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Whitby Free Press, 23 Jun 1976, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAýY, JUNE 23, 19*76, WHITBY FREE PRESS PUBLIC AUCTION SALE 0F LAND. LAND MANAGEMENT FILE NUMBER T-05449 Two nine decimal one nine six (29.196) acre of land, being part of Lot 12, Concession 5, T-.iwm-iý.p of Brock, Regional Municipality uf Durham, located on the east side of the Highway Number 7 and 12 diversion at the east lirit of the Village of Sunderland. Sale to be held on the property at: 1 o'cîock P.M. Local Tirne Fridoy June* 25th, 1976 Terms: $15,000.00 deposit at the time of sale (cash or certified cheque made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario,) balance payable in thirty days. If the purchaser intends to finance ail or part of the balance by mortgage from a boan agency or private party and more than thirty days are required to complete mortgage arrangements, the Department will consider a reasonable extension of the thirty day period, subject to payment of interest on the unpaid balance. "Employees of the Ontario Government will be allowed to participate in this sale only if they have the prior written consent of their Deputy Minister or equivalent". For further information, please Clarke Prentice OR R.R. No. 2 Markham, Ontario Tehephone: 640-3686 Sale is subject to a Reserve Bid. No access wilI be perrittcd to Number 7 and 12. contact the Auctioneer: Ministry of Transportation and Communications Right-of-Way Office Central Region 3501 Dufferin Street Downsview, Ontario M3K 1N6 Telephone: 248-3081 aie Controlled Acccss llighway TERMS AND CONDITIONS- Each item wii be sold on an ^As Is - Where Is basis Vehîcies wlI be sold wlhoui a SAFETY STANDARDS CERTIFIcATE and wihout licence plates A deposîl of $100.00, or full payment in the amount of the bld. whcheveri s less. must be paid on eacfî itern ait he ime of sale. Payment must be compieted and items removed wthin five (5) working days. Failure to compIy wii resuit in foleiture of deposît. Al paymrents must be cash. cerIilied cheque, money order. or bank draft made payable to the ireasurer of Ontario Vehicles can oniy be removed wlh <a> a Deaiers Licence Plate (b> anoîher Province's Licence Plate (c> proper lowing or car transporter. Ail olfier iems and conditions as posted ai place of sale Min îstry of Transportation and CommunicationfsI Lord Soper et Rotary Club Return to religion urged by British peer The need for religion as a basis for a moral code, and as çý a custodian of, discipline was p une of the many themnes of a a speech by a memnber of tl Britain's House of Lords, at h the Whitby Rotary Club i, June 15. Donald Lord Super, who f, has conducted public meetings e on Tower Hill in London fora 50 years, is a life peer, and anr author and radio and televisionr commentator in Britain,a addressed about i O0Rotariansr and wives on how he felt about the current situation in Britain. "Nothing is so false as to assume that England is on its last legs" said Lord Super. "This has been said for the hast 300 years. There has neyer been an occasion when the British peuple have not been in dreadfuh difficulties". Much of Lord Soper's addness was devoted to the place of religion in English society and the need tu main- tain the Christian religion on find something that wihl pro- vide the same values it dues tu suciety. "In the religious life uf England, only about seven per cent of the population go regularly to church, but nornaly speaking, we are nut a non-religious comimunity, said Lord Super. "But we are losing touch with the Chunch". The practice of religion for 24 hluns un Sunday is langely gone. as a resuit of the up- heaval of society by the First Sand Second World Wars. said Lord Super. and such an approach to the chiunch "neyer wili corne back". DISCO-DANCES This summer 8 p.m. - 12:30 o.m. June 25, July 9 & 27, Aug. 2 (Bronze Serpent -Bond)' Aug. 20 IROQUOIS ARENA DIS-1C JOCKEY TOP HITS Admission $ 1.50 Ref resh men County Townavib Caorn ival1aalb its le Special $1 oo See You There!!1 However, he said, thie present conditions which >revail in Britain mnay produce arevival of the recognition .hat a nation that dues not harness itself to a mural code is in great danger. There are many problems facing Britain,. such as the emergence of labor unions as a third force in govern- ment, deterioration of Parlia- ment, economic difficulties, and a decline in official religion, said Lord Super. He described the situation as "4a post-imperial decadence of a sort, but not a situation where we would be written off". Offering a few words of hope in what appeared to be an otherwise gloomny forecast, Lord Super declared that: "If you turn nature out by the front door, it will corne back by another". "If you get rid of religion, it is still the custodian of discipline and tabous. Unless we can find something as demanding and comprehensive as this mural code, we will have a progressive decadence. Whatever may be your addic- tion to the Christian faith, unless we can find a brother- huod of man that depends un faith in God, the retention of man on this planet is' ini jeopardy". "Only in the retentiofi of thc ch-anactcnistics ofa religion f4aith can our children have enoughi to eat, say their prayers, and not be afraid of 1a bang in the night", said Lord Super. r In response to a question, Lord Super said the famnily unit is essential to a Christian the fatherhuod of God with- out the family'?" lie said. "Christianity is a furtherance of the Jewish farnily principle", he said. "lrresponsibility in the family principle is a dangerous and lethal thing". Lord Supe r also commen ted that "hurnan happiness dues not consist in accumiulating things; it is the relationship of peuple". lie also pointed out that everytimie there is said tu be a scarcity of some- "PROCLA "CANAD TOWN Oý TAKE NOTICE THAT CANADA, OUR LAD FUSION 0F TWO1 ENRICHED BN'T1H MANY OTHER CUL7 ALL CANADIANS; TO HONOUR THIS 22,000,000 PEOP LE, HERITAGE AND 1 ENJOY; TO HONOUR THIS CC 0F WHICH WE ALLJ 0F JUNE 25TH TO JU PROCLAIMED. AS l"C FOR THE TOWN( CITIZENS 0F WHI1 CELEBRATE IT BY 'S COUNTRY BETTER AND DISPLAYING OL DATED AT WHITB) JUNE, A.D., 1976. Bill Nurse (left), President of the Whitby Rotary Club, presents a gift to Donald Lord Soper, a member of the British House of Lords, who addressed the club last week on the current state of affairs in Britain and the need for religion and Christian faith in today's troubled times. Lord Soper was making his second visit to the Whitby Rotary Club in 18 years. Free Press Photo thing people need, the next memnbers, and was presented generation will find it. Lord with a series of sketches of Super predicted that in the Whitby, by the president, Bill future the sea will provide Nurse. more resources than we can flot tili from the soil. g When asked about the Royal Farnily, Lord Soper Tire experts reçommefld said that heredity isn that air pressure be checked jusification for authority, at least once a month. Un- but stated that "we are derînflation of your cars splendidly served by, our tires causes heat build-up, Royl Fmil. Teywork whîch can cause rapid de- very mnuch harder than most troain rprifa peuple". - lie predicted, however, that "ultirnately we will have h to organize society flot by heredity, but by menit and commrunicationl". tion pressures are listed in tecar's op3ratîflg man- ual and are usually posted Lord Super, who visited on a sticker on the door of the Whitby Rotary Club about the glove compartmeflt or 18 years ago, was given a on one of the car's door standing ovation by the Club pillars. ,MATION" Statistics Lie? A life insurance agent was I ê A WEEK1<see an elderly gentlemanl of 5~ WW95 in the office wanting to take out a -.,icy. The agent \AILJITDVtold the sior citizen that F W HITBYchances were slim bis ap- pication would be approved. IN RDE TOHONOUR Annoyed, the white haired IN ORDR TO an commented: "You're NjD CREATED BY THE maicing a mistake. If you FOUNDING CULTURES, look at the statistics youll E CONTR IBUT ION 0F fmnd that mighty few men die TUR ES, HOME LAND 0F after the age of 95. " CU R OFOVER Missing Leg COUNTRYA0 soon as his meal was PROUD 0F THEIR served, the lone dîner called THE FREEDOM THEY the waiter: "Why is ithis chicken missing a leg," was )UNTRY WHICH IS OURS, thequery. "I guess it was in ARE PROUD, THE WEEK a fight," was the lame ex- cs."Weil then, bring mie JLV 1ST, 1976 IS HEREBY wn rtegnlma ,ANADA WEEK" IN ANDY dernanded. )F WHITBY, AND THE FBY ARE INVITED TO Life After ýTRIVING TO KNOW OUR The avid fisherman asked BN' FLING OUR FLAG for the day off to attend is grandfather's funeral. The JR SYMBOLS. next day, the boss asked: "Do you believe in life after Y' THIS 23RD DAY 0F death?" "Yes," was the reply. "Good," said the boss. '*B3ec-ause when you J. C. Gartshore, were off yesterday attending Mayor, your grandfather's funeral,. Town of Whitby. he came by here to sec you." / .M.Mmmwmm-ý

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