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Whitby Free Press, 16 Jun 1976, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1976, WFITBY FREE PRESS In Whitby since 1919 Guidin gemphiersises ci ti zenship and comm unit y seric by BRIAN WINTER .Staff Writer Citizenship, comniunity service and personel develop- ment are ail ernphasised by the Girl Guides, who have enjoyed an increased enrol- m-rent in Whitby in recent years. The history of Guiding in Whitby goes back to 1919 Mhen Capt. Jenny Wright established the town's first Guide comipany at AIl Saints' Chttrch. The first Brownie pack was establishied in 1932, and the first Ranger group in 1966. Today there are more than 750 Whitby girls involved in Guiding, consisting of 300 Brownies, aged seven to 10; ".'425 Guides, aged 10 to 15; 30 Rangers, aged 14 to 18; and six Cadets training for leaders, aged 16 to 2 1. Unlike the Scouts which have one district for ail of Whitby, the Guides have three districts: Whitby, covering the western portion of the town north of Dundas Street; Whitby South East, south of Dundas Street and in the Anderson Street area; and Brooklin District, covering Brooklîn and the rural part of the town. Comimunity services is a major part of the Guide movemnent. and the district commissioners are anxious to have the guides perform any worthwhile service that is required in the town. Starting in 1975, the South East Resolute Rangers began selling dog tags for the Town of Whitby. Twenty-ftve girls canvassed the town each spring, providing a service which is designed to improve the town's dog licencing system. For several years about 25 Guides aged 10 and over have gone to the Canadian National Exhibition to pust name tags on small children entering the exhibition grounds. This is a service performed by Guides from ahl ove r the province of Ontario. I The South East Resolute Rangers will be attending the Olympiad for the Physically Disabled at Etobicoke Aug. 3 to 11, acting as vôlunteers in organizing this event. Close r to home, about 15S girls a year act as assistants to nurses at the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital in an eighit to l0-week programn carried out after sehool and on weekends. Guides aged 12 and over have been taking part in this activity since 1974 in connection with their badge prograrn. Last year about 100 Guides aged Il and over took a three-week i re safety course t'romn the Whitby Fire Department, which also qualifiedthem ftor badges. First aid badges are eamed by attendingcoursesoperated by the St. Johin Ambulance brigade. Forty girls aged 1I2 and over attended- these courses in 1975. Guiîdes of aIl aâes do pos- ter work for organizations having '-ake sales, card parties or bazaars, andi they also serve food at banquets on reqniest. Various Guide units provide entertaininent at Fairview Lodge and the senior citizens' apartmients. and serve coffee, tea and cookies. One unit of Guides makes tray favors and decorations for Meals on Wlieels at Christmas and Fister. The Whiitby District puts up decorationsý at Christinas at the psychiatric hospital. and organizes parties tor the patients. Besides the %vide variety of collniiity activit ies. the Guides take.part îin the usual camiping and traininigprogrumis that are part of the organiza- tion. Camps are hield regularly at the I leber Down and Grec nwcood conservaition aireas, the Batty Farmi near Brooklin. farmis at Orono and Port Perry, and even as far away as Hlaliburton. Individual gi rl s go t o provincial events, and it is hoped that four Whitby girls will be able to attend an international camp at Cape Breton lsland, iuly 20 lu Aug. 3, 1977, COUNTY TOWN CARNIVA BABYCUTIE BABYPHOTO CONTES Sponsored by the Whitby Jaycettes First 50 photos, 3" x 5" (taken in 1976) wiI be accepted. Babies/under 3 years old by May 1, 1976 eligible. Display wiII be set up at the CANADIAN IMPERIALBANK 0F COMMERCE at the WHITBY MALL from July 15 to the 29. Voting by public during banking hours. Hours extended July 22-24 in the Mail. 1i-cent equals 1 vote. Winners to be declared and donation to Chrîstopher Robin Home for Children during County Town Carnival week. A $1.00 entry fee must accompany the entry form. Send self-addressed envelope if photo is to be returned. Baby's Namne...........................%....................... Birth Date .................................Sex ............... Parents' Name .................................................... Address (Street) ...............................(Town) ........ Phone Number ................................................... Mail to: Whitby Jaycettes, Baby Photo Contest, c/o Mrs. C. Murphy, 1616 Dufferin St., Apt. 2, Whitby, Ontario LIN 1 B2 Proceeds wiIl assist Whitby Jaycettes with their Community Service Projects. Recently the Girl Guides took. part in a Scout and Guide parade and churchi service at Centennial Park, and on June 5, 150 girls attended a Brownie Revel at the Heber Down Conservation Area. The South East district has a caimporee June 1Iland 12 at Camp Samac, involving 1 00 girls, and form June 25 to 27 there wiIl be 30 Whitby girls attending a Rzanger-Rover moot at Camp Saïnac in Oshawa. A number of organizations in thie comniunity work withi the Guides lu provide themi with training for their badges. Besides the St. Johni Amibulance. and the Fire Departmient, thiere is the regional police departîment which provides officers to give lectures on smoking, drttgs, alcohol and rape. The police also inspect bicycles and test the girls for their cycle badge. All hie chiurches of the town participate in 'a religion and life course wvichi is anothier-part of the Guides' badge programn. The individ- uial mninisters give instruction according to thle requireien ts of the test. For several years the Guides hiave hield a hobby show at St. Mark's United Cltrch inii co-ope ration witlî the Scou ts. aîid tblev also participate in tlhe Brooklini Fa iir a nd C'onniity Tow n Carniival parades. According to the district I' n issît me rs thle Guni de mnovemen t is gowgstcadily in \Vithy. fliree ine\v tuits were fornued in W'est Lynde silice Jianuav. The caiilbe ut l'the Gtiidingý pr)granil is hligber Itan Htie averaIge tlîey say. for 14 -iris wvere- awarded thle ('aniadza ('ord. thie higliest Guidîig award. sinice Septeni ber 1 ('75. During tîte saine period. 25 girls svere asvarded the AI -Round Cord . the second ighest award. According to Lord Baden Powell. the foundcer of the Scout and Guide mnovenients, the Guides were formled '"To assist girls in chiaracter These members of the First and Ninth Whitby Guide Companies received specia awards May 31 at AIl Saints' Anglican Church. In the back row from left to right are Roberta Atkinson, Lisa Dunbam, Nancy Rivett, Pat Barnes, Debbie Sullivan, Kathy Dickson and Maureen Farrow. In the front row are Karen Childs. Lisa Twymnan. JilI Reed and Karen Freek. Pat Barnes received the Canada Cord and ail the others received the Ail Round Cord. The leaders of these Guide Companies are Captains Ann Twyman and Barb Farrow. Free Press Photo developmient by encouraging thleni to ber-esponisiblecitiiis o! tlheir connu nuinity and of thte Wold by ntlroduIcing themi to adveîî tnre ini the out of' doors, by tra ining theni to beconie good hiomemiakers and experience the joy of serving others". Anyone interested in the Guide programn in Whitby miay contact the following District Commissioners: Brooklin, Dorothy Hayden, 655-3235;, Whitby, An Twyman, 668-2778; Whitby South East, Anita McDonald, 668-3958. Whitby Jaycettes sponsor Carnival1 The Whitby iaycettes are sponsorîng a 'Cotitîy Town ('anival Cnt je' Baby Photo Coli test , as a ways and mleans pro jec t Ik r tlie jr orga niza tion. 0111V the firsi 50 photos. 3" by 5-,. taken af'tcr an uary I, 1976 will hw accepted. Biabies uîuler 3 years oId hy May 1, 1976 are eligible' 1lor entry. Enitry forins czin be picked up at iiîost of thte 'vh tby Banks an d atte banches of Manchester Credi t Union ini Wi tby. ('Iosing date f'or etries .s Jâme 30, 1976. A display will be set up at the CANA )IAN IMPEIZIAL à, iMORIGAG ES L M i1 T L ID lst& 2nd Arronged. Bought and Sold at Prime Rtes coul Peter Kade 668-1556 ANUBIS INVESTMENTS Ltd. 149 SrOck St. M., WhItby A New You For Springtime Nothing jifts-the spirits quite like a becoming new hairV style. Coul now for an, appoinirnent soon ~LA CONTESSA .BEAUTY LOIJNGE 119 Green St. 668e9262 baby BANK 0F iWHITBY MaIl to the 29th. Votilng wjll the public du hiours, with H( for Jnily 22 thir (Containers will wîtih photos( vidual chjild cc 1 cent will be o)le vote. photo contest COMMERCE, The top three babies will fromi July 1 5 be presented with bank savings certificates, and a be doue by donation will be presented to rin banin the Christopher Robin Home ours extended for Children during County i)ugb the 24tîh. Town Carnival week. I be avai'able The proceeds froni* this of each indi- ways a nd mecans project will nniipeting-, and assist the Jaycettes with equivalent to thieir Community Service Projeets. AUDITIONS Singers, dancers, musicians for County Town Carnival Talent Showcase. Director Bert Heaver. Auditions held 'Thursday, June 17 at the Centennial Building Theatre, Centre' St. S. at 8:00 p.m. Entrance. by stage door, west side of building. Please bri ng prepared material. Accompanist will be present. GREENWOOB NURSERY SCHOOL G reenwood ('ominu nity Centre G reenwood Oa. ni. 13 a.11. 2 years - .5 year. PHONE MRS. KING 683-8564 BETWVEEN FRIENDS "THE MILLION DOLLAR BOOK" LIMITED NUMBER AT $29.50 FIRST EDITION AT Brian's for Books 135 Brock St. S., Whitby

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