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Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1976, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1976, WHITBY F REE PRESS whitby Voice of the Cou nty Town The only Whitby newspaper indlependently ownedi SERVUINO OVER 28,000 READERSr Mike Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor and operated by Whitby residerits tor WNhitby resident Assistant Editor Blake Purdy - >Il)isIicd vcry Wedlncsdlay Community Editor - l3rian Winter Contributing Editor- Jim Qu,'dI Production Manager- Marje Burgess by M.B.M. Pubiishing Display Advertising Manager - Robin Lyon and Photograpliy mc. Classified Ad Manager - Marlene Byroii- Circulation Manager, - Sharon Lyoni >1 , Box 206, Whitby. The Free Press Building Mailng P rmi No. 460 121 Brock Street North, Whitby, Ontario Phone 66 8-61 11. Guess what?9. It's election time again!l Dr. Ken Hobbs liide it officiai Friday. We realiv weren't stirprised tlîat hiees seeking the Mayor's spot. 'Doc' is a pretty Shari) fellow who lis proved iînself ini mlany ways. On the other haind. the incunîbeîit NMavor <Gent leinan) Jimi Gartshore is certainly no slotich and is a candidate to be reckoned with. The inavoraltv race sl1(tild prove to b;e very' interestini,... just a suggestioni fellows. but if the two of vois got touether and held joint press confer- ences. possibly at the corner of Fairview and Lyndview... East ward residenit Bol) White lias coinfîimed to uis that hir will be runniîlg u-as local rel) for his wvard. 'Ir. White has cotincil experience. and has been quite involvedl ini the cormnîunity. Another candidate for council in the east ward ini the uspcoling (z Deceniber election lias apparenil starte(t anl early cainpaign. Accordin'.. to soi-ne of our readers iii the Lupin D)rive area, Joe l)runm has already started rnlakingi 'cold calis' door-knocking ini the area. Mr. Drunmm. a resident of Rosedale I)rive. is eîinployed ini the stockrooin of an Ajax factory, but is probably better known for his part-tirne job as bartender at local functions. Other sources furthcr inforrn us that Cotin. Jov Thompson <who lives a cross. and a hop, skip. aid jumpl down the street fron NIr. Druinin) is dliscreetly "backing" hirn. Anlyway despite his lac1k of experience, Mr. Druni probably krn>ws ail the tricks of the carnpaign trail after hiaving been involved as a worker for a local Liberal.> Further while we're rnaking bets.. .any takers that Couin. Thomipson (if eiected regionally) won't be taking an envious look at the Mayor's "R esident is aecondary citizen" Pay phone exehange rings up trouble )e.ar Si': \Ve are being plagued by a probîcîn and mnaybe y'ou can lielpi us by publisb ing ou r dilernînia. We bave lived ini West Lynde iii Wbitby now l'or 4 years. Our te leffphone nu m ber is. a nd ai -avs bas been, (08-9022. For' the past t'ew mlontbls 110W\v e bave been bomnbarded witb calis lfor -'The Corner Store"'. Utipon cbeck ing, into thle Sit uationl WC d iscove rcd tibat "he ('orner Store"lbas a pas' te le phione ( wibic h t bey arc apilpa reniltis'1sinastheir. business phone) and their numnber is 666-90.12. Since this was obviotusly a recent installation. we enquireci ut "Tlie Cornier Store" to sec if they would inid lhaving their number changed, but they r-elused. Sitîce the catIs were coming as early as 7 a.mn. and as late as 1 2 nidnighit, we coinin-iied 10 1BellICana du,. Thiey said thbe onlY solution was lor uLs to change our nunmber. Appar-en tly. if a buisi ness phione n Liniber is contiicting with a residential nuinher, the r-esident is apparantly a secondary citizen. Thieir. excuse is that businesses send out udvertising with their phone nuniriber on it and the r-esident does not, bience i ts easier for the resident to chiange bis numnber. But, as 1 explained, this is a pay phone! I was tbld' by omie '3e1 Canada e mployee that the 666 exehunige is a new exclhange ini Whitby and people areni't uised to it yet, but when they do get accLstomied to it, our problemn probably will be over. Then 1 was told that the 666 exehiange is being used exclusively in pay phones in Whitby, which mieans it will pro bably be 199 years before people are accustorned to it. I took the liberty of looking thru the entire Whitby Bell Canada Directory, just issued i August, 1976, anîd guess what- "The Corner Store" bas the only 666 exehange nuînber Iisted in the book; probably because Bell Canada doesn't mnake a habit of listing the pay phonles in their dire ctory. 1 was also advised by one sharp Bell Canada ernployee that, itf we agreed to have our imunber chianged. they wotild be good enioughi to hook-up their recorded announcement for aIl our friends, advising theni that our nuniber hiad changed. However, 1 was quick to point out that flot only would our friends be advised of our new nuniber, but so would everyone else who was culling 66E,-9022 to get "The Corner Store". This aggravation lias driven me to the point now that, when nîy phone rings and a voice on the other end says Is the Oshawa Times in yet?" OR 4"Do you have anymnore Winturio Tickets?" OR "How mnuch arc your White Owl cigars?", I just reply, "I'm sorry, we don't stock themn". I really don't know what can be done to solve this irritating problem. save changing our phone ntîmber, which I refuse to do on principal alone, but niaybe if enough of the offenders read this colurnn, it may r2duce the ringing in our ears considerably. Mr. Bud York, 8 Bannernian Crt., Whitby- J)ear Sirs; 1 wisb to tban1k you l'or. tbe generous coverage yoLi recently extended to the D)enis O'Corinor t)oc-A-i'bon. lublicity is as iiportant to the siîccess of the walk as the willinigness to eildiîre miuscle aches and blisters. Credit for this year's SUCCess lies of course, ini greut part, with the students and parents who sougbit the sponsors and did the wulking, but tbe list of otiiers wbo eontributed behind the scenes is, t(> me, a souirce of grcat satisfaction: -the police, local and regionai, especîally (Con- stable (iralîarn- -the towns of Whitby, Ajax and Pickering tbrough whose jurisdiction we walked . - the volunteers of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. - the companies' such as McDonald's Faniily Restaur- ants, Munn's Press, Nabob Foods, Cane'sParty Rentais, Red Vi ng Orebiards. wbo p)rovided . 'ood, drink or services gratis. tbe parents wbo provided f'ood.1put rolled tbe routes aind manned tbe cbeck- p)oints. the staf'f'of' I)enis O'Connor who organmized and encour- aged tbe students' ef'forts. the sebools and cb uirches whiclb made availuble thieir t'acilities and publicized the walk. the sponisors tiieniselves wlîose gencrosity ensured our Li rsccess. -Finully and especially, Mrs. Agiies Sandreili and lier conmittee who coordinated the operation. It lias been most gratifying to sec the willing cooperation of ail these fine people and to alI I extend a lîeartfelt thank yot1. Sincerely, Sister Mildred Moyle, Principal. A thank-you from sehool to ail Docathon supporters AMmwý

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