PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1976, WHITBY FREEI! Pilot television filmI made at Whitby theatre! On Wednesday, Nov. 3, the Whitby Centennial Building theatre became a movie studio for a night. Vic Vickers, of Megamedia CQrporation, who produced a prograrn of Whitby talent called "New Faces" on Channel il in October, set up the 'theatre for a piot film, which he hopes to seIl to' small television stations. The program, entitled "Tell Me Another One", features Toronto stand-up comeclians Hal Ashby, Tom Williamson, TonyHQlme and Ian McPhail. With the co-operation of Whitby's variety show produc-_ er Bert Heaver, and the Whitby Theatre Company, Mr. Vickers was able, to use the Centennial Building theatre for his filrning. The film will be edited and animation added, said Mr. Vickers, who hopes to be able to find a buyer within three weeks.- A number of film students from Henry Street High School were in the theatre to watch the proceedings and learn how a pilot film is made. Country Club Condominius i Bedroom Each wîth more than 700 sq ft, of space plus its own prîvate baîcony IMMEDIATE 2Bedrooms OCCUPANCY Each with more than 1,000 sq.ft. of space plus double balconïes and two washfoomns. 3- Bedroorns Each wtth more than 1.400 sq.ft. of space. plus double balcon ies andtwo washroomns. FROM *321oF500 EXCELLENT TERNAS GO TRANSIT DISHWASHER, STOVE AND FRIDGE *HUGE YEAR-ROUND POOL * INDIVIDUALLY AIR CONDITIONED e SAUNAS-GYMNASIUM SUITES »* SQUASH COURT* EXTRA LARGE BALCONIES e TENNIS COURT VILLAGE GARDENS overlooks 200 acres of Conservation Authority land in the picturesque and peaceful Village of Pickering It is surrounided by endless miles of rural countryside yet is only 8 miles fromn Metropolitan Toronto. Ail conveniences are close by shopping, public, secondary and private schools, hospital and communîty centres, arenas, boating facilities, golf anidcountry clubs. VILLAGE GARDENS the perfect answer for the miarried or single adults and for families who enlby a carefree lifestyle. MODELS OPEN DAILY MOI"IAY TO FRIDAY 12 NOON-8 PM. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 6 PM TORONTO CALL 366-2213 OR 683-1121 LOCAL A PROJECT 0F CAPTAIN DEVELOPMENTS LTD. MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN TORONTOHW2 IN THE QUIET VILLAGE 0F PICKERING W2 VILLAGE GARDENS is ai 92 Church Street VILLAG MI South,, on the west'sde south of Highway 2 j ~ **~~** and north ot Hîghway 401.. HWY 40) Eat d Hal Ashby (at the piano), Tom Wihiamson, and Tony Holme, go through their act for cameraman Joern Dressel (at right) as they make a pilot film to be sold to small television stations. The comedy show, "TeIlMe Another One", was produced November 3 at the Whitby Centennial Building Theatre bY local resident Vie Viekers, i co-operation with Bert Heaver and the Whitby Theatre Company. Fe rs ht I THE FIN EST IN I VARIETY SHOW BANDS A Positive Outlookl Next week Lockerbie Canadiana Month at library, November. is Canadiana month at the Whitby Public Library, featuringexhibits and presentations of Canadian and local histoiy. On Novemiier 19 at 7:30 p.m., Brian Wîinter, archvist of the Whitby Historical Society and author of the "Historical Whitby" column in the Free Press, will present a' slide show of early photo- graphs of Whitby, in the program room., A number of pictures from the Whitby Historical Society Archivies are on display in the main foyer of the library. Film nights on Tuesdays include early settlement and farmmng activities, November 23; and Christmas in pioneer times November 30. Ail filmns start at 7p.m. Red Wing Next week Eddie Kernot SNQOKER lOÉ NEW" Whitby Community Bango $110000 in 2 jackpots ($500 starting at 50 numbers or Iess increasing one number each week until gone) PLUS 15 REGULAR GAMES. 2 Early Birds .5 Lof'e Games A TOTAL PURSE 0F $1 ,675 UP FOR GRABS Every MondazyNigh No children undor 16 odmittod Ecxrly Bird games start, ai 7:15 pa. HEYDENSHORE PAVILION (corner Wat.r St. 'and Dunlop Dr., Whitby) RESTAURANT 120 SIOCK ST. W. WHITÎY - TEL.: M-6St1 Deliciéega CwseomadItalen Dishos GEORGIAN MOTOR HOI EL AND CHAMPLAIN OSHAýý','A . 1 bv