PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Potpo cont'd from P.7 they counted out ail the change in their "Thundermug" which, sits on the desk inside the çloor of the Museum. They banked over $430.00 wich had been dropped in as a donation tb the W ori<'of the Museum by -visitdrs on thejr way out frorn' viewing ,,the collection. <Hetp Wantied: Is there an:Air Passenger to Vancouver, fromn Dawson in the near future who would take'Sue Ward's old dog "Nugget" on-a ticket? Cage, tranquiliz ers, overnight holding in Whitehorse, charges and pick-up dt Vancouiver Airport ail set up. "Nugge t" and 1 would be nmost grateful. Cali Dawson 993-5275. And that folks, is sonie of the goings on in the once mnost coveted city in the world -- Dawson, Yukon Territories. Bih1 Wallace becomes Clerk-ffAdministrator for Town of Whitby, 's tuleprc onsoti b)anng Bill Wallace has been promoted from Town Clerk 10 Clerk-Administrator. In his new role, Mr. Wallace is the chief adminis- trative officer of the town responsible only 10 counicil and will supervise ail depart- ment heads and through them ail other municipal emipioyees, exce pt in respect 10 their-duties and responsi- bilities as appointed by statute. ln addition to his duties as clerk, Mr. Wallace will meet and chair regular meetings with department heads 10 discuss matters of corporation business and implement ail internai decisions made at thiose meetings which do not require council approval; co-ordinate and direct the preparation of plans /and programs 10 be submitted to council and supervise the imiplemientation of programs approved by council; interpret and ensure that ail decisions, and poiicies of counicil are implemented; make recom- mnendations 10 counicil 10 imiprove the administration of the Town; investigate al wvritten complaints against the Town and, where applicable, make recommi-endations 10 the conimittee ha 'ving juris- diction.; co-ordinate and mIne- grate day-to-day aclivities of ail departîments; ensure the maintenance of sound public relations; hieip direct collective bargaining with municipal empioyees; recom- miend salary ranges for employ- ees not included in acollective agreement; advise on miatters rlated 10 personnel adminis- trationi; policies and proce- dures; 'deal with external governmnent. departrnents on aIl miatters requiring. inter- goverrimental action and co- operation; ensure thiat al commniun icat ions t0 the Town are deaNt with. Mr. Wallace actualiy as- sumiec the responsibilities-of clerk-adm-inistrator a year ago but il vas only on an experi- miental basis until council de- termiîned wheîher or not there \vas a need for the position. Mr. Wallace's promotion bis salary fromi approximnaîely S-15,000 as clerk 10 S28,800. Treasuirer and Director of Development Forbes McEwen ~vill assume the duties of cîcrk-admninistrator in the absence of Mr. Wallace. Sehool Icotincil representative, -Lily IGreene; p'rincipal, Miss Bruce Iand teacher representativE .1 Mrs. Pétryshyn.