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Whitby Free Press, 6 Oct 1976, p. 2

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PAGuE 2, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Gerry Emmi0 challenges' region Despite a strong challenge by Couincillor Gerry Emini of Whitby, regional couincil last week approved an organization- ai chart for the finance departnicnt. Councillor Emin, since budget d iscussions earlicr in the ycar, hasbecnquestioning the necessity of the départ- mient 's >increase ipersonnel to 84, threc timies what the last organizatioial chart allowed. Two years ago, the depart- ment employcd approxirnately 20 people, he says. Councillor Emm was expectcd to challenge the planning departmcnt's organ- izational chart when it carne Up for consideration ycsterdaY. Conmittee to report on dial-a-bus transit system Whiitby rnay gct a dial-a-bus transit systemn. Councillor Joy Thompson brough t op 1the possibility of- such a* mode of publiec transit during an operat ions comittee mnect- Council's staff cornnttcc wvill report in two weeks on the feasibility of such a systcm after discu5ssi0flSwitli officiais of the Town of Pickering which presently has dial-a-bus transit. Council wants advice ALL TUCKERED OUT! Two Denis'0'Connor Higli School students rest their feet after completing the 20-mile Docathon to raise funds to cover the school's operating expenses. In the foreground is Wilma ("I don't care if 1 Iook like a fool; l'Il do anything for my school.") Van Berkel, a Grade 13 student who had sponsorships totalling $7.75 per mile. In the background is Grade 9 student Dominic Dodds, who was sponsored for $2.65 per mile. Approximately $21 ,000 was raised. grev PrvC i iiuL NOTICE In order to allow the staff of M.B.M. Publishing and Photography Incorporated, publishers of the Whitby Free Press, to enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday with their farnilies, our office at 121 Brock Street North will be closed on Monday, October 11. Any advertising or editorial copy which is normally submnitted on Monday should be submnit- ted by Friday, October 8. We appreciate your co-operation. Enjoy your holiday. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY PUBLIC NOTICE DESIGNATION 0F A DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENTf ARIA Please take note that the Downtown Action Committee will hold a Public Meeting c'mrmencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamnhers, 405 Dundas Street West, on Tuesday October l9th, 1976. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss with interested citizens the proposai to designate certain lands in the Downtown ç3usiness Section as an Improvemnent Area. Such a proposai when impie- mented by By-law passed by the Council of the Towni of Whitby and when such Sy-Iaw is approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, wiil authorize the Municipality to levy a speciai rate on proper- ties subject to business assessment wthin the area, the funds so raised to be used for the promotion of the improvement area and improvement of Town owned lands within the ara, beyond what is normaliy carried out by the Municipality. Funds for such promotion and improvement shall be borne and paid by persons assessed for business assessment within the improvem'int area in the proportion that the assessed value of the real property that is used as the basis for com- puting the business assessmint that each person bears to the total assessed value of ail the real property in the area used as the basis for computing business assessment. Any person or persons wishing further informa- tion prior to the Public Meeting may obtain same by contacting the Deputy Cierk at 668-5803, Extension 38 or by attending at the Cloerk's Office. Written ýdocumentation wili be available at the Public Meeting. Dated at the Tow'i of Whitby this 6th day of October, A.D., 1976. Wmn. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., CLERK The Corporation of the Tow-1 of Whitby on seniors Whi tby Council's operations commiltec has askcd for further advicc on the lcgality of the town subsidizing- taxi fares for senior citizens and handicappcd persons. The commitîce, on Monday, reccived a report from the Town's' lawycr which said that the municipal act docs not permit such subsidies. ta'0 f ares Howevcr, the Corridor Arca Ratepayers Association, ftghting in support of the subsidized taxi fares, present- cd a report from a lawyer who feels the municipal act, although it would not allow the Town to subsidize taxi comrpanies, would permit it to subsidize users of cabs who arc 65 or over or handicapped. Jury urges locked cars after'hospital inquest From Page 1 Durhami Regional Police Constable G;. E. Reid told thc incuest that the accident occurred ai Bayley Street and the Pickering Beach Road ini Ajax. lNe reore thai the car drivc,î liv Wright \vas approachîig ai about 80 in.p.l. ini a 50 In.p.Iî. zonle. and swerved mbnt a station wagon driven by Mrs. Keenan. l'lie inq ues t learnied tha t the car Wrighît was driving lîad lîcen lprked vith the engine running 011 ide an apartiment building on one utf th1e hospital roads. The owiier of the car, a supervisi ng nurse, said hee had boosted his baltery t0 gelt Oe car startcd, and hiad gone upstairs lu shut a stove off. The inquest was told that Wright lhad been treatcd on previous occasions aI Idie Clarke I nstitute ini Toronto and camîe lu the Whitby Psychiatrîc Hlospital as an involuntary patient in Jantiary. I lis doctor told tlie inquesIt tliai Xright svas given a major tranquili/er four limes a day and %%as nul considercd able lu take care out himiself. l'ie jury suggested thial invuluntary an d informi al patients should bc separatcd so thiat invountary patients could gel cluser supervision. Lot severance policy is upheld by coiumittee The administrative coin- milIcee will rccomnîcnd to Whitby Counicîl thait the Town retain ils prescrnt policy wilh regard lu permit- ling loi severances in the corridor arca. The comtiittee made the decision Monday afler objections have been voiced, at a number of public meetings, lu a proposai by thie Town's plianning depart- mient lu change the present policy. The opponents of the proposai fel t that severances should only be pcrmitted if they result in the creation of lots which are approximiately the sanie suze as other lots in the area. The planning departnment will investigate the possîbility of rcducing the minimumi aliowable lot size in residential areas. "Can you beat that?" says Mrs. William Barrey, of R.R.I Whitby, as she shows off a giant beet which she grew this summer in ber vegetable garden. The beet measures 61/ by 6 inches, and could be a candidate for Ripley's "Believe It or Not". However, it is more Iikely to end up on Mrs. Barrey's dinner table. Free Press Photo Deputy clerk resigns Brian Switzcr, Deputy Clerk of the Town for two- and-a-half ycars, lias tcndcrcd his resignaîion effective October 29. ,.Mr. Swîtzer wîll begin his duties as ushawa's Dcputy Clcrk in Novcînber. Mr. Switzer will reccive somcewhat in exccss of hlis present salary of approximatcly $ 19,000. VOLUNTEERS WANTED We need your help to volunteer to assist in teaching basic academic, social, and living skills to, the' mentally retarded. Training provided. Contact Durham Centre for the Deveiopmentally Handicapped, 668-7745,, ext. 435, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. tree Fress rnutu

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