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Whitby Free Press, 16 Jun 1976, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Bantams- record two wins in minor baseball Sorneone, once said there are only two kinds of bal gaines, good and bad, and the Whiitby Bantam club hiad both kinds this past week. They ronped to a 15.0 victory over Ajax on the strengthi of a slugfest and a sparkling one-hit pitching chore by Rick Dunphy who struck out I1O along the way. Tliey mnanufactured 10 hits, several Ajax miscues and bases oni balîs into 1 5 runs, eighit of thern in the sixth inning. Greg Mlsaac, withi two doubles, Rick Dunphy, with a single and double; Murray McCorkell and Kevin McLel- land, eachi with a pair of singles; and I>aLtl 1leffer and Gary Shiearer, each wi th d oubles, were the Whitby hitters. When the Whitby club met the Osblawa Legionaires at Peel Park it was a different story as they edged Oshawa 3-2 in a real thriller. Whitby hiad single runs in the first, seodand fourth for a 3-0 lead before Oshawa countered with a pair of runs to inake il 3-2 and complete the scoring. Larry Chizen was the \vinner ancl the young right-han.der came up with a standout gaile holding Oshawa to l'ive hits. Rick Dunphy carne into the gaine in the seventh anid, between mne two hurlers, they struck out eight and walked 011lY two. Whitby hitters jumped on the Legionaire pitching for 12 hits. Paul Heffer, Murray McCorkell, Greg Puchialski, Kevin McLeI- land and Steve Parrott each had a pair of singles. Rick Dunphy liad a double while Dave Ciehanskie bail a single. The Whitby club got off to a la te start but alrcady lias shown sore înidseason forni and in the garne pu lIed off two double plays. Whitby got another out- standing pitching job Mien they met' Bowrnanville at Soper Park and carne up witli their third win of the week, a 5-0 triuimphi, which featured a combination no-hitte r frorn Rick Dunphy and Mike Welling. The two combined with Dunphy pitching an out- standing seven innings and Welling thr-owing the final two. The two Whi thy le ft-handers struck out I13 but their most impressive statistic was the ninth-inning stin t witlîout issuing a single walk whichi is a major leagiie performance. Whitby scored in the third, picking up a single run and then put tlic gaine away witlî four in the six th. The Whitby pitching duo faced only 28 batters. Whitby bits wvent to Gary Shecarer wbo had a big nigh t a t the plate wi tl two doubles and two singles; Rick Dunpîy, wîth a triple ancl a single, Greg Puiclalskiî, witlî tvo singles, anîd Paul Ilefferci. Dave Cielîanskîe. and Greg Ricb. cadi witb a single. \vitby'S lnexi gaie is toniglit at Peel Park. The WXVbiîthy I)uneffins cdropped a S8-5 clecision 1()ilhe 13Wmnviiivlle AN alt Fai1i un1 Par-k in H11i hmosi mliip pertoriliance lu date."li e onlly briglît Spot in the ainie. which saw tîIle Duniedins Ilits t:'o ie\v. bu iceble and i oo late, was a Iïne centre field catch by John l-leaslip. Otherwise the gaine was a slceper ('romn a Whitby stand- point. The two clubs mnatched single runs in the opening inning and the Dunedins wen t in front 2-I ini the bottom of the fourth, but the fifth was their undoing as Bowmanville wen t in .fron t 5-2 wi tb a f'ou r- run splurge and then addcd another three in the top of the sixth for a 8-2 lead. The Dunedins sbowed a spark ( of life in the bottorn of the sixthi and carne up with three ruins but it was too little, too late, in the garne whicbi was called because of darknless. John 1lieaslip, with a pair of singles, was the only Whitby bitter to sting the. bal, the other Dunedin safeties being of the soft variety with Mike Sorichetti, Cam Murkar, Peter Foran and Mark MacDonald eachi picking up a single. Along withi their anernic bats, the Dunedins lias several lapses in the field wbich hurt their ca-..se, Dave McWhirter, the starter, gav e Lp seven hiits, had six striketeits but liad soi-e control problemrs. Johin Parrott carne into tlhe gaine in the fiftb in relief. The Duniedins journey to Port I-lope tomnorrow and then biost Oshawa at 1. A. Fairmnan Park June 23. Midget lacrosse To urnczm Eigli t teaiîîs will participate ini tle Optiiniist CIlub uof Wlîitby's second annual Whirby Inivitational Miçîget Lac tusse Toun amen t a t A young batter takes a powerful swing at the bail during a minor basebaîl game last week. He connected too. Free Press Photo ent thîs weekend Brooklin Arena tis weekend. 1 p.m. on Sunday while the Action begis on Friday consolation final is slated for niglîr fromi 7 to 10 and re- 2:30. sumnes Saturday fromn 9 a.m. to Eighit teams participated. 5 p.m. The final will begin at last year with Ajax ending up as champion. Two players battle for positioiî duiig last week's Ontario Lacrosse Association Junior 'A' gine betweeîî the Whitibv Coîîsolidated Biuilders and the Mississauga Chiefs. Tlhe Builders overcaine a 5-4 first period deficit to defeat tlhe Chiefs 16-Il. Free Press Photo Builders defeat Mississauga, upset. by Hamilton Bengal's Thie \liitby Coiisolidated Builders splî t a pAir of Oiitario Lacrosse Association Junior 'A' ganies last week. [n a Tuesdaýy houîîe coniest, tie Builders over- camne a 5-4 first-period deficit to delèeat Mississauga CIhieIý I16-I11. The winners were paced by Bryce Jordan, Cain Devine and Timi Briscoe, withi three goals eachi; Les Reed an d'Keni Colley, two each; and Wayne McGuigan, Larry Grahanm and J in Branton, one eýacbi. Cliiefs got two-goal per- lorniances by Rick Halliday, Dave Pirog, Rob Gernelland George Chiandler and singles by Pat Schnur, AI Ruzzuto and Greg Macdonald. On Tlîursday, the Builders dropped a 14-13 decision to the Bengals in Hairnilton due in large part lui a disastrous second period in whicb the biosts outscored thern 8-1. Bruce Morgan îaced the Bengals with fou r goa.,ls Brian Jones and Gary Morrison, three each; and Dan Gissnmond, Canm Sinclair, Randy Prevost and Wayne Stringer, one each.* Jimi Branton, Neil Atkin- son and Larry Grahiam each scored three for the losers who got singles by Les Reed, Ti!,ii Lintner, Cam Deine, and Ken Colley. Whitby plays bost to Branialea tonight and entely tain Hamnilton Tuesday. Both gaines begin at 8 p.mn. at Iroquois Park Arena, WHITBY JAYCEES FIRST ANNUAL JUNE JUNK-IT' "fun type" car rally approx. 68 miles and 2,hrs. long and family picnic (organized by the Whitby Jaycettes) SUNDAY, JUNE 27 $5.00 entry fée per car includes admission for 2 jdults to thie park. Extra persons %vill be charýecd entrance to the park attHe following rates: SI.OO per aduit; 75 cents per effild under 14:, children under 5 free. START-IROQUOIS PARK Registration 10 o.m. Briefing 10:30 o.m. First car leoves 11:01 a.m. Finish: Fantasyland Park Hwy 12 PRE-REGISTRATION or INFORMATION: Mike Burgyess (organizer) 668-6111. PL AY BINGO THROUGH THE SUMM-ER AT Heydenshore Pavilion NOW AIR CONDITIONED Every Monday Night FIRST EARLY BIRD GAME STARTS 7:15 P@Mo Whitby Community Bingo, *THERE WILL BE NO BINGO JUNE 28the CHILDREN UNDER 16 YEARS 0F AGE PROHIBJTED

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