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Whitby Free Press, 15 Dec 1976, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEM BER 15,1976, PAGE 21. Henlry Moore Limited Edition ETCHING - on solid sterling silver. A beautiful work of art & an ideai cllectors iieni. Oniy $850. Cati 723-0722. Green ined LIVINGROOM DRAPES - with track ta fit up to 16' waii, $30; Eiectrohome B & W TV, $50; waii .hung sink, $5; portable Eectrohome humidi- fier, $15; eiectrîc desk caiculator, $10; iaundry tub pumps, $25; 3 lumniine fixtures, $2 each approx. 23 chrome kitchen cupboard knobs, $8. Cati 725-8079 atter 5 p.m. daiiy. SELECTIONS 0F CLASSICAL \MUSlC - Tihe World's Greatest Waltzs, Rap'.ýit!v & Blue, Album Of Canserto by Beethlovan, Down Memjory Lanie. \,Itsie by Joe Stratt\\s. $2 per record. Cal 728-3297. Gravely Lawn T«actor Equip- ment - 30" -Rotary Mower, $200: 48" curved Snow or Dirt blade, $90; 42" sickeiower, $275, ail itemls in good condition. Cati 655-4995. BABY CRIB - $20; Lloyd babv carniage. $15, baby butter withi chi1d's chair, $20. Cati 65-3511. LEATH LR Ladies, O.K. zip-out ining, 655-4995. J ACÇKLEi brosvn, like size 16, $25. net, ('al GOALIE E-QUIPMENT - vviil fit ages 12 - 17, $5( including 2 pairs of Bauer skates, size 8' $20 & size 10, $30; ail in A-i condition. ('ail 655-34t1. HOCKEY SKATES - new, size 5, $15; pnrtable SINGER sewing machine, $35; Cal!. 725-121 1. T WO FIGURE SKATES- size V/2 and 2, $3 each; one pair of boys skates size 6, $3; one bird cage & stand, $25; waf fle iron and sandwich grill, $5 each; toaster, $5; bisseli carpet sweeper, $10; bathroam Ilight fixture, $20; pressure tank,S$10; Cali 668-9404. THE PERFECT GîFI FOR THE TYPîST - Underwood mnanuai typewriter, $1 25. Cati 668-1076.- WEDDING DRESS-inciuding headpiece, $1 20 or best of fer. Cati 723-6197. ROOM DIVIDER- customr made, wrought iran, O7ve panels ta talling 10, x 15', haîf price at $225; Cal Claremont 649-5712 after 5 p.m. GAS DRYER - Maytag, $55; mesh playpen, 40" x 40"~, $15; high chair, $10; 2 pair ginls tube skates, size 12 & 13, $4 pair; two pair childrens snow boots, sizes il & 12, $4 pair; ginls winter coat, size 6X, $8; easy bake oven, $6; Fisher Price record piayer, $4. Cali 668-0170. POWER HANI) SAW Craftsmnan, 7" P/4 hp, like new, $30. ('alil 668-4743 after 6 p.m. King ELERN (>' OPIL* $1 ,800. (aIl 668-8125. SKI BOOTS - size 8, $10; size, 9, $15; double BOOKCASE BED, compiete, $35; Skates, Bau er, 9'/2, $10O. Cali 668-0704. GM INFANT CAR SEAT- $15; Ford Top Guard Child's CAR SE AT, S20. Caiii 655-4157. BOYS SUIT -,sîze 16, as new, $8; Christmas ights & decorations, $3; TV, B8iW, not wvorking, $5; racing set, $15; barbecue, $2. Cali 668-5060 afiter 3 p.m. WATER HEATER - new, neyer used, glass lined, 40 U.S. gai 40" high, $75. Calil 655-4995. Canadiana smali Primitive ROCKER, $30; 6' pine bencli, s~$35; flax cutter, $50; pine tool box, $10. Cali 683-5671 Greensvood. STEEL DOUBLE GARAGE DOOR- in good condition, $200. C'alil66 8- 8310. Convertible STROLLE R $25: circular îlaypen, $1 5. baby svalker, $3: miaternity 2ohs ýîmaiI size. C'ail 668-i1969 afteî 4 pani. USED TV ANTENNA $20. (Ca11668-8943. B & W TV - Console. $65: Oshawa Catlholie Highi School skirt, like new, $10. Cali 725-1211I. HOCKEY EQUIPMENT - shin pa * s, $1i5; hockey pan ts, $8; shouider pads, $8; cooper gioves, $10; helmet, $10, ail equipment in excellent condition. Cali 66 8-676 1 ask for Steve. AVON CONTAINERS- 75 cents & up; armchair, $5; aid & new dishes; ski boots, $4; oval shape plate glass, $3; antique mirror in frame, S4; w.Aooden chairs, 2/$5; single mattress, $2. Cati 723-2426. COVL,,RT - cemnent, l21/- lonig. foot round, $25; Tvo woodcn steps, $3 & $5. (Xiii 668-8304. 1 Back Persian LAMB COAT - ful iength, size 16, $125. Cati 576-071 1. One pair of SKIS - bindings, poies, boots, compiete set or individuaiiy, good for beginner, $30 or besi of fer. Cali 728-1291. Heavy Royal Office TYPE- WRITER - in good condition, $60; Smîh-Corona typewvriter, portable with case, in good condi- tion, $60; Solid State Sony-e7- matic tape recorder, 4-track, 3 speed, with butin public address system, in excellent con- dition, $200. Cali 728-9777. 7 2 co. in. health ways TANK - gaivinized finish, harnless, certi- fied 4 vears, $40. Sportssvayý svater long, 'single hio, regtilator, with reserve, S40; Yashica 1), 21/" sq. caillera, 13-5, 1/5001 second, case pluisligiht ineter, tlzlsl unit, $50; Irinz pilot three 35mnm, V128, one 2/5Oth ,econd withi case, $25. ('ail 668-1473. Whole Grained A whole grained cereal is one that contains the three principal parts of the cereal' - the inner germ, the en- dosperm, and the outer bran layer. Whole wheat and oats are examples )f whole grained cereals. A TTENTION FARMERSIII BUY AT REASONABLE PRICES 0 MOTOR Ol Prmpt DeivvYI Ou 0 twnps 0eCai of e fflVlS668-3381 WATER SQFTENERS RENTAL & PURCH-ASE WATER SOFTENER SALT FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL GARY YOUNG PLUMBING & HEATINGi 1 Brookliîi, 655-4936 CLASSIFIED ADS i p 'I -- Free Pr'ess Emporium (Continued) M iscellaneous Pets & Supplies. Two maie BOSTON BULL TERRIERS - registered with papcrs, 21/2 rnanths aid, just in time for Christm as, $150 cach. Cal15 7 9-1015. PART LABRADOR, PART TERRIER - male, had ail shots, wiIi give away f ree to a good home, friendly uith chiIdren, Cali 668-5705). Two SINGING CANARIlES - in separate cages, $35 each. Cali 668-4915. BIRD CAGE good condition, 655-3(,57. - loor stand, $40. (ail1 GERMAN SH-ORTH-AIR POINTER - 1 year aid, mak, doghouise inciuded, 'M5. Call 576-8667. sttodded in goo(i 668-7098. Western SAI)ILE condition, $75.('al Trained DLEER 1-IOLND $60. ('ail 985-2985. AIRICAN SAI)DLAÏBRED C'IL-Di NG -- 16 hands, 14 years oid, weli trained ani schooied, saddle and bridle inciuded, $300 or We0 o fier. ('ail 655-3840. Organic Remnains The organic remnains of' the earliest plant, marine and animal ife that existed between 400 million and 40 million years ago are the sources of the crude oil deposits now tapped by man to supply over 40 per cent of the world's total energy re- quirements. Hýighest Prices ;Paid for GoId and Silver coiw aid guns, dlocks, jeweiry, dishe,, furniture, cracks, oul paintings and seaiers 1 Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa CARPENTRY IIOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tiing Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedai Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cali 66-46.36 Volcanoes Volcanoes are formed by the eruption of magma, which is extruded fromn the Earth's mantde to solidify and build a mountain, called the cone because of its shape, with a hollow sum- mnît, the crater. Geology The word -geology'- mneans the study of the Earth, but the science of geology is specifically con- cerned with enlightening the history of the Earth by the study of its rocks and of the changes, both internaI and external, which it has undergone or is undergoing. Wcinted FULLER BRUSU CtO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY'DREW 668-9915 WOULD LIKE TO EUY - used piano for our home. Cati 668-1 578. PRIVATE WHITBY- Three bedroom townhouse, finished rec room, appliances, quality broad- Ioom throughout, $41 ,000. Wili give 2nd mortgage if necessary. Cati 668-7992. For Rent OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 450 sq. ft. Dundas St., Whitby Cal728-9448 Pressure Cooking Cooking under pressure is an excellent way to preserve food nutrients and color. Since foods cook quickly, this method also saves both food and fuel. Be sure and follow the recommended timnes and pounds of pres- sure for each food. If pre- pared properly, most foods cooked under pressure also retain acceptable flavor. WILL BABYSIT - in my home, daycare, West Lynde area. Cali 668-0445.e BABYSITTER NEEDED - Craydon Road area, on Tuesday, Thursday & Satur- day evenings. Student preferred. Caîl 6684909 afier 9 p.rn. In the Ring "So, is it true that youý wife's getting into politics? " asked the neighbor. "Yes," sighed the husband, "she's idowntown right now buying new bat to throw into the ring. " services G;irls UNIROYAI. BIKI.I -- toi, ages 8 - 12, gold iin eoiour, White banana seat, high handiebars, in good ,condition, $35. Cal! 728-9777. BIC'YCLE PARTS -forks, *$5 or under; framecs, $3, pedais, $i cadi; handie bars. $2 each; scats, $1.50; sisybars, $1; rimis, $1,50; tires, 75 cents; tubes, 50 cents, valves, 25 cents:, accessories, $5 or less. ('ail Greg ai 668-6790. 1966 lIONDlA S90 sel uo1)as irait hike, iii good runnig condi ition, $ 125, (Cail6 49-5S8 11. 5speed (iBOYS BIC'YCLE'i could be used l'or parts, less cliain & front torks, $5. ('al' 608-4744 after 4 p.m.. 1972 5.-1itIt>ONDA miust soi, $256 or best otTer. as is. Cal! 668-0404 anytimie- Cans As Bookends Empty cola cans make great bookends. Mien filled Withi dirt or sand. Sale iSTATI.' SALl ' threc heavy duty tarpaulans, rot treatcd, pcrfect condition, 12 x 18 $59; two 1 2 x 5, $49 cach;; fishing tacklc, box reul, net, box ful of* leurs, etc. $198. Cal] 668-2548. ANNOUNCEM ENT Jim Richard *WiIIis, of Whitby, received his Bachelor of Arts Degree at the University of Toronto on December 2nd, 1916. WITNESSES Anyone having knowledge of an accident on Hwy. No. 2 at Audley Rd., Ajax, on November 21, 1976 at about 10 o'clock a.m. between '76 Buick and '76 Ford. Please contact L. Kent at 1-233-1191 or after 6 p.m. 1-266-1269. NOTICE TO CR ED ITORS Creditors and others having dlaims against the Estate of IRENE STYLES of the Town of Whitby in the Regional Munici- pality of Durham who died on or about the 26th day of February, 197 6, are hereby notif ied to sen d their fully certified statements to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of DECEMBER, 1976 after which date the Executor or Administratrix wilI distribute the assets having regard only to the dlaims of which then -they shall have had notice. DATE O at Lindsay, Ontario, this 9th day of D EC EMBER, 197 6. FULTON, McQUARRIE, HILL, WALD EN, SWAIN & CH ESTER, 14 Lindsay Street N orth, LINDSAY, Ontarioj K9V 1T4 Solicitors for the Administratrix. Peanut Butter Peanut butter is about 25% protein. One tablespoon of processed peanut butter contains about four gramns of protein. 1 Auo eric Tpe FOk CLZA//NC, -97iI-/ 509Vk&-,4->Aeé! t9eeM/XFI741' # pr - -- ALCO/-IOL- A4VP 57PAPr7e' WA/?1 WA7,eR. R/N0le W/z-H Cl-e64QWA7R GENERAL CONTRACTORS Construction of exterior staircases on cottages 1,2,3 and 4, for the Ministry of Community and Social Services- Durham Regional Centre, Whitby, Ontario. T.O. 227 SEALED TENDERS will be received until 3:00 p.m. on TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1977. Tender Documents may be obtained fram the Ministry of Government Services Regional Office, 322 Kent Street West, Lindsay, Ontario, or from the Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Office, Room M1-43A, Macdonald Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Telephone No. (416) 965-1152. A 1 00% Performance Bond may be required. NOTE: For fiîrther information regarding this tender, please cal Mr. T. J. Campbell, Ministry ot Government Services, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone No. (416) 965-1152, or the Regionai Office above. The lowest or any tender nul necessariiy accepted. Ministry 0f Government Services Ontario a; -

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