PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Champions honored by, coimneil These four smiling boys are the captains of the award-winning Whitby lacrosse and hockey teams of 1975. From left to right are Scott Stoneman of the Whitby Minor Lacrosse Pee Wee C team, Joey Nieuwendyk of the Minor Atom Hockey »Alistar team, Randy Taylor of the Pee Wee B Hockey Alistar teamn, and Dale Kernohan of the Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Pee Wee B team. The members of the teams, their coaches, managers and trainers received recognition awards from the Town of Whitby last Wedneday.Free Press Photo HEY!I1 LOOK!!1 PERFECT SECOND CARS Safe Buy 72 Mazda 808 Automatlc S$15 99.00 certif led Lie- APL 7411 Hurry For This Beautiful 1970 LeMans V-8 Auto$1 6 99.00 Li.DZT 2321 An>' Reasonable 0f fer On This Clean Ready to Go One Owner 1971 1968 Chev Impala Lie. 1JIRB 655 Chev Impala 4 Door .SJQQ5*.co Lie. DXU 679 Perect Gas Saver 1970 Maverick 6 wcyl- 1. %$ 1095.00" Quality Cars fron icePeople wl:o Gare Lic. ANS 899 GARROW AUTOMOBILE 668.6880401 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-6889 Mayor Jim Gartshore, sportsman Bob Attersley, and a number of town couincillors were on hand last We dnesday night at Heydenshore Pavilion to present-awar.ds to recogni- tion from the Town of Whitby to champions of 1975. The town's champions', in both sporting and cultural fields, received plaques, medallions or certificates according to their achieve- ments. Awards were presented to two Canadian champion lacrosse teams, the Whitby Lacrosse Pee Wee C 'team and Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Pee Wee B team. Also receiving awards were two minor hockey teams, which were league and zone champions in their divisions, the Minor Atom Alîstar team, and the, Pee Wee B Alistar team. Pat Wilcox, this year's Peter Perry Award winner, presented the Canada Cord, the highest award in Guiding to Janet Hilli, Laurie Kell'k and Lynda Lawson, al residents of Brooklin. Awards were also presented to George Sonley, Anne Sonley and Wilma Guthrie, members of the Brooklin Junior Farmers Modern Square Dancers, who were provincial champions in 1975. Mrs. Flora Lott, received a standing ovation from the audience when she accepted her certificate from Recrea- tion Chairman Councillor Joy Thompson. .Mr5. Lott said this award meant even more to her than the provincial' award she had received this year fo»r hem contributions to amateur sport. "You put out that littie bit extra it needs to be a champion", Mayor Gartshore told the winners of the awards. He also reminded themn that the behinds-the-scenes people such as trainers, coaches and ma nagemrs, played an important part in their winning them their chamnpionships. Bob Attersley, president of the Whitby YMCA and a member ot the 1958 world champion hockey team, the Whitby Dunlops, told those assembled that "it's a great honor to represent a com- munity and a town in the way in which we do", and suggested, that more people should bc involved in pro- moting their town, province and country. Recreation Director Wayne DeVeau closed the recogni- tion of champions evening by comrmenting that the compe- tition is "not just with the other guy but with yourself'. Councillor Thompson acted as master of ceremnonies for the evening, which was attend- ed by the award winners and parents. Puckrins troumce Stouffville The Whitby Novice Puckrins opened their final playoff round with a convinc- ing 1 8-9 win over Stouffville Belles in Stouffville. Marion Verkuyl led the Puckrins to victory with a strong pitching performance, allowing six hits, striking out seven and walking fine. She also had three hits with seven runs batted in. Cathy Allun hammnered out her l9th homerun of the seuson along with a single. Debbie Reinhardt hiad two hits. Single hits wvent 10 Laurie Kirkton. Susan Bisseil and Susan Kornic. M ATENTION VETERANS, EX-SERVICE PERSONNEL AND DEPENDENTS "OPERATION SERVICE"f MAY OFFER A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO AN ALLOWANCE OR PENSION Branches of The Royal Canadian Legion will be conducting house-to-house visits within the next few weeks, to enquira if veterans, ex-service personnel or dependents are mware of their rights and privileges under the Veterans Charter. Please greet these visitors warmly. This is a coast-to-coast campaign of The Royal Canadian Legion's Golden Anniversary Year 1926-1976. Should you be out when the "Operation Service"' volunteer cal Is, a card wilI be Ieft at your address. If relative, please fi11 out promptly and return to the Legion Branch indicated for your area. If you know of any needy veteran, ex-service person or dependent in your area also kindly contact the Legion Branch. AJAX - BAY RIDGES BOWMANVI LLE BROOKLIN CLAREMONT OSHAWA PORT PERRY UXBRIDGE WH ITBY BR. BR. BR. BR. BR. BR. BR. BR. BR. 322 606 178 152 483 43 419 170 112 683-4586 839-3801 623-5769 655-4830 649-2541 725-4854 985-2080 852-3497 666-9028 In Whitby Girls Athle tic Association softball play, Hooker Chev Olds won the Cinderella Championships with two consecutive wins over Mary Brown's in the finals. The Bill Campbell- coached team also won the league championship. The playoff structure was double elimination. The opening game saw Matthews Sunoco defeat Munns Press 26-21. Consumers Gas beat Sheffield Pet Products 18-2; Stu Jenkins downed Henry Buildaîl 21-14; Mary Brown edged Midway Datsun 18-17; and 1-ooker Chev Olds trounced Gus Brown 26-6. In round two. Sheffield Pet Producîs and Gus Brown wvere both eliminated froua further coînpetition with Midwvay Datsuni and Munns Press advancing. lil round three, Midway Datsun eliminated Munns Press 27-18 S 1 advance to the next round. Consuniers Gas gave Mat thews Sunoco their first loss with a 14-4victory. Ilooker Chev Olds deféated Mary Brown's 19-9 toadvance to round six. Mary Brown's rebounded fmom defeat to eliminate Matthews Sunoco 32-23 and advance to Round five. Mary Brown's con- tinue d their winning ways by defeatingMidway Datsun 19-3 and eliminating Midway. Stu Jenkins and Consumers Gas teamed up -to play a strong playoff, with Stu Jenkins giving Consumers Gas their first defeat, 13-9; Hooker Chev Olds and St.u Jenkins, both undefeate'd, hooked up in a battie with Hooker Chev OIds emerging victorious by a 12-5 score. Stu Jenkins defeated Consumers Gas, 12-5, eliminating the "Gas Girls" and advancing to meet Mary Brown's. Mary Brown's scored the winning rtun in the bottom of the seventh toedge Stu Jenikins 1 0-9 and the right to meet Hooker Chiev Olds in the final. Hooker Chev Olds proved their first place finish was wcll earned by handling Mary Brown's in two games, 20-12 and 32-18. Ontri -Goernmen Te-e LEASL OF PREMISES Subniissions are invited fromi owners or authorized agents for the (case of premises in the Citv of Oshawa' to accomimodate the facilitics of an Ambulance Station, for the Ministry of l-lealth. Flic space rc(luirements are as follows: 2,600 usable square feet of combined vehicle garage and crew quarters. (1,500 square feet garage area; 1,100 square feet crew quarters and storage area). Location- in an area boundcd by Rossland Road East, to the North, Harmony Road North and Sou th, to the East, MacDonald Cartier Freeway (Highway No. 401) to the South and Stevenson Road North and South to the West. Paved parking for 9 cars. Fifteen (15) -- year lease, including ail services with exception of janitorial services. T.O0. 14 3 Sealed submnissions will be received until 3:00 p.m. Local lime on Wednesday, October 13, 1976. Please quote file number L-6153. Tender envelopes, together with a brief performance specification and submission forms may be obtained from the Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Office, Room M1-43A, Macdonald Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone No. (416) 965-1152. For further information, please contact Mr. E. R. Gregory, Regiona1 Leasing Supervisor, Ministry of Government Services, Realty Services Branch, 13th Floor, Ferguson Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1N3, Telephone No. (416) 965-4777. The lowest or any tender not neccssarily accepted. O Ministry of Services -Ontario' Royal Canadian Legion Zone F-i. m