PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1976. WHITBY FREE PRESS Formulite molded bathroom' BASIN & COUNTERTOP - .48 inches long, new, $100; seven pieces atuminum traiter covering, 6/- x 14 ft., $ 35 e ach. Cai. 655-3411. LAWN MOWER - needs soîne repaits, $15; ('alil 668-7323. COUCH - $20; pote Iamp, iffany style, new, $25; seven piece melon pattem silver tea set, used twice, [rom Birk's, $200, copper craft, monaco iirror set, with wati sconces. new, $40; antique woodstand, $60. C'al 668-6567. 71/4 B & D PROI-ESSIONAL SKILL SAW - neyer used, $60; Ladies long leather coat, size 15-16, reddîsh brosvn, $75. C'ali 668-5486. Gravely Lawn Tractor Equip- nient - 30" Rotary Mower, $200; 48" curved Snow or Dirt bid,$90; 42" sickle mower, $275, ail itemis in good condition. ('aIl 655-4995. CAMERA - Mamiya Super 23, wvith 100 mm lense, 6 x 7 back, and ground glass back with sheet film hoider, and 75 sheets of film, $485. Cali 576-26 16. BARBELLS -- vi th 120 pounds sveight, $25; excellent condition anîd subject tb best offer. ('alil 655-4740 after 6 p.m. Phîlips BEAUTY SET - with 14 attachments, neyer used, S20. C'al668-4690. S tu dde d in good 6,dtS-7098. WVesteýrn SADI)LI'« condition, $75.('all Round Velt Top POKI ýR '1 B LE -inchidine -. t in g ss and I .îlhtrav ,, like ne', S(t) or heNi etfer ( 111 6(h- ï 09 8. H-OCKE-.Y SKATE.-S - new%, size 5, S15: prrtable SINGER sesvinig machiane, $35; (ail 725 -1211i. \Vooden STOR'i WINDOWS - six standard size and two other5, $5 each; aiuminum coînbination storm door, $10; wooden door, $5. ('ail 668-8304. Round TABLE & 4 ('HAIRS - $50: armehaîr, $5; single mattress, $3;, ladies winter coat, size 12-14. $10; small record player, $5;, books, games & misceitaneous. Cati 723-2426. Sotid sterling silver ETCFI1ING- a imited edition by Henry Moore, a beautiful work of art. Ontly S8ý0. Cati 723-0722. ENCYCLOPED)IA - Britannia 3, plus 3 book dictionary and large atlas, black leather binding, $ 1,000 new asking $650. Can be seen at 200 Mason Apt. 210 any time. ROOM 1IVIDER - customn made, wrought liron, five panels to talling 10' x 15', haif price at $225;,('aIl Ciaremont - 649-5712 after 5 p.m. TELNTI - 9 x 12 Woods canvas wîth floor, $75. 'aIt (laremont 649-5712 after 5 p.m. RUG - green acrilan hard twist, Il' x 12' with underpad in perfect condition, $95. îal Claremont 649-571i2 after 5 p.m. I BM Model B TYPEWRITER - Pkuac type, reconditioned, $125. CLOI' 668-6522. Nidtching BUIA-ET & CHINA C \LaýIN-T -- dark oak, $275 each. Cati 640-5949 Can bc sold seixrately. SELECTIONS 0F ('LASSîCAL MUSIC '-The World"s Greatest Wa1tzi, Rap';icy & Blue, Albumi of Cosroby BeethovrIt,, Down eM-,,.nor,, Lane, Musie by Joe S .c4 ws, $2 per record. ('al 72): -;297. rwo WOODEN' STEPS - S ý-ach. ('ail 668-8304. ICE RACK - with 18 > , $6; boys pants, %ize 14, 1,2; ladies ciothing, size 14, :mocbeprices, ladies short eather jacket, size 14, $20; singleý inattrcss, $15; also odds and ends of' carpeting, record pîayer, $5. ,aU 725-1 211 Engtishi BOUE CHINA - nover used, 54 piece set in Bridai Wreath pattern, $300. Calil668-5767. SNOW TIRES - Firestone bLx-ted snosv chiampions, used one winter, rnounted on G74-14" riîns (Chev), $20 for both. ('alil Claremiont 649-5712 after 5 p.m. STEEL DOUBLE GARAGE DOOR - ini good condition, $200.' C'alit668-8310. Convertible STROLLER $25; circular playpen, $15; baby walker, $3; nmaternity aotile-S, small sîze. C'al 668-1969 after 4 USED TV ANTENNA $20. (Calil668-8943. B & W TV - C'onsole, $65; Oshawa Catholie IiihSehool skirt, like nesv, $ 10. Calil U25-121 I. EXTRA WIEEL --t or 1969 Chevelle witlh two tires, size E78-14, $1.5. ('aIl1 683-1469. HOCKEY EQUI'?MENT shin paoIs, $15; hockey pants, $8; shouiider pads, $8; cooper gloves, $ 10; hielmet, $10, al equipnîen t in excellent condition. C'alil668-6761I ask for Steve. 8" Roekweli Tilting Avi;'.' ;AW - with '/! hp notor, new 1976, $150 or best offer. ('ail )55-4740 afier 6 pin. BA13Y (ÇA R RI A(G Fhistlc, s 1. 'ail 668-0387. t3ICY(',I. I NL.R( 'I SE'R S$80; ciothing sue 10 :îs.1I ('aIl 668-6(178 or 6684177, IJATI 1ROONI St 'lI I si'.k & bat hib. -oudunih n AG H AN s aIli Ille4 humemade ('ait 6-1,Î4681. leat & i\ chiairs. Genridrun. batw carniage, (ail 623-57 15. S 511. $35. 3 cutdoor 1FLOOD LIGIIS suitable l'or pool or patio arca. t50(0 wait apacitv $ 30 ceadi. Call 668-2832 after -5 p.m. PIIIIPS TEL1E1VI1SIO0N B & WV, in svorking order, $25; storm door, aluirninu ni, $35. Calil 668-6922. TV - Console B & W, $250 or best ot'fer; two mnetal bcd [rames with spring, $30 or hest otfcer. ('ail 668-9278. SPIN WASIILR & DRYER apar'nent size, Beatty. $85. 'ail 668-2335. NowIl Look Naturally Good W. go oiong with Nature ta bring oui the best in you and your hoir, We Cu#l i the woy il grows . .. ond shape ita suit your face. Emnporium (Continued) M iscellaneous ______________I Services i Highest Prices COAT - Ladies black persian Iamb approximatety size 20, in good condition, wl seit for $50. Cati 725-5714. Bikes uniîrs UNIROYAL IIKE -r or ages 8 - t2, gold in cotour, white banana seat, lîigh handiebars, in good condition, $35. Cali 728-9777. BICYCLE PARTS - forks, $5 or under; [ramies, S3; pcdals, $1 eaclh; handHe bars, $2 each; scats, $ 1.50; sisybars. $1; rims, $1,5(0; tires, 75- cents; tubey-s,, 50 cents; valves, 25 cents; accessories, $5 or ess. ('ail Grey at 668-6790. 1973 500 aIl rebuilt, $700 ('ail 668-4813. SUZUKI -- or best offer. 1975 RD 350 YAMAHA -- good condition, $1,000. ('al 723-2351 anytimie. Girls (CM BIKE -highrise, asking $50. ('ail 668-9817. 5 speed BOY)ýS B (L couid be used 1-Wr parts, iess chaîn & front forks. $5. ('ail 668-4744 after 4 p-. 1972 SIA-10<) ONDA mutst seIl, $2.50 or besi cff.-r. as is. (ail68-040-4 anytimie. Giî I.. -,pecd BICYCLEIS Me 28" '%whccl\. ('('N\I: nme 20' l e k id lrisc h:îrid lebars, $1 5 _.l ('ail i608-394 3 ater 0 P-. Pets & Suppliés good condition. 655-3e 57. huetr stand.ý ( all $40. (JERMAN SIIORTIIAIR POINTER i year old, mak- doghou.w incîuded, $35. ('ail 576-8667. AQUARIUM io<)gallon, inel-,Iring good varicty of fislî, hecaters, ilters etc., $65.,('all 725-5753 after 5 p.m. i'R-L KFI'NS -TO (;OO1) 11OME1. ('ail (668-0096, Jrained l)LER 1IIOUNI $60.-('ail 985-298-S. AMERI('AN SADDI.EBREF) (;UELDING - 16 hands, 14 years old, weil trained and schooled, saddle and bridie inciuded, $300 or best offer. ('ail 655-3840. Iaid for Gold and Silver coins old guns, docksjeelry, disheç furniture, croc.ks, ou paintings and sealers Friendiy Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshaiwa CARPbINT-RY HOME REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling. Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedai Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cal 6-4686 SECOND MORTGAGES 0 No bonuses, brokerage or finder's' f ees 0 Borrow Up to $1 5,000 0 14.9% on amounts over $e8,oo00 0 15 year amortization HOUSEHOLD REALTY CORPORATION LIMITED Whiithy.Nail Shopping Centre 723-8101 Sec yoiî piî'ne bock t'or ai' I IFC office near volt. Babysitting DAYC'ARI'. othler cf ene wilinusing experience WjAiCs to care for pre- scitoolers. Monday te Friday ('ail 668-5745. DAYCARE 11Mother %with two chiidren xviii care for part day or ful day chiidren in ewn homne. in Garden St. area. Cail 668-0047. FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENqTS CALL FAY [)REW 668-9915 FIREWOOD Calil655-4776. .1- [Onari Goerm n ei r TENDER CLEANINU CONTRACTORS To provide janitorial services at the Probation and Aftercare Office, 1391 Harwood Ave. N., Ajax, Ontario for a two year period. LIN-76-t 21. Sealed tenders wilI be received until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TINtE, NOVEMBER 23, 1976. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Goverment Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kenrt Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE: For further informa- tion regarding this tender, please cati Mrs. E.M. Neale at the above address. Telephone: (705) 324-9188 The lowest- or anly tender flot necessarily accepted. Mnisl'y of SGovommefit Services BASEMENT SALE A ntiques, furniture, di shes, old books, numerous hou sehold articles, beautiful Christmas craf ts. OPEN: 10 a.m. - 4 p.rn. (aily. Evenings & weekends by appointmcnt only. Reacli Whitby townline, 11/ miles west off H-wy. 12. Cali 655-4776. AIR CURRENTS, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE of fans and filters, humnidifiers, air cleaners. New duct work installed or old duct work moved. Phone 668-1114. MUSIC ON WI-EELS Chiarles Sablon, ARCM, makes houst' <YJis, f0teach clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, other woodwinds, also brass, piano and beginner classical guitar. Rapid resuits. Children/Adults. Beginners to Advanced. Conservatorv. Caîl 1-683-9089. Wanted RIDE WANTED - arriving 8:30 a.m., return 5:00 p.m. from Whitby te Fairali St. Aja x. Cali 668-0577 after 7 p.m RIDE WANTED -- from Whiitl)y to Oshawa Shopping Cent(re, ieaving around 8:30 amr. Cali 579-5700, ask for Linda betore 6 p.. GIRL WAN1'ED sliare ;ipartient in 1te wiiitbyl %withl saille. Must be neat and clean. Prefer a non- snioker. Cati 668-1197 after 6 p.m. BEAUTY CONSULTANTS required, pleasant and mature personaiity, ne experience necessary, comipiete training provided. For appointient Cali Mrs. Fleming at 576-3468 Mionday te Thtîrs- day 9 a.m. te 12 neen. N v y- MENM'S HAIRSTYLING Whitby Plaza 668-6922 FOR YOUR FULLER NEEDS CÂLL BILL MAXV 668-4730 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 450 Sq. Ft. Di Whitby 600 Sq. Ft. Oshawa Cail 668-33e In Apprec FORD - The family undas st, King St., 46 :iction ~of the late Richard Ford, wish to express their heartfelt thanks to friends, neighbours and relatives for the floral tributes. Acts of kindness and sympathy show 'n to us during our bereavement. Special thanks to Or. Stocks and nurses of Hillsdale Manor, R ev. E. M cllwain and the Carson Funeral Home and t3hapel. .Iessie Couperthwaite and Family Editoî'e Quote-BoDk We are judged by what we do and flot by what we dlaim to do. William F'eather- Crispy cheese balis, hot salmon puifs and cheesy stuffed mush- roomn cups ail use Dutch cheese ini a tasty combination for party snacks or canapes. combination Canapes with Holland Cheese T HE entertainment buidget may have to be *ctt this sea- son. but these inexpensive re- cipes using Dutch cheese are simple to make aînd something ai littie different. Hoiiand Cheese Bails 2½',' cups shreddcd imported Holiand Gouida or Edam 3 tabiespoons ail-puirpose Rlour 1/2 teaspoon dry muistaird ½/ teaspoon saIt 4 egg whitcs stiffly beaiten I ctcp dry bread crtumbs Combine shredded Gotudai or Edamn, flour, mutstard and sait. Fold mbt egg whitcs. Shaîpe 'rotinded tcaspoons of mixtuire into balis, roll iin breaîd crtimbs. Deep fry in hot ou ai 375-4000F for aibotit 4 mlinuites tîntil golden brown. Maikes 4 dozen. lidain Salimon Pulls 2 cups shredded importcd Hol laind Edanni rCotida 1-I,, mi once) can salmon 2 tiblespoons maîyonnaîise I labiespoon lenmon jtiice i tablespoon fineîy chopped onion 36'toast rouinds or crackers Blend ingredients together. Spoon onto toast rounds or crackers. Bake in preheated 3750 oven for 4 to 5 minutes until cheese meits. Makes 36 hot appetizers. Cheesy Musbrooni Caps 24 medium-large mushrooms (about i pound) 2 tabiespoons butter i rablespoon finelylchopped onion 12 clip shredded imported Hoiiand Edam or Gouda 1/ cup dry bread crunîbs 1/4 cup toasted slivered ai nonds i tablespoon mayonnaise Melt butter in smail frypan. Remove mushroom stems.- Brush caps with melted butter; set aside. Fineiy chop stems and saîuté with onion. Combine wiith rernaining ingredienîs. Spoon filling into caps. Place on wvell buttered shaiiow baking sheet. Bake iin 3750F oven for 7-10 minutes until tops browvn. To serve place catch cap on a smaîll cracker if yen wish. Makes 24 hot appetizers. FOR FUIITHER INFORMATION: Lesiey Spencer Holiand Cheese Consuimer Bureaut 151 Bloor Street West, Suite 1100 .Toronto, Ontario Tel: (416) 920-3600 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _For Solo CLASSIFIED ADS - - - - - a - 1 .1 -1 - -,mm A TTENION FARMERSIII BUY AT REASONABLE PRICES I.MOTOPILI "8-3381 a