WHiTBrY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. DEC EMBRR1.1976. Centre Ward, eau drhuQQ Candidates co>teSting t/he Centre Ward council seat were asked t'ivo questions, ko//o w- ing are t/w quiestions ani dthe canldidates , resp)onses, /imitedi to approxiniatelv 7-5 words fbr the flrst and 150,ffr flhe second. WHAT QUALIFICA- TIONS DO YOUHAVE FOR THE POSITION YOU ARE SEEKING? Tom Edwards: In the main, I17 years of conînuous service as an elected person in the Town of Whitby, 4 years on Public Sehiool Board, 1 3 years on Cou ncil, 5 years as Reeve, 2 acclamations. This service lias corne about as a resuit of the trust that has been established uver the years between the people of WVhitby and mie. I can do miv share of talking, but 1 also listen intently. Roger Fannon: Politicians after being elected s'ýem1 to express their own views, The abilitv tu lis ten is miy b.-st qualification for ,election to couincil. Five vears of banking experience have (iven mie a broad scope of dumnestic and industrial tinancing. Smnall bussiness managemen t has given nie iiisighit of' the gruoving pains of small bussiness. Construction work lias shown me howv bard the average taxpavý,er\ woiks for his dollar. Together they have given mie the experience re- qLlired to represenit the electorate. Vernon MacCari: My qualifications are as folluws: 1 have spent time on Curincil as a Couincillor in the Centre Ward frum 1965 ru 1972- Chairman of the Fire Deî't., Recreation Dep't. and was on Arena Bd., Hospital Bd. and many other Cummittees. 1 arn now working in the town and can give a great deal uf my ime to the \Iunicipality as, a Councillor. 1 have lived in Whitby area al] my 5'2 years and can see the needs for Whitby. WHAT ISSUES HAVE THE GREATEST IMPACT ON THE RESIDENTS IN YOUR WARD AND WHAT WILL YOU, IF ELECTED COUNCILLOR FOR THAT WARD, DO ABOUT THESE ISSUES? Tom Edwards: Perhaps the biggest single issue is the establishment of a grade separation at the Brock Street crossing. For years, 1 have been agitating for thie removal of this hazard. How fortunate we are tliat no fire or aimbu- 1 police protection in the down- town area. The Police station shuuld be retained. W/e should also have policemen un the beat day aind night. 3) Land purchases shuuld be kept confidential for an shunting trains. Somne Counicillors' have given UP because their pet concernis were flot met in jig imne. It tuok nie 2 years to îimprove our gairjage pickup. 2 years to reduce the sewer backups in the area forth of the tracks, 4 years Lu ensure that the mnajestic and histori- cal Cen tennial Building re- mains in the Puibi.c Dumiain, 1 1 years to achieve an indloor swimnning pool, and 21I years to see the return of supervisedi boxing in our community. 1 will not rest until that hiazard at the Brock Stree~t crossing is remioved. Other than tlîis, I wan t Lu be invulved in the Downtowvi Improvement Programi to fonmalize an a nnual prograni of reconstruc ionun dowvntown roads and sidewalks which has tain dornmant sirîco the days of the lte H-arold Slichiter and tu dlean up the mess of storni drainage \vicil lias wited for toc) long. Roger Fannon: \\'lîn asked about major issucs in the area. I nat urailly thinkuof Toronto and whiv I chose Whiiby as m n e 1-1. \Whithv will have an ever icesn varyin g obvious reason. 4) Elect the mnan who has the tirne and interest to serve your needs. 5) We should start closing the ditches by a storm sewer program Luo bring the Centre ]Issues thre, subdivision. D)o two or three streets a year. 6) Minimum standard by-law should, be broughi forward for commercial use. PAGE 11 growth pattern. Perhaps with correspondence fromn their elected representative after the electioni, thc residents of Whitby will chuose their own destiny. They can have a voice telliiîg the Town what type uf devetopmnent shoutd be atlowed and where. This direct correspondence with their counicillur cOUld also help them suive their owri particular local issues such as parking, sidewatks and traffic signis. Ordinarily suclb issues are sormetimies considered trivial and ignored. When people feel that they are nut ignored they will respond and a respunsive people will make a better Whitby. Vernon MacCari: I don'L think there -,re zany big issues ini the Town but What 1I wuuld like tu sce happen is as folIo %vs: 1.) Complote the officiI plan for domntuwn and the harbour su tha r thle residlents andl thc commnerciail peuple \vyll kiimylîow this arca will be dIevelopcd(. I t appears tu me that the presenit comncil arc sit ting on nuis issue. 'The ineed tor better FOR EAST WARD PROVEN EXPERIENCE EFFECTIVE BUDGET CONTROL PROPER COMMUNICATION PLANNED DEVELOPMENT CONTINUED LOCAL INVOLVEMENT Decemnber 6th-VOTE .RIX ELECT TOM EDWARDS ROGER FANNON TRUSTEE BOARD 0F EDUCATION BEVERLY ""BOBBIE" BRICKNELL is a 42-year-old .- mother of three teenagers and very concerned about the future education'cf your children as well as her own. She bas experience as a school teacher, volunteer teacher, and supply toucher, As a trustee she will be able to get the most value for yo.ur Education dollar. VERNON MacCARL, 1 . 1 1 >1 < , ý , ýlý lý m d