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Whitby Free Press, 16 Jun 1976, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Celebration 150 Ste Mari s anniversary overwhelming success Clear weather and large crowds comibined tlu make St. Mark's United Ciurch's I 50th anniversary celeba. lions last weekend an over- whelmning success., An estimiated 800 peuple, past and present miembers of' St. Mark's, nd visitors, registered during the weekend, soune froin as 1'lar away as New Zealand, Georgia, and Glas. gowv, Scotland. Othe rs camne fromn Winnipeg, North Bay, London Ont., nd Belleville. Abou t 300 peuple crowded into thechurch hall Friday nlighit for an evening of enter- taininent and fun, provided by tlhe Gemns (Gwen Oliver, Eleanor Davis and' Marilyn Brougiton), Eileen Bath on the honky tonk piano, and a I barbershu-p octet appropriate- ly called "The Marksmien". Marian Willianms led a sing- along, and Neil Murkar acted as master of ceremonies. A "St Mark's Ice Creamn Parlor" offered free lemonade and sold ice ýcreamn cones for five cents. Many visitors were in period costumes, and two, roomns in the basement of tlhe church hall were furnished with antiques. There was also a room full of photo- graphs and documents de- pic ting the I 50-year history of the church. Saturday morning there was a communuîy coffee party in the church hall and on the lawn, and the Lions train provided tours around town. Coffee, jam and hot muffins were served by the ladies of the church, and there were pony rides and games for the children. Saturday evening, about 400 people attended the lSOth anniversary dinner at theý Ontario Ladies' College whiclh has been associated with the Methodist and United Chiurches for 1 02yearis. The present minister, Rev. Johin Siithi, welcomied tlhe guests, and introduced Steve. Silywell, the new chairnman of the Oshawa Presbytery. Grace was offered by Rev. R. J. Scot t, who was iniister of St. Mark's froni 1950 to 1954. Ile was one of three lornier nîinisters who attend- ed the celeb!ra tilis. Following grace, everyune sang "Be Present at Ouir Table Lord", a tradîtional Methodist li iiiii. Following (lhe dinner, the guests and visitors retiirned to the church hall for gaines and square dancing 10 t1e miusic of an old tîie fiddler. Cider, cheese and crackers were served, and the party went on to midnight. The climax of the anniver- sary was the worship service and lioly Communion in the churchi Sunday mornini, attended' by a-bout 750 people. The church was decorated with large styro- foam carvings of St. Mark's and Almonds churches, a circuit rider and an old log church. Across the organ at the front of the church were the words: "Celebration 150". Rev. Siîh, whio lias been minister of St. Mark's for 22 years. conducted the service, with the assistance of two former ministers, Rev. Russell O'Brien (1936 to 1939) and Rev. Clifford Park (1939 tu 1946). The theme of the annîver- sary service was praise and thanksgiving, and Communfion in the name of Christ. Rev. Smiith emp'-is- ised the various peuple in the ieritage of the church - P U B LIC M EE TIN G TOWN 0F VHITBY PROPERTY STANDARDS BY-LAW TA KE NOTICE that a Piiblic Meeting wiIl be held on Tuesday, June 29th, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Whitby Municipal Building to receive public comments on a revised edition of the draft Property Standards By-law. The By-laW includes provision for the following:- (a) Prescribes standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property witbin the municipality or within any defined area or areas and for prohihiting the occupancy or use of such property Iliat does n<t conform to tL.e standards;' (b) Requires property that does flot conforrn 10 the standards to be repaired and maintained to con- forrn lu the standards or for the site to be cleared of aIl buildings, structures, debris or refuse and Ieft in a graded and levelled condition. Copies of the be picked up meeting. revised draft Property Standards By-law can from the office of the Clerk prior to the fiamilles, co-workers, clergy- men, and the Christian fellowshîip. A particularly effective portion of the service was a parade of the children of [the church down the centre aisie, e,'ch child carrying a bunch of anniversary balloons on a stick, as the congregation sang t he cliild on 's hymn:"Tell Me the Stories of Jesus". A mass choir mnade Lip of 1)re seni t and formier choir niemnbers smng "Go Forth wi 1h God", and there were further selections sung by the M a rksien. Following t1w service, everyone assenmbled f'or the cutting of a birthday cake, f'ive by three feet, which \veighed 60 pounds, and bore the inscription: "I1826-1976, I50 years of Worship, Service, Fellowshiip". The candles were lit by tlhe Clerk of Session, Howard Pitt, and ErIe Bond, a clerk of session at,,St. Mark's for 20 years. The confirmation class of 1976 blew out the candles and Mrs. Bond and Mrs. Pitt cut the cake. By 2 p.m. Sunday the "Celebration I150" con- cluded, amiongst miany coin- plimients to those \vho have worked for months planning the anniversary. The next special event for St. Mark's will be a visit by the moderator of the United Church of Canada, the Right Reverend Wilbur K. Homard, Nov. 7. STORY AND PHOTOS BY BRIAN WINTER "The Marksmen"' entertain Friday night. Ariniversary dinner at Ontario Ladies' College. 1976 Confirmation Class blows ouit the candles. RESTAURANT 120 BROC* ST. M. WHITBY - TEL.: 668-9461 Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T'., C.M.C., CLERK, The Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, WHITBY, Ontarîo. J116, 23/76. Rev. and Mrs. Johin M. Smitbi Mr. and Mrs. Erle Bond

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