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Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1976, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAV, OCTOBER 20,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS S CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PUBLIC INMl HAI.LOWE'IEN OBSERVANCE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3OTH, 1976 TAKE NOTICE that by resolution of the Council of the Town of Whitby it is prcpc>sed that as the normal day for observance of Hal lowe'en this year falis on a Sunday ail residents are asked t, observe Hallowe'en on Saturday, October 3th, 1976 instead of October 3lst, 1976. Ail residents are respectfuliy requested to govern themseives accordingly and observe Hal Iowe'en on Saturday, October 3Oth. J. C. Gartshore, MIAYOR, The Corporation of the Town 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. of Whitby,1 Br~kin ~: Byines The BrouklilDistrict Kitie ttc Club is sponsoring a I hltuwecc Danceca(ithe icllukl in Coimrnunuiity Centre on Oetohcr 30ith at 8 p.m. Local people arc imvi ted to attend thiis vven t. Cosuiimed couiples will liave tu pay only $6 wifhle oteswil tic cita:gcd $8. l)ig mit 1your old I lallow'en cost umies or' wh lp Up .501110 îew uncsand corne ou t aiid dance to t he music ut' "B i d 11oi ,d' A bu ffet lunch will lie 1ovided . Ticke (s tire iitcid so eaul Pal 'lIhiebaud ut (i55-4 I124 inow lfor yous. Thc BruokliinI .cgiun ik tlic place t o go on Fiday, (Jetober 21)11h. A Capon Ilingu will hegin dictc at 9 p.rn. anîd last tun tii t bey rnnmuit h i rds, Sou n ds l ke a fun cvecling. Ail iliitcncstcd adui s are welcumce. A very s pecial wedding ana ivcnýsary wilI bec clchrated by a wvll-known airea couple on Sat urday , Octuber 23rd. Thiis k hie 6Otli annivcî,sary utf livelynl and Frank Lynde ot' Ashibu rii. 'Their inany fl-iends and relatives anc invited to the Thuniderbird Goilf and Country Club for a lea frorn 2-4 parn. and 7-9) p.rn. '[hene will he dancing in the eveniug. BesI ishes only please. Brooklin I lonîjeultural Society will have its regular meeting on Wedniesday, Octuben 27th ah 8 p.m. at the Brookli.n United Clitnch. '[Tis meeting will feature AI Rundie speaking on "Rock Gardens". New members are always welcome. Group '74 wilI present its Family Fashion Show, featuring clothes from Woolco, Thursday, October 2lst, at Meadowcrest School. Tickets are available fromn some local mnerchants and further information from 655-3716. Hair care and make-up demonstrations will augment the program and refreshiments will be available.' The next regular meeting of the Durham Trail Riders Snowmobile Club will be on Sunday, November 7th, at 8 p.m. at the Church at Prospect Corners. For information and directions cail 655-4422. This Saturday the public library in Brooklin will present a puppet show in lieu of the regular Saturday story hour. Both aduits and children should corne prepared to have a good'lime. The puppet show begins at 10:30 p.m. and wil finish before noon in the Children's Library. Val 655-4317. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2lst - Pamily Fashion Show, Meadowcrest School, 8 p.m. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22nd - Euchre night- at the Ashburn Comrnunity Centre, 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23rd - Brooklin Branch Library prescrnts puppet show, 10:30 a.m. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27th - Brooklin Horticultur- ai Society regulars meeting 8:00 p.m., Brooklin United Church. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29th - Capon Bingo at the Bnuoklin Legion at 9:00 p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3Oth - Broolin Kinettes' llaIlowe'en Dance, Brooklin Community Centre 8:00 p .m. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6th - U.C.W. of the Bnooklin United Church hosting Home and l-earth Bazaar, 2-4 p.m. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7th - Durham Trail Riders regular meeting 8:00 p.m. at chunch ah Prospect Corners. BROWN 'S BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY FOODMASTER PHONE 655-4521 STORE HOURS OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK 8: 30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS & FR1 N1GHTS 'TIL 9 p.m. 3BIG DAYS DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE l-atisf action' Thurs,. Oéte 21 to Sot, Oct. 23 r e' FAMI LY PAK- 9 ro 11 CNOPS PORK CHOPS EN6S nà CENTRES MIXEO $1.1i9 lb MAPLE LEAF- SKINLESS WIENERS _7b' MAPI.E LEAF 6-OZ PACRAGE COOKED Haum 98 c DEVON BRAND BACON M I 1.49 gr MAPLE LEAF - Sweet icklad- CrYOvic 'aîs COTTAGE mRu1.19' IDEAL FOR DRESSING - PORK SPARERUBS '1 .9l CHOPS $1 *49 lb. FRYe STRI1P S .09 L Mepie LW fCOUNTRtY -POLsm SAUSAGE o9 TASTY -MEAY PORK Hocks 55 TENDER PORK Liver 49' l Mapis es -atSmoloed BonglestFuIIy Co"". DINNERsh.udmy8 SUMMAID RAISINS 69t CROSBY MOLSSES 69. DAINTY FRIED FM 4Sý STEWED TOMATOES 55- QUAKER OATMEAL 59t iSE ' 'SHI11 o<aap 79f GOLDEN Cor. SYRUP 69ý SQUAREBOYS ' 8 9, WEEYAulX RIAL 79 STRECN 'N' SEAL 9 WHITE UGHT BULIS 69ý LUCKY WHIP MIX 59' Àdomi % F --. i M SGolden Ripe Large S*ize Bananas 1 9ç per lb. 334 each 594 head Cssi,,i ,,SWMPo 0 l OiBOY HEAD&SIIOLDERS 99 PALwOIJYt -R ~A suIfnoz lui SNAVING CREAM 79 KM TYLIlTER104 ba99C NEff URGIR o., rd Sl:Ï4 mvmifiuito -ai' ARCTIC D.bsuumt $1.37 MADOCKFILMIS 51:49 FRENiIFRmaDPOWAOES 79ý MU A tw' PAXe ss,- rionmi FUSil & (IPS j2-. Osl.29 FAM pY M S 69C FANTPMfA so.La3 9c PM SiCS PACILAGE MOuEYcOm C..lI 89( top spot From Patio 1 He recalled thàt Mr. Quantrili had told him: "If you want to object, do somne- thing about it; and if you can't do something construc- tive, forget it". Dr. Hobbs was elected to the Whitby Public School Board in 1960 and served as ils chairmnan from 1961 to 1965. In 1965 he ran for rnay'or against Des Newman and Warren Mowat, and was defeated. In 1966 and 1967 he. served on the Whitby District Ilighi Schiool Board, and was also chairman of the com- rnittee whiich restored the old Ontario County Court House as Whitby's Centennial project. He served as councîllor for the West XVand from 1968 to 1973, took a break from council duties for two years, and was again elected councillor for the West Ward in December 1975. Dr. Hobbs has been actively involved with the Dr. J. 0. Ruddy Hospital since its inception. He was chairman of the building committee from 1964 to 1970, vice-chairman of the board of governors from 1971 to 1973, and chairman from 1973 ho 1975. In 1975 he bas acted as the hospital's ehief of staff. Dr. Hobbs was born and raised in Ottawa, and served in the merchant navy as a youth. He also served as a cook for topagraphic surveys, and a breadman in the sumn- mers while he worked for hîs degree ah the University of Western Ontario. Since July 1, 1957, he has practiced medicine in Whitby. D)r. Hobhs is married and has three children, aged 19, 18 and 16. Since bis school days he has had an interest in governiment and municipal affairs. His campaign slogan for the upcoming election iç "Vote Hobbs: Leadership and responsible government' . Hobhs seeks FOR ROASTING LOIN ",O" PORK 3 Io 3%'z 1.1AVERAGE $l 009 lb. TENDERLOIN PORTION DELSEY TISSUE COFFEE MATE CARNATION BATHROOM 80NUS PACK 55 Z2OZ FRE 99 Z.ROLL PKG 55 SOZ JAR 9 CHEESE SLICES LUNCH MEAT Kraft Conodion Burns Roy Al Procais SintgS 6 8-o. Pk 7 1 2-o. Tin 6 CAKE MIXES FRUIT DRINKS MOIST NI EASY f l~ Allsai'.îoted J__ Ass't Fletours 14OZ PKG 6 48-LOZ Tim 5 ORANGE JUICE 2 m79'-1 Crispy Fresh No. 1 Ontario Celery Large Stalks Ont0loNo.1 auliflour Green Gianti JAVEX Niblets Corn B L EACH0 14 ex. %i 434' t-0Z8 i CAN 9 T FIND AN ITEM YOU NEED? ASK m OUR RED & WHITE STAFF ... THEYIL SHOW YOU ... NO POINTING HERE! a 1

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