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Whitby Free Press, 3 Nov 1976, p. 7

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1 was going bo start this week off with a blast aimied at the town of Whitby's Works Deparîment for their failure t0 complete the work on the bridge on Jeffrey Street. But, alas and alack, the work wvas compîeted, and the barriers removed on Friday, Oclober 29th. 1 can'î let the Works' boys get off scot-free, however, because Jeffrey Street was blocked fromi Oc lober 6th 10o October 29th, not to October 2Ist -as was promnised! Next lime, boys, try 10 keep on schiedule, O.K.? Between now and November 3Oîh, the street reps fromi the West Lynde Community Association wilI be out lrying 10 sell the good residents of West Lynde their memherships WHITB for 1977. The fee is nominal, and thé aim is 10 per cent memnbership in the Association. So, watch 'ýôr the street rep, and join up! Last week in the' community column known as Corridor Capers, the author of that piece, Mary McEachern had a few kind words to offer your humble and obedient servant. Returning the compliment, let me say that 1 neyer mniss Corridor Capers, or Brooklin Bylines for that' matter, because they offer a veritable, cornucopia of information on the goings-on and concerns in two other areas of our fair town. So, keep up the good work, ladies, and, a special thanks bo Mrs. McEacliern.' The Block Parentî Program is taking hold here in Whitby, and our community is very'heavily invoîved in the prograni and ils activities. The execulive is aîways anixious 10 welcomne new Block Parents on the premise that tIhe greater the participation, the more effective the programn will be. If you are interested in becoming a Block Parent, give onîe of the following area comnmittee memibers a caîl: Chairînan-- Sarîdra PilIers --- 668-1326 Vice-Chm -- Shirley Johenstoni --- 668-3819 Secretary-- Betty Clitigham --- 668-7387 Y' FREEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1976, PAGE 7 Public --- Gi lWalsh -- 668-3234 Relations Anne Enzi -.- 668-6918 A Block Parent is a concerned citizen!ý Calendar: November 12: November 13: The Ladies Auxiliary of the Beavers (scouting for boys from 5 to 8) is holding a bake sale at the West Lynde Public School from 7 to 8 p.m. Proceeds go to support the activities of the Sîli Whitby Beaver Colony. The Volunteer Association of the Durham Regional Centre is holding a fashion show and dance at the Centennial Building. Tickets and information fromn Betty Thomas at » 668-3256. Weil, s0 much for this, the first Wednesday of Novemnber. See you next week, same place, same day, same newspaper. Bye for now! About five years ago, 1 decided to do someitiiig about the gloomi and dooni carriers. The whaî? Well, the glooin and doom carriers are sensatioiial news stcry -a therers whc cover the worsî possible evenîs (even îhough soiie cf lhemn have a litIle colour of Irulli) anid play the sîcries for all they are wcrth. We are becoming more and more accustomed to earth- quakes and xvars thrcughouî Ithe world withi their terrible consequences iii termis of loss of' lifè and property. We fiWjht daily witlh risiîîg living and service cosîs. And we kncw in adviînce thial products associated with coil will be coiisîanîly îicreasiiig at least fer the nexl year and possibly lw.. Somne sensationial seeking news publications, mainly fi cii tIhe U.S., newvscasters anîd magazine pLIblîshiers pusli bad iîews ccnîiniially. So, for thie past lfive years, 've lisîerîed to reputable news broadcasls, read Canada's enly National iîewvs nagazine (Mac Learîs) aîîd scanîîed only brielly tIhrouIghI hie big daily from Torento. I read businiess publicationîs and attend thie eccasional seminar and mnake a poi nIcf' listening as wvell as waîching top raîed orchestras. i.e. the New York Pîîillîarnîoîîic, Tl'ie Teront o Synpliony, San Francisco Phiilhiarnîcnic, The Viennia Synîiphiîy and Tihe Lonîdcn Philharmnie. The best news is local folks exchiangiiîg viewpoinls on thieir daily struggles and successes day-by-day... year-by-year - But, m-ost of ail, I've found, particuîarly during the past five years, that, by pushing a spade into earth and turning il, pîanting a seed or a tree (I've just planted with my wife's help il major trees), that gloomn and doom gently filters away. I've lived in an apartment, in high density cities in different parts cf the worîd and I've grown flowers and small Irees Ihere 100. 1 know people who have the goift cf creating a minature garden cf Eden in a bed sitting-rocm. Now I'm finding a great challenge in atîracîing birds. Birdwatching is an inteliectual exercise and a stimulating lîealthy aclivity. Soon, we'lI be having the first snow faîl of winter yet the small sparrow, consisîing of a handfull of fealliers, will flight ils way throughout the winter, and offers a lesson in courage, determination and often sacrifice. To sunîmarize, I've gleaned more cf thie important things, iii life frcmn earth, trees, flowers, grass, birds,' sun, raie, xind anid water -- that's really worth wvhile -- than from the sellers cf gloomi and doomn (so called news). One of the most agonizing lhings in life for a working journalist is to watch his own country going down the drain. It is, almost, like seinga cancer patient mieeting a slow and agonizing death. The killing virus is (so il seems) thie neyer ending inflation, coupled with nurnerous sidesymplomns: unemploy- ment, strikes, labour unrests and general discontentment. And, if this is happening right here on our own doorsteps, then we ail must feel a bit guilty of making Can-tda a poorer place to ]ive. I'm mad thal people have becomne se irresponsible, greedy and selfish. Take for instance, organized labour: they keep asking for more money and more lesisure lime. The government keeps asking for higher taxes; the big business is dernanding lîigher profits. MM 6KTfiAGT Soldat Pr ime Rates ANUS IVESMENTS Ltd. Statfin eorcase, w ca H 5 n eveow hairstyle hatfo Wheths erfect foryour haïr. GUIDA & DINlO INSTITUTE 0F BEAUTY PERSONALIZED SERVICE MODERN HAIRCUT 668-3621 109 BYRON S 668-6031 Flow long cani xve go like this«? llow long cati we expect to keep our dollar at the prescrit value? Not very long, if all the dernands irec met. WVhile discussing tbis pa'inful toPic-tunenploytien t and inflation l'd like to borrow a few quotes fromn R. Foster who writes frein London, Ont. ln part, hie says: "Whilc everyhody was taking a day off work recently 10 protest wage and price centrols. 1 feit like writing this letter to protest the futci tli1 don't have a job), neyer mmiid be greedy enoughlu complain that 1 cati only get a 10O per cent increase in pay. "l'd ilso like te protest the wvay ini which ail those conîplainers wlio are lucky enougli 10 have a job (and il seerns 10 be a privilege these days) stereotype and brand the less f ortunate unernployed as a bunch of bums wvho don't want lu work and only want to sit aI homne watching TV and drinking beer on their wvelfare and -or unemploy- ment insurance benefits. 1 have wri tien afler hundreds of jobs, driven thousands of miles for interviews aînd have not been able te gel any kînd of a job aI ail. 1 am ceither toc old (the mari is 42 years cf age) or l'in overqualified or I don't have enough direclly relatcd experience, or nîy past salary is too highi... Unenipîcyrnentlis driving mie and mv faily mbt poverty". HOLIDAY AND CRU ISE WEARi Gowns fo make you look special jump suifs dresses sportswear Add a special touch from our selection of jewellery and scarves Chez Eve Whitby Mal Phono 723-1771 This letter is a perfect samnple' of the rnisery that is spreadig îhroughout the country. Itl also shows the injustice iii our so-called demnocratie system. When AIB was created by the 'Trudeau government, many people including inyseif) thought the inflation problems would be solved - at 1e'.st partially. Insgead, more problems have been created by this board and its chairman Jean-Luc Pepin. Inflation is still rampant and many people are openly defying the board's rulings. Despite dlaimns that inflation has been reduced to six per cent per annum, 1 wildly' disagree with AIB's report. Prices at one unnamed restaurant shall tell the story. A year ago, a bowvl of soup cost me 45 cents. Today the restaurant asks 65 cents for the samne soup. A year ago an apple pie cost me 65 cents; today 1 pay 85 cents. On rnost food products during AIB's existence, the restaurant has raised prices by an average of 30 per cent. In this consistent with the AIB's anti-inflation policies? Ail in ail, the Anti Inflation Board is nothing but a big joke. The board should realize, once and for ail, that they are dealing with highly irresponsible people who don't give a damn about this country. Therefore, stronger measures are needed to curb the inflationary rate. DO UT YOU.RSELF HOME INSULATUON SPECI AL $2,945 BAG MITCHELL BROTHERS Building Supplies Ltd. Brook lin. 655-4991

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