PAGE 4, WEDNESDA,OCTDBER 13. 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS w hitbys Voicq of the Cou nty Town 4 Jke TFhe only Whitby newspaper independlently owned and operated ERVING OVER 28,000 READERSr Bu rgess, ,Publisher-Managing Editor Pu bîshd evry edneday Assistant Editor.- Blake Purdy Publshc evry Wdncday Community Editor - Brian Winter Contributing Editor - Jim Qu'UJ Production Manager - Marje Burgess Display Advertising Manager - by M.B.M. Publishing Robin Lyon and Photograpby Imc. Classified Ad Manager- Marlene Byroi Circulati -on Manager -~ Sharon Lyon The Free Press Building Box 206, Perit N.46 121 Brock Street North, MiigPri o 6 Whit by, Ontario Phone 668-6111. Docathon participants are a credit to the school We cornmend everyone who was involved in Denis O'Connor Highi School's recent Docathon to raise rnoney to hielp offset the operating expenses of the school. Approximately 400 dedi- cated people, with sponsor- ships frorn local industries, businesses and individuals, started the 20-imile w'alk and most finishied it. Special congratulations go out to Enzo Rinaldi, whonî the Free Press has spoîisored for the past two years and who has completed the walk both times. Wintario say s we were wron We sa y we were correct Dear Sir; Your story in the Septem- ber 22nd edition, relating to the apparent difficulties of a Mrs. Doris Junkin's attempt to dlaim a $ 10,000 prize in the Wintario bonus draw of September 1 6th contains soi-e startling errors in fact. On September 1I7th, an elderly woman who was sub- sequently identified by her daughter as Murs. Doris Junkin, presented a Wintario ticket which purported to bear the bonus number I12658490 which was efigible fou a S 10,000 puize. On dloser examination of the ticket by a member of -our staff, it appeared that the last two digits had been altered and that number actually imprint- ed on the ticket was 12658419. Mrs. Junkin, who is an elderly person and appeared to be 4 confused, was advised of' this, the ticket was returned to her and she left. Later in the'day, the valid ticket number 12658490 was presented by Mrs. Gertrude Cremers of Barrie, Ontario. it was authenticated bY British American Banknotc, our sccurity printer and the S 10,000 prize was paid. M rs. Junkin fias been advised of' these developrnents. We expect that you wilI, on the basis of this inf'ormnation, correct the misleading anfd damiaing impression given t() your readers by youir article and trust that in the fuiture you will miake some attempt to obtain the correct facts before publication. - ours very trL ly, D. A. Murray Wilson AssistaInt General Manager - Operations Ontario Lottery Corporation, Toronto EDITOR'S NOTE: lVcee iried liard Ia Jïnd "so1W? start/îflg errars" in aur ariginal starV, but iaî'e heeii unabie Ioa(da sa. T/w ON!. Y cantradwction bel iveen t/je abai'e ici 1er and aur star y is' Wl/EN HIie $10.000 prize wvas aciiialli, pail out. Mrs. Junkiîi c/ained t/we Wîniaria eniipa.j'ee stie spake ta said, or imipiicd (as indicated (in aur stary), that tie inaney had A LREAD Y been paid, whiercas Mr. Wilson in hLs lelter claimis iil was paid A IFTER Mrs. Junkins: visit. Mr. WVilson 's letter 1-A S clarified <'.V<it/v î'liat i îiîer I1intaria c/amnis lras ()r is) <>1, Airs. Ju,in it ikel t(w/îl/i aur st(aff lias îîel'er» seen), and hI//O ciied t/w iaî0il. Air. W'ilson lias (i/s(; TIVlGýpaîied oui to tas1 ilai Airs. Junkin is .9idher/r ". but1 being ItViihv.l Dear Sir-, [hle I)iocese of* ('huLrchli- Hudson Bay, the world's mnost tiotlhern diocese, is composed of sixteen Eskimio missions scattered in the Arctic. For over f'ifty years, tlie missîin- airies of that remnote diocese hiave devoted their entire lives fou the welfare of thle Eskimos living i n North Amnerica's extuenie North constantly strUggling against thie cruel elernents of that un- fougiving land. Theiu mission field covers somne 900,000 square miles; it even extends to thue North Pole. It is also a c'onstantfiniancial reSen/ýiis Ive KNOIV (laiinasi residents oaf SeiiGi(,ti:eqs'lomies (aLe eider/v. Final/r, ire beliei'ed priar ta publicauion oa' aur stan', and ive ST/Lt. helieve, thl o ur starly, as pubisIî'il, ias carrect i à ithifullvi StruLggle fo r those forty iiissionlaries anîd Eskimo cate- chiists, wlho have nio souirce of funiids whatsoever ini.suchl reniote r-egionis of poverty and deprivationi. To add to their existinig lack of funds, their m1ost' remo te Eskimo mission at Pelly Bay was recently destroyed by flue. As it is impossible to reacli this missioni by eithier land or sea. the only way to transport buiilding material is by air Onie can imagine the expenise. Tliroutghi the years, donations from benefactors have been the only source of fitnds for these missionaries. Without reporting ail t/w inîfôrmiatîin that ivas giî'en us. Mlay we poi nt out tai thie Frec Press AL WA YS attemnp ts ta abtain the correct facts before publication, and tiat s one reasan iwhv IVE asked MIPP C'harles Godfrey to inî'esîigate. su ch precious support. their task would have beeni a rnost difficuit onie. As thiey franikly hiave no- where to go but South to solicit a hielpinig hand they ask thiat we consider the possibility of extending our charity to their corner of the world. Ail donations which are tax-deductible, will be gratefully received and person- ally ackniowledged by, Bishop Orner A. Robidoux Esk-Orni Missions P.O.. Box 159 St. Norbert, Manitoba, Canada. R3V1 lUý Through the efforts of the deterrnined, walkers'- 358 of the school's 362 students, al 1 8 teachers and five of the students' parents - over $20,000 wvas raised. Gradle 13 studenit Wilmia Van Berkel, whio wore, sponsors' nanies oin patelies on1 lier clothies, Irobat)ly stinned up the feelinigs of the walkers Mihen sfic said "I don't care if 1 look like a fool; 1l11 do anything for niy sehool ". That type of spirit should stand the school iii good stead. Si*xteen Eskimo missions are seeking financial aid ntý by Whitby residerits tor IfVhîtby residen