PAGE 10, WEDNESIAY, JUNE 23, 1976, WNITIY FREE PRESS e it's entertarlninent. "'MIDWAY" DRAMATIZES HISTORIC WORLD WAR Il NAVAL BATTLE WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST Against the awesome background of a great historical naval battle, Universal's ail-stellar "Midway," the first major war picture to be f ilmed in years, is at once a cornpelling drama of men caught up in the tides of war and a ringing affirmation of America's indorn- itable spirit then and now. The Mirisch Corporation Presen- tation, conceived as a tribute to America's Bicentennial, reflects both the U.S. and Japanese viewpoints on the great sea battie. Presented in SENSURROUNO, the remnarkable sound systemn introduced in Universai's "Earthquake" and winner of an Academy Award. "Midway" stars Charlton Heston as Captain Matt Garth, the central fictional char- acter whose story is intervvoven with those of actual World War Il officers and enlisted men, and Henry Fonda, portraying Adm. Chester W. Nimtz. Seven top stars - James Coburni as Captaîn Vinton Maddox; Glenn Ford as Admirai Raymond A. Spruance; Hal Holbrook as Commander Joseph Rochefort, Jr.; Toshiro Mifune, Japan's most honored actor. as Admirai Isoroku Yamamoto; Robert Mitchum as Admirai William F. "Bull" Halsey; Cliff Robertson as Commander Cark Jessop, and Robert Wagner as Lieutenant Commander Ernest Blake, aide to Admirai Nimitz - comprise the roster of guest stars portraying naval off icers. The co-star cast is headed by Robert Webber as Rear Admirai Frank J. "Jack" Fletcher, Ed Nelson as Admirai Harrv Pearson; Jameés Shigeta as Vice Admirai Chuichi Nagumo; Christina Kokubo as a natîve-born American of Japanese ancestry; Monte Markham as Commander Max Leslie; Biff McGuire as Captain Miles Browning; Christoîiher George as Lieutenant Comma nder C. Wade McClusky; Kevin Dobson as Ensign George Gay; Glenn Corbett as Lieutenant Comn- mander John Waldorn; Gregory Walcott as Captain Elliott Buckmaster, and Edwvard Albert as Ensign Tom Garth. Phillip R. Allen as Lieutenant Commander John S. "Jimmy" Thach is prominent in a featured cast drawn from the ranks of outstandîng actors, many of them of Japanese ancestry. 1 "Midway," directed by Jack Smight. written by Donald S. Sanford. and produced by Walter Mirisch in Technicolor and Pana- vision, interweaves the dilemnma faced by a key aide of Admirai Nimitz %vith dramatized personal stories, and ac- counts of the individual courage and sacrifices of men involved in the sea battle that became the turning point in the Pacific for the United State in World War Il. The Walter Mirisch Production integrates into the story actual vvar footage. f ilmed in color by Navy photographers and by cameras mounted on f ighter planes, to lend powerful reality to the climactic sea battle, recognêzed as the most decisive and signîicant naval action since Trafalgar. The Battle of Midway sounded its furious thunder in June 1942, six months after Pearl Harbor and the catastrophic blow to the UýS. a IL~- 1 . In the Battle Plot Roorn of CINCPAC, planning the Amnerican defense of Midway in Universal's "'Midway," are, from left, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz (HENRY FONDA),Vice Adm. Raymond A. Spruance (GLENN FORD), and Vice Adm. William F. (Bull) Halsey (ROBERT MITCHUM). 2. In the Battle Plot Room on the aircraft carrier Akagi, Vice Adm. Chuichi Nagumo (JAMES SHIGETA, center), discusse battie strategy with staff members Rear Adm. Ryunosuke Kusata (PAT MORITA), and Cdr. Minoru Genda (ROBERT ITO, right) prior to the battle -of Midway. "Midway," the f irst major war picture to be f ilmed in years, is presented in Technicolor, Panavision and Academny Award-winning Sen- surrou nd. Pacific Fleet, when it appeared that nothing could stop the Japanese Navy's expansion in the Pacific. Admirai Isoroku Yamamoto, the brul- liant Comma nder-i n-Ch ief of the Imperial Combined Fleet, designed the attack on Midwîay to precipitate a showdown battie with the vveak- ened U.S. Pacific Fleet. The Arnerican high command wvas informed of the plan wvhen the U.S. Navy's Combat Intelligence Unit at Pearl Harbor, under Cdr. Joseph Rochefort, monitored and decoded Japanese secret messages about Objective "AF.' Although many in the high command believed 'that the Midway operation was a Japanese ruse and that the real attack would comne at Hawuaii or even California, Admirai Nimitz thought othervvise; he made the decision to dispatch this weakened task force under Admirai Spruance and AdmiraI Fletcher to ambush one of the greatest armadas ever assembled. j, A WALTER MIRISCH PRODUCTION aflSTARS CHARLTON HESIO HENRY FONDA~ AMES COBURe GI.ENN FORD * HAL HOLBROOK TOSHIRO MIFUNE ROBERI MITCHU CLIF RBEISO *ROBRTWAGEB STARFIN ROBERT WEBBER EDNELSON CLIF RSRTU e RERT AGNR N*IH- HTY 7:00 &nd 9:30 ABER WRITEN B mui P cA1-@CT IM*ffl ADfl 0 0&93 DONALD S. SANFORD e JOHNvWILASeJAKSIH. ATR IIC SPî-irNF 725-58S33 HWY. 2 F, 0F LIVEROOL "MURDER BY DEATH" « ADDED ""THE FORTUNE" ' SHOW STARTS AT DUSK Pecommended a (9:20 approx> Y ADULI TRRtTAINMI SONS The thunder and fUry of the Battle ' f Midway, which 34 years ago (June 4, 1942) brought def eat to the overwhelmingly superior Combined Japanese Imperial Fleet by a diminished U.S. Pacific Fleet, is re-created in an artist's conception of the historic battle. Universal's ail-stellar "Midway," presented in Academy Award- winning Sensurround, dramatizes the epic sea conflict. VARIETY SHOW BANDS THISFACES NAMES AND NEXT WEEK A POSITIVE OUTLOOK e. NONADCHMPAI SHAW Now f ully licensedl under the LLBO 35 King Street West (Lower, Level) Oshawa For roservations 'phonoe 723-1 066' L- in -'Thè Sights, SOunds, and actual sensations of combat. So real you can feel it. 13AY RIDGES DRIVE-IN 'IRISINGI bA 1 et au lm e_ Uj, 9. ý- I... - - - ý 0 assis la . .... ...... . . ........ . ..... %J v Fi%