PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Trailer buffs visit Whitby en route ta. Detroit rally- Tie Streamline Royal RZovers, the traiter club which lias visitcd Whiitby for seven years during (lie County Town Carnivat, was back in townl during the past week, camping ut 1Hcydenstiore Park. [î-on lasi Wednesday titi Tuesday Luis weck, about 40 traiders and mobile homes beclonIging(, topeople from lis lar awav as Catifornia and Texas were in Whitby, enroule to a national triqiler rally in the end of Autgu st. Most of the members of the Strearninc Royal Rovers are retired couples 'wlio travel across the continent in their traiters. Whifle in Witby the nmem- bers made sidc trips Lo Toronto and the Canadian National Exhibition and hetd a banquet Sunday to which a ilmrnbcr 1uf Witby's civic cL gni tari es were invited. The Whiitby gathiering was ;iýtanged by Canadian Wagon- wîaster Forbes McEwen and VistInliter national President 1-Ken Ilobbs, bothi of V îitby. ý')ne of the guests fleydcnshore Park was Eddie Peace, of' Louisiana, t h I î i es( n t international president of the Streaniline iOyal Rov'ors. United Way begin Sept. A happy but cotd group of Streamtine Royal Rovers gather around Past International President Dr. Ken Hobbs (in the engineer's hat) who stirred up the traditional hobo stew. To the Ieft of Dr. Hobbs is Eddie Peace, of Louisiana, present international president of the traiter club. Forty traiters stopped in Whitby last week en route to a nationat ratty in Detroit. Free Press Photo WaIk Once upon a time there was a Little Red R ooster who scratched about and uncovered some grains of wheat. He cal led his barnyard neighbours and said: "If we \vork together and plant this wheat, we \VilI have som-e fine bread to eat. Who wili help me plant the wheat?" "Not 1," saidthe Cow. Not 1," scid the Duck. "Hot tU" said the Goose. 'Then I wit t," said the Little Red Rooster and lie did. After the wheat started growing, the ground turned dry and there was no ramn in sight. "Who witl help me water the wheat?" said the Little Red Rooster. "Not 1," said the Cow. "l'd tose r-ny workman's compensation," said the Pin "qul rghs, sad heGoose. Rooster and lie dîd. The wheat grew tail and ripened into golden grain. "Who will helP me reap the wheat?" asked the Little Red Rooster. "'m waiting fora guaranteed annual wage," said the Cow. "Hot 1," said the Duck. "Out of my classification," said the Pig. "Hot 1," said the Goose. "Then I wil11," said the Little Red Rooster and lie did. When it came time ta grind the flour, "Not I said the Cow. "l'd lose my unemploy ,«z ment insurance," said the Duck. When it came time ta bake the bread. "That's , The 1976 Oshawa-Whitby United Way camipaign begins Sept. 13, with an objective of $975,000 to assist local community service agencies. This represents an increase of $41 ,000 over the $754,00 raised last year. The United Way does flot' raise ait tie money needed by the 27 memiber agencies, some of wlhich are based in Whitby. Most agencies eup C anada no free uc overtirne for nie." sa id tlie Cow. "l'm a dropout and neyer tearned how," said the Duck. "t'd tose mny veîfare benefits," said the Piq. If 'mn the only one hetping. thcit's disciiînation," sdid the Goose. "Then 1 wi t1tU' 'aid the Li ttlte Red Rooster and lie d id. He baked fi ve todves of fine bread and hetId tiiemiu t for flis nrighbours ta See. "tl Wdit snî.said thec'Co\v. "t wammt sinie," said the Duck. 'Il Want somie," said the Pig. I demrîond miy share," said the Goose. "No," said the Little Red Rooster. "I can rest for awhtle and eat five toaves rnyseîfU" "Excess profits," cried the Cow. "Capitaîist lecli," screamied the Duck. "Company fink," gninted the Pig. "Equal riglts" scream-ed Lhe Goose. And the y lurriedîy painted picket signs and marched arourid the Li ttle Red Rooster, sirnging, "We shal I overcome." And they did. For when the Farmer came ta, in- the com- motion, lie said, "You niust not be greedy, Little Red Rooster. Look at the o ppressed Cow. Look at the disadvated Duck. Look at tlie underpriviteged Pig. Look at the tess forturiate Goose. You are guitIty of indking second-class citizens of thero.' "B3iît-buLt-but t 1earned the bread," piotested the Ltttle Red Rooster. "Exactt y." the wise Farimer said. 1 hat is the woiderfujrîee enterprie systel; amybodyiilthe barnyard cari cdiii dsrimucli as lie wants. You slould be liappy ta have att this freedom. In aLlier barnyards, you woutd have ta i ve ait1 you r 1baves ta tlie Farmner. Flere you give four boaves ta your suffering neighibours." Anmd tliey ived hap ily ever after. 1lnctuding tlie Little Red Rooster, who smniled and crowed, "I am grateful, I a n grate fu1. " But his neighbours wondered why lie neyer baked any imore bread. FREE 2-COLOUR POSTER If you also bel ieve in the free enter- prise systemn help us spread the word by sending in for a free 2-col.our poster of this adver- tisemient for posting in y ur office or place cf business. Quantities can be provided forcompanies or associationYs wlic can make S effective use of tliem. Write: Canadian Federation of Indepenident Business, P.O. Box 35, Don MilîIs, Ontario M3C 2R6. 0/\NADIA.N FEDERATION 0DF INDEPENIDENT BUSINESS A to -pri i )(,fiidî>io vr35,00 X) v x ixJr busii('-s ownr ded atd o tt x --ertoioff t ori>ttve ittrris receive govmrment grants as well as fees and private donations. The $975,000 is the extra amount needed to keep these agencies operating effectively, say United Way officiais. In the Oshawa-Whitby United Way campaign, the fund raising and operating costs represent iess than se';en per cent of the total funds raised, the lowest for ail the larger United Way camnpaigns in Canada. The Oshawa-Whitby Unit- ed Way is an incorporated cha ritable cornpany operuting under a chiarter granted by tthe Ontario gommnnent. Twenty-four mien and wonien. al voitunteers,* are directors of the organîzation. Working tlrotigh' comniiît- tees, tliese directors examine tie progrmns and finarîciai at airs of the 'mnember agencies to make sure tlia t Thli Towni's hutnt for a pt:hiinii direc tor is alinost over. W'iîby Council's maniage- mni t coinnmi ttee recentiy iriterviewed some of approxi- nmately 40 applicamits for the position. vacated almnost three moinths ugo by Keith Birch who resigned to take on similar duties in Oshawa. According 10 Deputy Planining Director Kevin Tunney, wvho lias served as Admission $2-00 each per evening ttiey are providing services which the communities need. 'fhe carnpaîgn objective is established to meet only'the minimum needs of these agencies. New groups seek membership uas agencies fromi time to time and may be admitted if, in the judgemnent of the board members, they are providing a needed' service and are flot dupiicating the se rv ice cf another organiza- tion. The board has recom- mended that three additionai organizations receive grants thi's year. Athough most of the Urited Way agencies are based in Oshawa and serve either Oshawa alone, or, Oshawa and district, agencies based iii Whitbywhich receive Uffited Way support are the Red Cross, the Whitby YMCA, Salvation Army ando St. Johin Ambulance. 40 ap'plications 'n Acti 'ng Piinniing Director silice- Mr. Birch resigned Jupe 5, lhe.' âne-,c-f the uppticants interviewed andi is stitI in the running for the position. Council witi consider a recommendation from the committee and wiii then niake iLs choice as to who will fiti the position. IL is expected that council wilI make iLs decision this nîonth.., For Information 668- 7765 Bratwurst, Pigtails and Sauerkraut. Co-Sponsored ty the Whitby Recreation Department.and the Lions Club 9f Whitby ~1 13 for planning director 2nd. ANNUAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY September 1lOth. and 1lth. 7.00 p.m. t 1 .00 a. m. IROQUOIS PARK ARENA in WHITBY featuring WALTER BERNAUER and. THE BLACK FORESTERS