I PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1976, W'IITBY FREE PRESS 7 7 v '4< n Now that we're having a cold snap and our thoughts are turning to warmer climates we take yqo Feeort,on Grand Bahama Island. The Princess Tower is situated next door- to the famous gambling casino El Casino ... reputed to be the Iargest in the Western hernisphere. The Iavish Pn s'To'wer hotel (above),on*f three luxurious hotels in Freeport.,-, Features the largest pool on the island. On the other side of El Casio is the famous Internation Bazaar with ten acres of duty-free shops depicting streets of over 24 nations. Just outside of Freeport is the everpopular Garden of the Groves named resort city only two and a1 after the founders of Freeport. spots such as the Brittania Founded, or at least ready for tourists, in 1964 Freeport is a man made shrimp and lobster cocktail), haif hours away with endless nightlife, dining Pub and the, Captain's Charthouse (fantastic beaches (Taino is the most picturesque public beach), and shopping to your heart's content. You can have A this 'fun in the Sun' and more that we just don't have room to' tell you about frorn about $265 per person for round trip flight and accomodation. A complete package in (high) season will probably run about $350if Free<lPre,, cluding mealIs during the win ter per person per week. ýss Photo ,s by Mlike Burgess