H-enry Street I-iighi School andi the Ontario Ladies College, were Geof'f Wilcox, Mark Niiiar, David Hubers, Colin Mcl llwa in, Anme Dawson, li hlen Saunders, Gregg Barton, Jan Wilson, Crystai H-edges, Wilmia Van Berkei, Alec Sinmpson, Johni Bracken, Kit Greaves, Jini Murdock, Linda Brooks, Ken Poliey, Sandra Zieike andFi-cd iHorne. The students, if they did îlot nuake the saine political nuloves that the authen tic nienubers of' counicil would make, certzainiy dispi1ayed sinilarities ini some of thielr nianne risnls. Sorne e xaIlesC: -Mayor Geoff \Vilcox of' A.C.V.I. twirled his pen ini his fingers whiie iistening to other speakers as does Mayor Jiîn Gartshore. -Countcilior Wilnîa Va n Berkei of' D'OC dispiayed the enuotional excitabitîty ot Couneilior Joy Thompson. -Couilior Gregg Barton o f Il.S.Il. S., paired withi Couincillor Ken llobbs, showed caution in passing the byiaw au thorizing paymien t of town accounts, a trademnark of the good doctor. -Councillor Colin McIlwain of A.C.V.l., piaying (Regional) Counceillor Don Loveiock, duplicated luis couinterpart's sartoriai spiendour, unflap- pable cool and habituai peu tapplng as tic spoke. -Cierk Jini Murdock read, withouit fiaw; the several bylaws at i[-inile-- a-i-inute pace, not quite as quickly as Clerk Bill Wallace. The neînbers of the press, the authentic politicians and towni staff' renubers ioved it. "We have soi-ne rather astute politicians and astute staff memibers", said honest. to goodness, real life Mayor Jimi Gartshore. lie ought to know! Authentie Mayor Jim Gartshore speaks-while mock council Mayor Geoff Wilcox listens. F'ree Press Photo She nîayoutgrow thedoli..but she11 neyer outgrow the memnires Years from now when her kids have raggedy-Ann dolis of their own, she'11 have her memories. 0f growing up in a community of streams and meadows and gently rolling his almost as far as the eye can see. Otter Creek. Here begins her future. And yours. On this 300 acre tract of land, just west of Whitby, The Coventry Group is providing an affordable community of more than 600 luxury homes to suit every lifestyle, in. the $48,000 to $60000 price range. Each of these beautiful Otter Greek homes blends contemporary design with old-world craftsmanship and the finest quality materials. Only 20 minutes east of Metro, just west of Whitby. A year round resort home, with beaches, Otter- o HIGHWAV 2 o -J e l a. w o >MN_ _ RD _________'401 ski siopes and the plea sures of the country wherever you turn. Here, you and your children can grow and enj oy. Otter Creek is for the good times. Now and 20 years from now. Mock council Director of Planning Alec Simpson outlines a development proposai. Free Press Photo WHITBY COMMUNITY BINGO Every Mondav Niqh't 7:15 p.m. fîrst Early Bird game No Childreri Under Age 16 Y rs. lleydenshore Pavilioni JAYCEES KINSMEN KIWANIS OPTIMISTS I Q A oven7 1.1 'l-,