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Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1976, p. 9

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,'.OCTOBER 20, 1970, PAGE 9 Go dIby e Id town" By Leslie McFarlane lea els sui ag( car we dis lio l wi phi fa( i pe w ti h t]y ti ill oý Tihis is a farewell. Wle are Street. This was the nicet.41g books andl reauînig 10 the aving Whiitby to l ive placé wlhere youi encounitered millions in Northî Anerica. ;ewliere. your neighibours and exchiang- Il was a fine and fiYindly cane liere in the latee d tetrva gsi o littie îown. We iived on mmer of 1936, forty years dy King Street and to the west ,o, with miy farnily. A wrîer Chief Quantreli strolled lay emipty fields fromn whicli in live anlywhere, so we down Brock Street to the pheasant wandered tub oumr ere Iooking for a srnall Four Corners and watched back yard. 1 remiember it )wn within, reasonable the lighit traffic on Number with deep affection and wc stance of Toronto, where a Two. At nighit Constable were aIl sorry Miîen we hiad luo use couild be rented. The Thomas wouild patrol the leave, witiî 50 nîany others, toice of Whitby was entire- silent and enpty streets with during the war. I Cali recali 1a miatter of chance, buit his dog. They rnaintained the day France feli, Mien 'fell in love with the town law and order, an easy task, a deep, stuinned silence fell ith ils court house, its because there was seidoni any over 10o the town, and every- naHl stores, its grey stone crime an d a disorderly one gathiered in the îown ost office with a dlock in citizen was rare. hall for a "patriotic raily". e tower to souind the houirs, On Saturday nighit every- There were speeches. It took ssnall industries suich as one carne downtowu to do no spécial gift f'or prophesy te tannery and the buckle the grocery shiopping for the to say thiat the impact of' .ctory and the blanket week., to visil the stores, to what had happened across ctory, ils old brick houses go 10 the Brock and sec a the sea \vouidC go far lieyond ith their neat lawns aiid mlovie and ingile wilh the anlythiiîg \vc ilmaýgiiîed. that ýower beds. country fol1k from Ui t) the Whiitby wve kîîew wvotld There was an anibience of Clareniont and Myrtle wvay sooni be l(ist forever. ,acefulness anîd leistire. to wvhonm Witthv was Ille Whien 1 rcttrned in I196I ffitby had been there for a iietropolis. wi th mly iew tïîii ly I foti ng tme~one elIIlia it This was t he Whî th t01o nîani c h auges. \Vi li millions 'old remnain unchanged l'or te tiiris vee m tu eu aîhdu long limie to coule. People cli ild ren ait te nde d Illîeinew i e levision whi en aWi tthy ýescribe d il as "a tvpicaî Kli n St ree t Si u. d l hckv teaini liad imnade mvlý Coîhorne Scîtool whîcli liad old tuWf"l lailnons l1w winligt n triosma I uwu' x'h c hbeentli te MI giScliuol \yea Fs a wo l I cianPjtliip. hs 'as truce only iii part. Z, 1eem oypa d \a p hbyti lil u i Vhitby nmay have been li vac u i c :7n 1 itysIi r y'pical in dtal il had a l .ockey un l l r of (ie c Illtlt!s ilr ýopuilation of' abonit ltî rîn ks ble ore hie ,ia dînated Yotn cati aic hieve a ilieasu ire îouand, vi h u usalto the ol d ai-e na ne ai thle offaute ;î s t(lie hi r tIipla ce of a luota of chutrches and a a ta ner sliheoprpîu ie iii.ia iii 5ieînastiolie ite own hall andi larmilands on i/1 lopiicetls u gictiIiIio .lt le uîkils.bu eeryîovntiien. Wec cti fini evet y- wlîeîî vun cuîie i i-lî t dowî as ils own cliaracter, ta n c îeedn i wv t t iî îulîc ea of' neat or groceries inIillic Iîîckev ht'le tii aîIllte îstory peculiar 10 itsell . anîtri cosfoi h on epc.to'Clxils ýconomiy of ils own and a lalweeJcSils-etd 1(tIl lý1Lewr ;ocial life bascd on the fact hl hr u hed ree u le ciîcswî liat miost of ils people have yout as a frieîîd. Next dour thîcie andt st ill in thle inakintg. heir roots firînly piantcd wastleîu h fBîit'e ilgwy41la ru~i n a:omnuniy tat espctsBLtton Manu. wvherc lit ticToron to doser, si.) closec tuai s as condunty lerespanes Bim ,Brooklynî boni and a Torontoiiiaus cotidîiow live mlyif heyevove iowy. great reader soidt lireati and iin Wiithy anîd ucctnpy tlle nlyifîhe eole sowy. dress lcugthis aîd kîickknazcks%. new subtdivisionls of*îmoderni A pleasant to\vn, a frieîîdly And youî cooild go tu tue homes. 1'here were uiew town. You walked to tlhe library, thanks to Andrew shoppinig 1p.izas anid sulper- post office twice a day uider Carnegie, the scotch markets wiiicit cuîîsigîiedl the avenue of trees on Ceiîlre ilflioniaire who brouioht good Joe Shields 10 retire- A lot of people like the Royal Bak for Term Plan Loans. For when it makes good sense to borrow. Should 1 Borrow is a question we ail ask ourselves at one time or another. But now it's a lot easier to corne Up with the right answers. Because the Royal Bank has put most of the answers into a new bookiet called "Should 1 Borrow?" It explains how interest and time I// payments work, how to examne our budget to see <~what you can afford, and ai most everything else you should take into 6' consideration. Why not » drop in today and pick up aour free copy. If you have 0 any questions, please corne see me or one of the staff. ROYAL BAN l9, servflg Ontario Frank Bennett Manïager Whltby 668-9358 meut. The old post office was gone, repiaceti further down Dundas by a brand- niew building of no characler at ail. You wouidni't dream of' going thiere 10 gossip with yourr eiglîbous. Besides, tie mail was tiuw dci iverecl lu your door, buit only once a day and never on Saturday any more. Thc old town liait had been Îorn down andi thiere was a new arena. i lighl-rise ilparitineiits were riiiioreti. The Fotur Coriners seenieti inîrc tlIhe sainie, apart from tie faci that a batik liad replaccd tie ulti stone post office withiî is dock, but liot very iiiany people came dowil ownlu Io slîop 0on Saltrday iiighit atîy more anîd if* you weiil l te Irock you foutnd a iîew breed of iovie gt>ei's attt oued lu filmîs tulatI beiider-ecd ie niddie- aged. Anîd strailgers. YoLI wvere "iven tii cunîlaiti tlîat Vuoit sel duii saw aiîyline you Bn t tiiis wals mere ly' hie beoiliî ilig uf, chanige . (ille a îîilit wlieiî1I presided -a t Ilie iast iîieetinu uoflite \Viîitby Public Scliuui Hioard. au listorîc iîieelîing \Vhîcii pasd aliiîst Lntîiîuîîced. TIlce liad uonce heiî a weeklv levppr~ iil woîld h ave Pi Opel spa iiîd attenitiionî lutiîis evelît. bolt ie \pivas long 'luite aiid t lie brui diîîg dest roy- ed. 'l'ie oid papile r nîissed lii tic tiat weit on ii i uid from the outiying villages. It was a sort of journalistic glue that held the community together. Now the changes have corne more rapidly. Some- thing called Regional Govern- ment has arrived, designeti to abolish smallh communities as suchi and govern' themn more wiseiy and efficiently. Somnehow we also seem 10o be governed more expensively as weII but we are assured that this is ail for our own good. In truc dernocratic fashion, o(f course, we were given a chance lu voice our feelings. There was a meeting aI wlîicli a commissionet'dame ail thie way froîn Toronto 10 sec tihat our opinions were given weigiî. i recail gelting tu iny feet andi rernarking tlit we would be swallowed up, that Whiitby would lose ils ideîîlity anîd thiat tbis would be tie ceti of the town 1 kîîcw. IBut even Ihien I knexv îîait dite decisions wvere alrcatiy macle andclthaI our opiniionîs were nul wanted, tlui 1rtest was futile. Opposing Regiotiai Govern- mnit \vas like stauîding in the can regret change, which is inevilable although flot always for the better, but you can't figlit il. Now the postrnark "Whitby" doesn't mean anything any more because when you mail a letter toi someone in your own town il goes first 10 Oshawa. If you neeti a policeman you search the phone directory until you Iearn that you must phone an office in' Oshawa. lt's Durham Region now. If you need further proofs of the Ioss of identity, of the smothering effects of the new bureaucracy, you need only look around you. lnstead of school teachers we have a tribe of education- ists, instead of public-spirited citizens of a community we have a smnall arrny of planners, Planning whiat? And so, regretfully, we miove 10 a new address-- Rural Roule NuLnber 2, Minden, Ontario. 1 wouidri' say we are actualiy leaviîîg Whitby. The Whitby we knew anti loveti is gone. Whitby, in faci, bas left us. Open 7 Joys a w..k RESTAURANT 120 BROCK ST. M. WHITBY - TEL.: 668 * Delicious Conadion end Italien Dîshes J-46 ..... 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