PAGE16, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1976, WHITRY FRPEE PRI $821,075 ini building pennits A total of $821,075 in building permits were issued by the Town in August, aceording ta statistics recent- ly released by the Whitb-y Public. Works Departrnent. Thirty-three. of the 47 building permits issued that month were for residential purposes aid hiad a value, of $441 ,575 which represents 53.78 pcr cent of the total. That brings the year's total, as of August 31, for residential permits to 268 with a value of $6,790,745., Two industrial permits were issued with a value of $268,000, representing 32.64 per cent of the month's total. The year.s, total in that area is $2,904,833 accounted for by 23 permaits. Five commercial permnits valued at $43,500represented 5.30, per cent of the month's total as did four permits for agricultural purposes. Sa far this year, 33 commercial, permits have been issued with a total value of $185,425 and eight agricultural permits worth $57,500, Three residential agricultur- ai permits with a value of $24,500 represent 2.98 per cent of the August total. As of August 3 1, 26 residential agricultural- per- mits, with a value of $763,471i were issued.' Singat ho n 9 ROOM HOME - CUSTOM BUILT 2 year aid brick veneer home on 50 x 149 ft. lot, 4 bedrooms, family roomn with fire place, carpet throughout, additional wa shroom, electric heating. A truly well built home in Whitby. 2,500 sq. ft. of living space plus garage. ASKING ON LY 64,500.00. Good Mortgage at 10Y%. WHITBY, COMMERCIAL LOT 66 x 132 ft. zoned C-3 central commercial. corner property. 48,000.0DO full price. SUN DERLAND - NEW HOME 1700 sq. ft. of living space, brick and stone bungalow.. 2 car garage, huge basement with natural f ireplace. Excellent workmanship. ASKING 64,500.00. Downipayrpint 10,000.00. I mmediate possession. evenings cal, Herb Visser 668-5718 W. Schatzmann 668-3253 D.W. McQUAY 103 DUNDAS ST. W. , WHITBY 668-5868 FAIRVIEW DRIVE, WHITBY A prestige 4-bedroom brick bungalow with 2-car attached garage is a prestige area of Whitby. The 90' x 132' lot is nicely landscaped with mature trees and plantings. The home is in immaculate condition and features 2-cut stone fireplaces (one is the 19' x 22' recreation room). Tastefully decorated, a warm and inviting atmosphere awaits your inspection of the eight rooms on Fairview Drive -- which lives up to its name. SCENIC ACREAGE 16Y2 acres of one of the most enchanting parcels of land that we have ever listed. Rolling land, part of it with a high elevation, 1040 feet frontage, mature maple woods, new spruce plantation, open spaces, a view for miles, ail add up ta a virtual shangrila, only 12 miles north west of Whitby. Existing dwelling suitable for week-end guests or caretaker. $110,000.00 with terms. IND USTRIAL - COMMERCIAL OSHAWA FOR SALE OR LEASE Zoning M-2 Lot 211' x 130' with 3-road frontages close ta No. 401 Highway and Ritson Road South. Excellent 4-year old 40' x 80', 20 block high building with a 12' x 16' overhead door at each end. Built for heavy industrial use, complete with 20-ton dual hoist. 3 offices, Lot completely paved, and chain Iink fence around perimeter. For sale at $115,000.00. For lease at $850.00 monthly. Personal service in Whitby and Durham Regian for 23 years. From Page 15 in sending 130 people (75 of whom are choir members) on their European tour from JUly 14 ta Aug 2, 1977. The money raised by the Sing-a-thon will sponsor the choir members only. It is expected it will cost $85,000 to send the entire 130 people to Europe, where nine concerts have been confirmed so far. The Singers are paying one-third of the total cost of the trip out of their own pockets, and the remainder is being obtained through fund-raising events. The choir has been work- ing three weeks to prepare for the -Sing-a-thon, which was originated by Joanne Ashley, wife of the choir's director. Pledges wvill be collected up to and including November 6. The previous cultural exchanges between the County Town Singers and the Liederliort Tosters of Feld- kirch, Austnia in 1973-74 resulted in the officiai twin- ning of Whitby and Feldkirch the following year. In addition, the Lions Club of both municipalities have twinned and a dynamic student exchiangeprogramn has developed. kWhT .4 '. I Sarah ""Sally" Macivor Harvey Mintz is pleased to announce that Sally MAacivor has joined his Staff at Harvey Mlintz Limited. Sally brings with her several years of experience in Real Estate and invites her customners and clients to cali her at 668-8897 (off ice) or 668-9906 residence). 12 2 3'wocI eS-tzt Souifi 77,