The harsh, cold facts of life are to be faced once again: the gasoline prices are abouit to go up (bttneyer down these days) by six or seven cents a gallon wlich nieans thiat the Trudeau Gomerment is suicceeding quite well in keeping the inflation rate up at an ail time high level. As in the past, I'm questioning the wisdom of price hikes for oil and gas. 1 tend to agree with a recent Toronto Star If you've lived in Whitby a long time, 1 think you have a tendency to remember Whitby as it was years ago. 0f course newcomers don't have that problern and tbey can 'look at Whitby the way it 15 110w whether or flot the old-timers think the town is going to the dogs or flot doesni't matter to them. Going to the dogs into a new proposition for Whitby because if you go to the Witby 'kîblic Library and look at the film-strips of the past newspapers you'1l find that the town bas been going to the dogs since 192 1. They may not have termed it just that way back in the 20's but the thought was still there. While 1 haven't been exactiy overjoyed about ail the new subdivisions that are being buiît in and around the town I realize that we stili have a great town and we'ii have to share it with newconiers who, 1 hope, will take the saine pride in it. As 1 watch these newcomiers rnoving into their homes l'm ana 'ed at how they rnanaged to sort fact froni fiction whiie buying their new homes. 1 would assumne editorial which quite rightly states that the price increase woni't create oit. Many people see this latest rnove by the Trudeau Governnient as another form of taxation, but mnuch more subtie in its present formi.' NDP leader Stephen Lewis, for some tirne, bas been asking out companies to open their books for inspection, just to deterrnîne whether the money received frorn the motoring public will definitely be uised for the exploration of new supplies of oil and gas. For soi-e strange reason, the oit companies are resisting Lewis demnands and are more than reluctant to open their books to the public. Can anybody tell me, wby on earth these companies keep saying no, if tbat's what they want to do (find new oit) with the extra mnoney that wilI be coming in from the announced price increases? Furtherr-nore, how rnany mnotorists are aware of the they founci out about the new house in-the newspaper. The people who Write the homes descriptions have to be some of thie best writers in the world to rnake such beautiful silk purses out of sow's ears. Une phrase that makes mie laugh is, "large lot". Just how big is a large lot?? If you've lived in Whitby for 20 years you would probably consider two acres a large lot. If you've jlist moved from downtown Toronto you would probably consider a 50' x 100' to be a large lot. Another ploy to get you to buy a new home is to say the new home coines with four appliances. Often the ad doesn't specify which four and you could wind up getting a kettle, a mixer, a blender and a juicer. Big decal, but what are you going to cook on?? l'Il bet a lot of people have been miffed to discover after walking through the sliding glass doors which are partly off their tracks that their "private" patio gives themn a view across 20 backyards of everybody else's priva te patio as well because there îsn't a fence or hedge in sight. Consequently when the local gang of kids and dogs rip througb on their way to somre enterprising vandalism your patio is about as private as Union Station. The French wouid be amused to bave a look at what a newspaper describes as a "French manor country home". 1 wonder if it includes the chickens, cows, dogs and cats, servants and wine cellar. 1 would assume these manors would probably have at least one of the 19 foot bedrooms I have seen advertised. l've neyer been sure if the 19 feet wvas one dimension and your bedroom aithough 19 feet long was only five feet wide or whether 19 feet meant the room was actually nine feet by eight feet. And what the heck, is an "ensuite" bathroom?? Could bc one wvhere the toilet is otoa for those who still like WJIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1976, PAGE 1 fact thiat, here in Canada, we pay 17 per cent higher taxes for oil and gas, as compared to the gasoline tax structure in the United States? With price hikes just around the corner, Canadians wili be paying almost 30 cents more for a gallon of gasoline, taking into consideration the larger size of a Canadian gallon. Naturally, 1 must ask the Trudeau Government- why Canadian drivers should be penalized with that 17 per cent tax, particuiarly ut times like these when our runaway economic problems are imposing hardships to millions of Canadians already struggling with the existing taxes. Finally, 'm perturbed that our motoring public is very silent on this important subject. Not even a single protest march. No wonder the Government is ripping us off every day, simply because we allow themn to do so. to retain the country charm of the old wooden outhou -se. Why flot?? Everything else old is coming back to style. I expect anv day now to read of Harvey Cumquat or somne such putting on a display at one of the local mails of bis entire collection of antique privies. And how about "i1ush" landscaping. The only lush landscaping 've ever seen is the story of Hansel and Gretel with the gingerbread house. When 1 hear of lush lar'dscaping 1 think of prime roast beef bushes and chicken drunistick shrubs anid sparerib trees and SO on. I'm amazed at the places that feature "bus stops at your door". From that I can only conclude that your new home is buit two feet in from the street and you'll have to put up with passengers lining up oni your porch while waiting for the bus or it could mean that every now and then the local, driver stops in for a quick one and one of these Saturday nights you could look out to find a rather large bus parked on your front lawn near the door. l've noticed a lot of companies advertising brick and stone firepiaces. I think that's quite an improvemnent Those old wooden fireplaces neyer did last too long anyway and brick looks much more dependable. I'veý often wondered if the new fireplaces are rated with mortar being an optional extra. As you can see I haven't bouglit a new bouse for quite a while so 1 really don't understand this real estate lingo. To those of you who have made your way through the myriad of butchered English my congratulations - and I hope you bougbt wbat you thougbt you did! If not don't cati me, I'm more confused than you.. The prograni for Ander- R e m e rnbersn olte Vctoa awrsbanquet, held last you reaa ek includes a re (and when wve say brief, we enBIF itr it nere of the Olympie gamnes. The article is entitled T'his is the first "27 Centuries of Carnes" instalîmrrent of a regular and is 125 words long or, feature designed to keep in this case, short. That, you in touch witb news by quick calculation, of the unusual tbings that represents approxîiiiately happen around us, things one wvord for every 22 which cani.flot legitimately years. be reported as bard news. Well, here goes. Read Hard news, in case you're it slowly or you right flot aware, -is stu.-'f like a miss it. police station being closed, "The first Olyrnpic a higli risc being built, a Carnes of which there is bouse being burned or a written record were held car being demolished. on the Plain of Olympia You read about that stuff in Greece in 776 B.C. ail the time. They were celebrated Enough said, let's get annually until 393 A.D. on with it. Fifteen hundred years We hope you enjoy it. later, in i1896, they were rcvived th rouigh the efforts and enthusiasmi of a Frencb edticator, Pierre de Coubertin. Since that date they have been hield every four years, inter- rupted only by the two World Wars. Montreai is the scventeenth city to play bost to the Cames, in which Canadian athle tes bave participated since 1900". "Gaines must include a t least 15 of tbe 21 officiai Olymipic sports. Ail participants must be amateurs in the strictest definition ()f the word". "Opening and Closing Days always follow a traditional pattern, with mnarveliously colourful cer- emnonies". THEEND Now, if that was written by a history teacher, he or slie nust be vcry popular with the students. Imagine bow quickly one could breeze through the course. TUN N If you plan to travel to Britain dlurin g Chris tmcas BOOK INOW to avoid disappointm ent AI Cal AI&Linde usile kbà RUSSELL TRAVEL LTDo 116 Brock St. Se, wbitby I 668-5000 IMon. - Sat. 9-5 Fri. Till 9 I' "Youi' rave/ Is Our Business'- I For your,pretin.vjscc udr On tarloGovernien t, NÃ".1259988 n VfJ5'rTT0UICl5 FURNITURE STRIPPING unique iodip tanks AT et or caustics Furniture and Upholstery AflQmE ti W-UVer Vuur-3en.J. MocNei Is1 ,1,11 pays f0 reuphoister f in.e furnituore" 413 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario Bus. 668-5481 Res. 668-6526 MAKES VOUA CAR SHINE AGAIN, PROUD AGAIN. 'DELUXE SERVICE $ 7495 Light Surface Sanding--Masklflg 2 Coats of Enamef-Oven Baked$ ROYAL SERVICE A~ 9 Thorough Surface Sanding-Maskiflg..11 9 3 Coats of Enamel-Ovenf Baked .. PREMIER SERVICE Thorough Surface Sanding-Machlne Sanding of Rough Areas-Maskiflg Full Coat of Maaco Primer-sealer--3 9 coaf s of Maaco Enamel-Oven Baked ..149'9 BAKED-ON METHOD OSHAWA 710 Wilso-n Rd.South 7000 579-4000 COLORS- EXPERT BODY WORK ïiSt. E._ FREE u, ESTMATESý Shop Hours: etnaA. Mon. thru Fri 8am-6pm MAC Saturdays-10am-2pm 1710 Wilson ".S. < QUALITY FORVYOUR CAR ANDBEUDGETl f 11 1 rpitq