PAGE 10, WEDN~ESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS *Brooklin Kinsmen ýreceive permission to huild exercise trail in their park J-CHRI WEDNESDAY,1 FRIDAY, DE( IROQUC A'RI (70 minute classes op 8:00 a.m. - IDEAL FOR'6to1l2 REGISTRAT SATURDAY, I 10:00 a.m. - $1(00 IROQUOIS j ( Victoria WHITBY RE( DEPARTMEfI The Brooklin and District Kinsmen Club has received ISTM A S permission frorn the town cipark exercise trail in their IO C K EY park behind the Brooklin fire 1hall, subjeet to final approval ~by the Director of Recreation. The Kinsmien reported to L IN council on a proposai by DECEMBER 29th promotion agency, to estab- :EMBER 31i st rniy ars.trlsi These exercise trails have been adopted as a national Ils PA RKI I Kinsmen project, the cilub stated. EN A AVTe Brookîju and District Kinsmen Club began dlevcl(iop erate each day between men't of their park iii (li' 12:0 non)sprî ng of 1976 and have co in- - 12:0 flOfl)pleted two of threc prLoposcd stages. So far, t rails hiave been cleared through the woods in YEAR OLDS ONLY the park, and play apparatus installcd. The third stage, yet to be completedis a barbeque The cxercise trail is being ION~J: financed by the' Kinsmen C'liîb andi Participaction. svitlý DEC EAABER i 8th ., no imoney required froin the 12:00 noon Town c fffiîby. iPARK ARENA Whtb1 Henry Streets ) u;itig orthe i -i' a 0(.O( Chlristian I lig f School ai qT - 668-5803 Cmpe oi 1*thebildhig wvhicIi k desfiencd te *IccoI-' nesidents mnodalte 200 si uden ts. is schciedld fir te suommer ot 1977. 1'\ent 'y-t'ive \Vhithv studI(ICis attenid Itin s chiooi mn), o f whvi fti ornue, iy uîtended t lie l' nînia Il i (Christian Schuol in \VWhithy. To dal e, S20.00in iicashi a id new high sehool mate riais have been pie dged- frein Whitby'. On Noveruber '6, students living in the \Vh1itby area attending the Durhama Christian Highi Schooi raised nioney l'or the nle% building by doing ocdd jobs around the town. resident, is chairman of the fund-raising comrnittee for the new sehool. Since no govern- nment funds are available for independent sehools, the total construction costs are raised by private- donations and parents of the children ~I . mwn iici ."erry Jonkheer, a Wvmtby attenctng. NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY THAT NEW CAR!, Act nowà Before the price i ncreases! These are just 2 exim pies of the savings: 197MONTE CARLO---- Demonstrators - 2 TO CHOOSE FROM YOUR CHOICE Equipped with radio, rally wheels, V/8 , outomatic, power steering ond brakes, electric, defroster, sports mirrors, steel belted radial white woli. tires. Serial numbers 1402372 and 56 Corne in or cail one'of these "Team Nurse" Sales Representatives: e bob boucher a Dan Silver a Merv Crowd.r *aJack Perr. 0.Bill Boyes a Gary Spaock mon a Jack Morgan a Peter Rancourt @ John byard *#John Young 0 Soi Reltano a Id Czernlak. *Scott Cook e Jack Shephard NO GIMMICKS - NO GIVEAWAYS- JUSI THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE 1530 DUNDAS E. ~YftJD~fl4 G I I At the top of the hiil <Whitby 668'm3304 il CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD'. MAYOR JIM,ý A SUPER SKATER Dave King (left), Vice-President of the Whitby Kinsmen Club, presents Mayor Jim Gartshore with a silverplated bob skate mounted on a special plaque in recognition of his contribution to the Whitby Kinsmen Skate-A-Thon. Maypr Gartshore raised over S 1,200.00 for the skate-a-thon, making this the largest amounlt ever raised by one skater ini the history of this annual event. A total amount of over S8.000 has been received so far by the club.