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Whitby Free Press, 27 Oct 1976, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAy, OCTOBER 27.1976, WHITBY FREE, PRESS lormutite moided bathroom BASIN & COUNTERTOP - 48 inches long, new, $100; seven pieces aluminuin trailer eovering, 62xý 14 ft., $35 each. Catl. 655- 3411. LAWN MOWER - needs some repairs, $15; Cali 668-7323. COUCH - $20; pote tamp, tiffany style, new, $25; seven piece melon pattern silver tea set, used twviee, from Birk's, $200; copper craft, monaco mirror set, with waii sconces, new, $40; antique woodstand, $60. Cati 668-6567. 714 B & D PROFESStONAL SKtLL SAW - neyer used, $60; Ladies lonig teather coat, size 15-16, reddists brown, $75. Cati 668-5486. Gravety Lawn T.-actor Equip- ment - 30" Rotary Mower, $200; 48" curved Snow or Dirt blade, $90, 42" sicktle mower, $275, ait items in good condition. Cali 655-4995. CAMERA - Marniya Super 23, %vith 100 mm tense, 6 x 7 ý'back, and ground gtass back withi sheet film hoider, and 75 sheets of film. $485. Cati 576-2616. BARBELLS --wi th 120 iounds weight, $25; excellent condition and subject tu best offer. Cati 655-4740 afler 6 p.m. Philips BEAUTY SET - with 14 attachinents, neyer used, $20. Calit668-4690. Studded Western SADL)LE in tood condition. S75.('al 668-7098. Round Felt Top POKER TALILE - inciuding set in giassýes and ashtrays, likc new. $60 or best offer. Cai 668-7098. HOCKEY SKATES new, size 5, $15; pcrtabie SINGEFR sewing machine, $35; Cati 725-1211. Wooden STORM WINDOWS - six standard size and two other, $5 each; aluminumn combination storin door, $10; wooden door, $5. Càit 668-8304. Round TABLE & 4 CHAIRS - $50; armchair, $5; singte mattress, $3; tadies winter coat, size 12-14, $10; sinatl record player, $5; books, games & miscelianeous. Cati 723-2426. Soiid sterling silver ETCI{ING- alijmited edition by Henry Moore, a beautiful work of art. O)nly $8$0. Calil 723-0722. ENCYCLOPEDIA - Britannia 3, plus 3 book dictionary and large atlas, black leather binding, $1,000 new asking $650. Can be seen at 200 Mason Apt. 210, anytime. ROOM DIVIDER -~ customn made, sroughit iron, five panets to taiting 10' x 15', half price at $225; Cati Ciaremont 649-5712 aler 5 p.m. TENT --9 x 12 Woods canvas withl floor, $75. Catt Ciaremont 649-57 12 after 5 p.m.- RUG - green acrilan hard twist, Il' x 12' with tindcrpad in pcrtect condition, $95. ('att Clareniont 649-57 12 after 5 p.m.- I rM Modet B TYPE WRITER - Piedj type, reconditioned, $ 125. Cati 668-6522. Engiish BOU)IE CHINA - never used, 54 pieue set in BridaI Wreath pattern, $300. Cali 668-5767. SNOW TIRES - Firestone betted snow champions, used one sinter, miou nte d o n G74-14" rims (Cliev), $20 for botti. Calit Caremnont 649-5712 after S p.m. STEEL DOUBLE GARAGE DOOR -- in good condition. $200; Cali 668-8310. Convertibte STROLLER - $25, circular playpen, $15; baby walkcr, $3; maternity oiothies, smal size. Cati 668-1969 after 4 p.m.- USED 'TV ,NTrENNA $20. Cati 668-8943. B & W TV - Console, Oshawa Catholie i-Iigh S, >kirt, like new, $10O. 725-1211i. EXTRA WIifE-EL - t969 Chevette with tsv size E78-14, $15. 683-1469. e,$65JI Schooi Cai t or tires, CalI HOCKEY EQUIMIENT -1 shin parts, $15; hiockey pants, $8: shoulder pads, $8; Cooper gloves, $10;, helimet, $10, ail equipmcnt in excellent condition. Cait 668-6761 ask for Steve. 81, Rocksvell T'iting Arbor iAW -witi,1hi) hp otor, new 1976, $150 )or besI ut'fer.('aIl 655-4740 aftcr 6 p.m.- BA 13Y ÇA R RIAG'. i istîe. $ t : car seat. S.5. 668-6387. (j ll BIC-Y('1 I "1-I XlRCtSI-R S81): cloth i i suc 16 & 18, Cal 66,î-607 or 068-437 7. BATIIROOM 511SUIT. sinik & battub, guudi condition. white. S45. (kilt 668-9488. DîNETITElTABLE1 leaf & si\ chairs. Gcndrun baibv carriza-ec CatI 62-3-.5715-' wsillh $35. Dey Cmr WILL BABYSIT home, Lupin Dr. area, Fri. Call 668-2108. in irty Mon,- DAYCAkE-- Mother of one with nursing experience wishes to care for- pre- sch oolers. Monday to Friday Cali 668-5745. WhitbyPlaza, Clothing MENS OXFORD new, $1 5. tiLACK ENGLISFI SHOIiS - Size 7E, Caît 668-9073. COAT - Ladies black persian larnb approximatety size 20, in good condition, wilt soit for $50. Cati 725-5714. Bikes Girls UNIROYAL BIKE --for ages 8 - 12, gold in colour, white banana seat, high hiandiebars, in good condition, $35. Cati 728-9777. BICYCLE PARTS - forks, $5 or under; framnes, $3; pedats, $1 each; handle bars, $2 each; seats, $1.50; sisybars, $1; rimns, S$1,50; tires, 75 cents; tubes, 50 cents-. valves, 25 cents; accessories, $5 or Icss. Cati Greg ai 668-6790. 1973 500 ait rebuili, $700 Cail 668-4813. SUZUKI - or best offer. 1975 RD 350 YAMAIIA - good condition, $1,000. Caît 723-2351 anytime. Girls CCMI BIKE h Iighirise, asking $50. CatI 668-9817. 5 sped jBOYS i'LI coutd be uised l'or parts. less chlain & front forks, $5. CatI1 668-4744 after 4 p.in. 1972 SL-1t)0 IIONDA mutstsi dI $250 or best offer. as is. ('ait1668-0404 anytiiie. irsl-spieed BIC'YCLES -me 28" s CCl,('NI: une 20" l' îct,iîwrise haïffdle bars, $15 -ach. ('ail 668-3943 afier 6 o.m. Pets & Supplies BiRD CAGE goud con ditioli, 1 655-3é,5 7. fluor stand, $40. Cait GERMAN' SUORTFIAIR POINTER i- year old, mak-- doghouse inciuded. $35. Cati 576-8667. AQUARIUM 3A gallon, inlcl'-ling good varietY of fish, hecaters, filters etc.. S65. Cali 725-5753 after 5 p.m. l'R E F Kl'I'NS -- TO (1001) iOME.('ail 668-0096. Trainied DLER IIOUNID ,$60. ('ait 985-J985. AMEl-'RICAN SAI)DLEBRED GUELDI NG - 16 tîands, 14 years otd, weii trained and schooted, saddie and bridie inctuded, $300 or bcst offer. Cait1655-3840. 668m6922 Services Highest Prices raid for Gold and Silver coiml oid guns, docks, jweiry, disheý- fumiture, crocks, oit paintingi and seaters i .725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa CARPÈNTRY - IIOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic1 Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Decks and Patio Doors. FRJEE ESTIMATES 668-46.86 riling, Cedai Cali SECOND MORTGAGES. e No bonuses, brokerage or finder's fees a Borrow upto$15,OOO 0 14.9% on amounts over e8,000 e 15 year amortization HOUSEHOLD REALTY CORPORATION LIMITED ýViîby Mail Shopping Centre 71-3-8101 Sec your phione book for an IIFC office near vou. FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY r>REW 668-9915 Carrier boys and girls wanted 668-6111 PUNCH [INE 7//C GAL w//O SA YS SHE IS OF 40" VkVON' SAY A NYT'ING ABSOUT r77-'E SIZE 0F 77-/E NVÉIG/18QRHGJ. FoISl (Continued) Emporium M iscellaneous BASEMENT SALE Antiques, furniture, dishes, old books, numerous househoid articles, bcautifui Christmas ,crafts. OPEN: 10 a-nm. - 4 pm. daity. Evenings & weekends by appointmnent only. Reach Whitby towntine, 11¼ miles svest off Hwy. 12. Cali 655-4776. AUCTIO N SALE Furniture, antiques, wood stoves, freezer, cedar post, quantity of dishes, many more cotiectable items. The property of Mrs. Forsy th, Lot 15, Concession 4, Uxbridge town- ship, one mile east of Goodwood. Saturday, October 30 at 1 p.m. Terins cash, no reserve. Property Sold. Eart Gausin, Auctioneer. Coats, coats, and more coats-- pant Iength, full length, fur trimmed, plain, ail fur, leather, suede, etc. etc. The Nearly New Shop, 131'Brock St. S., Whitby Shiop dilty 9.30-5:30 668-4100 MUSIC ON WHEELS Chiartes Sablon, ARCM, makes h(iouse catis to teachi clarinet, saxophone, bassoon,- other woodwinds. also brass, piano and beginner ciassicat guitar. Rapid results. Citldretn/Adutts Beginners to Advanced. Conscrvatory. CatI 1-683-9099. GOD'S COMING KING DOM What the Christian world is praying for in the words "THY KINGDOM COME". Know definately how Christ's comning wiIl change the world, be prepared and rejoice in confident hiope. This is in your Bible. For free information about this overlooked Gospel message - write "ASK", Box 221, Weston, Ont. N49N 3M7. - YOUR WEEK AHEAD By DAMIS Forecast Week: October 31-Nov. 6 ARIES Control your impulsive tendencies. You Mar. 21-Apr. 19 feel pleaseci with yourself and the way things are going. Enjoy smooth sailing. TAURUS Be aware of behind the scenes activity. Apr. 20-May 20, There may be a few surprises for you. GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 2l-July 22 Career and business are highlighted. A good time to go after Advancement in seeking new employment. Contact that very important person and arrange for an interview. Some honor or recognition will corne your way. LEO Joint investments look favorable now. JuIy 23-Aug. 22 Stay on good terms with anyone who might be considering you as the recipient of a gift - or donation. VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Be alert to misunderstandings in dealing with others. Listen to the sage advice your mate volunteers. LIBRA A good period for cementing relationships Sept. 23-Oct. 22 with co-workers. Health matters take on importance. SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTAR lUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Your mmnd is working pretty fast these days. There is so much activity in your life, frequent rest periods are advisable." Creative projeets in the homne are likely. It's a good time to think of home beautification. Get the whole family in- volved. Mental activities are highlighted. Catch up on reading and correspondence. Avoid needless running around. AQUARIUS You may be finding it difficult to take or- Jan. 20-Feb. 18 ders, and you feel stifled. Have patience. There may be sudden changes in the of- fing. PISCES An excellent time ta initiate a new study Feb. 19-Mar. 20 program. Metaphysical 'studies are. stimulating. Matçrial matters are impor- Free Press FOR YOUR FULLER NEEDS CALL BILL MAW 668-4730 TENDER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 1. Electrical renovations ta Cottages No. 8 ta No. 16 inclusive at the Psychiatric Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. TENDER No. L1N-16-119 P77172 Sealed tenders iIl be received until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, NOVEMBIER 10, 1176, Tender Documents may be obtained fromn the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kent St. W., P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE: For further information regarding this tender, please cali Mrs. E.M. Neale at the above address. Telephone: (705) 324-91 88. The lowest or any tender not necessariiy accepted. SMinistry of SGovemment Sepvices ROOM FOR RENT Beautiful viewv & quiet surround- ing. Fuit use of kitchen & ivingroomn facilities, two large walk-in closets, sink, hot & cold water. Outside of Ajax. Young person preerred. Cait 668-1 744. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 450 Sq. Ft. Dundas Whitby 600 Sq. Ft. King Oshawa St., st., CLASSIFIED ADS I A TTENION FARMERSIII BUY AT REASONABLEPRICES am 0TESFUEL "6S-3381 Now! Look Naturally Good b' bi.g out th. b.sS 1. you ad yau hi. W. cul t the way it grows . .. and shape I1 ta suit pour face. MEN'S HAIRSTYLING Caîl 668-3346 1 Cou

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