Wh itby Busi ness AGS 5 17,PG Spinning, Wheel: How to turn a hobby into a business By BLAKE PURDY Staff Writer Jean Down's habit foreed her out of her home. It seerns Jean, a resident of the Whitby area for 1 2 years, eollected Sa many antiques that she ran out of room in her house. So Jean decided to open up a business wvhere she could bath store and seli her antiques. Jean and her daughter-in- law Suzanne Down set up The Spinning Whieel Antiques and Gift Shop at 110 Brock Street North in early August. Hours are 9:30 ta 5 daily Monday through Saturday. (Jpening tthe store was no easy task as the two women, aided by Jean's son and Suzanne's husband, spent many long hours scrcuping andý sanding ta renove the gaudy puirpie paint with which the previaus tenants covered the walls and loor. The three then applied a few coats of paint and several strips of wallpaper. If an antique and gift shop should take on a certain appearance, the -Spinning Wheel does. To complete the atmos- phere, the Downs ring up sales on a shiny mnetal cash regîster made in 1896. Tljere is plenty of elbaw raom for browsers, unlike the cheap junk stores whicli try ta pass themnselves off as antique and gift shops. But, youi need plenty of elbow room because you just wouldn't want ta break aniy of the pieces in the store - not because they are so expensive, but because they are so beautiful. To attest ta the reasanable prices, Jean says "We've" beeni told auir prices are pretty good". To attest ta the beauty af their inerclhandise, ail you need do is bromse around. "We get a lot of braovsers", says Suizanne. "They caine around, look and they see somnetlhing that catches their eye", says Jean. Samething like black amethyst, blue willow dishes, books, carnival glass, docks, depression glass, epergnes, goblets, jewelry, ketties, limoges china, moustache clips, Nippon china, ail lamps, opalescent glass, pickle cruets, pictures, pressed glass, silverware, tilt-top tables, woadenware and mnuch, rnuch mare. "In tirne, 1 think weilkget miore", says Jean with an enthiusiasm that makes you believe lier. One way Jean lias of abtaiin.ig more articles is frorn people who want ta selI thern. They turn thien over ta hier and shie selis tlhem on a cansignment basis. If you have articles whiiclm you think Jean couuld seil ' don'îtlihrow thieni out, Ici lier kno1W. If a custonier doesn't h)uy flhen, Jean mniglt. Jean and Suzanine Down admire one of the articles for sale in their newly-opened store, The Spinning Wheel Antiques and Gift Shop, at 110 Brock Street North. Free Press Photo Reasona b/e growth Over $3-million in industrial pèrmits issued Mare than three million dollars worth of industrial building permits have been issued in -the first eight months af 1976,says Whitby's Development Co-ordinator, Forbes McEwen. Although this is somewhat less than for the same period last year, the figure does represent a reasonable indus- trial growth, said M r. McEwen. He attributed the slight drap in industrial building permits ta a general slow- down in industrial expansion in 1976 as a result of ecanomic conditions. Among the industrial developments under way in 1976 is a 44,000 square foot industrial building on Champlain Avenue under construction by Associated Whitby Developmients. Tliîs building has excellent High- way 401 exposure says Mr. McEwen, and can be divided inta twa sections ta accom- adate the requirements of a tenant. Regina Ornamental Iran Works is grading a site on Hopkins Street, south of the Explorer Restaurant, for a 20,000 square foot metal fabricating plant. The Wedgewood Develop- ment Corporation Ltd. have taken out a building permit for construction of a 15,000 square foot building on Industrial Drive, for C. A. Roy Ltd., a pharmaceutical ff'rm presently in Scarborough. A 16,000 square foot addition is being made ta the North Arnerican Van Lines head office which opened in 1974 en Champlain Avenue, and additions are being made ta the Stokelv Van Camp caniling factory on Brock Street North. Bruce Palmer Ltd. which constructed an industrial building on Burns Strcet in the Hopkins Street Industrial Park recently is about ta start construction of a second building ta provide an additional 20,000 square feet of industrial space. Construction is neîtring campletion on a 44,500 square foot building at Ashburn for manufacturing coaxial cable for Andrew Antenna Ca. Ltd. During the year, Lake Ontario Steel Company lias taken out fi ve building permits valuied at more than S1,000,000 for a storage building, office expansion, and variaus other additions as this firm continues ta expand its operations. plan: -The tawn may get a six-storey I 20-rooni hotel on Thickson Road South. According ta M.' yor J.111 Gartshore, a private group ini Toronto intends ta build fle facili ty on the site on1 which a Holward Johiisons hotel was onice planned. >The planl for the I Ioxard Johunson's hotel was abandon- cd during constructîin two years ago when the developer rami out of noney. "We've been talking tço saine large hiotel chains and there is some intr;rest". said ta buil-d Mayor Gartshore. The T'own was to have miet last nigh t wi th tîme group wvhicli is planniing the project but, at press timie, there were nu further details. A i MORIGAGES 1 M 1 'r E 0 1lst 2nd Arrongodi BoUght and Sold ut Prime Rtes conl Peter Kade 668-1.556 ANUBSS NVESTMENTS Ltd. 149 IOMrok. N., Whltby Opening Announcement Barker - Dunn Denture Therapy Clinie A Complete Denture Service 111 Dundas St. W., Whitby 668-1464' Presents The British Bulldog Feast The British Bulldog adapts Henry the VIii1 dining habits in presenting the feast. Joi us for a different and delicious rneal beginning with a piping hot bowl of soup and buttered bread followed by a glass of white or red house wine. When your appitite is r'oady, ask your waitress and on cornes a platter of Englishi Style Fish, Honey Ribs, Chicken, Beef Kabob, Corn on the Cob, Onlion Rings, Fried Mushiroorns, Carrots, Celery, Apple, Grapes and nuts. So dig in is what you mnust do. As Henry ate, so must you. LUNCH SERVED il a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 35 King St. West, OSHAWA 723-1066 $595 Mini feast HAtF PORTIONS !NCLUDING SOIFT BFVFRAGE DINNER SERVED 5 p.m. - Midniight KING ST.W; ' KAMPLE FREE ~ jjjPARKNG ATHOI. ST.W- The Toronto group large hotel Operate lR' Top Form.. Whaitever forms you need fo r your business... bis, ledgers,' labels, work sheets, envelopes, letterheads, file car'ds .. . count, on us for expert help. We'Il be happy to give you suggestions. MasB.Maî Publishing & Photograplîy Inc. -121. Brock -Ste. Ne Whitby 668-6111 HOURS: - Mon.-Fri. 1l a.-l a.m- Sat. 5 p.m. - 1 a.m. Sunday 2 p.m. - 10Op'.m. COCKTAIL HOUJ, 4-.30 p.m. -7 p.m. New~ tiuincheon aand Dinnier Menus ('oui piniien t ary tors d'ociv re Mt Cocktail Ilouir -No reservations - ENTERTAINMENT NIGHITLY