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Whitby Free Press, 22 Sep 1976, p. 17

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Formulite molded bathroonti BASIN & COUNTERTOP 48 inelhes long, new, $100; seven pieces aluminuni traiter covering, 61/2 x 14 ft., $35 each. Cali.1 655-3411. BABY CRIB- with ncw mattress and ex tension bars, $40.' Cati 668-5554. LAWN MOWER - needs somne repairs, $15; Cati 668-7323. BABY CLOTHES - to fit bîrth to two years, one box for eithier sex, $15; girls box,'$15; boys box, S$15; jolly jumiper, $2; baby' lounger, $1; baby back pack carrier, $7, toddler chair l'or carriage, $10. (ail 668-2301. BEDSPREAD - metal siat type sith four rubber tîp metal legs, 38" side, $9; bvÉke bleeder, $35; golf shoes, mens spiked, brown, »101/E, like newv, $12); CatI 683-6728 71/4 B & D PROFESSIONAL SKILL SAWV - neyer used, $60; Ladies long leather coat, size 15-16, reddish-brown, $100; Caîl 668-5486. Gravely Lawsn Tractor Equip- ment - 30" Rotary Mower, $200; 48" curved Snow or Dirt blade, $90; 42" siekle mioser, $275, il items in good condition. C(aIl 655-4995. CAMERA - Mamiya Super 23, wvith 100 mm lense, 6 x 7 back, and ground glass back with sheet film holder, and 75 sheets of film, $485. Cati 576-2616. Philips BEAUTY SET - w;th 14 attachments, neyer used, $20. Cail 668-4690. ANTIQUE DOOR - made in 1857 soiid pine, 42" x 71/2x212 panelled both sides, 3 soid brass 5" hinges, solid bzass door knob, brass lock with scroll work, a steal at $175. (al ,668-3186. TWO WOODEN STEPS - $5 each. Calil 668-8304. HOCKEY SKATES - new, size 5, $15; portable SINGER sewing machine, $35; Calil 725-1211. Wooden STORMt WINDOWS six standard size and two others, $5 each; aluminuni combination ,storm door, $10; wooden door, $5. Cal 668-8304. CAMPBELL GOLF CLUBS 1 & 3 Woods, 2,3,5,7 and puitter. $50;, Barbeils with 120 pound weight, $25; Ail items excellent condition and subject to best offer. Calil 655-4740 after 6 p.nl. Sotid sterling silver ETCHING- a limited editiori by Henry Moore, a beautiful work of art OnIy $850. Cal 723-0722. ENCYCLOPEDIA - Britannia 3, plus 3 book dictionary and large atlas, black leather binding, $ 1,000 new asking $650. Can bc seen at 200 Mason Apt. 21C any lime. Haminex LaRonde SLID[ PROJECTOR- 7 carousels, thre trays, $50. Cali 579-1571. TRAINING CaIl 668-%",103. CHAIR - PERRIGO PRAM - excellent condition, used once, $ 100 or best offer. Call.668-5 i48. HOCKEY EQUIPMENT - shin padis, $15; hockey pants, $8; shouider pads, $8; cooper gloves, $10; helmet, $10, all equipment in excellent condition. (ail 66&-676t ask for Steve. LAWN amplifier, 6686750. MOWER - $3ý and guitar, $50; Ca A BO(;tN CHALLENGER P.A. amplifier. $100; J Trayno P.A. columnls. $50; a Harmnon, Sovereigri guitar withi case, Si.' a Webcor am-fm tei recot player with two speakers. $7( two sltifle microphones, $10( Ail items ini excellent conditic and aIl are subjeef 10 best offe (ail 655-4740 aIter 6 p.m.. nlevi Brù( Cai $20 boi $2 rea tea ma of p ni i Ar Ca *wil wil go 65 d( c e a g. ri t,, ia 'il 0; I; I Eriglish J3?' E CHINA - ier used, 54. piece set in lail Wreathi pattern, $300. Il 668-5 767. JSEI) TV ANlENNA C aIl 668-8943. SPîCE RACK - witli 18 lItes, $6; boys pants, size 14, !,ladies clothling, size 14, asonable pnices, ladies short ther jacket, size 14, $20; single attress, $ 15; also odds and ends 1carpeting, record player, $5. ll 725-1211. eets & Supplies BLAC'K LA13- fenialc. 5 inthsold, S25. ('ail 668-0134. FREE KITTENS - Ai 655-41 78. YEARLING -registercd,liaitf ab, Galdinig, jumnpe.r prospec ts, il 728-2620. Brown Shetland PONY th brtdle and saddtc very tame Ih children, $ 150' Cal1 668-0705 BIRD CAGE floor stand, od condition, $40. ('ail1 55 - -8,5 7. GERMAN SIORTHAIR )INTER -t year oid, mak. oghouse included, $35. (ait 76-8667. GOLDEI-N RI-TRIIEVER Puppy gentle loving liet, hampion stock, littcr K(' registered. ait shots, veterinarian xainiation. ('ail 668-6759. Easy Removal Stick a toothpick in a rarlic c love before adding to imixture. This makes the ,arlic easier to find and ,move. Sour 1-istory The history of sour dough bread goes back almost 6.000 years to the Egyptians. Average Growth Average hair grows about one-haîf inch per month. A TTEIJTIC WHY P WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1976, PAGE 17 CLASSIFIED ADS Free Press Emporium (Continued) M iscelianeous M EN S OXFORD1 iesv, $15. BLACK ENGLISII SII-lFS - Size 7E, (al 668-90173. CO AT - Ladies black pcrsian Iamhi approximately size 20, in good condition, wili seli for $50. Cali 725-5714. Bikes__ BICYC'LE boys,, red, and white hiighrisc, banana scat, 20" svhecîs, carrier included, $27. Cali 668-3771. 1117 2 TRI UMPI --'Figer, 650 c, $825. C'ail 728-1930 after 5 pmin. BIC'YCLE 1 0R TWO Gitian,' 10 specd, equipped sith accessories, bougit tic\\ last somminer, in e cecclent condition, $225. Cali 668-5467 anytimne. BIKE - boys, Pl~ue, 2 speed, hli-risc, $30. Cai 668-6790. 1972 SL-100) HONDA niust seli, $250 or best off6r. as is. ('ail 668-0404 anytinlc. 1973 500J SUZUKI ail rebuilt, $700 or best offer. Cali 668-4813. 1975 RtD 350 \'AMAIIA good condition, S$1,000. Cal 723-2351 anytimie. Girls('('M BiKi'. highirisc, a'.king $50. Cail 668-9817. BIC'Y('Ll -' Boys,. mustang, style. suttabie l'or agcs 6 to Il. $20. (ail 655-384(0. (;irls UNtRO\'AUIIKl.'or ..cs8-12. gold in colour. white býjjaaaeat. high Ihandîcha)irs. ini good conditlion. S35 ('all 728-9777. Hot Fat If your home prepared French fried potatoes are soggy or greasy. you may not have the frying fat hot enough. Temperature of the fat should be 37.5 to 385 degrees.* accordîng tb the U.S. [)cpartment of Agri- culture. Faulty Seals When home-canned foods spoil. the most common reason is faulty or improper seals. Sometimes the jars themselves are the problemn. Air bubbles in the [ood may prevent a good seal. too. That's why it's important to 'knife out" air bubbles be- fore sealing jars. )N FARMERSII "AV YMORE? W -»S DIESEl L i eMOJOR oit OUL K~> 6"0-3381i NoW, Look INaturally Good We . g'oang -,th Nture ta bring ou.theb.-,i nyou and your hair. We cul i the woly it glaws . .. and shaipo 't ta su!t your face. MEN'S HAIRSTYLING Whîtby Plaza 668-6922 SWEET SOUNDS DISC JOCKEY SERVICE MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS BOOK NOW 668-1164 AFTER 5 P.M. NOTICE ALL RUSTY CAR OWNERS Join 1 taking recoverl G.M.C. Qood, lood Good -Nutrition Combat Inflatilon national group legal action to Iossesfrom Ford, Chryrsler - Write RUST GROiJP Box 164, Station N New Toronto 14, Ont. NEEI) MONEY FOR CHRISTM4AS OR WINTER HOLIDAY!! Celebrity nieeds you. No outlay, top commission. Cati 668-2354 or 579-1909. EXTRA CASH FOR CHRISTMAS Work part-time or start your own business. Po'ential unlimited. Cai 668-7225. LUMBER SALE 1 x 4'x, 2 x 4's, 2 x 6's, 2 x 8s, 2x 10Os Cedar Posts, Barn Nietal, Squared Cedar Logs, Cedar Poles. One Army Jeep, Two Skidoos West of Hwy. 12, 1 1/2 miles on Whitby Reach Townline. FolIow the signs Satiirday 9 - 5 Sunday 9 - 5 Cash Only Purchaser arrange removal r Rainbow Cause A rainbow is caused by sunlight playing on water. .usually ramn, though misi fromn a waterfall or a garden sprinkler can create the same effect. The sun's rays are refracted. or bent. as they enter the water drops. The light is broken Up into the colors of the solar spec- trum. The rainbow actually forms a complete circle. but the bottomn haif is cut off by the horizon. 1 Carrier boys and girls wanted in the arecs-of Warden- Wilson and west of Cochrane Street Phone 668-6111 DINING-LO GIARDINO AT HOME IN CANADA,% Pic turC(lyouisell dining under the trees of a littie Italian orchard, sitting behind an array of inviting Italian dishes and listening to soIt Latin nrielodies dnifting on the breeze. Ummm. sounds deiighttul. Weli, if an Italian orchard isn't accessible to you-create the atmosphere and savour the same cuisine in your own garden at home! lu ',Iart your ryiOflu plans. Joan Fielden. the Bakery Council of Canida's Nutrition Consultant. suggesls three Italian innovations: SORRENTO BEEF SANDWICH. VENETIAN TOMATOES and CHEESE BUTTERFLAKE ROLLS. Along with these foods you will want itn-sprve a tossed areen salad. Have oil and vineqar handv for the do ityVOurself Italian style salad dressing. Carry out the "little orchard" theme ta the dessert. A baker's apple or peach pie would be perfect. Your 1Italian meal - Lo Giardino - will not only tantalize the imagina- tion'arir taste buds of your connoisseurs but will also keep them healthy This assortment of Latin-f lavoured dishes made with enrich- ed liu-afd, roIls and bread crumbs. meets wvith the standards of Caniada's Food Guide, Sorrento Beef Sandwich 1 pou et Licef, ground 2 (1P,4 mince) cans meatless s )ititlsaucep 1 cIe-e' iîurlic, mînced 1 e'q ca'ten 8 ecesenriched bread, crusîs removed 1/4 cup grated Mozzarella cheese 2/3 cup milk 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese Combhine ground beef and garlic in a medium-sized skillet; brown over ryeriurn heat, stirring frequently. Add spaghetti sauce and heat ttiroiîqh Arrange four slices oI bread in a greased 18 or 9 inch) square hakîîig dish Sprinkle Mozzarella cheese over bread. Spread hot meat ryixiture river cheese. Cut remainîng bread slices in hait. diagonally; place on top of meat mixture. Combine beaten egg. milk and Parme- sani cheese, pour over sandwiches. Bake in a moderate oven (3750Fl) for thirîy minutes, or until lightly browned. Yield: 4 -- 6 servîngs. Cheese Butterfiake rolis 1/4 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese 1/8 teaspoon ground oregano 12 Brown 'n Serve butterflake rolls Combine Parmesan and Mozzarella cheeses. oregano and slaw dress- îng, Insert about 1/2 teaspoon of cheese mixture between alternate sections of rolîs. Place filled rolis in muffin cups. Heat in a hot oven (4000F.) for ten Io twelve minutes, or until browned. Yield.» 1 dozen Cheese Buttertiake Rolîs. Venetian Tomatoes 2 large. fîrm tomatoes 1 cup soIt bread crumbs 1 tablespoon sugar 1/4 teaspoon sait 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1 large onion, thinly sliced 1/2 cup sour cream 4 - 5 plum or cherry tomatoes Peel and slîce tomatoes, place in a (Il quart) casserole that has been generously buttered and 1/2 cup soft bread crumbs sprinkled over the boltom. Sprinkie with seasonings. Top with sliced onion. Mix the remaîning 1/2 cup sot t bread crumbs with sour creamn and spread eveniy over the top. Bake in a moderate oven (3250 F.) for thirty minutes. AI serving time: Slice plum or cherry tomaloes and garnish inside edge ot casserole. Cia thing i Services a

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