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Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1976, p. 12

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PAGE 12,WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Comin g Ev ents MODERATOR'S VISIT Dr. Wilbur K. Hloward, Moderator of t11 United Chlurch of Canad a. ill be the gutest speake r aI the 11I a.i. service of St. Mark's United Church, Novenber 7. Dr. I Ioward's visil is iin connec- lion withil te I SOth anniver- sary of St. Murk's Cliarch, being celebrated Ibis year. EVANGELIST INSTITUTE Au lay Instilu le for- Evangelîsin wilI be hield al St. Andrew's Prcsbylerian Chur-ch, Ocluber 28 and 29) frin 7 pa. to 1) :45 ii. ,md1 Ocloher .;0 froin 1) a.ni.- lu 5 plin. 'l'hie insttitte is spunisored by Campus Cruside lfor (Christ . Thle tormat cotîsists of a series of' lectures on hiow tu live kt consistent , abundant (Christian life : atnd a series ut seminars un huw lu slw re one 's fuillh with othiers. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY AI Ruindle, forierly uof Ruitie Nurseries, wvill speak Io the Brooklin Ilori-tctl ttiri-ý Socie ty atJuLt Ihow , l laa rock garden, aIt lhe sociely's regular meetitîg Ocl9)ber' 27 aI 8 p*n* i iIe Bruukliti Uinited (?hnirch I11laIt. This is lthe hast regitlar meliiig for I976. Meninershiips for 1977 are* nIOW being accepted. CHURCH BAZAAR A\ bazaar vil I be lie Id a t \Vesmitisîer United ('lircli un Mlaning Rond , October. 28 truie I p.ri. lu 8 pin.. f*eu taiti g se xving. knitIli n, nuvel lies, a lea rou11In a d hake sale. BING O Binigo is un attraction every Wcdnesday fromin1prn. lo 3 pa. a t the Knightis of' Coltimbais M ail. Also, every Nlonday, starting ut 7:1 5 p.n. there is Whitby Commnunity 13ingo aI I leydenshore lPavilion sponsoired by thie Kinstuen, Kiwanis, Iiiyecesiiind Optimist ('luths. GRMLA DANCE 'lhle Garrard Roatd Minor Lactusse Association is hiold- ing a Eiu111 dance on Novetu ber 13 t'romn 8:30 p).11. lu I a.11. in the Brooklin ('on11.iîaity Centre. Tickets for thie dance and pot Iuck suipper cost S8 per COLi)le and are uvailable by caIl inîg 13r i Ke rnoha n il 728-3290. (iouutrp Club VILLAGE GARDENS overlooks acres of Conservation Land in the picturesque Village of Pickering. It is surroun- ded by endîess miles of rural countryside, yet is only 8 miles f rom Metropolitan Toronto. Ail conveniences are close by - shopping, public, secondary and private schools, hospital and community centers, arenas, boating facilities, golf and country clubs. Green grass, gardens, acres of trees. Drivacv to luxuriate in, a year round swim- ming pool, saunas, squash court, tennis court, and a gym- nasium .. . sounds lîke a country club. Some people are calling VILLAGE GARDENS Iuxurious. The people who are associated with it think it is just the best concept of its kind available. It is an elegant solution for married and single adults, or for families for whom the reîatively carefree condominium lifestyle is the perfect answer to their needs. VILLAGE GARDENS indeed looks like a big building. There are just 12 suites per floor with spacious baîconies having spectacular views. AIl suites are individually air- conditioned for year round comfort and corne corrTplete with stove, fridge, and dishwasher. Cars are parked in a weII lighted underground garage. Corne enjoy a visit with us today. Prices start at only $36,500wOO with excellent terms and immediate possession. Take 401 East to Church Street, then North on Church Street to, VILLAGE GARDENS. Ahz EXCLUSIVE AGENTS MODELS OPEN Daily 12-8, Weekends 12-6 92 Church St. S., Pickering Village 366-2213 TORONTO - 683-1121 LOCAL NOW FULLY REGISTERED A Projici of Captan kvulpmsnts Only,, 50 tickets are avai lable., BIG BAZAAR St. Johin the Evangelist Romian Cathotic Church, on Giffaîrd Street, will be holding a Big l3azaar" ut the church, Noveiner 6 fromIn p.rn. to 101).11. NUTRITI ON Mary Alice White, a qualified dictitian, will be speaking on nutrition on Monday ut 7:30 p.rn. in the flome Economnics room ut H-enry Street High S'hool. li1cr speech, "Nutrition Potpourri", is in'con] anc tion with Nutrition Week in Ontario and follows lier appearance on Pine Ridge Cuble TV tonighit ut 7:30 on" "Rzescuie". * Ifomatonis available by calling Mis. White ut 723-240 1. UNITED WAY SPECIAI Thci Whitby and Oshawa br-anches of the Cana dian Red Cross are sponsoring a United Way Entertainer Special October 27 from 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at Eastdale Collegiate in Oshawa. The program features Whitby's County Town Singers, thc Oshawa Chapter of Barbershoppers, Oshawa Choral Society and the Oshawa Chiapter of Sweet Adelines. Arnong the features of the show will be a new version of 0 Canada sang by ail the choirs, and a door prize draw. Avayor Jim Gartshore of "aitby and Mayor Jim otticury of0Oshawa will make introductory remarks, and the master of ceremonies will be Tom Gibney of CFTO News, a Whitby resident., Tickets are available at Middleton's Book Store and Schatzmann Real Estate on I)undas Street. Ail proceeds from this entertainment special wili go to the,1.United Way., THIS SATURDAY US Support your Whitby District Boy Scouts. We'll pait year off you &a. i hi.- weck tont'. toconvO nc lii. ou ve c in g 5iMv \01l I (Il d c.îî îh,îtni.rie-.11 . l(I Ido thle teck 1or N,20)I'~ on our mosi1 popfflar '.crv ice w r thc e s 49.1)5 l>;crn icipaint service ... nov.Itjui S 129.95:. And mke$0 ispear off ou mStpopular painserce. 710 Wilson Road South Oshawa. KIng St. F. IL Il 1 lB.e00r St.- E. 1eIcAve. 7 10 W511sonRd.IS. NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS 0F THE TOWN 0F W'-ITBY REVISION ÀND CERTIFICATION 0F THE ASSESSMENT COMMISSION ERS LIST SOHOOL SUPPORT ENTRY Last date for filing an appeal - November 5th, 1976. NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant ta the Municipal Act as amended, 1 have posted up at my office in the Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West, on the 20th day of October, 1976, a copy of the Assessment Cammissioner's Iist shawing school support for aIl persons who are qualified to direct taxes. The persons who are qualified ta direct taxes are owners, joint owners, tenants and joint tenants. I hereby caîl upon ail persans qualified ta direct taxes in the Town of Whitby ta take immediate proceedings ta have any errors corrected, the last day for appeal being November Sth, 1976. 1 Revision of the list for a change in school support will commence on November th, 1976 at 10:00 a.m. in the Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West. Appeal forms for alterations of your school 'support are available at my office. DATED AT THE TOWN 0F WHITBY THIS 20TH DAY 0F OCTOBER, A.D., 1976. Wmn. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., CLER K, The Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario, NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant ta the Municipal Act .11 i

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