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Whitby Free Press, 13 Oct 1976, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAv, OCTOBER 13, 1e16,WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Press Emporium (Contlnued) M iscellaneous *Formulite molded bathroom* BASIN & COUNTERTOP - 48 inches long, new, $100; seven pieces aluniinum trailer covering, 61/2 x 14 ft., $35 each. Cali. 655-3411. LAV/N MOWER - needs some repairs, $ 15; Cati 66 8-7 323. WEDDING GOWN - Size 11, $50; Juliette cap & Veil, $20; Guide uniforms, size 8, 10, 12, $5 each; Girls winter coat, leather- ette sith fur trim, size 12, $20; Boys Bowyer Skates, Size 3, $15; -~Caili668-5034. 71/4 B & D PROFESSIONAL SKILL SAW - neyer used, $60; Ladies long leather coat, size 15-16, reddish browvn, $75. Cail 668-5486. Graveiy Lawn Tr-actor Equip- ment - 30" Rotary Mower, $200; 48" curved Snow or Dirt biade, $90; 42" sickIe mower, $275, aIl items in gôo-od condition. Cail 655-4995. CAMERA - Mamiya Super 23, with 100 mm lense, 6 x* 7 back, and ground glass back with sheet film holder, and 75 sheets of film, $485. Cal 576-2616. Philips BEAUTY SET - with 14 attachments, neyer used, $20. Cail 668-4690. ANTIQUE DOOR - made in 1857'soiid pirie, 42" x 7W 'x 21A" panelled both sides, 3 soid brass S" hinges, solid bra.ss door knob, brass lock with scroli. work, a steal at $ 17 5. Cail 66 8-3186. HOCKEY SKATES - new, size 5, $15; portable SINGER sewirig machine, $35; Cafl 725-1211. Wooden STOR 4 WINDOWS - six standard size and two others, $5 each; aluminum combination storm door, $10; wooden door, $5. Cail 668-8304. CAMPBELL GOLF CLUBS - 1 & 3 Woods, 2,3,5,7 and putter, $50; Barbeils with 120 pound weight, $25; AIl items excellent condition and subject to best offer. Cail 655-4740 after 6 p.ni. Solid sterling slver ETCHING- a limited edition by Henry Moore, a beautiful work of art. Only $850. Çall 723-0722. ENCYCLOPEDIA - Britannia 3; plus 3 book dictionary and large atlas, black leather binding, $1,000 new asking $650. Can be seen at 200 Mason Apt. 210 anytime. Haminex LaRonde SLIDE PROJECTOR - 7 carouseis, three trays, $50. CalI 579-157 1. TRAINING Cail 668-9103. CHAIR LAWN MOWER amplifier, and guitar, $50; 668-6750. $35; Cal PERRIGO PRAMI excellent condition, used once, $100 or best offer. Call-668-5148. TWO WOODEN STEPS $5 each. Cali 668-8304. SELE('TIONS 0F CLASSICAL MUSIC- Thc World's Grcatest Waitzs, Rapsidy & Bloc, Album of* AConserto -by Beethovan, Down Memory Lane, Music .by J oc Strauws, $2 per record. Cali 728-3297. SPICE RACK - with 18 botties, $6; boys pants, size 14, $2; ladies ciothing, size 14. f ea'onable prices, ladies short leather jacket, size 14,$20;single '>k tattress, $ 15; aiso odds and ends* of carpeting;, record player, $S. Cuiill725-12f11. English BOl R CHINA - neyer used, 54 piece set in Bridai Wreath pattern, $300. Calil668-5767. USED TV ANTENNA - $20. Ca1I1668-8943. B & W TV - Console, $65; Oshawa Catholic High Schooi skirt, like new, $ 10. Cali 1,25-121 1. 14' moulded plysvood BOAT trailer, 28 iiorseposver Evinruch motor, compiete with eiectr'4 start and steering, lifjackets, etc Also compiete set of fishiinl tackle, including six rods an( reels, two full tackle boxes an( much, much mnore. Asking $ 1,20( or nearest offer. Conside seiiing boat and fishing tacklt separately. Cali 668-0725. HOCKEY EQUIPMENT shin pads, $15; hockey pan ts, $8; shuider pads, $8; cooper gloves, $10; helinet, $10, ail equipment in excellent condition. Cali 668-676 i ask for Steve. Pets & Supplies BIRD CAGE good condition, 655-3657. floor stand, $40. Cali GERMAN SHORTHAIR POINTER - 1i year oid, mak-, doghouse included, $35. Cali 576-8667. PUPPIES FOR SALE each. ('ail 655-3169. YEARLING- registered, haif Arab, Galding, jumnper prospects, Caîl 728-2620. AQUARIUM- 15 gallon. with flter and accessories including iights, and two goidfislh, $20. Caîl 668-5068 after 5 p.m. Copernicus Copernicus, a l5th century mathemnatician, first con- cluded that "In the center of ali rests the sun." His thesis contradicted the accepted doctrine of more than a thousand years -that the universe centered on the earth. Whitby Plaza 668-6922 CLASSIFIED ADS Clothing MENS BLACK ENCiLISF1 OXFORD SHOES - Size 7E, new, $15S. Cali 668-9073. COAT 7- Ladies black persian Iamb approximately sizo .20, in good condition, will seil for $50. Cali 725-5714. Bikes BICYCLE- boy%, red, and white highrise, banana scat, 20" wheels, carrier included, $27. Cali 668-3771. 1972 TRIUMPH -Tiger, 650 cc, -$825. Cati 728-1930 aftcr 5 p.m. BICYCLE FOR TWO Gitian, 10 speed, cquipped with accessories, bought new last summer, in excellent condition, $225. Calil 66-5467 aiàytime. BICYCLE PARTS- forks, $5 or under; framies, $3; pedals. $1 each; hiandie bars, $2 eachi; seats, $ 1.50; sisybars, $1; rinis, $ 1,50; tires, 75 cents; tubes, 50 cents; valves, 25 cents; accessories, $5 or iess. Cali Greg at 668-6790. 1973 500 SUZUKI - ail rebulit, $700 or best offer. Cali 668-4813. 1975 RD 350 YAMAHA - good condition, $1,000. Cali 723-2351 anytime. Girls CCM BIKE highirîse, asking $50. Cali 668-9817. 5 %pecd BOYS Bi('YC(' could be used for parts. Iless chain & front forks, $5. (all 668-4744 after 4 p.m. 1972 SL-100 HIONDA mnust sdil, $250 or best offer. as is. ('ail 668-0404 anytime. Girls UNIROYAI, BIKL for ages 8 - 1 2, gold in colour, white banana seat, highi handiebars, in g(>od condition, $35. C'ai! 728-9777. Girls FIGURE; SKATElS size 5 & i .S$5 a pair; White Tube skates, size 1 & 1l, aiso tw() pair size 12, $2 a pair. (al 655-4463. STEIJIL)DOUBL. ;GARA(GE t)OOR irn good conditlion. $200. ('ail 668-83 10. (Conver tible S'i'R 0i1-1I 1FR $25; circular play'pcn, $15; baby %vaiker, $3; mnaternity ciothcs, smnaii size. ('ail 668-1969 aller 4 p.mn. A TrTENION FARMERSIII BUY AT REASONABLE PRICES -AS eTIEELFU - I.MOTOR PIt PemWàs*.v m 6"8-3381i Now! Look Naturally Good We go along wtt, Nofure ta brlng ouf the best 'n you und your hoir. We cut if the way if grows . .. and shape if fa, suit your face. ~ç~L v Services q Highest Prices %lad for Gold and Silver coins oid guns, dlocks, jewelry, dishes furniture, crocks, *ou paintings and sealers Friendiy Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West- Oshawa ÈARPENT$WY IIOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tiing. -Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedai Decks and Patio Doors, FRJEE ESTIMATES -Cail SECOND MDRTGAGES 0 No bonuses, brokerage or finder's f ees 0 Borrow up to $1 5,000 0 14.9% on amounts over $8,000 0 15 year amortization HOUSEHOLD REALTY CORPORATION LIMITED Whitby MaIl Shopping Centre 723-8101 Sec your plione book for an .IIFC office near you. We have a BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Available for those businesse5 who do flot recluire. full tine bookkeeper. Our hou rly rates our reasonable, accLirate and hionest. Cail 683-0320 if no 683-9654 aftcr 5:45. FOR PAINTING & DECORATING a n swe r Phone Ted Freemian ESTIM ATl'S FR-E FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 Baby Sitting WILL BABYSi i iiin y home, any age, reasoîiablc rates, have experience. Chiest.- nuli & Ashi St. Cali 668-0054 anytimc. Carrier boys and girls wanted in the areas of Wardon- Wilson and west of Cochrane Street v M IFor Sale AUCTION SALE of furniture and an tique s, The property of Mrs. Richard Day in Baisarn, four miles east of Claremont on ninth concession, Saturday, October l6th, 12 p.m. 8 piece dining room suite, china cabinet, fern stand, 6 press back rchairs, two wooden chairs, small. parlour table with sheif, chester- field and chair, rocking chair wooden frame oil painting, threc piece bedroom suite, old cup- board bottom, oId wooden rug beater, antique hanging cupboard, black and white TV with stand (practicaliy new), Ailadin lamp (electrified), odd pieces of bath- room sets, coal oil lamps, number of cups and saucers and antique dishes, rooster and.hen sait and pepper, numerousothercollectable items. Terms cash, no reserve. Property sold. Earl Gauslin, Norm Faulkner, Auctioneers. YARD SALE at 2 Duke St., Brooklin Saturday, October 16, 1976 12 noon to 5 p.m. FOR YOUR FULLER NEEDS CALL BILL MAI4 668-4730 For Sale Turn those items ypure keoping and fot usin, into CASH$II! CALL 668-6111 4OME FOR SALE Private Whitby, beautiful 2 year old, four bedroorn dctachied, broadloorn, garage, lot 85 x 1 50 feet, 9-14%, S60,900. Cali 1-292-2168. TENDER GENERAL CONTRACTORS Kitchen renovations to Cottage No. 1, Durham Regional Centre, Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. TENDER No. LIN-76-i10-- P-8291 i Sealed tenders wNilI be received uintil 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, NOVEMBER 3, 1976. Tender I)octimentsinay be obtaiiied froni the Onitario Ministry of Goveènient Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kent Street West. P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. K9V 4S9 NOTE: For furtiier informa- tion regarding titis tender, please cali Mrs. E.M. Neale, at the above address. Tele- phone: 1-705-324-9188. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. O tarlo Ministry of Govemmeni Services Antennas ABLE ANTENNA SERVICE 513.Perry St. Wanted Good Used TV Towers Colour Heads And Rotars Highest Prices Paid Cali 668-6901 Wanted WHITBY THEATRE CO. requires for it's first play àf the season women's day dresses & coats and men's suits. In the style of the late 1930's or early 1940's. Cali 728-2294 or 668-1158 after 6 p.m. HELP WANTED Get the Christmas spirit in '76 giving to others through your "Geni" earnings can be a rewarding experience. Dernonstrate highly accept- able houseware produets as a "Geni" representative and make the best Christmas ever. A division of Avon Products. Cail Mrs. McCart 576-4229. YOU SPEND MONEY IN' YOUR SPARE TIME - Wl-W NOT MAKE- SOME TOO? If »you have several hours a week ta spare, we'11 train you. Phone 668-9722 for interview. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 450 Sq. Ft. Dundas Whitby 600 Sq. 'Ft. King Oshawa Cali 668-3346 St. St., FINAL CLEARANCE SALE Guy Stevenson Motors Ltd. 1970 Ford XL 2 dr hardtop Lic. FJE 227 $899 1968 OIds Cutiass Lic. EDK 165 1969 Buick Witdcat Lic. JLO 698 $899 $899 1969 Meteor 2 dr hardtop Lic. AUX 923 $699 1910 Mercury Stationwagon Lic. DTM 273 $399 1P'70 Sunbeam Arrow e Lic. EBD 047- $299 Lic. A40 338 1971 Elan Skidoo $249 $329 1965 Oids 98 4 dr hardtop Lic. CHV 169 $299 1 - 12 x 16 office building, office furniture, Iights, signs, garage equipment, two snow plow blades, benches, tools, etc. 57 Winchester Rd., Brooklin Phone 655-3761 nsxt door tu the Irona MEN'S HAIRSTYLING mmmmwmmm@dý

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