PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1976, WHITBY FREE PI Br~k1in ~: Bylins Last Friday night the Brooklin Senior Citizens were surprised by a delegation from the Whitby Firefiphters BROWN'1S BROOKLINI ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY SIORE HOURS OPEN SIX I»YS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS & FR1 NIGHTS 'TIL 9 p.m. FRESH CUT - RACKS ATTACH ED CHICKEN LEGS MARLE IIF - SMOKED BONELESS DINNER Po*k Shoulders$168m Bologna l6- Pie.89 c Headcheese 89c SWIFT'S Bcn$ SPECIAL BACON ENDS 79c, IKoZ PACKAGE MAPIE LEUF IS-Z PACKAGE Chopped S&wt89<c i2-PmOZ n TOMATO PASTE CRUM!TT- READY CUl 2.1 PACKAGE MACARONI 69c 5. C-OUPON OMER - SIGLE 80ANO 1-lO l'SrN CONDUNSeD U MLK 89c P*UY RE UARBADOS 2i%-PLOZ CGIN. COLI STAR Molsse 7,5c CADSURY 1101 Brs2lio79c' KLEENEX Facial Tissue 100 x 2-PLY - PACKAGES- BICK'S PICKLES SWEETMIXc or YUM YUMc 32-FL-OZ JAR 93 PIE CRUSTJ,,MIX AOBN HD40 'i FLAKV , lem IMA"MiA 5 RESS Association consisting of Mr. William Clark, Mr. John Visser and Mr. Douglas Grylîs. They had corne to present a cheque for $300.00 to the Senior Citizens on behaif of their Association. The cheque was accepted by seniors' President Mr. Levi Arksey who thanked the men for their generous and thoughtful donation. This will surely be a welcome contribution to future projects planned by our local seniors. The Firefighters Association must be cornrnlended for this example of coinrmuni ty-ninded spirit, entirely appropriate to the approaching season of gifts and sha ring. Anderson lligh School Senior Band would like to participate in an exchange trip to Ottawa and are trying to raise necessary funds by selling bothl large and smnall crates of oranges and grapefruit fresh frorm Florida. Several of the band members are Brooklin area kids and they would appreciate your support. The deadline for orders is Dec. 8th so don't delay --buy somne fresh-picked.fruit and hielp these kîds. For further inforrnatign please cail an area band mnember at 655-3165. Election time is alrnost upon us and we seern to be deluged by campaign mail. Despite the fact that it soine- timies confuses one trying to sort out just who is running where and for what 1 urge you to persevere, read throughi the mnaterial, rcad their speeches in the newspaper, attend their meetings; sonietirnes what the candidates don't say can be just as revealing as what thcy do say. This is a good chance to exercise somne direct influence in local politics. Althoughi your own judgemient is the best guide to choosing the people to represent you, stnch judgcrnent requires knowledge of the issues and the candidates. VW 165'; 43 17 Wednesday, December lst - 1BrooKîmn and District Kinet tes meet at Kedron Delîs at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, December Sth - Durhamn Trail Riders Snow- mobile Club willi meet-- please caîl 655-4422 for directions and information. NeW inmembers are wclcome. FOODMA STER PHONE 655-4521 3BIUG DAYS DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE IDEAL FOR DRESSING FmORmqK SPARE RIBS 994 Ibo U.S. LETTUCE It's election timne! Monday December 6th, we.will go to the polis and eleet our Council for the next two years. This is flot a popularity contest or a vote for a friend. Each candidate must be considered on their own merits for the betterment of our Town. The forum at Dr. Robert Thornton School outlined the platforrn of the candidates. Some of the questions and questions and issues for tb-e East Ward were;- Transportation - Bus Service: The town has cornpleted numerous studies on transpor- tation. The resuits have proven the need non-existent and the cost to the taxpayers would be exorbitant. The people have demronstrated they will ot use the systemn and at the present time the town cannot afford a public transit system. Transportation -- Seniors and Handicapped: Somne form of transportation is needed. It is fortunate for the Operation's. Committee that the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association have proved that the Municipal Act DOES allow a subsidy to be given to Seniors and Handicapped to utilize the private Taxi Industry. There might also be a Provincial grant available to offset the cost to the taxpayers. Parks and Recreation: The Corridor has one com- nunity park. For anyone south of Highway 2, this park is almost useless. Surely the residents in the southern por- tion deserve consideration. The area west of Thickson Rd. is also sadly neglected. We need a council that rernern- bers toextend the recreational revenue into areas that have xaited patiently for years. Local Improvernent: While this is a time of restraint, the East Ward has had littie or no improvement in the past year. Roads, especially in the Bowman, Frederick Street area require immrediate attention. Taxation: TfaXes will be increased. Thiis was the general consensus. When taxes are reduced, ser- vices also have to be reduced. This is no problemn in the corridor as we have very littie services now. Regional Governnent: The Re-gion is here, it has to work. We will have toelect, to our incorning Council, re- presentatives who are deter- miined to work with al Regional niemibers. In this way the Region will fulfili its intent.; Housing: The numierous housing developrnents facing the Corridor have created difficul- ties. We have an unique.and pleasant cornmnunity that will see, change, but we must have a representative that will speak rip and voice the opinion of the majority. The existing residents have lived and built under a set of rules and by-laws. The zoning mnust be equalized to maintain the property values. Municipal Building: It is there. Let our newv Counicil use it and enjoy it. On December 6thi, vote as you like -- but VOTE. Frorn Westminister United Church Christras Dates; Dec. 12 - White Gift Sunday and Christmas Concert. Dec. 19 - Christmnas Sunday Candlelight Service 7:30 Dec. 26 - A Service of Christ mas Carols The Westminster ladies 3erved an excellent Turkey Dinner. Ail reports indicate it was the best ever. Con- gratulation ladies. That's it for this week. M. McEachern 725-8967 39Ç Ontario No. 1 RUTABAGAS 15c lb Pepsi Colo Rgulor or Diet 24 lOoz Tins $3.99 ALUMINUM i- 1.1' 0E 50 0(25. ALCAN FOIL WRAP 95c GtiAO .12 t. PACKAG KITCHEN CATCIIERS 59c AIRNICK IINS AIR RESHENERS 89C ASSRIO Bt4-PLOz TIN PAMPER co oiFu&4fo89c RACU PLnAIN -MEAT .m muRHNlOOM 14 PLOZ JASt iSPACHElT SAUCE 59C FISH & CHIPS nez0 PACKA&GE sl.39 AU EAIRSO GUSTO PIZZA 2"-L s2.49 ARRmiD NCTE sl.29 KEGULAE SI>" TUBE CLOSE -UP T.ntlpust.39c WILKINSON KADES 99c WiT1I PEANfUTS 13"5'^VAC 1 I SHAMPOO YORK MIXED NUTS s 1.19 H NERSAL ESSNC MONARCH FLOUR CAKE & PASTRY $ 7-LB BAG l1.33 BUNDT CAKE-MIXES ROBIN HOOD ASSORTD $l4 22»MO Pakage 14 CANADIAN PROCESS - SINGLE Kraft Chese Suices Pkg 1 ORANGE JUICE OLD SOUTH FLORIDAF. CONCENTRATED 0 12/24z-f TNS 2 F 5 COFFEE RC R1-emcfiCH'8-9 $1.19 Thurs, Dec. 2 to Sat. Dec. 4 - w'ivl FRESH CUT - BACKS ATTACHED CHICKEN BREASTS *CourtesY V alue Catisf actionl Chiquito Brand No. i BANANAS19 Wieners Pi-o 69 c Stewing Boef 99' Beef Liver 59'~ PEOZIN - mpONYrcsmo SoULDE Lamb 88 ci CookedHaNm9 WHEATABEXCERE.AL 79 c MUFFETS S-OZ PACKAGE SHRMDD WNEAT 59c GEN'ERAL MILLS S»..d69c NE1LSONOS COCA s.29 POWDEELD - 5KIG SM 5SUi PACKAGE TIPN DMRGNT s2.19 FEUM"nIN12 I. PACKAGE KOTEX AKINS 8c IVORY, Liquid Detergent KING SIZE fl-oz0 ROYALE Pqw.rTOWELS HOUSEHOLD 8 8 2-ROLL PACKAGE 8 GLAD Garbaige BAGS HEAVY DUTY $2u go t. PACKAGE 2 0 SOLID LIGHT MEAT Clover Leaf TUNA FISH 1 1