WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1976, PAGE 23 ]Free Press ]Emnporiumn, ft à - - Autos J 1968 VOLKSWAGON VAN - 12,000 ce dune buggy, needs soin work, $200 or best offer. tai 655-3756. 1968 CHEV IMPALA - recent paint and body svork,good fanîily car, low mileage, asking $850 cen* Cati 668-2485 affer 6 p.n. 1974 CAPRICE CLASSIC - fully equipped, $4,000. 1966 PONTIAC - two door, V-B, Sowver steering, power brakès, 400. 1971 VAUXHALL PARENSA SL - good condition, $650. Cati 668-8957. 1973 FIAT 128 STATION- WVAGON- excellent condition, will eertify, 36,000 miles, $1,650 or best offer. Cati 668-0307. 1967 MUSTANG CONVER- TIBLE - 302 V8 automatie, body good, certiiFied, $695. CaI 579-3648. 1971 MAZDA' - 616 Coupe standard, radio, techometer, $500 or best offer. Caîl 668-0463.. 1973 GREMILIN - $1,500 uncertiied and $ 1,700 eertified. Cati 655-3027. 1974 DODGE CUSTOM1 VAN many extras, S2,750. Cui 683-2968. 1973 VEGA GT HATCIH- BACK - autoniatie, good condition, asking Sl1,495. ('aIl 725-1174 or 668-8928 after 5 p.m. 1966 FORD - convertible, recent paint and body svork, new top, runs good, asking $650 or best offer. CatI 668-2485 aftcr 6 p.m. 1967 DCDGE PALARA tsvo door hard top, very ecan. in good running conýition, $250 as is. Cali 668-9870 after 5 pm. 1972 OLDSMOB[LE 88 - good condition, P.750; 1972 FORD, $750; 1966 Econolihe Van, $550. Cali 579-0233 or 725-7449.1 1963 RAMIBLIR -- white sta tion wagoni, ce rti f dc, S$3 00 or best offer. Miust Sei. Cati 668-5745. -1968 COUGAR - S20(). Cati 668-6068 or 668-7852. 1964 BU'ýCK SKYLARK - two door hardtop, 45,000 original miles. exce lient condition inside & out, certified, $925 or best offer. Cati 668-0082 after 6 p.m. 1966 BUICK - $75. Cati1 725-4339. 1964 VOLKSW..GQ%'JN SUN BUG - gold, good condition, $2300. Cait 655-3070 after 6 p.m. 1966 BUICK SPECIAL $75. Cai 725-4339. - 1970 DOD)GECHALLENGE~ certified, $895 or best offer. CatI 668-5745. 1964 CHEVELLE' SS- six cytin(ier, bueket seats, flo)or console, good tires, body and interior in fair condition, $200 firm as is. Call 728-3992. 1976PACI'.Rgoodcondition. $4,00 o bes ofer. CatI 725-139eveing or668-8549. $700; 1967 CHEV 1/ VAN, 283 V-8, chrome bumpers, new air vent & roof, partty customized inside, body good shape, safety checked, $500; 1969 tORD FAIRLANE, 2 door, 6 cyl. auto, mechanicalty A-1, body fair, safety checked, $600. Cal 668-1102 between 830 a.m. - 6. p.m. after 6 cati 668-2781 ask foe rry - 1969ý CHEV* PANEL - 6 cylinder standard, radio, windosv curtains, ex tra tires, excellent condition, $1 ,450. Cali 576-3034. 1967 PONTIAC PARI SIENNE- four. door, four nex'. radiai tires, in good condition, $550. C,1it 655-3043. 1970 CHEVELLE- V-8, automnatie, A-I condlition, $ 1,480, certified, Cali 728-2580. 1967 METEOR FORD - new pain t aud body work, runs good, asking $400. Cati 668-2485 after 6 p. m. 1967 VW BEETLE - $300 as is. Cati Res. 728-0253 or Bus. 668-4185. '67 CHEV BELAIR-as is %200. Ca1576-4023 1967 OLDSMOBI LE - Delta 88, 4 doà r hardtop, air condition- ing, $400; 1965 PONTIAC CUSTOM SPORT, excellent for parts, as is, $1 50. CatI1 668-0082. 1973 VOLKSWAGON - 412, 4 dloor, goid, 45,000 miles, radiais, excellent condition, $1995 certified. Cali 723-2394 af ter 5 p. m. 1975 HONDA - 400-four, 3,100 mites, driven oniy 50 miles in 1976, excellent condition, $1,.200. Cai 723-2394 atter 5 p.m. 1974 FORD WINDOW VAN - $3.000; 1975 NOVA HATCH- BACK, $3,500. Cati 576-0773. SNOW CRUISER - 35 hp., has reverse, $600. Cali 655-4741. FOUR - 14" TIRES - <rioss 2 reguuars), reai good conOfîtioni, $40 or be.st offer. Cai 668-907 3. EXTRA V11-.L 1969 Clievelle witii two sze 1' 7 8-14. S15. 683-1 469. SNOW Tosvn & (1-78-14), best offer. for tires. Cali 'riR ES sith minis, C'outn try , 735-14 iow ileac, $25 or Cati 668-8584. P>ONTIAC BLACK BUJCKET SEATS- good stiape. SI11 cadi. Cati 6 55-4610. OFFSTREET DUNE BUGGY - with dual wheels, spare engmne & towbar, $1 50. Cati 655-4973. 1967 'RIDEAU WAGON - as is or 'for spares'. Cati 668-9691.- SNOW T'IR ES 2 almnost ne w, A 7 8-13, t u bes'. bet1te d w/sw $20. Cai 668-4743 afier 6 p.mi. 3 TIRES - for Datsun & Cuit 668-8527. 165-13, $25, good - otier sîîalil cars.1 Dry Ice Helps if you need to pack frozen. food or just keep a picriic lunch f rom spoiling, dry ice will keep it really cold. Dry ice changes directly from its solid formn to a gas - without becomiîng liquid - so you have none of the mess you miùght have with melting ice. Remember to keep it at the top of your ice chest so its cooing gases can flow down. Neyer keep dry ice in an air-tight con- tainer - it could explode. Crabs Grow Crabs grow by shedding their hard sheils about 15 times during their lifetimne. When the crab shucks off its old sheil, it immediately inflates itself. Thus, a crab 31/2 inches across may in minutes become 4½/ inches wide. It then buries itself in the mud, sometîmes behind its empty sheil for protec- tion, and doesn't emerge to eat until a new sheil has grown two or three days later. NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY wvhen you sel There wilI, fot be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. Ail advertisements must bc placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS --.rrt run at least one mrnnth if flot sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertiscd price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $5 0.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum cemmission is $ 1.50) Private advertis,..g only! Please notify uis if you tind a retaiter isted as a private advertiser. Please notify the. Whitby Frce Press imniediately when item is sold so that we miay delete it fromn the following issues. Services, hetp wartted, ctothing, reat estate and personal message type ads can only bc handled on a prcpaid basis. If ini doubt, cati 668-61 Il MAIL ALL ADS TO: FrEE PRELSS EN "ORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whî by The dead.*ne for emjporium ads is the Monday at noon. Furniture COICIt crey, IoScsat, very good condition, $75. ('anilbc seen ai 114 Green St. or ('ait 668-554 I alter 4 p.nî. itectrobomne B & W 'IV $50: van ity sink wm tiilaps. $10: watt ho ngitsink. S5; portable 1-tee trotiomle humniidif ie r. $ t kiten ilSînk laps, SS. etectrie desk caculatur, S i : latindry tub1 punî iilps. "25: 3 tîiine ti\ttres, $2 ecdi appros.. 23 chromne kittienculctpboard knlobs. $8. g-rec n lin>.-d livingroom drupes. wfsi track to Fi*t n u 16 s'.al., S31). (ail 725-80179 aller 5 p.ml. daitv. D)RiZ1SSI;R ssiti lîe tsso livini. rooni Chairs or rolli chair'. $1)&SItS: be droom ams. S5 (6 8-91)0)9. loni-- $31) tec ÇIs D)UNCAN lIIITAB1\LE. ,.e-at'. 9 people. goud condi(ttion.- S$67. (Cail 723-8.14. Spanîsti style Bli ) R 0OM SU l'l s'ittidon bic-bcd. iîiatct'hi.g, triple diresÀser, with mirrur. S1t25; coflce table, end table, trech ll Provincial, i t*ruit\soodl, S 100; large oul painting on canvas. S 100. Cuit1 668-0633. ttLSIIIIIl R Vikingi. in e\cellent condition.,s' itb ss*ater wteie. etc. Price $511. Appty 121 tPalace S t.. Whtity or telc1)boiW(008-2922. tLElCTRiC IIROOM Viking. $8:;3st tlour (arpet Swccpler, $4; (Xl-.lectrie I loor Ioiser. $10. Ail in vcry good condition. ('ai985-2621. Trailers, etc. Sports l'al ('ANUE, $ 175. ('att 576-3034. 29 Ibs,1 TE'LN'i'9 x I 2 Woods canvas sitiî loor, $75.('aIll (tareni ont 649-5712 aFler 5 pi. 15' BRUNSWIC'K BOAT 18' WISCOOT T 'IRAIt ER. 50 hip. Johnson mnotor, asking $2,000, mnany extras. Cait 728-3297. 1971 NORi)I('SKI-DO - 399 muanual, 24 hp., tised only occasionaiiy, $690. ('al1 725-2967, TIRES- new (5) 1178-15, blk/waloff van, $175 set. CaIt 655-4610. TWO TIRE'S 560-13 .Bridgestone, for Dat-'a'n, compie te with rim, $66. Cali 668-7907. TIRES - 4 new, Goodyear, D70-14, blackwali, $120,- for compact or intermediate car. Cait ý668-8544. TIRES - J78-15, Goodrich! belted, $10; tire & rim, 825-I4ý Goodyear Chryster rim, ý$tP,; snow tire & ri m, G 78-[ 4, Chrysier rim, $15. Cail 655-3860. IiGHT - 14" GM RIMS,,rtwo withi snow tires. $ 20 pair e four with sumnmer tires, $15 par, two bare, $10 pair; 12" whe with snow tire, $10; Caîl 655-4437. 8 hp MOTO MOWEJ SNOW SHARK 8 SNOWBLQWER - used four times, $450. Cai 668-1815, Antique VICTORIANSOFA - t30 years otd, restored, tike ness. askint! $800. C'ail 655-352-3. Antique WVOOIRI,.N CRA DLI' - S$125;:ltur Remington Radiai TIRES, F~R 70-14, 6-pty dynacor rayon. $80. ('ail 668-1862. live ieÎce KtTCIIEN SET tiglt grey, $35; Lloydà strolier wîitli canopy. S 20; 48*" idle metai coat rack on casIers wsitti iat & 'heracks. $ 14. Cati 4-57 - "' 3- 8' te oîîs ut PINI. SI IL. II N(; ,taitied dark, S4 each., brackcts to fit. 50 cents cadi :gct.îs Nsuelt Fs. 4'l' long, 4 & 5 in..escie e witti bracke t'. and sta ndards. $ I 0 3 iegths oi tdritiers tracks '.'.itb rilnners. S2 echc. ('i (68-10163. 39" . 2 2"- iii e-\ cuilen1t condition. $50: Sniowmiobite suit, mledlitii n an or large womian. in icw condition, $25. ('ait 668-5596. ROILA WAY Bt t) 30" wî'. c. 8 kitchen or bar stoot, 24" hd one mnetat, $7: beige rtig, It1 4" x.10%',needs eteanin, 535: 2 turncer stove. etectrie. 220 volt Ileavv du ty 25" tihfl' i tli sticl'.ti.uoeni. $ t15. studio coucti. godcondtition. I)eige tape- lry, opcn'. lu double WlId-.1s%0tias stoage (tour & ttiree 1buoseé ctishionis. 45. (att 655-3860. Tw'ýo LIVING ROOM ('II1AI1RS or R EC ROM 'CI AI1RS, $10 & $15: t" o bedrooin Iamtms $5; D)resser, $45; Tetephone dcsk, $ 15. ('att166 8-9009. Kroetiie-r(ti:tI.IL) chair & ottoman, as nlew.., blttc- green, $300 or nearest offlr; Console cotTee table, $50; Itoover tl(>or potistier, $ 15; Siender-Biender, exerciser, $1t5: baby car seat. $10. ('ail1655-3446. (Colonel - NI) TAIlLE ' --$10; unie dcsk, $6: portable TV table, $10; set of dIishes, $10: wuoden rocking iorse, ncw, $5: coffee table, $10; chromie table & chair se t, $15; lump, $5; Cali 728-6 204. La rge bronze DI1N ET TI1i TABLE- with arborite top, in good cpndition, $38. C'ai 668-9458. ROOM t)IVIi)ER -custom miade, wrought iron, five panels to Ltting 10' x 15', haif *price ut,ý $225; Cati Ctaremont 649-5712 after 5 p. i. Matching BUFFET & CHINA 'CABINET - dark oak, $275 each. Cati 640-5949 Can be soid separatety. ANTIQUE - oak partour doors with 15 panes of tIeaded glass each, $250 pair; one large globe fixture for work area, $5; ladies buckte ski 'boots, size 7, $12; 'Snugii' baby back-pack, $15; Detuxe jotty jumper, $5. Cali 668-7439. ANTiQUE - two organ or piano stools, with rotating sit, ref înn shed, $35 each. Cali 668-8527. Applicinces. Wringer washing MACHINE - $25; iawnmower 's, $10 & $15; roomn divider, large, brand new, $25; carpeting for 13 stops, green, underpadding, $25. Cati 725-1211. ADMIRAL BLACK & WHITE TV - floor modet, excellent reception, picture tube & perfor- mance. Ideal for rec room, bed- roomn, second TV etc., $50. Cati 668-9771. WASHER, DRY ER, FRIDGE, STOVE - alinost new, asking $ 1,100. Caît 668-4652. STA IN LESS STEEL KITCHEN SINK - $7; enamnet kitchen sink, $5; inside doors, assorted sizes, $2.50 each. Cati 668-8125. ELECTRIC STOVE' - two burners, oven nccds somc repairs. $30. Cali 668-0721. 15 cu. ft. REFRIGERATOR - 30" electrie stove, both avocado, $400 or bcst offer; 151,/' ptywood and mnahogony boat complete w.ith motor & trailer, $300. or best offer; 4 x 8 pool table, comptete with accessories, $100 or best offer. Cati 668-81 89. WIZINGER WASFIER - in A-i condition, $50 or best offer. DIE SK, modemn 30" x 60", two file drawers, one box drawer, $50. Cati 668-7832. SCM ELECTRIC B3WOOM - $6; PORTABLE HAIRDRYER, $4. Culit 723-0855. SEWIN(;' MACHINE -- Seamnstress, witli cabinet.excellent condition, $75. Cati 668-5447. ELECTRIC STOVE - ili working order, 22" $30. Cati 728-2484. tise d, sside, STIOVE .--tsvo borner, & oven $25: miîe rnewsMOPED, good shape, tised t wice. $ 100. ('ait 7 23-6 20 1. Cas Fired commnetciat deep FRYER - two baskets, $225; Dioestic SI-WING MACHINE, $50. Botti are in good condition. CuIt 579-0840. t>OOL FABLE: (ail 655-30127. 4 x 8, S200. Round Feit lTop POKER TABLIE , - including set in Llasses andi astitrays, tike nes'., $60 or best otier. Cuti 668-70198. PORTABLE Kitclhen-Aid1 dislîwisher, excellent work- ing condition, S200. Phione 668-6479 t)lei S ill BATHIROOM SET- Coin- te, mîodern. White- tub k, toilet. $100. Electric water puip, pressure tank. SI 00. 576-4023 Two brand new EXTENSION St DES - for crib or bed, $8 ea; smail wood bookease nicely finished, $25; wood coffee table, $5; 2 large diaper pails, white, $2 each; assor ted beautiful vvall plaques, hanging & pictures, must be seen, best offer. Cati 668-6567. RANGE - G.E., excellent condition, colour white, $80; Westinghouse REFRIGERATOR, excellent condition, $80. Cati 728-3089 anytime. OXFAM ... a detergent? For information write: Worktng With People Who Are Heiping Themsetves P.O. BOX 180000 SIN. "A" TORONTO M5SW MW DRYER, white, 1 year otd, excellent condition, asking $175. (new seiiing for $250- $275) Caîl 668-7563 after 4 pa. PHILIPS TELEVISION - B & W, in working order, $25; storm door, aluminum, $35. Cait 668-6922. MOFFAT GAS RANGE - 30", only used one year, excellent condition, eye-level broiler ro tissery, avocado green, original price, $650, asking $300.1 Cali 668-1766. McClary easy electrie clothes DRYER - good working condition, $80; dinette arborite TABLE & CHAIRS, extension table, $30. Cal 728-9737. FOUR BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE - excellent condition, 30", $85. Caîl 683-7360 after 6 p. m. TV - Console B & W, $250 or best offer, two mnetal bed frames with spring, $30 or best offer. Caîl 668-9278. TV - Console, 24" Flee twood, in good condition, B & W, $30. Cali 655-4630. BALL B3Q - ex:cellent condition, $15; Lawnmower, $25. Cai 728-0664 after 6:30 p.m. Antique REFRIGERATOR - G.L. model built in 1930, stili in working condition, only $150. Caîl 723-0722. GAS DR YER - Inglis Citation excellent condition, $125 or besi offer. Cali 668-0224. 19" B & W ADMIRAL TV - asking $30, ncw tube. Cal 668-5459. 36,000 BTU 3 ton Fedders AIR CONDITIONER - 3 phase power 208 volts, $375; 71/2 hp, 1974 outboard motor sea-smodel new, $250. Caîl 985-3542., 4 x 8 POOL TABLE - with accessories, $85;, chesterfield & chair, S$185; bicycle with training wheels, $20. Cali 723-1819. COTTAGE STOVE - $15; bird cage, $40; hockey equip- ment, duffle bags, hockey pants, $25; bed, good condition, new mattress, single, $125; rug cleaner, $15. CatI 668-0920. Gendron BILLIARD TABLE - approximately 4 x 7, with eues, and snooker balîs, $140. Cal 728-6169. RUG - green acrilan hard twist, Il' x 12' with underpad in perfect condition, $95. C al Ciareno nt 649-5712 after 5 p.m. BATHROOM SUITE - sink & bath tub, good condition, wvhite, $45. Caîl 668-9488. musical Espana ELECTRIC GUITAR - wvith Darius 1001 amplifier, music stand, $325 complete: 41" Jumnbo Flat Top GUITAR, with case, brand newv, $45. Cali 668-4744 after 4 p.m. STANDARD PEAVEY PA twvo columns, with four 12" speakers each, seldom used, band broke Up, $525 firm. Cal 655-36514. Antique GRAMOPHONE 1916 vintage, plus 35 old phionograph records, $200 complete. Caîl 725-4339. French Riviera four piece DRUM SET - blue sparkle finish, hi-hat symbol, very good condition, $150. Caîl 655-3205. TRAINER GUITAR MADEI Uall