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Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1976, p. 5

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Do you remember back to your schiool days when you learned there appeared to ho some kind of law everythiing. Newtons law applied to gravity, Boyles to pressure and volume and Abernathy's iaw concerniing how long you cou Id get away xith not doing homnework. But for the life of me I can't remember one thiat concerned elevators and big cities. Stiil, there mnust bè sucli a law that states if you isit big cities enougli and, while there, spend time travelling on elevators, yôu'll get caughit. 1 got caughit. 1 had a mnid-afternoon meeting ini a building wvith i15 floors and rny meeting was on the 11I ti. I figure l'in just about as healthy as the next guy and mnany timos l'Il waik up to the second, third and even the fourth floors but, as tirne was short, and mny leart flot willing to tackle I1i floors 1 not-so-patiently waited for the elevator. As usual. even thoughi there were four elevators, oniy two were working. Ever notice that??If there were 35 elevators you would probably find only five working at best. Whien you ask, you're told they're having maintenance work done on them. Al 1 can assume is that elevators are flot very dependable modes of transit as they always seem to be down for maintenance work. Anyway, 1 heard a door open and quickly zipped into the open door of the elevator that had just showed up. There was a janitor inside and ho took out a key and turned the switch fromn manual to automnatic on the elevator control panel. Ho had just been using the elevator for freight. Another man stepped inside, the doors shut and, with the proper buttons suitably lit for each floor, we started ascending. Just as we were reaching the second, floor the elevator stopped. The doors did nôt open even though the lighit showed we were at the second floor. The janitor, sensing A was flot well roared into action and started punching buttons on the control panel. 1 was impressed at hiow quickly the janitor had sprung into action and how ho imm-ediately started pushing buttons to're<oive the situtation but 1 began to suspect that ail was not well whien, in his button pushing flurry, hoe turned off ail the liits and imniediateiy after that shut off the ventilator fan. My fellow passenger and I stood there caimiy in the pitchi black, now sulent elevator and bocamne more con- vinced tha'> ever that, not oniy did the janitor push a couple of the wrong buttons, hoe didn't have a dlue abott what any of' the buttons *did or even hiow to run the elevator for that inatter. Feeling the need to give somoe advice, my feiiow p)assenger said, I1 say old chap", (i believe ho was fromn England!) I wonder if you couid manage to turn the the igits and the vontitator fan back on'?" -From the darkness near the control panel, now lit tnp by the glow of the floor buttons, there was a mnurmiur of agreement. After a few clicks, a couple of ciacks and a bonk that WHITBY FREEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1976, PAGE 5 sounded suspiciously to me like a hand bashing, a button the liglits came back on immediately followed by the noisy fan. I figured in a pinch 1 would tâke a noisy fan in preference to suffocating in a soothingly quiet elevator. The janitor, great preveyor of wisdom that he was, finally saw fit to utter some words to the effect that we indeed seemed to be stuck. Not wanting to reply by saying, "0f course we are you great twît!", in case ho took it personally and I hurt his feelings, 1 merely said that I feit he was right, as did my equally tactful fellow, passenger. As time was fleeting and not much seemned to be happening, 1 too decided to spring into action and said that perhaps we should determine if we were indeed between floors or if we were actually at the second floor but the doors wouldn't open. The janitor tried the button that opens the door but nothing happened. He resorted to violence and gave the button a couple of smashes,(very scientific mmnd) but still nothing. 1 figured enough was enough so I put on my very best imitation of Charies Atlas and firmiy grabbed the edge of both elevator doors and manually forced themn open. We were between Iboors. We were short of the second floor by a good four feet. My fellow passenger also sprang into action and opened the door to the phone compart- ment, took out the phono and put it to his ear. He was just about to dial when ho said, "There doesn't seem to be a dial tone!" The janitor replied, "They're dead, I shut them off this morniing!" Fortunatety, we're unable to print the replies of my fellow passenger and 1 bet if you'l return next week l'Il tell you how we finally escaped. On the first day of October, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau carne to Toronto to address his feilow Liberais. This was my third opporttunity to watch the Primie Minister in "action" at close range (about ton foot. I'd say) but my first chance to see Margaret in porson. 1 chose to accept the Liberai Party invitation to attend Trudeau's reception at Hlotol Toronto for a numiber of reasons but, mainly, because of bis sagging popularity. As 1 drove up near the main hotel entrance, a fairly large group of people were carrying placards, prociaîiming that Trudeau's anti-inflation policies stink. Most of' the demnonstrators were labor union menibers and self-styled sociaîists. This type of demonstration was expocted as the economic unrest grows. The air inside the hotel wvas, understandably, of different nature: no visible hostilit ies and plonty of sugar-sweet smiles around. Before Trudoau's arrivai the New ('anadian DAVIDSDN, SMITH AND CRAVEN CHARTERED ACOOUNTANTS 110 GREEN STREET WHITBY, ONTARIO L'IN 4C8 TELEPHONE (416) 668-7788 DOUGLAS A. DAVIDSUN, C.A. H. HOWARD SMITH, C.A. KENNETH R. CRAVEN, C.A. ake the- for fait Wear your hair in the latest style with a'short geometri ecut that gives your. hair body and bounce. Hair faits into place easily and looks great al 'day. LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 Green Sie il 668-9262 dancers perioried. At one point, I swear, this was ,a replica of the Johnny Lombardi Show. The hall wvas fiiied with Italian-speaking Canadiains. The iuge weicomie sign for the PM appeared to bc out of place witli its bilingualiirn message. 1 did îlot hear anybody speail-ing French. italian wvas the "second" language spokeni at the gathering and for al I care, it could have been the officiai language of this country, hiad not the Primie Minister reiminded that we live in a bilingual country wliere French and Engiish shiare the hionours. Mind you, there wvas a neek reference to mLlticLlturaliin ini this province. ButInust ask, how inany people really nioticed that? As for his personai appearance, Trudeau looked a lot botter this time. lie iooked weii rested anld physically rit for aniy chiallange fromi the opposition. Ife also dispiayed a bit of hiumor inIihis brief address to Liberai Party nienîibers. But, hoe couid niot Ilide the pitifuil fact that bis language and econioic policies arc nlot wvorkîng at tilo prosenit tinie. 1lie also adnmitted that the Liberals have lost inuch of thici r public appeai due to their inflation fighiting policies. Margaret was paying quite a big of attention to his words At ail timies. slue looked radiant but slighitly dopoy PET's svifo also srniles a lot and is anxious to "say a few words" to hier feiiow Canadians. This timib lier "speechi" sas brief on the worn-out subject of A IM ORIGAG ES 'f K 1 T E. 0 tst & 2nd Arrang*d, Bought ancd Sold at Prime Rates couu Peter'Kade 668-1536 ANUBIS INVESTMINTS Ltd. 149 rck st. W.. WhItby Canadian unity, but she did her part with an aplomb. 1 was hoping she wouldn't start to sing and, luckily, my hopes came true - she rernained musically silent. On the whoie, 1 found Margaret an attractive woman who complements Trudeau's personal appearances. Her eyes are something else. They are big, bright and flirtatious. Generally speaking, that Margaret - she's quite a woman. I-bld on to her, Pierre! After the speeches, Pierre and Margaret mingled with their supporters. It was the old, hand-shaking tour once again, perhaps, to dispeil the myth about our Prime Minister being "indifferent, arrogant, impersonal, cold", e tc. Whatever one bas to say about PET, he is aware of his political mistakes. Already, lie has embarked on a fence-rnending mission. NUTRITION POTPOURRI An action-packed programme that includes: -An inside look at food Guidelines for planning nutritionalty balanced meals -Empty calories -Consumer tips on purchasing and labeling. No Admission Charge HENRY ST. HIGH SCHOOL Home Ec. Dept. - 2nd Floor Monday, Oct. 25 7:30 p.m. OPENING ANNOUINCEMENT BARKER m DUNN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC A COMPLETE DENTURE SERVICE OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMVENT 111 DUNDAS W. WHITBY 668-1464 Corne in and pick Up our now brochures RUSSELL TRAVEL LTDPL 116 Brock'St. S., wuutby 668-5000 Mon. - Sat. 9-5 6Your 2uaef Is Ouriuiaei' .0 N o . 1 2 59 9 2 , ALI BABA STEAK HOUSE LUNCH EON SPECIAL Mon-F i 12 noon - 3 p.m. ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDES: Salad bake potato, sour cream, chives, roll & butter, pic kles & olives, coffee or tea. Pork Chop. ....................... $2.95 Medallions of Ground Beef .- $2.95 B.B.Q. Back Ribs ................ $3.95 Ai Baba Special (top sirlon) ... Junior Filet Mignon............. 49 Steak Sandwich .............. STEAK HOUSE HOURS: mdih Mon. thru Thurs. -. 12 noon to 12 ing Fri. & Sat. - 12 tioon unîtil 1 a.rn. Siupd4y - 12 noon untit 10 p.m. 918 BROCK ST. N., WNITBY - TLPOE639369

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