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Whitby Free Press, 6 Oct 1976, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6,1976, WHITBY FREE Pl Free Press, Emporium (Continued) Miscellaneous Formulite molded bathroom BASIN & COUNTERTOP - 48 inches long, new, $ 100; seven pieces aluminum trailer covening, 61/2 x 14 ft., $35 each. Cati. 655-3411. LAWN MOWER - needs some repairs, $15; Cali 668-7323. WEDDING GOWN - Size 11, $50; Juliette cap & veil, $20; Guide uniforins, size, 8, 10, 12, $5 each; Girls sinter coat. leather- ette with fur trimu, size 12, $20; Boys Bowyer Skates, Size 3, $15; Cati 668-503-4. >'BEDSPREAD - metai siat type with four rubber -tip metal legs, 38" side, $9; brake bleeder, $35; golf shoes, mens spiked, brown, 1 01/2E, like new, $12; Cal 683 6728 71/ B & D PROFESSIONAL SKILL SAW - never used, $60; Ladies long teather coat, size 15-16, reddish brown, $75. Cati 668-5486. Gravely Lawn T.-actor Equip- ment - 30" Rotary Mower, $200; 48" curved Snow or Dirt blade, $90; 42" siekie mower, $275, aIl items in good condition. Cal 655-4995. CAMERA - Mamiya Super 23, with 100 mmn lense, 6 x 7 back, and ground glass back with sheet film holder, and 75 sheets of fim, $485. Cali 576-2616. Philips BEAUTY SET- with 14 attachments, neyer used, $20. Cali 6684690. ANTIQUE DOOR - made ini 1857 solid pine, 42" x 71/z' x 2/z paneIed bpth sides, 3 solid brass 5"ý hinges, solid bzass door knob, brass Iock with scroll work, a steal at $175. Cal 668-3186. HOCKEY SKATES - new, size 5, $15; portable SINGER sewing machine, $35; Cali 725-1211. Wooden STORM, WINDOWS - six standard size and two otherç, $5 each; aluminum combination storm door, $10; wooden door, $5. Cati 668-8304. CAIMPBELL GOLF CLUBS 1 & 3 Woods, 2,3,5,7 and putter, $50; Barbelîs ith 120 pound weight, $25; Att items excellent condition and subject to best offer. Cati 655-4740 after 6 p.ni. Solid sterling silver ETCHING- a limited edition by Henry Moore, a beautiful work of art. Only $850- Cal 723-0722. ENCYCLOPEDIA -Britannia 3, plus 3 book dictionary and large atlas, black leather binding, $ 1,000 new asking $650- Can be seen at 200 Mason Apt. 210 anytime. H-aminex LaRonde SLIDE PROJECTOR- 7 carouseis, three trays, $50. Cat-Il579-171 .. TRAINING Call 668-9103. CHAIR - $5 LAWN MOWER -- $35; amplifier, and guitar, $50; Caît 668-6750. S PERRIGO PRAM - excellent condiion, used once, $100 Or best offer. Call.668-5148. TWO WOODEN STEPS- $5 each. Caîl 668-8304. SELECTIONS 0F CLASSICAL MUSIC - The World's Greatest SWaltzs, Rapsidy & Blue, Album of Conserto by Beethovan, Down Memnory Lane, MWusic by Joe Strauws, $2 per record, CatI 728-3297. English BOI E CHINA - neyer used, 54 piece set in BridaI Wreath pattern, $300. Caîl 668-5767. USED TV ANTENNA - $20. CatI 668-8943. SPICE RACK - with 18 bottles, $6; boys pants, size 14, $2; ladies clothing, size 14, reasonable prices, ladies short teather jacket, size 14,$20;singte mattress, $15; also odds and ends of carpeting, record player, $5. Call 725-1211. B & WV TV - Oshawva Cîtholie skirt, like nesv, 725-1211. Console, $65; Ilii Sehool $10. Caît 14'nmoulded pIywood BOAT trailer, 28 horsepower Evinrude motor, compiete with eiectrc start and steering, ifejackets, etc. Also complete set of fishing tackle, inciuding six rods and reels, tsvo full tackle boxes and much, rnuch more. Asking 11,200 or nearest offer. Consider seliing boit and fishing tiekie separately. Cai 668-0725. HOCKEY EQUIPMENT shiri pads, $15; hockey pan ts, $ 8; s oulder pads, $8; cooper gioves, $10: helmet, $10, al equipment in excellent condition. Cati 668-676 1 ask for Steve. Pets & Supplies Pure bred< SHIIEl.R ) years otd. 4 p.m. G ERM AN ferntate. tour CatI 668-4604 aCiter BtRD CAGEI. good condition, 655-3i,57. floor stand, $40. Cal! GERMAN SIIORTHAIR POINTER I year otd, mal; doghousc inctuded, $35. Cati 576-8667. PUPPII-S lI-OR SAtL each. Caîl 655-31t69. $10 YEA RLtNG - registered, hall' Arab,'Gatding, jumper prospects. Cai728-2620. AQUARIUNI 15 galln, sith filter and acce-ssuricS includîng ights, and two got(lisli, $20. Caît 668-5068 îfter 5 pi. r CLASSIFIED ADS a I Cali 668-6111IFUNSD Clothing I ServicesI MENS BLACK ENGLISH OXFORD SHOES - Size 7E, new, $15. Cali 668-9073. COAT - Ladies black persian Iamb approximately size 20, in good condition, will seIl for $50. Cali 725-5714. Bikes BICYCLE- boys, red, and white highrisc, banana scat, 20" wheels, carrier included, $27. Caîl 66 8-37 71. 1972 TRIUMPH -Tiger, 650 ce, $825. Call 728-1 930 aftcr 5 p.m.. BICYCLE FýOR TWO Gitian, 10 speed, ecquippcd with aceessories, boughit new iast sumnmer, in excellent condition, $225. Cail 668-5467 anytirne. BICYCLE PARTS . forks, $5 or uinder; fraimes, $3; pedais, $1 each:. handcle bars, $2 each; scats, $1. 50; sisybars. $1; rims, $1,50; tires, 75 cenits; tubes, 50 cenilts; valves, 25 cents; accessories, $5 or Iess. Caîl Greg ut 668-6790. 1973 50t) ait rebuitt, $700 Call 668-4813. SUZUKI or best offer. 1975 RD 350 YAMAHA - good condition, $1,000. Cai 723-2351 anytimne. Girls ('(M Bt KE I' hîihrise, îsking $50. ('ait 668-9817. 5 speeLd BOYS Bt('YCI.t% cotild be tused t'or paîrts. tessý chiain & fron t tork,. $5. ('aIt 60(8-4744 after 4 p.rù. 1972 SL-100 IIONDA must '.ett, $250) or best offer. as is,, (ait 669-(404 anyvtime. (irts L N>dR 0YA\1I BIK1 for agcs 8 - 12, goId in coour.swhitc bananla sca, 1, hîl l an dle bu rs. in !20C.)d cotiditiuii S35. (I 728-9777. suez 5 & 1t,$5 a I):sîr Whutc 1tub e skates,, i/c t & t t .alsu twso pï size 12, $2 a pair. ('ail 6!55-446'3. STV*E L 1 t)OULI- t GRAGE DOOR ini ioott condutiun, $200. ('ait (68-83t10. Convertible StIROI 11 ER $25; ciretîlar playpen. $15: baby waIt..r. $3: atcrnitv clotties, sirittl si/c. (>'ail 668-I1969 ai ter Now! Look Naturally. Good W. go olong with Nature ta bring out the best in you and your hoir. We cut it the way tf grows ..- . end shape if to suit your face. MEN'S HAIRSTYLING Whitby Plaza 668-6922 Highest Prices Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old grns, dlocks, jewelry, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintings, and qPalers Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa NOTICE ALL RUSTY CAR OWNERS Join national group taking legal action to recover losses from Ford, G.M.C. Chirysler - Write RUST GROIJP Box 164, Station N New Toronto 14, Ont. CAAPEiNTRY HIOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tfling Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedai Decks and Patio Doors.* FRJEE ESTIMATES - Cal 6-4,6861 Editor's Quote Book You may drive oui. Nature wlh a pitchlork, but she uL ever hurry lxzck, 10 triumph in stelth over your Ioolsh contem pt. Horace Carrier boys and girls wanted in the areas of Warden- Wilson and west of Cochrane Streéet 1973 TOYOTA /2 TON PICKUP TOWN OF WHITBY Holiday Garbage Collection October llth, 1976 There will be no garbage collection on Monday, October llth, 1976. Garbage normally collected on Mlonday will be picked up on Tuesday, October l2th. R. A. Kuwahara, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. TOWN 0F WHITBY Fail Clean-up Week of October l8th to 22nd, 1976 Extra trucks and men have been assigned throughout the week of Octo ber 1 8th to 22nd to handle the extra load that results from Fal Clean-up. Your co-operation. is requested in having ail garbage out EARLY on your regular collection day. R. A. Kuwvahara, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. Lie. D64 547 I973 TOYOTA /2 TON PICKUP, automnatie Lie. A40 892 1976 TOYOTA !/4 TON PIC KUp. derno Lic. D66 550 1973 CELICA SPORTS CAR, arn/fin 8 track 1973 CORONA hardtop, 1 900cc, dise brakes, 34,000 miles, 4 speed, Lie. ARM 073 $1 e995.00 $2p350.00 4 speed $2,,595.00 $2,395.00 WH-ITBY TOYOTA 1025 Dundas W Whtby -668.4792 IRFSS nom R.M

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