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Whitby Free Press, 9 Jun 1976, p. 2

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PAGE 2. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Getting back to basics would cut'housingcosts The cost of houslng in the area could be reduced if builders got back to the basics, according to Ontario Riding Liberal MP Norni Cafik. Mr. Cafik, during ai Thursday nmeeting wi th Whitby Council called Lu discuss matters of concern to the town which faîl under federal jurisdiction, suggested flhat builders construet houses withi no frîlîs. The MP, wvho will represent Whitby under the new riding of Durliam West when the federal election boundaries conr>' into effect, said build- ing sneiis wttli oily thie bare nlecessities wouild cuit tie cost of houising subs tan tially. Home buyers couild then tipgrade their dwellings in stiages as thieir financial situationis improve, lie said. Soînie of the lrilîs whichl Mr. Cafik feels cotild be cut ou t iielude sodIded lawns, paved driveways and finishied baseîneî t s. Couincillor Ken Hobbs agreed, pointing oit thiat, ai- preseîît, the rnunicipality, asks 100 miucliof developers in ie tlcway of servicing the land. (?ounciillor Joy Thompson expressed reluctance over asking developers to eut ont the frills. Builders have told lier such houses would not, seli, she said. Mr. Cafik wats resp'mding to a question asking if Whlitby wouIld geLt any l'inancial assistance l'ronm the federal governmen t's, assisted I onme Ownership Prograrn wvhichi gives grants of $1I,000 to nînnicipalities whicli pro- moLe certain types of housing. Hoe said ho doubts it but suggested encOUrage no-frill liouses as a possible means of get ting financial assistance. "Poor service Iegendary"l Norni Cafik, who will soon be our MP, %vil] attempt Lu persuade the -Postnîaster -- General [o lift the designation of Whltby as "a postal station of Oshawa" and thuts a "sub post office". That designation w as verified in a recent letter to Whitby Council from C. A. Gouile t, Director of the Eastern Ontario Postal Region, explaining the level of postal service ini the town and outlining how letters [o Whitby homes, even if addressed 'Oshawa', will eventually reach their intend- ed destination. Barn razed Whi tby fi re figh te rs responded Lu a barn f-ire on Taunton Road at Ressurec- ion Cemnetery Monday after- noon but wero unable to savo the barri or iLs contents. The barn, owned hy [ho ceme[ery huard, was totally destroyed, and une caîf and a number of machines and other goods owned hy seve raI persons wý1-re destroyed. The rire was reportod at 5:35 p.m. and fire figh[ers were at tho scene al night. No estimato of the damagc Lu [ho harn's contents lias heon completed, and the cause is nuL yet determnined. Mr. Cafik, the Liberal MP for Ontario Riding who will represent Whitby wvhen thle federal election boundaries corne into effect, expressed his concern at a Thursdlay mieeting with Whitby Counicil called to discuss mnatters of interest [o the town whichi faîl under fedleral jurisdiction. At present, mail frorn a Whitby address wiceh is destined 1for another Whitby address first goes to Oshawa fo r sortation as does mail Dredging of [tie Whitby hiarbour could begin in the spring of 1977, aeeording to Ontario Riding Liberal MP Norm Cafik. Mr. Cafik, who wvll repre- sent Whitby wlîen tlie federal election boundary changes corne into effeet, inade the predietion at a Thursday meeting with town couneil called to discuss niatters of interest Lu tdie town whichi faîl under jurisdiction of the federal governinînt. If the federal governmnent approves financial assistance for tlhe dredging in the next fiscal year, beginning April I of' 1977, dredging could begin shortly theroafter, lie said. The liarbour is [o ho developed for recreational purposes unly. Mr. Calik warned counci of thie very slin possiluility tlîat [ho Whitby liarbour and [ho Oshawa harbour could ho married under one jorisdiction by the new ports policy. destined for an out-of-town point. Mr. Cafik thinks that it may be possible to return sortation of' in-town mail to the Whitby station. llowovcr, he doesn't think that [he overaîl level of postal ser /ice can be inproved. "The service lias got ton worse since we've gone to automation", Mr. Cafik said. "Pour service in the post office is legendary in the last few years". Councoil me nibeors we re unariimous ini tIi-ir opposition Lu sueli a inove heetuso [ho Oshawa lharbour, unlike [lie Whitby facility, is [o ho developed fo r inidustrial purpuscs. Mr. Cafik quelled Llîeir coneern, saying "There is nu intention by die governmoent ut Canada to many tie two toge tlh,r." "Tliere is nu deliherate at tenpt hy anyone Lu do thiat", lie said. Festival June 20 Tie Durliani West Liheral Association wvill lhold a strawherry festival un Jonc 2-0 at dielic hnîe of Mil ton anid Gien Mowhraiy in Kinsale froni 2 Le) 5 pin. Adission is S I per person witlî shiorteake, strawl)errics, ice creai. sof t drinîks and culffce iucluded ini tie prîce. Odepan< / Kee nOFF eye on our 25 %ORACK Corne and view our summer stock. We ha ve c .verything fas hion consciQus for the wornan 126 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-1266 J MON -SAT 9 -6 PRI9-9 Norm-Cafik, Liberal MP for Ontario Riding, (left) answers a question duringThursday's meeting with Whitby Council as Mayor Jim Gartshore listens.' Mr. Cafik, who will represent Wliitby under the new riding of Durham West when the federal election boundaries take effect, met with couiil to discuss matters of concern to the town which faîl under federal jurisliction. Free Press Photo A dministrator a waits accreditation Star[ing June 1 , the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital lias hiad a now admninistrator succeeding Milton J. Fisher who was adnîinistrator since 1971. lie is Ken Sheehian, [he former administrator of the Northeastern Regional Mental Hlealth Centre ini Timmins. Mr. Sheehian ohtained his Baclielor of Science degre in agriculture froni the University of Guelph and wvorked hoth in industry and for the provincial goverrnent until lie retnrned to schiool to study for his post graduate degree in hiospital administra- tion at the LJniversity of TIoronto. Following une year of residency at the Peterborough Civic liospital ho was pro- moted to [he position of assistan t adn, inistrator in charge of planning.. [ lis next assign nent wvas assist int executive director of the Northi Bay Civie Hospital, a post which lie lîeld for two and a hialf years. M r. Shiehaîi held the positioni of adiiniistrator of' tlhe Northecastern Regional MentalIllealtli Centre iii Tinîinis until its conversion to a resource cenitre for the developmcîîtally handicapped. F'ollowing his arrivaI at Wlîitby, Mr. Slîeehan tonred niost of thie xaî ds, and plans to iake irnprovenients both outside anid ijîside tlîe buildings. The Wlîithy Psyehîatric Ilospital will ho re-surveyed for accreditation June 1-9 and 30 hy Dr. Charles Cahin, l)irector of Professional Services at the Douglas I lospital Centre, Montreal, anîd Mrs. Isabelle Shawv froi Guelphi. "Was lîealtlî care profes- sionals, botli in direct and support services, have an obligationî to denîoîistrate to ur eonininni[y tlîat [he services wo provide mneet nationally recognized stand- ards", says Mr. Sheehan. "Certification of Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital as a fully accrodited hospital will be evidence that the hospital has passed a cl ose scrutinv of all Skiers an facets of its operation by a team of hoalth care professionals selected by the Canadian Council on Accreditation". dC boxers get Wintario grants Several Whitby organiza- ions have received Wintario grants [o assist [hiem in their activities. The Canadian Ski Patrol System, Kawar[ha Zone, basod in Whitby is to receive a grant of $1,000 for [ho purchase of toboggans and spinal huards for the rescue of inijuried skiers. David Sparkes of Oshawa is [o reçoive a grant of $903 for the purchase of boxing eqnipmont for the establish- mont of [ho David Sparkes Boxing Club in [ho Whitby area. The Whitby Minor Base- baIl Association is [o reçoive a grant of $649 for the purcliase of basebal equipmnent. Fou.r Whitby residents graduate from Trent Four Whithy residents reeeived degrees at the spring convocation of Trent Univer- sity at Peterborough, held innie 4. of Arts degroe, while ordinary Bachelor of degree went to Kathryn I Godwin, and Bachielor Scienco degrees went an Arts Vlae of to Karen Anne Sharrard WiHliamn Howard Coody ani received an Hionors Bachelor Cathierine Ami Curry. British peer to speak d at WhitbyRotary Club Rev. Doriald Lord Super, a BBC television panelist and e(intributor Lu newspapers anid news magazines in Britain, will ho guest speaker at the Whithy Rotary Club Juine 15. Lord Supe r, whio lhas dehated at Hvde Park Cornier, Tower 1h11l, and ini tle House of Lords, is on a tour of Canada Lu discnss "Creative faithi in a ehautie vorld", withi inîeîihrs of tho United Clinrchi. Lord Super is [lie suporin- tenideuit ininistor of West Loiîdoni Mission, Methodisnî's Britain. Bogus abound Recent investigation' by the Wliitby OPP detachment reveal thiat counterfeit Arnerican mnoney is being passed in thie Durham Region ini $5, $10 and $100 denomninationis. Also the old style Canadian $10 bill is being passed. The police urge ail store owners and emiployers to take a good look at ail rnoney passing through their hands. Tlhe person that receives counterfeit mioney is stuck with the loss. Editor's Quote Book Ask yoursell wheth- er you are happy and you cease to be, Johzn StuartM:il, Dredging in 19774? in Sizs57 6 We also have a seIectiocfi jeans, 1FASHIIONS 126 BETWEEN FREINDS "THE MILLION DOLLAR BOOK" LIMITED NUMBER AT $29.50 FIRSI EDITION. AT Brian's for Books. <135 BrockSt.Sý.-,Whitby

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