WHITBY'FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1976, PAGE il Whitby Business First tenants move to beautiful Lynde Village today By BLAKE PURDY Staff Writer Approxîimately 40 families will today begin to -move into Lynde Village, the twin high rise apartment buildings, being constructed on Dundas Street West by Donbill Holdings Limited. The first group of tenants will occupy the bot-tom four floors of the taller building. The remaining 304 units will be occupied in stages as flnishing construction on the 19 and 20-storeybuildings progresses skyward. At present, approximately 100 of the one, two and three bedroomn units have been rente d. Bill Sorichetti of Donbill Holdings says "We're more than happy with the response. We neyer expected, at this point in timie. that we would have as many uinits rented. We wouild naturally like to see more, but we are very, very pleased". "We've only been going nine months. It was November 3, (of 1975) when we poured our first cernent. We're very pleased construction. We excellent forming tor", he says. "The remaining tion will go fairly1 The *whoîe project finished by May with the ha-ie an contrac- construc- fast now. should be of next year",.says Mr. Sorichetti. The finished project should be a dandy, not that it isn't now, as a recent tour of the site from bottom to top - ith Mr. Sorichetti revealed. Ramps to and froin. the the underground parking will be heated to prevent carF frômi sliding in the winter. Approximately 430 under- ground parking spaces are provided on two levels. There is one space per housing unit included ihi the rent while an extra fee is charged for a second. Doorways fromi the underground parking to the main buildings are pressurized to keep the srnell of car fumnes away froin the living a re a. The lower levels of the towers contain much miore than your average apartmnent. In addition to the necessary miachinery, there are garbage comnpacters. The laundry roonis, flot usually thought of as favorite places, are mnade miore attractive with adjoining louinges for the miotliers and playroomns for the children. The recreational needs of the adults are not ignored cither as each 1build- ing wi1l include roins for exercises, hobbies and table tennis, squash courts, saunas and wvhirlpool baths. Outside there will be tennis courts and a two-and-one-lialf acre lake for fishing in the summiner and skating in the winter. If that's fot enough to make Lynde Village a corn- munity unto its ow n, consider that GO and local buses stop nearby and that there is a five-acre plaza planned by another developer directly to the east of the towers in addition to the existing shopping facilities within easy walking distance. Corridors, are beautifully carpetted for comfort and soundproofing. Halls are also pressurized to keep cooking odours frorn filtering throughi the building. Emergency lightinig is provided in. the event of power failures. Eaclh unit is electrically heated and is wired for both cable and antenna television reception. Each uinit con- tains living and dining areas, one to three bedroomis, a three-piece bath, a kitchen and miore than adequate closet space. Al roiîns, with the exception of the bathi- roorn, seern larger than average.- The living and dining areas and bedrooms hiave parquiet flooring, which costs as mnuch as but is casier to maintain then carpetting. 'llie batliroonis have exhauist fanrs, cerainic floors and walls and large cosnie tic ca binets withi spacious linen closcts in tile hall. l'lie viniyl ashestos tiled kîtelcns are Ohe niost ini-i' essive teature witii an aibundance of cupboaî d space, 30-inch autoniiatic sioves, I 3-cubic foot frost- free refrigerators, exhauist fans and louivred doors, blocking flhe view. of people in the living roorn. Outside eachi unit, off tl-e living roorn, is a balcony withi a neatly sculptured concrete r"straining wvall. Why? 'here is no maintenance required", says Mr. Sorichietti. The sanie applies f'or the entire exterior of the build- inig. The only inaterial-s whicli will be exposed to the elenients are bricI', concrete THE ANNUAL MUNICIPAL ENIUMERATION STARTS NEXT WEEK The annual municipal enumeration wNill be conducted between Tuesday. September 7. 1976 and Saturday. September 18. 1976 inclusive. During those two weeks. an enumerator. carrying a proper iidentification card. will caîl at your residence for a few minutes ta check basic information required in determin1ing: " your elîgibility ta vote in the municipal and sohool board elections ta be held December 6. this year: " the allocation of education property taxes between the public and separate school systems: " the distribution of provincial grants ta local governments ta help reduce local tax'bilîs: " the preparation of jurors* lists: and e population information needed for other municipal programs. The enumerator must record such information as the name. age. property status (e.g. owner or tenant). school support and residency of aIl mem bers of the household. When the enumerator visits. please check that the information on the Enumeration Notice is correct. If it s not. revise it and verify the changes. If you are not home. a Notice will be left for you. If changes are necessary. please make them and mail the Enumeration Notice. as soon as possible. in the self addressed postage prepaid envelope accompanying the Notice. For any additîonal information. please contact the local assessment office. Ministry of Revenue Arthtur Mpee; Mn ist er of R eve nr(lif- T M Russell Dc-ptty Mrn;strr Ontario and inetaî. It will rneyer look shoddy", lie says. "The buildings will neyer deteriorate". Chances of damnage by fire seem slin too with the pre- cautions against and the devices in the event of a blaze which the developer hWas included. Consider these: ceiling sprinklers everywhere, hoses on eachi level, consoles ini the main lobbies from whichi firefigliters can direct traffic through Ioudspeakers, concrete waîls in- the corridors, fire proof doors and door franies, and mucb more. Tenants who don't feel safe behind fire-rated doors can escape down a stairway or in a flame-proof elevator. Tliere arc thiree elevators in the 20-storey tower and two in the 19-s torey building. One elevator in each is dcsignied f'or people mioving ini and out. Mly recent tour leads nie to believe that the corners wilI greatly outnunliber the gocis so you liad better fill out your application for tcnaticy soon. The aveage prices are $235 for a one-bedroomn apartmient, SI-75 for two bedroomis and S31.5 for three bedroomis. F-or further iniorination, caI668-7331 Monday thiroughi 2 D' A y s SE The first tenants wiIl today begin moving into the twin high rise apartment buildings, being constructed on Dundas Street West by Donbilî Holdings Limited. Free Press Photo Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 12 to . SUNDAY & MOI PTEMBER 5 5 p.m. or visit a model suite at Jeffrey and Dundas Streets. 2 IQD JjA Y NDAY s ith &6th SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 aParade muster at Curling Club Parking Lot for judging e Parade at Grandstond e Historical Stearn Show a Heovy Horse Show a Worship Service * Off iciai Opening Ceremonies 2 p.m. e Miss Port Perry Fair e Miniature Troctor Pull e YOUNG Farmers Beel Show MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 e Midway e Block & White Show 0 Pettîng Zoo e Riding Classes o Pure Bred Beef Show e Cake Auction e 4H Homemrikers & Guide Display * Judo Demonistrotion Post TMme 2:00 'p, m e Carniage Horses a Horseshoe Pitching a Beel Auction 9 Worlds Championship Auctioneer: STEVE LIPTAY e Miniature Tractor Pull JR. FARMERS CORRAL e Rock Group MORSE RACING Mondoy, September 6thl a Jr, Farmers' Square Dancing Classufied PARI-MU TU EL Wageringpivieges e 4H Homnemakers & Guide Disploy e Dairy Princess Competition , 1 e Pettrng Zoo e Midway a O.PP. Bond- a AyresKire, Guernsey, & Jersey Show e Historical Steam Show