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Whitby Free Press, 23 Jun 1976, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, lUNE 23o,1976, WMfTtY FIEE PRESS ~ limes We ar'e very>sorry that this week finds us saying goodbye to three people'who have given a great deai of themnselves to our comnmunity. iLiz Crangle, who lias lavished her time and abundant energy on many cominunity projects, will be mioving with her famiîy to a new homne very shortly. She has become very well known throughout the North Ward area. We anticipate that she may return to visit from time to time but her presence we genuinely regret losing. Barbara Goody, who has been the librarian at Brooklin Brandi library, is also ieaving. She has been with the library for three years and during this time has taken a great interest in community affairs. Many local people have corne to know her well through for friendly assistance in their search for a certain book or a specific piece of information or some special filmn material. She has made many contributions to imnproved library service in this area. We shall miss Barbara in this town and we wish her happi- ness in her new cornunity. We were also sorry to learn that Bill Flynn wili be leaving St. Thomas' Aiglîcan Chiurch. The Reverend Mr. Flynn is going to be rnissed by the people of his parish and all who have corne to know ini. He will be pastor to St. Ninian's parish in Scarborougli. Our loss is their gain. of BROWN 'S 4. course, but we are truiy sorry to see Bill Flynn leave. To you and your family we wish you good luck Bill, and we hope your new parish proves to be both as friendly and as co-operative as this d'ne. Change may be the essence of life but it is ahways difficuit to accept the loss of community-oriented people such as these three have been. 1 wouid be very interested to have some contact from Ashburn residents who produce the Ashburn newsletter. If you could cahi me and give me a brief summary of your coming events I wouid be more than happy to let the rest of the area know about them through this column. Please give me a cail and let me know about the various interesting things that are happening up in your area. Congratulations on your new parkland Ashburn! I have a feeling that, in spite of the work ahead to dévelop tfils land into the kind of park you want, your 'kind ofý community wîi enjoy just such an interesting and challenging project. The Recreation Department of Whitby has recently sent out a questionnaire to determine the numnber of people who would use a bus service to swimmning at the Iroquois Park pool, if it were available. .Obviously, busing wili be conridered a viable service if it can be ascertaîned that sufficient nuinbers of people wili use it. This service being explored would offer transportation to and frorn the pool for Brooklin, Ashburn, Myrtie and Myrtle Station residents. To ail of you who may have hesitated to take advantage of this fine swimming facility because of transportation problemns, I urge you to complete the questionnaire and returfi it promptly, before June 24th. If you do flot have a questionnaire, cali the Recre ation Department at 668-5803 and let your views be known. It would be a shanie to pass up this opportunity for North Ward people to utlize downitown -Whitby facilities. The Iroquois Park complex was built for a Il Whitby residents, iet's not miss thus chance to get the use of it. SAT. JUNE 26 - The Brooklin Redmen wiih play Owen Sound at the Brooklin Memorial Arena at 8:30 p.m. fhe games have been well attended, corne out and enjoy senior lacrosse.* SUN. lUNE 27 - Attention ail Brooklin Legiofl members! Bring your family out to the annual legion picnic, Hermit Valley, 1: 00 p.m. Val 655-4317. Seniors & handiccipped mnay get taxi break Senior citizens or fiandi-' capped persons whose onhy way of getting around is by taxi inay get a break. Honier Peigrims of Piigrimn Transportation Services Lirnited has asked the town for permission to, discount cab fares for people who are 65 or over and for people who are handicapped. Mr. Pelgrims wants the town to pick up the difference between the reguhar fare and the discount fare. He made the proposah to councii's operations comn- mittee recenthy. FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655m4521 SI.. COLONY rov-mmwsïàùqmb-ýSOFT DRINKS OSOO 104t ff 7CUT FROM lTHE HIP ROUND sI.! .3 YO'J SÂVE TWICE - WITH TRIM & PRICE RIJMPRoasts 1948 LEAN MEATY - CIJT FROM THE HIP ROUND teks .48 5chewd.rs - Rd Hus- DEVN BEEF AND PORK SKINLESSWB4IRSSAUSAGE *BÇ SMALL S lb. 884 UNK IL. 8 SCHNEDERSFRS o oli O A R Beef & Pok MIx'b.78" SEl PATTIES 191Swfts ~ fé«E E*UW2 L 19 Fast Fry Strips________ THICIC cuT - TENDER JUICY RIB STEAKS 1.48E Lady Scott 55C AUIOMtnIC ISHWASo400DTUEGLM Finish 2"-.p&g. 85c Uqid f0 A.to,.k 4.e.à . jet Dry 4 FI. Oz. <ont 89C jip<oT0Bugs <59C sAby ICOIT BOCULAR DIIPOOAatl 91(0 0f 30 Diapeus s2019 AIM 100-MAL lu« Toethpuste 99e WESflNOIOUSE -10-WATT BUG-A WAY 9KG 0F 2 Light Bulbs 89C. AsStthTq DAI cool lemi 1!l *Cou-rtesy Vau. otisf actionl~ is POTATO MES CHIPS ,ec 79e CANADA FANCY - MITCMELLS PURE &LZTI APPLE JUICE59 TREESWEET - RECONSTITUTED U NSWEETENED 4&JL.OZ TIN GRAPEFRUIT à" #.59c ALUMINUM WRAP 12" x 50. ROLL ALCAN FO11 89C PLASTIC 50 FT ROLL SARAN WRAP 49« ASSORTED VARIETIES - CEREAL 30OZ PKG HARVEST CRUMCH$1.69 RSE 'N SHINE- FLAVOUR CRYSTALS LEMONADE 59<1/,Z K MEAT OR MUSHROOM - BRAVO 28-FL-OZ TIN SPAGHIETTI SAUCE 7.5< STRAINED (EXCEPT MEAT) 41/2-FL-OZ JAR HEINZ Baby Foods 5isl CLUB HOUlE 1 A Salad orv.s 59e tWHIt- CANADA BRAND 40#IOZ MT V.ngar 47c FRONCI- RP9AED $-ozJAit Mustaird 29e AYLMER Peas 24ç 0: KOOI-id 3 sl Koo-Aid5è,49'« ~..u.numu'.uMin L[ 150811- FROZIN AWAKE ORANGE DRIK 1-nLOT TINI 55 FUP 'N UY Ocoan P.rch 1 .49 AS8ONTIO~M KING DINNERS il-oz PRO 89C CANAFANCY PROTON JUUUMI 00 CRINKLI FR15 2-LESAO 69.- wfiEUSV TifMONT TO UNT AKTIT1fff - * ..m"ICiemd for Holidoy July lot. Opmn Wednesduy mileht im 30 end Frdl d lit July 2 fil19 p... 3 BIG' DATS > ' Thurs. June24-to ,Sat. ue2 The town's staff wili investigate the possible rami- fications, cost and impiemnen- tation of Mr. Pelgrims' proposai. Staff will report in the future. At present, Oshawa and Toronto allow. taxi companies to charge reduced fares to senior citizens and handicap- ped persons but do flot* subsidize the difference. CouncilIlors at conf erences Whitby's town officiaIs had a busy time hast week attend- ing v arjous municipal conferences. 1From June 15 to 18, Mayor Jim Gartshore and Councillor Bob Carson acted as Whitby's voting delegates at the 39th annual conference of-Ithe Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities, in Vancouver. On Monday and Tuesday, Town Cierk Bill Wallace attended the annual confer- ence of* the Association of Municipal Cherks and Treasurers of Ontario at the Inn on the Park in Toronto. Here Mr. Wallace acted as chairman of a comnmittee tc study the financing of municipal public works. NOTICE TOCREDITORS ANDOTHERS In the Estate -of ARTHUR JOHN SLEEMAN, decreased Ail persons havîng clainis agains t the Estate of ARTHUR JOHN SLEEMAN, late of Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, in. the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 24th day of December, 1974, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of July, 1976, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to .ýhe dlaims of which the undersigned shahl then have notice, and the undersigned xviii not be hiable to any person of whiose dlaim hie shall ot theni have notice. DATED at Oakvile, this 3rd day of June, 1976. ELSIE M. WILLIAMS Executrix, by her Solicitor William B. Kerr 260 Chureh Street Oakville, Ontario, L6J 1N6 Strawberries ut their best Special prices on flats of 8's heaped Phone orders. accoptod or chooso f rom our regular stock Wtu" for pd cherry d. Ordrsc- ho phooeed nour ~STOR HQU KS XCptu TixN & F-ilâI pIlOS 'IL6 DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE m -A 1 -§off m

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