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Whitby Free Press, 6 Oct 1976, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Peterborough tops two divisions> Soccer season ends with one win out of three for JVitby By STEVE PORTER The competitive part of the 1 976 soccer season came Get the loan thats best for you! Wheth er you need a maximum loan to get a house or a smnaller suil to consolicdate or tide y ou over, corne to wlireunch. - standing and e\perieLnce are part of the paickage our contribution 10 y oui. need. Every lozin we mLIke is custoin buit for whîtt*s best for our customLlr VYIORIMAn Ê 0GREY TRUST COMPAN'Y SINCE 1889 KEITH LAWES Manager 308 Dundas St. W., Whitby 668-9324 10 an endi rocently ai Durhian College, Oshawa, with the finals of the Cotinty Intor- district playoffs. There were nio upsels as the league winners came through ho win flic playoff chamnpionship and bring off the dourble in eachi of the three divisions. Wliah was especially pleasing was hiow liard each of tlhe favouriles had 10 figlit 10 gain their win s. In the niosquito divisioni, league winnors Peterboroughi defeated runners-up Whiitby Rangers 6-3, but wliat ani exciting ganie il was witli Peter Kosyriachi of Whitby the outstanding player on the field. Ranigers got on the àcore ooard first witth a goal by Frank Princiotti, but two goals in 60* seconds gave Peterboroughi the edge bofore Paul Iloogkarnp lied thinIgS up. Just before the haif, another two qluick goals gave PeterborouIgh a 4-2 interval lead. lmmt-ediatoly after the restart,Peterborouglh went' furrîhr ahead thoen Gerry Winkel got Rangers back into contenition, but at the 37 minute- mark another Peterborough narker put things out of reach of the Whitby club. Despite the fact Ihat Oshiawa Lions had înlost of the territoral advatitago in thie peewee final, dteo bague \win- tiers, Whitby Carretto Res- taurant, ma-nageci 10 squeak out a 2-1 victory. John Taylor (Whiùtby) took advantage of a defensive slip, after only four minutes of play, 10 score dhe only goal of dlie hiaîf. At thie 14 minute mark of dlie second, agiainst thie run of play. Doug Grant scored whiat proved 10 be the winner. Five mninutes later, GuyProvencano broughit Oshawa tu within one again. The game ended with Carretho just mnanaging lu liold on lu Ilie one-goal advantage despite a sustained Oshawa offence. In bantani action, as in miosquito, il was beague win- nors Peîerboroughi against runners-Lip Whitby Fe rrco Engineering and, in an- other vo ry close cuntest, Peterborough just edged Whitby 2-1. Peterborough m-issod a penalty try after only three minutes and il wasn't until seconds before the haîf-time whistle that Peterborough did maniage lu score. Nine minutes mbt the second stanza, Mark Smith headed one in 10 even things uip but, three minutes later, Peterborough went ahead again. Ferrco, inspired by tremendous goaltending by Jimmny Rossier and tireless play by the player of the gaine, John Longmuir, made a detormîned effort and came close on a number of occasions but could niot gel the mnarker that wouICt send the game mbt overtinlO. Some satisfaction should be derived from the perfor- mance of the representative teamns of Whitby over the past season, but il should be recognized that mnuch work will stili have to be done to allow these teams 10 be in a position to compete with clubs from mucli bigger organizations. 1 would like to thank ail who participated in the successes of this season and look forward to an even botter year in 1977. EDITOR'S NOTE: Thanks for submittiflg the game resuits throughout the soccer season Steve. We appreciate it. Local sehool athietiecs have beg*un ini earnest School !!Illetiics, f luse extra-curicular ac tivi tics wliichI provide students with soine relief' froin the humdruni of* daily bssons, have bogu n in carnesi for thousanids ot, younigstcrs enrollcd in (lie rcgion's ii tUitioîlSofboa rn in. The Durham îElemen tary Teichoris'.îhtlitic Associa tion rccently reîoased ils schcedubo of e'ents lfor the 1976-77 school year. Finial isîs in soccer lfor boys and girls iii kindorgar ton ihrough grade six nmust ho doclared by Octohor 1.5 for the finial tounmanien Is on October 19. ()ctobcr 22 is the date k' wlîmcli lamnily witnuers imus t ho declared for- studen ts 10O and uinder,. Il1I2. I 3 and 14 iii te cross comntry even 15. -l'bie final imcci will lho hcld Ociober 28. G rounp Millers luir inter- inediate volîcybaîl niust lie declatred by t)ccenîiber 3. Theî final inior tournailcu is will bce hcd ):cnr 7 while Iuic hI*iii major tourrîauîîcn 15lare scliedîîlcd fi-r )ccîîîer Jinuarv 28 is the finalI daite for dcclaring famly winncrs iin volîcybaîl foir kindergarten îlîrough grade six studois. F:inals arc slaîcd lor I'ebriiary 4. (;rou.p \vinuiers for inter- ATTENTI ON £OUM~VETERANS, EX-SERVICE PERSONNEL AND DEPENDENTS "OPERATION SERVICE" MAY OFFER A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO AN ALLOWANCE OR PENSION ranches of The Royal Canadian Legion will be conducting house-to-house 1;sits within the next few weeks, to enquire if veterans, ex-service personnel or dependents are aware of their rights and privileges under the Veterans Charter. Please greet these visitors warmly. This is a coast-to-coast campaign of The Royal Canadian Legion's Golden Anniversary Year 1926-1976. Should you be out when the "Operation Service" volunteer cal is, a card will be left at your address. If relative, please fill out promptly and return to the Legion Branch indicated for your area. If you know of any needy veteran, ex-service person or depen dent ,ý-rea also kindly contact the Legion Branch. BR. BR. BR. BR. BR.- BR., BR., BR. BR. 322 606 178 152 483 43 419 170 112 in your 683-4586 839-3801 623-5769 655-4830 649-2541 725-4854 985-2080 852-3497 666-9028 Royal Canadian Legion Zone F-i * nedatobake ')llare 10 ho declarcd hy NI arICh Il Final Iilinor tourrnalonetS Iarc %larch 14 foi girls and March I5 f or boys and final major touriîamonts are March 1 6 for girls and March 1 7 for boy S. April 15 ist ho date of t1ic 1maI ila wrcostling toiirnailt I*or boys. The finial junior and inter- imcdi aie gymnaristics tourna- moents will be held April 30. The Wlihtby---Ajax proui- îuinary track and field noel %vill ho hield June I10 with i lie final schiedufled for June 15 aI Civic Fields in Oshawa. Boys' intermnediate soccer group wirîners mnust be declared by June 10 wilh the final minor tournamient set for Jonc 16 and the final mnajor tournament slated for Juno 17. St ouffville defeats Puckrins Stotiffville Belles won the Lakeshiore Novice Girls League chanîipioiship, defeat- ing \Yhithy l>uckrinis 2-1bin paies. Belles tied the Lakeshiore Novice Girls series withi an b1-6 victory over the Pu c k nns. For tlie Ptuckrins, Cathy Allin, with twu singles, and Marion Verkuyl, with a solo humer, wore the offensive' stars. Marion Verkuyl struck out 10, allowed six hits, and xvalked I10 batters. Belles won the chamipion- ships by defeating the Puckrins 11-4 in the final game. SThe Puckrins did nul play their usual gamo as the pressure of the contest seemned tu make the girls more anxiuus and uptight. Marion Verkuyl struck out 11 , allowed 13 hits and walked three. Verkuyl hit the lotîgest lut of lte game with a triple. Otlier lîitters for Puckrins were Cathy Allin and Linda Minaret. Tlîe Whlitby Girls Atliletic Association is holding its firsl social furiction in the off-season xith a dance on Oclober 15, at Heydenshore Pavition. AlI proceeds go 10 thue development of Girls Softbaîl in Whitby. Trickets ah S4 per person, nay be obîainied by calling 668-3846 or 668-8408. Tickets are lirnited. ----'w------ Full Gospel Fellowship GRACE CATHEDRAL SUNDAY October 10 il A.M. & 7 P.M. HYMIE RU BENSTEIN converted, spiritfilled, Jewish Businessman A Church that really makes everVfone welcorne. 508 Byron St. S. Whitby AJAX BAY RIDGES BOWMANVI LLE BROOK LIN CLAR EMONT OSHAWA PORT PERRY UXBRI1DG E WHITBY' (INTrRODUCuNG THE 1977) WE INVITE YOU TO COMPARE THE NEW 1977 Pacer Gef Hornet jep Matador This Wednesday , Thursday and Friday FIREE FREE Coffee Refreshments ru .Motors Liiited 1250 Dundas Street East SWhitby (416) 668-6843 Oshawa (416) 728-2822

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