PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS whitby Voice of the County Town Mi ke1 SERVINO OVER 28,00 READERS blsledovry Wcdnesdlay Sby M.B.M. Put land Pliotograpi Tht Froe Press Bc Burgess, Publiçier-Ma naging Eciltor. 121 ro tretN Assistant Editor - B3lake Purdy ' Community Editor - lirian Winter. Contrlbuting Edit.or - Jim Qu4 Production Manager - Marje B3urgess >IsigDisplay Advertising Manager - blishingRobin Lyon liy Inc. C!assified Ad Manager -- î Marlene Byron.1 Circulation Manager- Sharon Lyon Boïx 206, Whitby. Wildng M-aîl.nq PLIrmit No. 2941 North, FIhmivîî 668-611il Toronto Lino 282-1004 -4 magination and creativity went into thei It doesn't look like a municipal buiilding, but it is. That is the first thoughit which came to mind af ter a tour of Whitby's new town hall, under construction 0on Rossland Road, with Acting Director of Planning Kevin Tunney on Friday. It is a produet of an imaginative architect and creafive genius - the interna- tionally known and acclaimned Raymond Moriyarna. Gone are the blase basics of Most buildings of burea ucracy. A tip of the liat goes to some alert officiais at the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital who took the time and care to check through a box of belong- ings that was turned ini for a patient by hiis land- lady Thursday. While looking through the belongings that had been cleaned out of the patient's apartment, a nurse found a sawed-off shotgun and two boxes of ammunitimn, which she turned over to the Durham Regional Police. Accordîng to police, the patient, in his 20s, new town hall We are sûre most of the Town emnployees would like to mnove into the building before its scheduled opening in mnid-November. The envir- oniment is hiable to inspire thern to heights of achieve- ment wvhich neither we nor they ever tlîought possible. The environrnent is also botund to miake us more comfortable when we go to make an impassioned plea for a building permit. And that is most important. Af ter ail, we are paying for the building. Where have athietes gone? Not to the Sui It seems that Ken Graham is the only Whitby' person who will compete in the Ontario Summer Cames in the Ottawa-Carleton Region this weekend. That is a rather poor showing by sporting types in Whitby. When youi consider the numnber of athletes who will take part in the gamnes, the population of our province and the population of our town, you realize that there should be six or seven Whitbyites competing. To wlîat can we or should we- attribute this poor showing? Could it be that the youth of our community are a lazy lot? Not . ikely, jtudging by the number of people involved in sports in this town. Could it be that thesporting types in the area have had it up to here with such -garnes, mmer Games tlaving been exposed to the recent Olympies ad nauseami? That excuse holds little strength as evervone in the province and indeed the entire country satura ted. wvas similarly Could it be that the athîctes of our town did not hiear about tic Camies? This cou Id be the cwse as Ken Graliani says lie picked up bis entry forni in ' Sudbury. If tlîis is 'the case, wlîo is at fault-tjarnes organizers or someone else? Whatever thec probleîîî îîay be, we hiope it is corrected before îîext year's Ontario Sumnmer Camies take place. We leel Wlitby has a lot more capable athlfetes wlîo should be given the oppor- tunity to comnlete anîd l)r(ve themselves. Ini any case our best wislhes go ouit to our Ilone represen- tative - Ken Grahami. lîad been ini the hospital for a month, and'his land- lady decided to dlean out his apartrnenit and turn his posessions tlîe hiospital. It always paysi anything that is to a patient in a tric hospital. If lîad been passed to the patient over to toclîeck brought psychîa- thîe box thro ugli withot even a routine check, the results could have been disastrous. As has been said many times, an ounce of pre- vention is worth a pound of1 cure. I - ......... MRP Char/es Godfrey. Do something about the highways EI)ITOR'S NOTE: Follow- ing is a letter to Oshawa NDPI MPPI Mike Brcaughi, a niemiber of tlîe Select Commiittee on Highiway Safety. Dear NIr. Breaugh; 1 wish to suibnîit the foHowing to your commiittee for action. h have repeatedly clrawn the n tten tion of* the Ministry of' Transportation andl Conm- inunications -to the problenîs involvecl in I-lghway 2 between Ajax andl Whitby. 'l enclose tlîe pertinent correspondence. 1 fi ý it difficuit to understand whîy the Minister of Transportation and Comi- mnilca,ýt.ions wil îot instali the requested liglîting. The fact we have ilot hadl sufficient accidenîts does flot seemn to be a stuitable excuse. Surely we do not have to wait for a series of f'atalities before action is taken. 1 wislh your conmittee to consider the proposition for inmproved lighting along this area and prevent accidents. For somne tirne we have requLested the appropriate portion of the Govcrnnîient to uipgracle the crossings over the McDonaldCartier Highiway' into Ajax however we have flot had any satisfaction. The continuance of the present crossings constitutes a serious hazard of life and lirnb. It is only fortunate we had not had more trouble to this date. Therefore, aside from the in- convenience it causes the residents of that area, 1 ask your conîfittee to do some- tlîing about c Dssings over Highiway 401. I nlote with great concern what 1 tlîink is an increasing incidents of tractor-trailer accidents onHighiway 401. It seenms 10 nie eachi morning there is a new episocle of jack- Will your conînittee look into the m at ter o f whether îîîy impression of' thiese increases in incidents is correct and whether some- tlîing couIlc be donc ýabouIt it? Lt is a miatter that the tractor- trailers have to proceed at such a speed in order to make a living tlîat they are unable to carry out nortr-tal safety precautions? Lt is a niatter of poor training of drivers'? Lt is a niatter that the speed limit is set too high'? Possibly your conîttee rnighit look at this inatter further. Yours truly, Charles Godfrey MPP for Durhaîîî West New Deliocra tic Party Mr. M. Burgess, h agree with the Article signed A Disgruntled Senior. ini your pai)cr dated August 25/76. 1 approached thîe Recr-eationaý,l Departnmeît about the Senior Centre, which I off«red my service (free) fr,.,nih 1 a.m. to 9 p.m. claily, the only thing for niy conmpen- sation was to ru n the Cafeteria, preparing lunch and coffee for Seniors payingless whiat they are paying for m-neals at the Kîîights of Colunmbus. As a Senior Citizen to remain active, I alsooffered ny service to open at the library a "Starnp Club" for the kids of Whitby; 1 arn an advanced Staip_ Collector for over, 50 years. Up to tlîis date nobody botlhered to answer my request. Yours truly,' Oreste Vella, *whitby. .4 *.-x..,,x-~..4.xq.â, - Asecond glance An ounce of prevention... An offer of assistance attracts no takers