PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Horticultural Society, 8:00 p.m., at the Brooklin United Church Hall. THURS. AUG. 26th - Puppet show, children's library, ~2:30-3:30 at the Brooklin Branch Library. Val 655-4317 The secondary plan study of Brooklin which hlas already begun under the management of Donovan Pinker should provide important information about Brooklin's future growth. CertVinly Ai1 residents are concerned about future plans and the North Ward Community Association are especially interested in this study and its resuits. This is your town, you will be affected by whatever future plans are approved. The North Ward CommuflitY Association hias taken responsibility for monitoring various council decisions and the progress of this latest study with a view to providing input where requested or required. Mr. David Denîson is the president of this organiation and would welcome'any questions or suggestions that you might have. Perhaps you would be interested in joining this grouip. That is a very good way of doing somiething rather tlîan just talk ing and conmplaining privately. Your opinions and your ideas can more effectively be given expression through your Communfity Association.- Sooner than you wishi, September will be uponi us again. Varicuis local groups and clubs will resumne their activities. Tc c-hose of you who are responsible for public relations or advertising for your group please caîl me early SO that 1 can have your meeting dates and projected activities published well alhead of time. WED. AUG. 25th - Regular meeting of the Brooklifl G.odf rey says put teeth into air noise bylaws ""The Minister of the Environmieft, George Kerr, should be listening to what the United States is doing about the noise problemn around airports, and pres- suring the Federal Govern- ment to do the sane", says Dturhami WestNew Demnocratic Party MPP Charles Godfrey, an outspoken opponenit of an international aîrport at Pickering. "ln a recent press state- nient it was noted that (U.S.) President (Gerald) Ford, intends 10 increase air fares by three per cent withi tieeîfunds gcncrated being allocated to a special fmnd for carly retirement of' noisy air- craft", said Dr. Godfrey. "In thiis way aIl U.S. aircraft will rncet the federal COIRN Olt MARGARINE McLAREN'5 BREAD & BUTTER PICKLES S15 -lb, C 39. > 1. a 41 fiulk STORE HOURS OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK 8:30 a.îi. 6p.m. EXCEPT THURS & FR1 NIGUTS 'TIL 9p.m. C IN OF NE SEAL iON-N l, TUNA 59c VINEGAR l2BIa 99C SWIFT'S- LUNCHEON MEAT FmREMM 12-ozO3 Tn RI MFUEL CANADA 0440 CE CUl GREEN JOHNSON*s 7 -FL O L Beans 19Fi.oz 3 $1 Baby shampoo $129 C J l . J.te 0 J ...b I. FAg BINENSIVE 0CAR£ LOTION 20eML OFt Candies 89, Vaseline 99c: LIlKY Wl IP ESRTII40Z PKC PEIIIOtEUM 1111V 402 JAR Topping Max 55S Vaseline 69c DO icisFO EIMDn 1,z.?O >MOUT lWASNlBFLO tE 000 R SCUI S FO MFO UM 5 TOZ F51 BONUS O FER -FL OZ EXTRA FI ') MikBn 4eListerine s1sq Wfiener Ral 39C BrOnîo Sealmr$129 CLUB mous£ 10GGRAM CONTAINER PLASTIC GALLON RIME Pkkling Spîte 55c ZipIoc Bnp 63 3BIG DA Thurs. Aug. aircraft regulation, number 36 which ensures quieter air- ports", he said. "The noise ervironmient around Malton would be improved if the Minister put teeth into the new noise by-laws and prevented the noisie r old-fashioned aircraft froru polluting the areas around Maton", the 'MPP said. "A good number of passengers who are transport- cd in older aircraft could be seated in the expanded capacity ofthe newer quieter models", said Dr. Godfrey. "In placing a special tariff on aircraft tickets, the air traveller wouild be paying for the pollution and, at the same tinie, niaking it possible to clean IL up", lie said. Pool closed« Sept. 7-14 The Iroquois Park Swimming Pool will be closed from Sept. 7 to 14 for annual maintenance and repairs, the recreation department reports. Ail programs for that faîl programs will begin the week of Sept. 20. Registra- tion for faîl programs will be held about Sept. 15. Anyone wishing further information may cail the pool at 668-1325. P olice face assault charges Two constables from the Whitby detachrnent of the Ontario Provincial Police will go on trial Sept. 17 on charges of common assault laid by a former inmate of the Whitby jail. Constables Brian Dunharm and Paul Lock were charged in a pnivate complaint by Thomas Rochford, 19, of R.R. 3 Port Perry. Rochiford, in a document sworn out before a justice of the peace, has alleged that he was assaulted by two police- men who came to interview him in the jail July 12 regard- ing several worthless cheques. 1 Y Value stisf.ctlefl uda" UGUlO ME lAC MFLODZ JUG CUr RMTH HC ROASTS WELI. TRIMMED - BLADE ROASTS BLADE STEAKS IOE(AL FOR tete BARBECUf EIUIIM GRO'UND BEEF RWIfiS 142V MAPLE 5 K INLES S SA USAGE 1 b. 1.15 994 lb. 89 e 88~ PORK LU VER lb. 49< SWIFIS PIIEMIUM SWIFTS PREMIUM ., LAZY MAPLE SKINLESS- RINDLESS WIENERS BACON lb. 84 c l. 1.68 c MAPLE LEAF -LflT SWIFT$ PREMIUM SMOKED COOKED PICNICS HAM lb. 98c CI6-L si.1 .08:r ISINFECTANI i3. ,taz FiN (369 GRAMBI LYSOL Spray $13) LYSOL Basin 919 FOILET BOWL 1-OZ FIN LLYSOL - 59Cer YS 26 to Sat.. Aug. DELIVERY AT 28, a nine-month sentence* for breaking and ente ring has since been transferred to the Guelph Reformatory. Outdoor S er Vic Sept 12 St. Mark's 'United Church wilI be holding an outdoor service in the chapel at Camp Samnac in Oshawa on Sunday Sept. 12, beginning at il a.m. The service will be followed by a famuly pîcnic lunch and games. Stiffer Sunday Iaw fines predicted Assistant Crown Attorney Edward Howell told the Court that he is aware that there has been a number of violaters appearing beêfore the Court on the charge of "car'rying on business on Sunday, particularly trucking of goods on Highway 401 on Sundays. For the time being and with the co-operation of the media", he s'aid he "would like it to be known, as an educational means, that in the not too far future there will be stiffer fines for those breaking the Sunday Law". The most 'recent case of Little's Furniture Limited, Scarborough, is that of -a sm-all fin. Mr. Little was shipping or delivening some bedroorn furniture 'at the timne he was stopped on Sunday on Higlhway 401. He told OPP Officer Muldoon that he was not "aware of the fiact he was violating the law. 1-le was doing the trucking hirnself for economiic reasons, whichi is understandable. Due to the type of traffic on Highway 401 on Sundays lie did not think lie was breaking a law, again that is understandable", Assistant Crown Attorney Howell said.. "But in the near future, regardless of whether it is a one man opération, a small firm or large ones, the fines for breaking the Sunday Business Law will be heavier". Provincial Court Judge Norman Edmondson agreed withi Assistant Crowni Attor- ney Howell that not knowing about a law" did flot amount to being an excuse. In actual fact he wvas violating the law whien hie is doing business on Sundays". Mr. Little who pladd not gity-" then Beres and Cherriesar eeand perabes*and eshouild berigeada son a possefiletD not wonas phembe.oretn ins the refeaor. eaveti intesonerrie and c aps ostmawncerries Sortcare- fonyan placbrre.loosely in shllow nt paieroseso tha sar ca cirte ndthet lNUW11iV~ ~ air ondtped NOMINAL b~rriso, m.i n__tpd CHARGE not crush those onthbo- BROWN'S FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 ORANGE PSR 'J lit FA liiN CNADA lotCs 111.0yt -&'PRODUCE-à %/ Crisp, fresh Bradford Marsh Celery No. 1 291 a bunch Ontario field tomatoes 35ç lb. Fresh Ontario Heads of Lettuce 391 each Poaches, Peurs, Sensonable Fruits et flisir hast, and fresh corn -2 mm amb- WE RESEqVE IHE aiGHT To LMIT GUANTITIES 0