WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEM BER 15,1976, PAGE t 1 New truck and new hall added No con test this year, bufitreprevention stilIlgoes on The Whiitby Fire Depart- nment for the first lime in seven years will luot be enter- iîîg the National Fire Protec- tion Associa tion's [ire preven- lion contes t. Tbe NEPA bas decided bo do away witb ils prograiii of' receiving s crap books ou l'ire prevelîtion [roidepartinuen Is ini the United States and Canada. and awarding prizes for the best departiments ini population categories. The book concept is being replaced by a 3,000 word resuime of what each [ire deparînuent bas doue during the Oast year, and Chiief Ed Croucb expects t10 participate iin tbis iuew progranu if he can obtaiui the îecessary personnel 10 do the job. Witby first entered the book contest in 1969 and received honorable mention. Iin 1973 and 19)74 Whitlîy ranked third of aIl depariit- ilienlts iin Canada, a nd [iirst iii ils population ca tegor'y. ht was first iii Ontar-io iii 11)73 and second iin I1974. The i re depailt ienit inteiids luo carr iy on ils vigorous Ipbogriaii o pevn t ioîî and inispectioni progr-ailus. aiîdl will continue to keep a scraip book as an historical record of ils activities. Titis year the Whitby Fire Departmleiît placed a special empliasis on inspecting gas stations, garages, and body shops and will concentrate more on these in thue future, saysCapt.Tony Vanldoleweerd. Fire Prevention Wecýk, held froni October .3 îo October 1l , was onîe of the nuost successfîil on recor-d, lie saicl, with almnosi I ,O00people visiting the inain hlaia Brock Three $ 1,000 fires fought inq Whitby fire fighters had a busy lime lasI week tackling îhree SI1,000 ires. On Wednesday atO p.m. a fire broke out in a tire -making machinue ai Day ton Tire Ltd., causing about 51,000 to SI,500 danmage 10 lte machine and spreading black soot ar'd rubber over a large area. About. 90 pounds of rubber was lost aîd workers were sent home, but they returned to the job about midnight, a coîuîpany spokes- man said. A doze n Wlitby [ire ighlers worked tilI 4 a.mi. 10 dlean up theuîmess, saicl Deputy Chief Rori Hawkins, and a number of their clotliing ruined by the debris [roni îtîe fire. one weelk an aparînient building a i 200 Mason Drive. T'le [ire was confinedt10thue baseiiieiîî. Thie saineie ighî at 9:40 panu. a car [ire caused about SI .000 10 SI .500 damiage ai 901 Bayvie\w Avenue. andl Coîbornle Streets. The'lie [re deparîmnent sta.rîe, givinig 0out300 l'ire figliters' hats 10 the children bu~t they lin Out very quickly, said Capi1). Vandole- wee rd. 'lle deparînlient mianaged t0 gel a donation of' 300 more liais [romn the Royal Canladian Legion left ove r fronu the County Town Carnival , but thiere were stil liol enough Io go around, hie said. A nuniber (It' particularly pleasing results came f roithîe [ire pro'ventioîî week, accord- iîîg 10 Capt. Vandoleweerd. Seventeeîî people up for thie adult l'ire hiou couirse, tauglut by Chlief Roui iHawkins, si gne Cf' preveri- DepuLt y \lso, lie said . tlcre k a increased iîîterest ini snioke detectioiu unlits for thîe homie. More thtan 50 people asked questions about Ilîemn, said Capt. Vandole\veerd, and thie departiiîeît is colutiînuiiîg b receive cals abouit siuuoke deteciors. Tlicy cost only S50 anid up. anid canl save uîuaiiy lives. lie said. Thîe J uior Fire Depari. mient vas very successitol tliis year r.wîtlii a ca pa city euî ru I mîenît of'I 160 cliil dri. said A frozen hvydrant also hampered the [ire fighîers for their said the deptily chief. Depuly Chief Hawkins support on Decem ber '6. said fires occur quite oflen in these machines, but usually they are broughl under control'by the workers with fire extinguishers.Co ncl rAtes y On Thursday at 6:30 p.m. C u c lo t e s e an electrical malfuinclion caused a S$1,000 blaze in thel e tW r electrical and heating panel in UMMEDIATE FREE DELIVERV NO MILEAGE CHARGE SINCE 1903 -n 0 Gibbons 579-8000 or in Whitby 668-8000 Capt. Vanidoleweerd. Two innovations were added this year -- a seiîor class witli mure advanced t raining for thie olcier children, and a visit Io the Oshazwa,: Fi re Dc part iin's trai ning bunîker. The ti'in.ig bunker was thîe top attraction, lie sa idC. A new I1050 gallon-per- mnite puîîipe r arrived] aIt te nmain hiall a thie end of Septeniber, and is now thie firsi-run pomlper Io arrive at any fire in the area serviced by Haill Three. A second pomiper iii t ls hall serves as a back-îp unit. On October 28 the new Myrtie Firc Hlaitgoes imb sorviée, 10 provide protection 10ý the niosi northerly rural part of 'Wlitby. The fire departiment worked ail summer lu prepare an old Oshawa Suburban Roads garage, for Ibis hall. On October 23, Whitby's Hall Two on Tliickson Road was the site of a one-day ârson detection course offered by the Ontario Fire Marshal's office. Thirty-five fire. fighiters from the Durham Region, including a dozen [romi Whitby, attended titis BRIGADOON course. Despite the change in tie contest fornîat,fire preven lion continues to be a top priority in the Whitby Fire Depart- nient's activities ail year, says Deputy Chief Hiawkins. T HE COR N ERSTONE GI FT SHOP Brass Candie Sticks 1 and Accessories 122 Brock St. N'i., -Whitby MON-SAT 10-10 FR1 10-9 "Gifts for People w/w care" 1 Brigadloof1 ]Restaurant Tavern & Banquets, Hwy. 2 E., of Port Union Rd. Scarborough 286-1212 Noon until 6 p.m. MM ~ *Special Me'nu M SATU RDAY, DECEMBER l8th, -1976 M ~$30-00 PER COUPLE*SngA og MTRADITIONAL around the M CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION ROAST TURKEY DINNER W ITH7 fireplace ALL THE TRIMMINGSJr M DEORAION . H JS~~ *For the Ladies MCRACKERS, ETC. a double drink M BRIGADOON PRESENT FOR EVERVONE" for only $1 .50 DANCING *BIGYU MENTERTAINMVENT BIGYU UARUL SINGING AROUNO THE SECRETARY CHRISTMAS TREE musics1 1E GLaSOW CORPORATION CHRISTMAS DINNER Soturday, December 25th FESTIVE MENU ENTERTAINMENT BY PETER GLEN enjoy the dlay & let us worry about the cookingi RESERVE EARLY 286--1212I BIARD DAY AT THOFIE JOIN US. FOR HAPPY HOUR 4prn - 7pmn DRINKS $1.00 EACH!! FOR THE LATE OFFICE CONTACT MR. GREEN XMAS PARTIES 286-1212 sel!,nidgMcharte red W.A.IJ. Se/b y ca.B. K. Madge tt, c. a. Offices C.J. Roberts, c.a. R.W. olet', c.a. Telephones 171 King Street East, Oshawa C.W. Marlowe, c.a. 579-5531 22 Walton Street. Port Hope0 885-2335 365 King W. Osh. On Bond St. between Park Rd. & m - ý -M a . 1