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Whitby Free Press, 13 Oct 1976, p. 14

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PAGE 14,WEDNESDAY, OCTO BER là, 1976, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS Kiaini ns on- a contrnued, frùm Page 5) "You maie cliauvinist pig", shie pouts, wvhile dropping the sIedge hartnier on hier toe "you don't care abouit us wonmen and our opressed suite. To get away frorn ail this, we're building our own batik. We don't neeci your hielp! Understand?" "Do you hlave a naie for youir batik", I dure to ask lier once again. "0f couirse, we have a naie. What you thiink we are-somie nanieless creatures? The tname is (and she spelled it out for mie) MARY POPPINS UTILiTY BANK". 1 thanked lier for the information and aIked away. As 1 turned around, 1 noticcd another newv building rising at the fouir corners-this une right opposite Mary Poppins Baik. 1 walked over to the first workuîan. "Hey, guys, wvhat's going on'?", 1 asked tlîem politely. "Well, we're building ouir own batik. Yuip, it's going tii be our own-no mini skirts, ino perfuîi.es, no ail-day nagging-just the way we want". Another workman, quite apologetically, cxplained the DAVIDSON, SMITH AND CRAVEN OI4ARTEREO ACCOUNTANTU 110 GREEN STREET WHITBY, ONTARIO L'IN 4C8 TELEPHONE (416) 668-1788 DO UGLAS A. DAVI DSO N, C.A. H. HOWARD SMITH, C.A. KENNETH R. CRA yEN, C.A. CORPORATION 0F TUE TOWN 0F WHITBY PUBLIC NOTICE DESIGNATION 0F A DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT AREA Please take note that the Downtown Action Comm ittee wiil hold a Public Meeting c-9mmencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamnhers, 405 Dundas Street West, on Tuesday 0ctober l9th, 1976. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss with interested citizens the proposai to designate certain lands in the Downtown ç3usiness Section as an Improvement Area. Such a proposai when impie- mented by By-iaw passed by the Cou ncil of the Town of Whitby and when such B3y-law is approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, wili authorize the Municipality to levy a special rate on proper- ties subject to business assessmqnt within the area, the funds so raised to be used for the promotion of the improvement area and improvement of Town owned lands within the are3a, beyond what is normally carried out by the Municipality. Funds for such promotion and improvement shahl be borne and paid by persons assessed for business assessment within the improvem'int area in the proportion that the assessed value of the real property that is used as the basis for com- puting the business assessm'int that each person bears to the total assessed value of ail the real property in the area used as the basis for computing business assessment. Any person or persons wishing further informa- tion prior to the Public Meeting may obtain samne by contacting the Deputy Clerk at 668-5803, Extension 38 or by attending at the CI9mrk's Office. Written documentation wiil be available at the Public Meeting. [Dated at the Towvn of Whitby this 6thi day of October, A.D., 1976. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., CLERK The Corporation of the Towni of Whitby 405 Dundas Street West Whitby new banking situation: "You sec, we wouldn't have starteci this batik, if we hiadn't lost aIl our fernale accounts. But, we really don't mind. lt's a ncw experience". "i lave youl chosen a good solid îîam1e lfor your bank'?", I asked the ian jjwlîu was operaýting a bulldozer. "lndeed. T'lie naine is Jo Dougli's Imperial Ban k". As So01Inls the conistruction of* bothi bauiks was completed, the adverîising campaîgn warmed up conisîderably. A huge sign wmas put up a t Mary Poppis' Banik. ln bol letters, it read: "T'his Bank Is Only For Wornen And By Woînen. No Maie Chauviniists Allowed Inside, Except Dogs anid Cats". In sînaller prin t, the ban k announced it would offer "free perfume, f'ree cookies and free tea or colfee"lfor any f'irst-tinîe female custonier. The bank did flot offer anly interest rates. This was understandable as most deposits did not exceed SI 0; the rest if' Uic mnoney \vas stilliniithie hands of NICP's. Jo Dough's Bank sign read: "Allilae custumers invited f*or business. But, we also deal with fevuale customners, preferably after hours. The new bank rules allow Lis to discriminate. For any new customer: free booze and cuiff-lîinks. Now wve àre abîle to offer 30 per cent iuiterest on your savings account, because the spendinig power on womnen lias been greatiy reduccd by the new Bank Act (see uis fbor details). 'Ne are openi 24 hours". So, here we are ini the nev era of* banking. If Whitby*s pilot project works outt you'Il lieu about il- sooner or later. 1 hope it's later. Twice commanding officer A BASKET 0F GOODIES Marion Newans, Past President of the Kinette Club of Whitby, and Donna King, President, struggle ta hold up the prize in the club's Annual Thanksgiving Basket Draw, made Friday. Maxine Lapshinoff of Oshawa won the basket of goodies. Free Press Photo Lt. Col. Hall relinquishe.s command of regiment Lîeeutena rît Colonel Niciiolas IM. hall. (CI). ('oninuandingO ffIicer uýf ie O)ntario Reginîcu t in OJsha ýiv;l recen Uv' reliuquishied coin- nîand of, [le Reserve unt anid is succeced by bis l)epuity Comminanding Officer of' tlie past 18 I S on thls. \Major Niciîael J. Koster. CI). Both ( Clonel H alland Major Kuster are reservists wvith long ser 'ice. C'olonel hlal l'first joined The Ontario Regiriienit as a Trooper in 1 954 fbollowiig rive y'ears with Uie Regimient's sp0o50 red Cadet Corps. Major Koster got lus initial introduction to inilitary life 'as an Armiy Cadet in Uîc De La Salle Oaklands Boy's Scîtool Cadet Corps wlhere lic played in the Trunmpet Band. île joincd the Governor Gcneral's 1 lorse Guards as a Trooper in 1957. Colonel I lau was borni ii London, England. I lis father was a M,,ajor in the Royal Engineers, a career officer who was kiii France in 1940. ? , end, the f'atity ernigrated tu Canada and set tled ini Oshîawa, where Üolonel i fll rcceîved luis seconda ry sclhool edîtcat ion. \Vh île a Ihîgh school studenit Colonel i lail joitied the 191I-1 Ountari o Reginuien t Ca de t Corps and becie (Cadet ('ominunding Officer of' the Courps before cnilistiuig as a ,luoper in the On tario Regirient ini 1954. C'olonel I lail attained the rarmk of Sergean t and was cmphoyed as a Troup Sergean t and Guniicry linstructur ini the Reginient befote being sclecced to Lundergo officer training as a iniber ut* Tie Ontario Regii meut's (ommiianid ('ou titngen t, ('anaidîinOfficer's Trainîiug Co rps. î-le was su isequteiitly comnnissioned as a Second Lieutenant ini the Royal Caniadian Arniouired Corps ini 1959. Since comm-issioninig, Colonîel H aul'as lheld nearly cvery Reginiental appoint- ment. Thiese include Troop Leader, Squadron Seconid-mi- Con'maiid, SquLadron Battie Ca pta in, Training Officer, Regimiental Adjut ant, Regi- miental Second-in- Commnand aud in Decemiber 1968, Coninianding Officer of The Ontario Regiment. île is a 1 968 gradua te of the Reserve ('uni mand and Staff Cou rse coricted ini Kingston. lu 1972 bis touir of' coniniand finislîcd, Colonel Hall be- camne Senior Staff Officer Operations and Training at Central Militia Area Head- quiarters ut Caniadian Forces Base Toronto. Here lie wvas tasked to prepare trainîing standards and programns for aIl of Ontario's -23 Reserve units. Colonel Hahl's appoint- ment tliere wvas eroripleted ini Mly 1974, and he was asked ai that timie to returu to The Ontario Regimient for a second tenure of Cotîimand, which is finisiîing on Septem- ber 19, 1976. Colonel Hall is Manager of News Relations for General Motors of Canada ini civilian life, and is a tieieber of the Royal Canadian Military Institute, the Emipire Clutib, Toronto. tlîe Toronto Mens Press Club and is Vice President (Central) if the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps Association. lu his spàre timne he enjoys fishing, hunt- ing and haud gun shooting. The Hall fanîily, which includes wife Roberta, son Michael 14, and daughter Diana I11 ,iive at 193 Meadow Rd., Whitby. Major Koster attained the rank if Corporal lu the Governor Generai's Horse Guards before beimîg comn- iiissioned in 1959. He was subsequeutly Troop Officer, Quartermaster -and later be- came Officer Commandiug the Horse Guard's Cavalry Squadron ini the rank of Captain. Major Koster transferred to the Ontario Regiment in 1968, where he served as Quartermaster, Adjutant and upon promo- tion to Major, as Squadron Commnander of "A" and "C" Squadrons. He became regimental Deputy, Com- manding Officer iu 1975. Tlîat sarne year Major Koster was appointed Aide de Camp to the Lieu tenant-Gove rnor of Ontario, a position lie preseutly holds. lu civilian life, Major Koster is National Accouint Manager for IBM Office Products, with lis head- quarters in Oshawa. He is a member of the Royal Canadian Military Institute, Toronto, The Royal Canadian' Legion Brandi 43, the Oshawa Golf Club, and a Miiber of. Council of The Royal Canadian Armoured Corps Association. He is married, and lie and'his wife Cathy and five year old daugliter Kîirnberly live at 820 Law St., Oshawa.

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