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Whitby Free Press, 6 Oct 1976, p. 9

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Legion seeks veterans to tel] them their rights "WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESUAY, OCTOBER 6ý,1976, PAGE 9 IBird's Eye View Members of the Royal Canadian Legion Brandi I112 will be conducti-g house-to- bouse visits duriîig the next few weeks as pairt of the Legion's Goldenî Jubilee "Operation Servitce"* prograni. Mie Legion nîinbers will be enquiring il veterans, ex-service personnel, or dependents are aware of their riglits and privileges under the Veterans Charter. Some veterans may flot be aware that they are entitled Jeanne Frolick, Presideifl of the Federation of Womien Teachers' Associations of Ontario, will be honorcd at a reception at 1lieydenshore Pavilion Oct. 1 3 fromn 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. AIl of Mrs. Frolicks friends. associa tes and formner students are invited to attend. Mrs. Frolick was active in education in Oshawa for I19 years prior to being elecled as president of tic FWTAO in the summer of 1976. During ber years of service in- Oshawa, Mrs. Frolick xvas a classroomn teacher, a primary consultant and a junior consultant. Tic past four years were spent as a special education consultant. Mrs. Frolick wvas granted a year's leave of absence by the Durham Board of Education in order that she could better serve the 31,000 FWTAO has put most of the "Should I Borrow?" to an allowance or-pension, and the Legion wants themn to know what benefits are available. Should one be out when thc "Operation Service" voluinteer caîls, he wiIl leave a card to fi out and return to the Legion branch. Anyone who knows of any needy veteran, ex-service person or dependent may contact the Branch 112 office at 666-9028. meinbers acr.ss the province. Tlie October 1 3 reception is being co-sponsored by tlie Durhîam Board of Educaioni, tlhe Ontario Seconda ry Scîtool Teachers' Federation, tlie Durhiam Woimen Teachers' Association and the Ontario Public School Men Teachers' Fe de ration. Whitby firefighter Doug Mac Lean wipes clean the windshield of onîe of the, purnper trucks ini preparation for ËFire Prevention Week which lasts tîntil Suîîday. The public is invited to openl house at Hall Three at Brock and Coîborne Streets fromi 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.în. until Su,îday. Free Press Photo Fire chief and deputy speak at local schools Whidtby's Fire Cliief Eti Croucb and Deputy Chief Ron Hawkins have been on the lecture circuit lately as they have been calleti upon to speak at local schools. On Sept. 23 they address- cd 1 00 students at Anderson Collegiate, and on Oct. 14 îhey will be speaking tu 500 studentsatl IlarwoodCollegiate in Ajax. The chief andi his deputy spoke about fire extinguishers and lire classificat ions, first aid, how smioke travels through a houme, andth le fire departnient as an occupation. answers nto a new bookiet callecl It explains how interest and time Spayments work, how to // examine your budget to see what you can afford, and you should take into consideration. Why not drop in today and pick up your free copy. If you have any questions, please corne see me or one of the staff. ROYAL BAN K< serving Ontario Frank Bennet Manager Whltby 668-9358 cont'd from P. 5 the while making grimaces, grunts and general other noises of disapproval. Why, 1 remember one timne he read through an assignmrrent witbout a remark or noise and, when finishied, looked up and said "flot bad", and then fired it in the waste basket. But, how can a fern understand this inhuman kind of treatmient by a fellow newsman? Once a week 1 do a local television programme on Cablecast 6 called "Whitby, Then and Now". It's a fun thing wherc Brian Winter acts in his capacity as archivist and Whitby's historian and lie and I show pictures encli week and talk about local buildings, people, businesses and hiow Whitby came to be from what it was a hundred years ago. But, you have to ur lerstand, the Carson show it ain't. Still, I take pride in the programme and it's cmibarrassing having to go home and tell my Bôston Ivy liow Brian got so cxcited on the TV programme that lie felI off bis chair whien we werc live on camera. It was ail very innocent. Hle leaned over to point something out in a picture 1 was showing the viewers and, CLUNK!, there lie was on thei floor. l'd like to see any of you readers ad lib your way out of that situation. 1 also cried the blutes to my african violet one nighit about how Brian is so addictcd to pizzas that he insists on cating thcmi righit ini the recording studio, and sure enougi, une nighct lie drooled pizza cheese ail over his microphone ,ind wvc liad lu) dig out a brand new rnike. And, to this day', 1 haven't been able to find a' TV repairman that s good ai removing pizza cheese from inside a microphone. Mvaybe we'll put it ini a limie capsule ta be scalcd up for a lundred years withi a little note, "Brian was here!" 0f' course 1 don't hold any of this against Brian. It's just thiat, if things continue at work the way they have heen, 1i may have to find another hobby. Ail this talking lias macle most of iiiy plants extremely wilted. 1 don't îhink they can take much more. Ycb~ iâdecharie red W.A.I3. Se/b y, c.a. B. K. Madge tt, c. a. Offices C.J. Roberts, c.a. R. W.Roter, c.a. Telephones 171 King Street East, Oshawa C. W. Ma r/0we, C. a. 579-5531 22 Wahton Street. Port Hope 885-2335 ,,Well Worth Looking For" Ef f ective Tea chers' president to be honored Oct. 13 at Heydenshore Pavillon A lot of people like the Royal Bank frTerm Plan Loans. For when it makes good sense to borrow. Should 1 Borrow is a question we ail ask ourselves at one time or another. But now itfs a lot easier to corne up with the right answers. Because the Royal Bank 41% 1 -a maummagop, -1

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