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Whitby Free Press, 30 Jun 1976, p. 15

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Formulite nîoided bathnoomn BASIN & COUNTERTOP - 4e incites long, new, $100; seven pieces aluminum Irailen covering, 61/2 x 14 ft., $35 each. Cal 655-3411. BIRD. CAGE -- with stand, $20; portable TV STAND on càsters, $ 10; CaIl 655-3167. BABY CARRIAGE - $18; non-electnie STERILIZER & BOTTLES, $4.50; ncw born SNOWSUIT, white, $3; 18" auburn HAIRFALL, $15; single BED, 30", $12; Healthway scuba tank, 71.2 -cu. ft. harness & (k) valve, $85; waten lung, sport diver regular with resenve, $85. Caîl 839-7774. Gendron STROLLER - excel- lent condition, $25. CaI 655-3624 1 -Deluxe WdODBURNING SET - good for chiidren 12 years and over, excellent condition, $3; PACK SACK, nylon with solid alumihum fname, neyer been used, $25; SKIS, approx. 51/2' long, great for beginner, $ 10; SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good condition with carrying rack, $10; portable RADIO, excellent condition, hardly used, $10. Cal! 668-4465. TV - 23" Admirai B&W, $75; 8 track car STEREO, $20; B. S.R. Tom table with dustcoven, $30; men's blue split leathen COAT, size 40, $40; DAVEN- PORT, bnand new tuxedo style in beige olefin, $190; aIl items ini excellent condition, must sell, best offer accepted, cal! 668-0856. Mobile BUFFET SERVER - stainpnoof top, $45; table and four chairs, large size, chrome seats eighlt, $35: Osteizer blender, like new, $25; ganden wheelbannow, nake, etc. $12. aluminum storm door wi th screen, ail hardware, 32 x 82, hardly used, $25; cement birdbath, $15;, Caîl 668-5608 aftcr 7 p.m. PORTABLE TV TABLE $10; record playen 'stand, $5; easy bake oven, $3; -set of electnie barber clippers & scissors, $10; noll-a-way bed, $7; thnee chrome chairs, 3 for $7; four badminton rackets, $ 1 each; shorty drapes, $7; bicycle, 20" wheels, $1 7.50. Caîl 728-6204. TRAINING CHAIR - $5. VAPORIZER - $5; electnie coffee perk, $10; sandwichi grill, $7; toaster, $7; carpet sweeper, $10; 6 apple craIes, $2 each; waten pressure tank, like new îuitable for cottage, $25; bathroom light fixture, $ 15; Cal 668-9404. PING PONG TAB3LE - and accessonies, egulation size with 3/4 slate, new, $80. Cal 668-1210. Solid sterling silven ETCHING- a limited edition by Henry Moore, a beautiful work of art. Only $850. Caîl 723-0722. WEDDING;DRESS&TRAIN - size 10-12, $50. Cail 668-4410. ENCYCLOPEDIA -Britannia 3, plus 3 book dictionary and large atlas, black leathen binding, $1,000 ncw asking $650. Can be seen at 200 Mason Apt. 210 anylime. 16' Fibreglass covcned RUN- ABOUT 25 hp OUTBOARD. gas tank, batleny elecetie start, as is, besl offer over $350. C;,lý 668-8957. PERRIGO PRAM - excellent condition, used once, $100 Or Englisit BOU)IE CHIINA - neyer used, 54 piece set in Bridai Wreath pattern, $300. Caîl 668-5767. Two 600. x 15 goodyear SNOW TIRES - new, $10 cacit, one Rodger Majestic car RADIO, $15; one Lewyt canister VAC- UUM, wilh ail fixtunes, needs somne repain, $10; gallon wine botîles with handles, 45 cents each; walnul vencer, 2' x 4' sheets, 75 cents each; one bah:' items -- car bed, $7; walken, $4; snow sied, $4; johly jumper, $4; rocking horse, $2; botîle warmer, $ 1. Caîl 683-1602. MINI WASHER, used twice, $49; bicycle EXERCISER, $80; china CABINET, glass both sides, $80. Cal! 668-6078 on 668-4377. SPICE RACK - with 18 botîles, $6; boys pants, size 14, $ 2; ladies chothing, size 14, reasonable pices, ladies short leathen jacket, size 14, $20; single mattress, $15; also odds and ends of carpeting, record player, $5. Caîl 725-1211. RECORD PLAYER - with twi1î speakers and sec through top, $40; STERLO AM-FM radio, 8 tnack tape player, record phayer, buiht in amplifier, cabinet size 53" long x 181/-," %vide x 27" high, $ 150 complete, or $100 without 8-track. Cal! 263-8145 or 723-2426. Hi-Low frenquency SCANOR - one second delay, with 8 crystal frequencies, police band, OPP, ftire departmcn t frequencies, lange antenna, $300. Caîl 579-0757. STEREO - Hitachi, 302 receiver, TEAC 160, cassette deck, pioncer turnitable, 2 RST speakers, $600. Caîl 723-2351 any time. " 80 Holley CARBURETOR - witn mechanical advance, ncw condition, $60; CAR FIAULING TRAILER, lowrider type has how centre of gravity & tows verY wel, single solîd aIe, with both 'steel and aluminum ramps, jheavy duty construction, $450; IEqualizer TRAILER HITCH, used on 1970 Olds Cutlass but suitable for pre-î975 GM In termediates, h*,s removable bail & block, $125. Cal! 668-7014. CAMERA - Marniya Super 23, with 100 mm lense, 6 x 7 back, and ground glass back with sheet film holder, and 75 sheets of film, $485. Caîl 576-2616. OIL SPACE 1-EATER - with 45 gallon drum, $50; aluminum 4 x 13' awning, $10; fruit juicer, nearly new, $15; two bear traps, for chain hoading, Ioads on truck, $;0. CalI 723-3164. ANTIQUE DOOR - made in 1857'solid pine, 42" x 71/,' x 2/l panelled both sides, 3 soîid bnass ';" hinges, solid brass doon knob, brass lock with scnoll work, a steal at $175. Caîl 668-3186. 21' CABIN CRUISEiR 4 cyinder, 60 horsepower, inbound, completely redone inside & ou tsiGie, ready for Iaunching, $3500 or best offer. Cali 668-1252. GUITAR & AMPLIFIER Guitar is a COp of Laspaull custom. Amplihier is a Sonax 720G with two 10" speakers, asking $225 for pair. Cal 668-4730. Free Press Emporium (Continued) Miscelicineous I GO-KART 1973 Bug ISidewînder, duel engines, fuel injection, $600 or best olTer. Cail 668-5432 ask for Rob. I 1966- FORD FAIRLANE - I4 dloon sedan, 289 V-8 itor, in fair running condition, uncerliried, $175 or besl offer. CaU 668-9167. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1976, PAGE 15 Clcssified Ads APPROXIMATELY 400 Ob5 STRAW - at a $1 Cail 655-4380. BALES a bale. SECOND HAND CORRI- GATED SHEETING - 4' x 8', $50 for 300. Cail 655-3122. FRESH GARDEN PEAS - shelled, washed, blanced and flash frozen..... pcial variety of young tender puas for your freezer (flot cannery puas). Avail- able in early July in 10 lb. packages at $4.75 per package. Cali now or drop in at Red Wing Orchards to order ydur winter's supply. Telephone Whitby 668-3311 or visit our roadside market on Highway No. 2 between Whitby and Ajax. Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. daily. LEADING POOL MANU- FACTURF . has 1975 above grounid reuwood' type pools avitilable, willing to sacrifice at haif price. Cati collect anytime 667-1302. SWIMMING POOL FOR SALE - Moving - wili sel you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Redwood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000.00. Savings of $2100.00.1 1975 model, cati 416-625-2719, days or evenings, coitect. SWIMMING POOL Less than 1 yr. old. Fanta- Sea above ground Redwood i16 x 24, cost ")4500.00. Must seli immediately - will sacrifice - savings of $2000.00. Cati 416-625-8817, days or evenings collect. SWIMMING POOL - Deluxe, Redwood, above ground pool. 16 x 24. 1 yr. oid. Repossessed by bank. sacrifice 1/ price, Cati Mr. liarveyv, collect, days or eve -Iîigs, 416-625-8819. LEADING SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER - must dispose of brand new 1975 above ground aluiminum pools inade to seli for $1 890.00. Willing to close-out for $11988.00. Fuit warranties in effect. Cati collect anytime 1-41 6-667-1302. - Bikes B31KE- boys, bluc, 2 speed, hi-risc, $30, Cal 668-6790. Mens 5-specd BICYCLE almost iew, $60. Cali 728-066. aftcr 6:30 p.m. BIKIi- boys 3 speed hii-risce, 20" 'vhéels, stick shift, banana -seat and kick stand, excellcnt condition, $45.(Cal 668-9029, Equipment SLIM GYM EXERCISER - with instruction book, askiîig $25 or best offer. Cal 683-5737 after 5 p.m. SNOWSIIOES - $5; baby carniage, $20; pool Iadder, $ 15; kitchen table & 6 chairs, $25; 3 wooden chairs, $5 each; carpenters tool box, $10. ('ail 668-5486. ONE PAIR 0F SKIS - pole, bindings, safety strap and boots size 7, only been used 4 times. $65. Cali 728-1291. GOALIE EQUIPMENT - one year old, fils hoys 9-13, pads, mask, gloves, arm & chest protec- ton, $60. Cali 668-5714. Pets & Supplies GENTLE BAY MARE- good with children & ARABIAN F'ILLY - $550. l'or further information cal! 668-4830 aften 6 1-1, YALEi PUREBREED IRISH - 115 m otor, AMWAY PRODUCTS CLEARANCE untit August i5 at whoiesate prices. Cati 668-8957, ask for John or Jayne. SUMMER PLAY PROGRAM ('hildrcn thrce to six, single haîf (lay, $2.50-, wholc day,' $5.00. ('hild miust lring own lunch. -IaI!' days for one wcck, S$12.00; Full day for one wcek, $22.00. Supervised play program withi crafts, indoor & outdoor activi tics. ('ail 668-I1798. tirs. 8:30 - 3:30. AUCTI ON SALE FRIDAY, J UL1Y 2, Twvilight auction sale orf hog equîpnient, imiplemien ts, furniture, for Hughi Browyn (Vie Foote Farmi) on thc I 7th Ave., and the I Oth Con. Mark hani Twp., 3-V miles south of Stouffville. Including 1976 C(hev one ton truck, Case 430 tractor, pig feeders, water bowls, steel grain bin (2,000 BU), wl'heel barrows. fans, tvrenches, forks. tools, air condi tioner, TV-ste reo, leathier chair, dresser, tables, etc. Many more articles. No reserve. Owner niovîng to lreland. Terns cash. Sale at 6 p.in. sharp. Norni Faulkner, 1L-ari Gauslin, Auctioneel' YARD SALE Saturday, JuIly lOth, 1976 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. at 1106 King St., Whitby, 668-2510. Toys, books, linen, china, furniture, appliances, clothing, paîntings & jewelry. AUCTION SALE TIIURSDAY, JULY lst. Sale time 1:00 p.m. Fuinitune & antiques. Sale to bce held at Prince Albert IllI Yard, Prince Albert. A large sale consisling of four consigniments. lHospital beds, croupette, win hiz less miotor, îce crusher, mctal file, five cribs, dcsk lighit, lighit fixtures, liard- wood co.-ner seat, metal shelves, 100 gallon oit tank, arm chairs, coat rack, catîle.irons, lab cquip- ment, arborile tops, beds, bar & stools, tables, chairs, bicycles, carpenters tools, wagon wvhecls, coffec tables, oak swivel chair, cectric logs for fîreplace, circle cheslerfield, dressers, \vardrobes, hoover washer, toys & gamnes, dishes, miany more articles too numerous to mention. No reserve, terms cash. Lunchi. Auctioneer Murray Jackson, 985-2459. BARN SALE Saturday, JuIy 3rd. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Antiqucs. modern "furniturc, glassware. North on Hwy- 12, 2 roads hast Myrtle, 11/2iles west on 2nd line of Scugog Township. 985-7791. HAVE MORE TIME TO ENJOY THE SUMMER. Get a heavy duty wýheelhorse iawn & garden tractor. Free mower with each tractor. Fishers Farm Service, Ashburn GOiF SET - one and three TV Repairs &e Sales Serving Durhamn Region 6 days a week New & Used Cotour Black & White TV's Bought -Soid Rented -Repaired 1Tpwers Antennas C.B. Sales 668-1818 after 6 725-4234 REWARDING SPARE TIME ACTIVITY FOR ACTIVE OR RETIRED r-ARMERS: Acquaint your fiends and neighbouns with the newest varieties of forage and corn seeds. No hard seIl, no investments. Excellent supplementary income. Write to GE 'SECO, BOX 5021, St. E. Hlamilton. Ont. PAINTING & DECORATING expert workmanship, free estimates. Cati 655-3122 or 839-8674 after 6 p.m. TUTORING Could your child benefit from somne extra individual help in reading & math? Ciass now being formed. Cati 668-0367 for deails. WILL BABYSIT - in my hiome from 7:30 à.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, ages 3 & Up., $30 per child. Cal! 668-4147. SIROCCO SAILBMATS 15' - NEW AND USED WHITBY SAILING SCHOO LP, P.O. BOX 515, WHITBY, ONT. - 668-4317 $80 for season in campsite, ½4 mite from Village of Haiburton, '/- mile from golf' course. Lakefront locations. Good swimming & fishing. Cali 668-7352 or write Mr. Fearrey, 202 Byron St. N., Whitby. For Sale Highest Prices Paid for Gjold* and Silver coin old guns, dlocks, jewelry, dishe fumiture, crocks, oil painting and sealers Friendly Flea Market ..725-9783' 23 King West, Oshawa W hit by Public Li*brary will be closed Saturdays July 1OmAugust 28 inclusive The Regional Municipality of Durham CLOSURE 0F' SANITARY LANDFILL SITES The WHITBY Waste Disposai Site wiII be closed Thursday, JuIy 1, 1976 due to the Dominion IYy Holiday. Nomloperations wiII continue on Friday, JuIy 21976. R.F. RICHARDSON, P. ENG., COMMISSIONER 0F WORKS 18 FOOT CUITER horsepower Johnson $ 3,500. Cali 668-0585. SALE Homelite X-L 2chailsaw with 12" bar, automnatic oiler, duel tiggers, SPECIAL at $129-95 with carrying case. Also X-L or a Supermini for $40-00 less hist. 'Sale ends July 3rd. Fishers Farm Service. Ashburn. Wcinted WANTED - antique dolis for private collection, flot to be resold. Cali 668-.5467 anytime. WANTED - antique dolls for private collection for to be resold. Cali 668-5467 a.:I,'time. PART-TIME SECRETARY - typing, bookkeeping, payroll, answering phones, 40 hrs. por month, $2.65 per hour. Cal Whitby Red Cross, 668-2741. LOOKING FOR FOUR DELIVÉRY BOYS, with own car, pay will be arranged by each delivery. Cati 668-6495. WANTED- Mat ure woman to care for semi-invalid, live irn. 1 :al 668-8580. CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tifing Drywall, Rec. Roonis, Cedai Decks and Patio Doors. V FREE ESTMATES - C 668-46 FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 5

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